private void btn_dong_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (NotifiationUtils.NotificationClose() == DialogResult.Yes) { Close(); } }
private void btn_Xoa_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { String sql = "DELETE FROM HOCSINH WHERE MaHS = '" + txt_Mahs.Text + "' "; int temp = connectionDB.NonQueryCommand(sql); NotifiationUtils.NotificationCRUD(temp, CRUD.XOA); loadDataGridView(); }
private void btn_Them_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { string sql = "INSERT INTO BANGDIEM VALUES('" + dgv_DanhSachHocSinh.CurrentRow.Cells["MaHS"].Value.ToString() + "','" + cb_MonHoc.SelectedValue + "'," + txt_DiemMieng.Text + "," + txt_Diem15Phut.Text + "," + txt_Diem1Tiet.Text + "," + txt_DiemHK.Text + ",'" + cb_HocKy.SelectedValue + "')"; int temp = connectionDB.NonQueryCommand(sql); NotifiationUtils.NotificationCRUD(temp, CRUD.THEM); loadBangDiem(); } catch (NullReferenceException) { } }
private void btn_Xoa_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { string sql = "DELETE FROM BANGDIEM WHERE MaHK = '" + cb_HocKy.SelectedValue + "' AND MaHS ='" + dgv_DanhSachHocSinh.CurrentRow.Cells["MaHS"].Value.ToString() + "' AND MaMH='" + cb_MonHoc.SelectedValue + "'"; int temp = connectionDB.NonQueryCommand(sql); NotifiationUtils.NotificationCRUD(temp, CRUD.XOA); loadBangDiem(); } catch (NullReferenceException) { } }
private void btn_Sua_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { string sql = "UPDATE BANGDIEM SET DiemMieng=" + txt_DiemMieng.Text + ",Diem15Phut=" + txt_Diem15Phut.Text + ",Diem1Tiet=" + txt_Diem1Tiet.Text + ",DiemHK= " + txt_DiemHK.Text + " WHERE MaHK = '" + cb_HocKy.SelectedValue + "' AND MaHS ='" + dgv_DanhSachHocSinh.CurrentRow.Cells["MaHS"].Value.ToString() + "' AND MaMH='" + cb_MonHoc.SelectedValue + "' "; int temp = connectionDB.NonQueryCommand(sql); NotifiationUtils.NotificationCRUD(temp, CRUD.SUA); loadBangDiem(); } catch (NullReferenceException) { } }
private void btn_Sua_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string sql = "UPDATE TAIKHOAN SET MaPhanQuyen=" + cb_Quyen.SelectedValue + " WHERE MaGV='" + cb_MaGiaoVien.SelectedValue + "'"; int temp = connectionDB.NonQueryCommand(sql); if (temp > 0) { NotifiationUtils.NotificationCRUD(temp, CRUD.SUA); } loadBang(); }
private void btn_Them_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string sql = "INSERT INTO LOP VALUES ('" + txt_MaLop.Text + "',N'" + txt_TenLop.Text + "','" + cb_MaGiaoVien.SelectedValue + "','" + cb_Khoi.SelectedValue + "','" + cb_NamHoc.SelectedValue + "')"; int temp = connectionDB.NonQueryCommand(sql); if (temp > 0) { NotifiationUtils.NotificationCRUD(temp, CRUD.THEM); } loadBang(); }
private void btn_Them_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string sql = "INSERT INTO NAMHOC VALUES('" + txt_MaNamHoc.Text + "',N'" + txt_TenNamHoc.Text + "')"; int temp = connectionDB.NonQueryCommand(sql); if (temp > 0) { NotifiationUtils.NotificationCRUD(temp, CRUD.THEM); } loadBang(); }
private void btn_Sua_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string sql = "UPDATE NAMHOC SET TenNamHoc=N'" + txt_TenNamHoc.Text + "' WHERE MaNamHoc ='" + txt_MaNamHoc.Text + "'"; int temp = connectionDB.NonQueryCommand(sql); if (temp > 0) { NotifiationUtils.NotificationCRUD(temp, CRUD.SUA); } loadBang(); }
private void btn_Sua_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string sql = "UPDATE LOP SET TenLop=N'" + txt_TenLop.Text + "',MaGV='" + cb_MaGiaoVien.SelectedValue + "',MaKhoi='" + cb_Khoi.SelectedValue + "',MaNamHoc='" + cb_NamHoc.SelectedValue + "' WHERE MaLop='" + txt_MaLop.Text + "'"; int temp = connectionDB.NonQueryCommand(sql); if (temp > 0) { NotifiationUtils.NotificationCRUD(temp, CRUD.SUA); } loadBang(); }
private void btn_Them_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string sql = "INSERT INTO TAIKHOAN VALUES ('" + txt_TenDangNhap.Text + "','" + txt_MatKhau.Text + "','" + cb_Quyen.SelectedValue + "','" + cb_MaGiaoVien.SelectedValue + "')"; int temp = connectionDB.NonQueryCommand(sql); if (temp > 0) { NotifiationUtils.NotificationCRUD(temp, CRUD.THEM); } loadBang(); }
