public void _getData( string queryString ) { radHeader1.Checked = true; dt = new DataTable(); dtCache = new DataTable(); datamethods2 dtmth = new datamethods2(); if (useRIMSConnString == true) dt = dtmth._dataTable_NoParameter_RIMS(queryString); // use RIMS connstring else dt = dtmth._dataTable_NoParameter(queryString); // use RnS connString if (dtmth.sqlUserError == string.Empty) { dv = new DataView(); dv = dt.DefaultView; grdSearch.DataSource = dv; dtCache = dt; } if (strHeader1.Trim() == string.Empty) { radHeader1.Text = "ID"; } else { radHeader1.Text = strHeader1; } if (strHeader2.Trim() == string.Empty) { radHeader2.Text = "Description"; radHeader2.Visible = false; } else { radHeader2.Text = strHeader2; } if (strHeader3.Trim() == string.Empty) { radHeader3.Text = "Description 2"; radHeader3.Visible = false; } else { radHeader3.Text = strHeader3; } if (strHeader4.Trim() == string.Empty) { radHeader4.Text = "Description 3"; radHeader4.Visible = false; } else { radHeader4.Text = strHeader4; } }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { datamethods2 dmth = new datamethods2(); if (radrecrnoonly.Checked == true && txtsearchvalue.Text.Trim() != string.Empty) { database2BindingSource.DataSource = database2TableAdapter.GetDataByRecrnoOnly(prv_recrno.Trim()); this.reportViewer1.RefreshReport(); } // for like if (radlikeonly.Checked == true && txtsearchvalue.Text.Trim() != string.Empty) { try { string selValue = cmblikeselection.SelectedItem.ToString(); String sqlSelect = @"select distinct * from database2 " + " where ltrim(rtrim(" + selValue.Trim() + ")) LIKE '" + txtsearchvalue.Text.Trim() + "%'"; DataTable dt = new DataTable(); dt = dmth._dataTable_NoParameter(sqlSelect, ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["rnsConString"].ConnectionString); if (dmth.sqlUserError.Trim() == string.Empty) { // bind the datasource to the selected query datatable if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { database2BindingSource.DataSource = dt; this.reportViewer1.RefreshReport(); } else MessageBox.Show("Records records not found!", "RnS Notification"); } else { MessageBox.Show(dmth.sqlUserError.Trim()); MessageBox.Show("Error occured, pls, try again(1)!", "RnS Notification"); dt.Dispose(); } } catch { dmth.sqlUserError.Trim(); MessageBox.Show("Error occured, pls, try again(2)!", "RnS Notification"); } } if (radall.Checked == true ) { database2BindingSource.DataSource = database2TableAdapter.GetData(); this.reportViewer1.RefreshReport(); } }
private void populateGrid() { string strid = "'" + txtid.Text + "'"; String sqlSelect = @"select * from candidatecallup where recrno = " + strid; //DataTable dt = new DataTable(); datamethods2 dtmth = new datamethods2(); dt_callup.Rows.Clear(); dt_callup = dtmth._dataTable_NoParameter(sqlSelect); if (dtmth.sqlUserError == string.Empty) { if (dt_callup.Rows.Count > 0) { _addColumns(dt_callup); } } else { MessageBox.Show(dtmth.sqlUserError, "RnS Notification"); } }
private void populateGrid() { string strClientId = "'" + txtclientid.Text +"'"; string strRequestId = "'" + Program._searchedValue.Trim() + "'"; //if (!= string.Empty) txtrequestid.Text = Program._searchedValue; String sqlSelect = @"select * from clientrequest where clientid = " + strClientId + " and requestid = " + strRequestId; DataTable dt = new DataTable(); datamethods2 dtmth = new datamethods2(); dt = dtmth._dataTable_NoParameter(sqlSelect); if (dtmth.sqlUserError == string.Empty) { if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { txtrequestid.Text = Program._searchedValue.Trim(); dtpdeadline.Value = Convert.ToDateTime(dt.Rows[0]["drequest"]); dtprequesteddate.Value = Convert.ToDateTime(dt.Rows[0]["reqdate"]); txttitle.Text = Program._searchedValue2; if (Convert.ToBoolean(dt.Rows[0]["status"]) == true) { chkactive.Checked = true; chkactive.Enabled = false; dtpdeadline.Enabled = false; } _addColumns(dt); } else { // create a new request id string strTime = DateTime.Now.Hour.ToString() + DateTime.Now.Minute.ToString() + DateTime.Now.Second.ToString(); string strdate = DateTime.Now.Year.ToString() + DateTime.Now.Month.ToString() + DateTime.Now.Day.ToString(); string newRequestId = txtclientid.Text.Trim().ToUpper() + "/" + strdate + "/" + strTime; txtrequestid.Text = newRequestId; dtpdeadline.Text = DateTime.Now.Date.ToString(); txttitle.Text = ""; } _formatCells(); } else { MessageBox.Show(dtmth.sqlUserError,"RnS Notification"); } txtrequestid.Enabled = false; //mskrequestdate.Focus(); }
