コード例 #1
        static void TestMethod_TestIndividualFailures()
            var sDirectory = Testing.SetUpSynctestEnvironment();
            CCreateSyncResultsSet results;

            CCreateSyncResultsSet.showWarnings = false;
            using (Stream iStream2 = File.Open(sDirectory + "\\src\\Licenses\\OpenSsl-License.txt", FileMode.Append, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.None))
                var config = GetRealConfig(sDirectory, 4 /*nThreads*/);
                config.m_nRetries           = "1";
                config.m_waitBetweenRetries = "1";
                string sLogFilename = RunImplementation.GetLogFilename();
                RunImplementation.Go(config, sLogFilename, false /*preview*/, false);
                results = CCreateSyncResultsSet.ParseFromLogFile(config, sLogFilename, false /*preview*/);

            CCreateSyncResultsSet.showWarnings = true;

            Utils.AssertEq(0, results.items.Count);
            Utils.AssertEq(true, results.sSummary.Contains("Summary indicated failures"));
            Utils.AssertEq(true, results.sSummary.Contains("*EXTRA File"));
            Utils.AssertEq(true, results.sSummary.Contains("it is being used by another process"));
            Utils.AssertEq(true, results.sSummary.Contains("RETRY LIMIT EXCEEDED"));
            Utils.AssertEq(true, results.sSummary.Contains("Bytes :"));
コード例 #2
        void RunCopyingOnSeparateThread()
            foreach (var config in this.configs)
                CCreateSyncResultsSet results = null;
                string sExceptionOccurred     = null;
                    string sLogFilename = RunImplementation.GetLogFilename();
                    RunImplementation.Go(config, sLogFilename, preview, false);
                    results = CCreateSyncResultsSet.ParseFromLogFile(
                        config, sLogFilename, preview);
                catch (Exception e)
                    sExceptionOccurred = e.ToString();

                Action action = delegate() { OnRunComplete(results, sExceptionOccurred); };

            // Don't restore btn text until all configs were processed
            Action restoreBtnText = delegate()
                btnToTemporarilyDisable.Text    = sPreviousButtonName;
                btnToTemporarilyDisable.Enabled = true;

コード例 #3
        public FormSyncItems(CCreateSyncResultsSet results, RbcpyGlobalSettings globalSettings, bool bPreview)
            m_results        = results;
            m_globalSettings = globalSettings;
            m_bPreview       = bPreview;

            if (bPreview)
                this.Text = "Preview";
                this.lblNameOfAction.Text = "Preview:";
                this.Text = "Results";
                this.lblNameOfAction.Text = "Results:";
                btnRun.Text                = "Sync Complete";
                btnRun.Enabled             = false;
                btnIncludeBoth.Enabled     = false;
                btnCompareWinmerge.Enabled = false;
                btnLeftToRight.Enabled     = btnRightToLeft.Enabled = false;
                btnShowLeft.Enabled        = btnShowRight.Enabled = false;

            listView.UseCompatibleStateImageBehavior = false;
            listView.SmallImageList = imageList1;
            txtSummary.ReadOnly     = true;
            txtSummary.Text         = results.sSummary;
            txtSummary.Select(0, 0);
コード例 #4
        public static CCreateSyncResultsSet ParseFromLogFile(SyncConfiguration config, string sLogFilename, bool bPreview)
            CCreateSyncResultsSet ret = new CCreateSyncResultsSet();

            ret.config       = config;
            ret.sLogFilename = sLogFilename;

            if (!File.Exists(sLogFilename))
                ret.sSummary = ("Unknown failure. Log file not found.");

            int nTotalLinesWithDashes = CountSections(sLogFilename);

            if (nTotalLinesWithDashes < 3)
                ret.sSummary = ("Unknown failure. In the log file, less than 3 separator lines.");
            else if (nTotalLinesWithDashes == 3) // looks like errors occurred...
                ret.sSummary = RetrieveTextPastSectionNumber(sLogFilename, 3, "Because there are only 3 separator lines, looks like errors occurred:");