private void btn_Sua_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { String sql = "UPDATE HOCSINH SET TenHS = N'" + txt_Hoten.Text + "',MaLop = '" + txt_Mahs.Text + "',NgaySinh = CONVERT(datetime,'" + dtp_NgaySinh.Text + "',103)," + "GioiTinh = N'" + gioiTinh + "' ,DiaChi = N'" + txt_DiaChi.Text + "' WHERE MaHS = '" + txt_Mahs.Text + "'"; int temp = connectionDB.NonQueryCommand(sql); NotifiationUtils.NotificationCRUD(temp, CRUD.SUA); loadDataGridView(); }
private void btn_Them_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { String sql = "INSERT INTO HOCSINH VALUES ('" + txt_Mahs.Text + "',N'" + txt_Hoten.Text + "','" + cb_Lop.SelectedValue + "',CONVERT(datetime,'" + dtp_NgaySinh.Text + "',103),N'" + gioiTinh + "',N'" + txt_DiaChi.Text + "',N'" + txt_HinhAnh.Text + "')"; int temp = connectionDB.NonQueryCommand(sql); NotifiationUtils.NotificationCRUD(temp, CRUD.THEM); loadDataGridView(); }
private void btn_Them_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string sql = "INSERT INTO GIAOVIEN VALUES (N'" + txt_MaGV.Text + "',N'" + txt_HoTen.Text + "',CONVERT(datetime,'" + dtp_NgaySinh.Text + "',103),N'" + gioiTinh + "','" + txt_SoDienThoai.Text + "',N'" + txt_DiaChi.Text + "',N'" + txt_HinhAnh.Text + "')"; int temp = connectionDB.NonQueryCommand(sql); try { pb_AnhNhanVien.Image.Save(duongdan + txt_HinhAnh.Text); } catch (System.Runtime.InteropServices.ExternalException) { } NotifiationUtils.NotificationCRUD(temp, CRUD.THEM); loadBang(); }
private void btn_Sua_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string sql = "UPDATE GIAOVIEN SET TenGV=N'" + txt_HoTen.Text + "',NgaySinh=CONVERT(datetime,'" + dtp_NgaySinh.Text + "',103),GioiTinh=N'" + gioiTinh + "',SoDienThoai='" + txt_SoDienThoai.Text + "',DiaChi=N'" + txt_DiaChi.Text + "',HinhAnh=N'" + txt_HinhAnh.Text + "' WHERE MaGV='" + txt_MaGV.Text + "'"; int temp = connectionDB.NonQueryCommand(sql); try { pb_HinhAnh.Image.Save(duongdan + txt_HinhAnh.Text); }catch (System.Runtime.InteropServices.ExternalException) { } NotifiationUtils.NotificationCRUD(temp, CRUD.SUA); loadBang(); }
private void btn_Xoa_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string sql = "DELETE FROM NAMHOC WHERE MaNamHoc='" + txt_MaNamHoc.Text + "'"; DialogResult dl = MessageBox.Show("Bạn thật sự có xóa hay không ?", "Thông báo", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); if (dl == DialogResult.Yes) { int temp = connectionDB.NonQueryCommand(sql); if (temp > 0) { NotifiationUtils.NotificationCRUD(temp, CRUD.XOA); } } loadBang(); }
private void btn_Xoa_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string sql1 = "DELETE FROM TAIKHOAN WHERE MaGV='" + txt_MaGV.Text + "'"; string sql2 = "DELETE FROM GIAOVIEN WHERE MaGV='" + txt_MaGV.Text + "'"; DialogResult dl = MessageBox.Show("Bạn thật sự có xóa hay không ?", "Thông báo", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); if (dl == DialogResult.Yes) { int temp1 = connectionDB.NonQueryCommand(sql1); int temp2 = connectionDB.NonQueryCommand(sql2); if (temp1 > 0) { if (temp2 > 0) { File.Delete(duongdan + txt_HinhAnh.Text); NotifiationUtils.NotificationCRUD(temp2, CRUD.XOA); } } } loadBang(); }
private void btn_Sua_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { String sql = "UPDATE HOCSINH SET TenHS = N'" + txt_Hoten.Text + "',MaLop = '" + cb_Lop.SelectedValue + "',NgaySinh = CONVERT(datetime,'" + dtp_NgaySinh.Text + "',103)," + "GioiTinh = N'" + gioiTinh + "' ,DiaChi = N'" + txt_DiaChi.Text + "',HinhAnh=N'" + txt_HinhAnh.Text + "' WHERE MaHS = '" + txt_Mahs.Text + "'"; int temp = connectionDB.NonQueryCommand(sql); if (temp > 0) { NotifiationUtils.NotificationCRUD(temp, CRUD.SUA); try { pb_HinhAnh.Image.Save(duongdan + txt_HinhAnh.Text); } catch (System.Runtime.InteropServices.ExternalException) { } } loadDataGridView(); }