private void _getDownloaded() { string strQuery = string.Empty; strQuery = "select recrno,Surname, firstname, middlename, Initials from database1"; datamethods2 dmth = new datamethods2(); DataTable dt = new DataTable(); dt = dmth._dataTable_NoParameter(strQuery); if (dmth.sqlUserError == String.Empty) { if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { dgvDestination.Rows.Clear(); for (int x = 0; x < dt.Rows.Count; x++) { int n = dgvDestination.Rows.Add(); dgvDestination.Rows[n].Cells[0].Value = dt.Rows[x]["recrno"].ToString().Trim(); dgvDestination.Rows[n].Cells[1].Value = dt.Rows[x]["surname"].ToString(); dgvDestination.Rows[n].Cells[2].Value = dt.Rows[x]["firstname"].ToString().Trim() + " " + dt.Rows[x]["middlename"].ToString().Trim(); dgvDestination.Rows[n].Cells[3].Value = dt.Rows[x]["initials"].ToString().Trim(); dgvDestination.Rows[n].Cells[4].Value = true; } } else { MessageBox.Show("Records not available! ", "RnS Notification"); } } else { MessageBox.Show(dmth.sqlUserError, "RnS Notification"); } }
private void saveRecords_database1() { string strRecrno = String.Empty; string sqlInsertwhere = string.Empty; List<string> lstRecrno = new List<string>(); int _totalSaved = 0; // get all the recrno for (int x = 0; x < grdCandidate.Rows.Count; x++) { if (grdCandidate.Rows[x].Cells[0].Value.ToString() != null && grdCandidate.Rows[x].Cells[0].Value.ToString().Trim() != string.Empty) { if (Convert.ToBoolean(grdCandidate.Rows[x].Cells[4].Value) == true) lstRecrno.Add(grdCandidate.Rows[x].Cells[0].Value.ToString().Trim()); } } if (lstRecrno.Count > 0) { sqlInsertwhere = " where recrno = '" + lstRecrno[0] + "'"; if (lstRecrno.Count - 1 > 0) { for (int x = 1; x < lstRecrno.Count; x++) { sqlInsertwhere += " or recrno = '" + lstRecrno[x] + "'"; } } } if (sqlInsertwhere.Trim() == string.Empty) // do insert { MessageBox.Show("Select not made", "RnS Notification"); return; } // save the records datamethods2 dthm = new datamethods2(); DataTable dt = new DataTable(); string sqlQueury = "Select distinct * from database1 "; sqlQueury += sqlInsertwhere; MessageBox.Show(sqlQueury); dt = dthm._dataTable_NoParameter(sqlQueury); if (dthm.sqlUserError == string.Empty) { if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { _totalSaved = 0; for (int x = 0; x < dt.Rows.Count; x++) { // insert into database 2 string sqlInsert = string.Empty; sqlInsert = @" Insert into database2 " + "(recrno,surname,firstname,middlename,initials,address, " + " title,sex,age,phone,email,lgacode,lgadescr,birthdate,gradecode,gradedescr,screened,aptest,active," + " qualdescr,qualcode,manager,testsult,modifiedby," + " inview,documented,medical,interviewed,shl,induction)" + " values ('" + dt.Rows[x]["recrno"].ToString() + "'," + "'" + dt.Rows[x]["surname"].ToString() + "'," + "'" + dt.Rows[x]["firstname"].ToString() + "'," + "'" + dt.Rows[x]["middlename"].ToString() + "'," + "'" + dt.Rows[x]["initials"].ToString() + "'," + "'" + dt.Rows[x]["address"].ToString() + "'," + "'" + dt.Rows[x]["title"].ToString() + "'," + "'" + dt.Rows[x]["sex"].ToString() + "'," + "'" + (DateTime.Now.Year - Convert.ToDateTime(dt.Rows[x]["birthdate"]).Year).ToString() + "'," + "'" + dt.Rows[x]["phone"].ToString() + "'," + "'" + dt.Rows[x]["email"].ToString() + "'," + "'" + dt.Rows[x]["lgacode"].ToString() + "'," + "'" + dt.Rows[x]["lgadescr"].ToString() + "'," + "'" + dt.Rows[x]["birthdate"].ToString() + "'," + "'" + " " + "'," + "'" + " " + "'," + "'" + false + "'," + "'" + false + "'," + "'" + false + "'," + "'" + " " + "'," + "'" + " " + "'," + "'" + Program.pbUserName.Trim()+ "'," + "'" + " " + "'," + "'" + " " + "'," + "'" + false + "'," + "'" + false + "'," + "'" + false + "'," + "'" + false + "'," + "'" + false + "'," + "'" + false + ")"; MessageBox.Show(sqlInsert); dthm._update_Insert_NoParameter(sqlInsert); if (dthm.sqlUserError.Trim() != string.Empty) MessageBox.Show(dthm.sqlUserError, "RnS Notification"); else { string strTime = DateTime.Now.Hour.ToString() + DateTime.Now.Minute.ToString() + DateTime.Now.Second.ToString() + x.ToString(); // insert into candidtaerequest 2 sqlInsert = string.Empty; //sqlInsert = @" Insert into candidatecallup " // + "(recrno,reqid,position,requestid,clientid,datesent, " // + " interview,ippased,employed,remarks)" // + " values ('" + dt.Rows[x]["recrno"].ToString() + "'," // + "'" + strTime + "'," // + "'" + lblposition.Text + "'," // + "'" + txtrequestid.Text + "'," // + "'" + txtclientid.Text + "'," // + "'" + "01/01/1900" + "'," // + "'" + false + "'," // + "'" + false + "'," // + "'" + false + "'," // + "'" + " " + "'" // + ")"; sqlInsert = @" Insert into candidatecallup " + "(recrno,reqid,posdescr,requestid,clientid, position,,reqdescr)" + " values ('" + dt.Rows[x]["recrno"].ToString() + "'," + "'" + strTime + "'," + "'" + lblposition.Text + "'," + "'" + txtrequestid.Text + "'," + "'" + txtclientid.Text + "'," + "'" + prv_Poscode.Trim() + "'" + "'" + lblrequestdescr.Text.Trim() + "'" + ")"; dthm._update_Insert_NoParameter(sqlInsert); // update into database1 sqlInsert = string.Empty; sqlInsert = @" update database1 set active = 'true' where recrno = '" + dt.Rows[x]["recrno"].ToString() + "'"; dthm._update_Insert_NoParameter(sqlInsert); _totalSaved += 1; try { grdCandidate.Rows[x].Cells[8].Value = true; } catch { } } } } else MessageBox.Show("There are no records to processed", "RnS Notification"); } else MessageBox.Show(dthm.sqlUserError, "RnS Notification"); if (_totalSaved > 0) MessageBox.Show(_totalSaved.ToString() + " records was committed Successfully", "RnS Notification"); }
private void populateGrid() { if (txtclientid.Text == string.Empty || txtrequestid.Text == string.Empty) { MessageBox.Show("Both Client and Request must be specified","RnS Notification"); return; } grdCandidate.Rows.Clear(); dt_shortlisted.Rows.Clear(); string strClientId = "'" + txtclientid.Text + "'"; string strRequestId = "'" + Program._searchedValue.Trim() + "'"; int _totalSaved = 0; _totalSaved = 0; List<string> lstRecrno = new List<string>(); string strParam = string.Empty; string strWhereCaluse = string.Empty; if (cmbgender.SelectedItem.ToString().Trim() != string.Empty) strParam = strParam + " and = '" + cmbgender.SelectedItem.ToString().Trim() + "'"; if (txtlocation.Text.Trim() != string.Empty) strParam = strParam + " and a.lgacode = '" + prv_location.Trim() + "'"; if (txtqualification.Text.Trim() != string.Empty) strParam = strParam + " and a.qualcode = '" + prv_qual.Trim() + "'"; if (txtgrade.Text.Trim() != string.Empty) strParam = strParam + " and a.gradecode = '" + prv_grade.Trim() + "'"; if (chkaptested.Checked == true) { if (cmbtestresult.Text.Trim() == string.Empty) { MessageBox.Show("Specify Test Result", "RnS Notification"); return; } if (cmbtestresult.Text.Trim() != string.Empty) { strParam = strParam + " and a.aptest = 'true' and a.testsult = '" + cmbtestresult.Text.Trim() + "'"; } } if (mskage.Text != string.Empty && mskage2.Text != string.Empty) { if ( Convert.ToInt32(mskage.Text) < Convert.ToInt32(mskage2.Text)) { strParam = strParam + " and a.age between " + mskage.Text + " and " + mskage2.Text; } if (Convert.ToInt32(mskage.Text) > Convert.ToInt32(mskage2.Text)) { strParam = strParam + " and a.age between " + mskage2.Text + " and " + mskage.Text; } if (Convert.ToInt32(mskage.Text) == Convert.ToInt32(mskage2.Text)) { strParam = strParam + " and a.age between " + mskage2.Text + " and " + mskage.Text; } } //if (!