static void Main(string[] args) { var list = ""; var add = ""; var remove = ""; var docs = ""; var prefix = ""; var version = false; var help = false; try { var p = new OptionSet { { "l|list=", "List CALs, users or documents [{CAL|DMS|DOCS}]", v => list = v.ToLower() }, { "a|add=", "Add users or assign CALs [{CAL|DMS}]", v => add = v.ToLower() }, { "r|remove=", "Remove specified users or inactive CALs [{CAL|DMS}]", v => remove = v.ToLower() }, { "d|document=", "QlikView document(s) to perform actions on", v => docs = v.ToLower() }, { "p|prefix=", "Use specified prefix for all users and CALs", v => prefix = v }, { "V|version", "Show version information", v => version = v != null }, { "?|h|help", "Show usage information", v => help = v != null }, }; p.Parse(args); if (help || args.Length == 0) { Console.WriteLine("Usage: qv-user-manager [options]"); Console.WriteLine("Handles QlikView CALs and DMS user authorizations."); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Options:"); p.WriteOptionDescriptions(Console.Out); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Options can be in the form -option, /option or --long-option"); return; } if (version) { Console.WriteLine("qv-user-manager 20120118\n"); Console.WriteLine("This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY."); Console.WriteLine("This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it"); Console.WriteLine("under certain conditions.\n"); Console.WriteLine("Code: git clone git://"); Console.WriteLine("Home: <>"); Console.WriteLine("Bugs: <>"); return; } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); return; } // Split list of multiple documents var documents = new List <string>(docs.Split(new[] { ';', ',', '|', '\r', '\n' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)); // Remove possible duplicate documents documents = documents.Distinct().ToList(); var users = new List <string>(); // Look for console redirection or piped data try { var isKeyAvailable = Console.KeyAvailable; } catch (InvalidOperationException) { string s; while ((s = Console.ReadLine()) != null) { if (!s.StartsWith("#")) { users.Add(prefix + s.Trim()); } } } // Remove possible duplicate users users = users.Distinct().ToList(); switch (remove) { case "dms": DocumentMetadataService.Remove(documents, users); break; case "cal": ClientAccessLicenses.Remove(); break; } switch (add) { case "dms": DocumentMetadataService.Add(documents, users); break; case "cal": ClientAccessLicenses.Add(documents, users); break; } switch (list) { case "dms": DocumentMetadataService.List(documents); break; case "cal": ClientAccessLicenses.List(); break; case "docs": DocumentMetadataService.DocInfo(documents); break; case "calinfo": ClientAccessLicenses.CalInfo(); break; } Environment.ExitCode = (int)ExitCode.Success; }
static void Main(string[] args) { if (!VerifyServerConfig()) { Environment.ExitCode = (int)ExitCode.Error; return; } var list = ""; var add = ""; var remove = ""; var docs = ""; var prefix = ""; var version = false; var help = false; var days = 30; try { var p = new OptionSet { { "l|list=", "List CALs, users or documents [{CAL|DMS|DOCS}]", v => list = v.ToLower() }, { "a|add=", "Add users or assign CALs [{CAL|DMS}]", v => add = v.ToLower() }, { "r|remove=", "Remove specified users or inactive CALs [{CAL|DMS}]", v => remove = v.ToLower() }, { "D|days=", "Days of inactivity for CAL users. if combined with r CAL removes those who have been inactive for more than the stated amount of days.", v => days = Convert.ToInt16(v) }, { "d|document=", "QlikView document(s) to perform actions on", v => docs = v.ToLower() }, { "p|prefix=", "Use specified prefix for all users and CALs", v => prefix = v }, { "V|version", "Show version information", v => version = v != null }, { "?|h|help", "Show usage information", v => help = v != null }, }; p.Parse(args); if (help || args.Length == 0) { Console.WriteLine("Usage: qv-user-manager [options]"); Console.WriteLine("Handles QlikView CALs and DMS user authorizations."); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Options:"); p.WriteOptionDescriptions(Console.Out); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Options can be in the form -option, /option or --long-option"); return; } if (version) { Console.WriteLine("Forked version of qv-user-manager (20111028) from 20141013\n"); Console.WriteLine("This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY."); Console.WriteLine("This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it"); Console.WriteLine("under certain conditions. Find the original version at\n"); Console.WriteLine("Home: <>"); Console.WriteLine("This fork: <>"); return; } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); return; } // Split list of multiple documents var documents = new List <string>(docs.Split(new[] { ';', ',', '|', '\r', '\n' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)); // Remove possible duplicate documents documents = documents.Distinct().ToList(); var users = new List <string>(); // Look for console redirection or piped data try { var isKeyAvailable = Console.KeyAvailable; } catch (InvalidOperationException) { string s; while ((s = Console.ReadLine()) != null) { users.Add(prefix + s.Trim()); } } // Remove possible duplicate users users = users.Distinct().ToList(); switch (remove) { case "dms": DocumentMetadataService.Remove(documents, users); break; case "cal": Console.WriteLine("Removing CAls that have not been used for {0} days", days); ClientAccessLicenses.Remove(days); break; } switch (add) { case "dms": DocumentMetadataService.Add(documents, users); break; case "cal": ClientAccessLicenses.Add(documents, users); break; } switch (list) { case "dms": DocumentMetadataService.List(documents); break; case "cal": ClientAccessLicenses.List(); break; case "docs": DocumentMetadataService.DocInfo(documents); break; case "calinfo": ClientAccessLicenses.CalInfo(); break; } Environment.ExitCode = (int)ExitCode.Success; }