            StringBuilder          sbSummary;
            bool                   bFailuresSeen;
            List <CCreateSyncItem> items = ParseFromLogFileContents(config, sLogFilename, out bFailuresSeen, out sbSummary, bPreview);

            ret.items = items;

            if (bFailuresSeen)
                // show the entire results in the summary if a failure occurs
                ret.sSummary = RetrieveTextPastSectionNumber(sLogFilename, 3, "Summary indicated failures (can be caused by broken symlinks, we recommend ensuring no symlinks are present in target):");

            if (nTotalLinesWithDashes > 4)
                sbSummary.AppendLine("Note, more than 4 lines with dashes (" + nTotalLinesWithDashes + ")");

            ret.sSummary = sbSummary.ToString();
            ret.sSummary = ret.sSummary.Replace("FAILED", "Failed");

            // delete Speed: section
            int indexSpeed = ret.sSummary.IndexOf("Speed :");

            if (indexSpeed != -1)
                ret.sSummary = ret.sSummary.Substring(0, indexSpeed).Trim();

コード例 #5
        void OnRunComplete(CCreateSyncResultsSet results, string sExceptionOccurred)
            if (sExceptionOccurred != null)
                MessageBox.Show("Exception: " + sExceptionOccurred);

            if (results != null)
                var child = new FormSyncItems(results, globalSettings, preview);
コード例 #6
        static void TestMethod_TestGlobalFailure()
            var config = new SyncConfiguration();

            config.m_src         = "notexist1";
            config.m_destination = "notexist2";
            config.m_mirror      = true;
            config.m_copySubDirsAndEmptySubdirs = true;

            string sLogFilename = RunImplementation.GetLogFilename();

            RunImplementation.Go(config, sLogFilename, true /*preview*/, false);
            var results = CCreateSyncResultsSet.ParseFromLogFile(config, sLogFilename, true /*preview*/);

            Utils.AssertEq(0, results.items.Count);
            Utils.AssertEq(true, results.sSummary.Contains("looks like errors occurred:"));
            Utils.AssertEq(true, results.sSummary.Contains("The system cannot find the file specified."));
コード例 #7
        private static void TestSyncPreview(string sDirectory, int nThreads)
            var config = GetRealConfig(sDirectory, nThreads);

            string sLogFilename = RunImplementation.GetLogFilename();

            RunImplementation.Go(config, sLogFilename, true /*preview*/, false);
            var results = CCreateSyncResultsSet.ParseFromLogFile(config, sLogFilename, true /*preview*/);

            // the number of skipped dirs is 3 instead of the 2 it used to be, but not important right now
            Utils.AssertEq("Total    Copied   Skipped  Mismatch    Failed    Extras\r\n    Dirs :         5         5         3         0         0         2\r\n   Files :        22         8        14         0         0         2\r\n   Bytes :   632.0 k   126.6 k   505.4 k         0         0    30.7 k", results.sSummary.Trim());

                CCreateSyncItem.SortFromColumnNumber(results.items, 3); // sort by path ascending
                var resultsFilteredStrings = from item in results.items where item.status != CCreateSyncItemStatus.Unknown select item.ToString();

                var sGot      = String.Join("\n", resultsFilteredStrings);
                var sExpected = @"Create		\Images\a.png
Create		\Images\addir\a.PNG
Delete		\Images\new.png
Delete		\Images\remdir\c.png
Create		\Licenses\.weirdext
Update		\Licenses\Apr-License.txt
Update()		\Licenses\Cyrus-Sasl-License.txt
Create		\Licenses\noext
Update()		\Licenses\OpenSsl-License.txt
Update		\Licenses\Serf-License.txt"    .Replace("\r\n", "\n");
                Utils.AssertEq(sExpected, sGot);

                CCreateSyncItem.SortFromColumnNumber(results.items, -3); // sort by path descending
                var resultsFilteredStrings = from item in results.items where item.status != CCreateSyncItemStatus.Unknown select item.ToString();

                var sGot      = String.Join("\n", resultsFilteredStrings);
                var sExpected = @"Update		\Licenses\Serf-License.txt
Update()		\Licenses\OpenSsl-License.txt
Create		\Licenses\noext
Update()		\Licenses\Cyrus-Sasl-License.txt
Update		\Licenses\Apr-License.txt
Create		\Licenses\.weirdext
Delete		\Images\remdir\c.png
Delete		\Images\new.png
Create		\Images\addir\a.PNG
Create		\Images\a.png"    .Replace("\r\n", "\n");
                Utils.AssertEq(sExpected, sGot);