= string.Empty) txtrequestid.Text = Program._searchedValue; // ----- selection from database 1 if ( raddatabase1.Checked == true ) { String sqlSelect = @"select distinct a.* from database1 a where a.recrno not in (select recrno from database2)" + strParam; // String sqlSelect = @"select distinct * from database1 // where active = 'false' and recrno not in (select recrno from database2)" + strParam; DataTable dt = new DataTable(); datamethods2 dtmth = new datamethods2(); dt = dtmth._dataTable_NoParameter(sqlSelect); if (dtmth.sqlUserError == string.Empty) { if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { dt_shortlisted = dt; _addColumns(dt); } else MessageBox.Show("Requested records not found!", "RnS Notification"); } else { MessageBox.Show(dtmth.sqlUserError, "RnS Notification"); } } // ----- selection from database 2 //interview if (chkicslinterview.Checked == true) { if (cmdtinterviewresult.Text.Trim() == string.Empty) { MessageBox.Show("Specify ICSL Interview Result", "RnS Notification"); return; } if (cmdtinterviewresult.Text.Trim() != string.Empty) { strParam = strParam + " and a.interviewed = 'true' and a.intersult = '" + cmdtinterviewresult.Text.Trim() + "'"; } } //medical if (chkmedical.Checked == true) { if (cmbmedicalresult.Text.Trim() == string.Empty) { MessageBox.Show("Specify Medical Result", "RnS Notification"); return; } if (cmbmedicalresult.Text.Trim() != string.Empty) { strParam = strParam + " and a.medical = 'true' and a.medsult = '" + cmbmedicalresult.Text.Trim() + "'"; } } //essay if (chkessay.Checked == true) { if (cmbessayresult.Text.Trim() == string.Empty) { MessageBox.Show("Specify Essay Result", "RnS Notification"); return; } if (cmbessayresult.Text.Trim() != string.Empty) { strParam = strParam + " and a.essay = 'true' and a.essaysult = '" + cmbessayresult.Text.Trim() + "'"; } } //induction if (chkinduction.Checked == true) { if (cmbinductionresult.Text.Trim() == string.Empty) { MessageBox.Show("Specify ICSL Induction assessment", "RnS Notification"); return; } if (cmbinductionresult.Text.Trim() != string.Empty) { strParam = strParam + " and a.induction = 'true' and a.inductsult = '" + cmbinductionresult.Text.Trim() + "'"; } } //documented if (chkdocumented.Checked == true) strParam = strParam + " and a.documented = 'true' "; //chkshl if (chkshl.Checked == true) strParam = strParam + " and a.shl = 'true' "; //client induction if (chkcinduction.Checked == true) { if (cmbcindsult.Text.Trim() == string.Empty) { MessageBox.Show("Specify client Induction assessment", "RnS Notification"); return; } if (cmbcindsult.Text.Trim() != string.Empty) { strParam = strParam + " and b.cinduction = 'true' and b.cindsult = '" + cmbcindsult.Text.Trim() + "'"; } } //client interview if (chkcinterview.Checked == true) { if (chkcintsult.Text.Trim() == string.Empty) { MessageBox.Show("Specify client interview assessment", "RnS Notification"); return; } strParam = strParam + " and b.cinterview = 'true' and b.cintersult = '" + chkcintsult.Text.Trim() + "'"; } //emp type if (cmbemploymenttype.Text.Trim() != string.Empty) { strParam = strParam + " and b.emptype = '" + cmbemploymenttype.Text.Trim() + "'"; } if (raddatabase2.Checked == true) { String sqlSelect = @"select distinct a.* from database2 a, candidatecallup b where a.recrno = b.recrno and ( = 'false' or = 'true' )" + strParam; //MessageBox.Show(sqlSelect); //return; DataTable dt = new DataTable(); datamethods2 dtmth = new datamethods2(); dt = dtmth._dataTable_NoParameter(sqlSelect); if (dtmth.sqlUserError == string.Empty) { if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { dt_shortlisted = dt; _addColumns(dt); } else MessageBox.Show("Requested records not found!", "RnS Notification"); } else { MessageBox.Show(dtmth.sqlUserError, "RnS Notification"); } } grdCandidate.Focus(); raddatabase1.Enabled = false; raddatabase2.Enabled = false; }