public override void evaluate() { bool thisState = pinInfo["checkNow"].value.asBoolean(); if ((lastState != thisState) && (thisState == true)) { imapChecker mychecker = new imapChecker(options); if (mychecker.newMail != pinInfo["newEmail"].value.asBoolean()) { onRequestNewTimelineEvent(new timelineEventArgs(new pinDataTrigger(mychecker.newMail, this, pinInfo["newEmail"]))); onRequestNewTimelineEvent(new timelineEventArgs(new pinDataString(mychecker.mailSubject,this,pinInfo["newEmailTitle"]))); } } lastState = thisState; }
private void btnTest_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!this.validateControls()) return; try { imapChecker myChecker = new imapChecker(this.options); if (myChecker.newMail) MessageBox.Show("Able to connect to mail server OK (detected new mail)."); else MessageBox.Show("Able to connect to mail server OK (detected no new mail)."); this.hasBeenTested = true; } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Unable to connect to mail server! The problem reported was '" + ex.Message + "'."); this.hasBeenTested = false; } }