                CCreateSyncItem.SortFromColumnNumber(results.items, 1); // sort by type where Update() != Update
                var resultsFilteredStrings = from item in results.items where item.status != CCreateSyncItemStatus.Unknown select item.ToString();

                var sGot      = String.Join("\n", resultsFilteredStrings);
                var sExpected = @"Create		\Images\a.png
Create		\Images\addir\a.PNG
Create		\Licenses\.weirdext
Create		\Licenses\noext
Delete		\Images\new.png
Delete		\Images\remdir\c.png
Update		\Licenses\Apr-License.txt
Update		\Licenses\Serf-License.txt
Update()		\Licenses\Cyrus-Sasl-License.txt
Update()		\Licenses\OpenSsl-License.txt"        .Replace("\r\n", "\n");
                Utils.AssertEq(sExpected, sGot);

                CCreateSyncItem.SortFromColumnNumber(results.items, 2); // sort by type where Update() == Update
                var resultsFilteredStrings = from item in results.items where item.status != CCreateSyncItemStatus.Unknown select item.ToString();

                var sGot      = String.Join("\n", resultsFilteredStrings);
                var sExpected = @"Create		\Images\a.png
Create		\Images\addir\a.PNG
Create		\Licenses\.weirdext
Create		\Licenses\noext
Delete		\Images\new.png
Delete		\Images\remdir\c.png
Update		\Licenses\Apr-License.txt
Update()		\Licenses\Cyrus-Sasl-License.txt
Update()		\Licenses\OpenSsl-License.txt
Update		\Licenses\Serf-License.txt"    .Replace("\r\n", "\n");
                Utils.AssertEq(sExpected, sGot);
コード例 #8
        static void TestActualSync(string sDirectory, int nThreads)
            var    config       = GetRealConfig(sDirectory, nThreads);
            string sLogFilename = RunImplementation.GetLogFilename();

            RunImplementation.Go(config, sLogFilename, false /*preview*/, false);
            var results = CCreateSyncResultsSet.ParseFromLogFile(config, sLogFilename, false /*preview*/);

            // the number of skipped dirs is 3 instead of the 2 it used to be, but not important right now
            Utils.AssertEq("Total    Copied   Skipped  Mismatch    Failed    Extras\r\n    Dirs :         5         5         3         0         0         2\r\n   Files :        22         8        14         0         0         2\r\n   Bytes :   632.0 k   126.6 k   505.4 k         0         0    30.7 k", results.sSummary.Trim());

            // check files
            string[]      filesExpected = @"..\..\test\testsync\dest
..\..\test\testsync\src\pic1.png".Replace("\r\n", "\n").Replace(@"..\..\test\testsync\", sDirectory + "\\").Split(new char[] { '\n' });
            List <string> filesGot      = Directory.GetFileSystemEntries(sDirectory, "*", SearchOption.AllDirectories).ToList();

            Testing.AssertStringArrayEqual(filesExpected, filesGot);
            Utils.AssertEq(new FileInfo(sDirectory + "\\src\\Licenses\\Cyrus-Sasl-License.txt").Length, 1861L);
            Utils.AssertEq(new FileInfo(sDirectory + "\\src\\Licenses\\OpenSsl-License.txt").Length, 6286L);
            Utils.AssertEq(new FileInfo(sDirectory + "\\src\\Licenses\\Apr-License.txt").Length, 18324L);
            Utils.AssertEq(new FileInfo(sDirectory + "\\src\\Licenses\\Serf-License.txt").Length, 11562L);
            Utils.AssertEq(new FileInfo(sDirectory + "\\dest\\Licenses\\Cyrus-Sasl-License.txt").Length, 1861L);
            Utils.AssertEq(new FileInfo(sDirectory + "\\dest\\Licenses\\OpenSsl-License.txt").Length, 6286L);
            Utils.AssertEq(new FileInfo(sDirectory + "\\dest\\Licenses\\Apr-License.txt").Length, 18324L);
            Utils.AssertEq(new FileInfo(sDirectory + "\\dest\\Licenses\\Serf-License.txt").Length, 11562L);