public ActionResult Index(int page=1) { = 4; List<NhomSanPham> nhomsp = null; List<HangSX> hangsx = null; String orderby = TextLibrary.ToString(front_timkiem_sanpham["front_orderby"]); Boolean desc = TextLibrary.ToBoolean(front_timkiem_sanpham["front_desc"]); if(!front_timkiem_sanpham["front_nhomsanpham_id"].Equals("")) { nhomsp = new List<NhomSanPham>(); NhomSanPhamController ctr2 = new NhomSanPhamController(ctr._db); NhomSanPham tmp = ctr2.get_by_id(TextLibrary.ToInt(front_timkiem_sanpham["front_nhomsanpham_id"])); nhomsp = ctr2.get_tree2(tmp); } if(!front_timkiem_sanpham["front_hangsx_ten"].Equals("")) { hangsx = new List<HangSX>(); HangSXController ctr3 = new HangSXController(ctr._db); hangsx=ctr3.timkiem("",TextLibrary.ToString(front_timkiem_sanpham["front_hangsx_ten"]),"1","id",false,0,-1); } //calculate offset if (TextLibrary.ToString(Request["front_current_page"]) != "") page = int.Parse(TextLibrary.ToString(Request["front_current_page"])); int max_item_per_page = TextLibrary.ToInt(this.front_timkiem_sanpham["front_max_item_per_page"]); int start_point = (page - 1) * max_item_per_page; if (start_point <= 0) start_point = 0; //get list List<SanPham> listnew = ctr.timkiem("", "", this.front_timkiem_sanpham["front_ten"], front_timkiem_sanpham["front_mota"], TextLibrary.ToInt(front_timkiem_sanpham["front_gia_from"]), TextLibrary.ToInt(front_timkiem_sanpham["front_gia_to"]), hangsx, nhomsp , "1", orderby,desc, start_point, max_item_per_page); ViewBag.SanPham_List = listnew; ViewBag.front_timkiem_sanpham = this.front_timkiem_sanpham; //pagination int Current_Page = page; // int Result_Count = listnew.Count; int Result_Count = ctr.timkiem_count( "", front_timkiem_sanpham["front_masp"], front_timkiem_sanpham["front_ten"], front_timkiem_sanpham["front_mota"], TextLibrary.ToInt(front_timkiem_sanpham["front_gia_from"]), TextLibrary.ToInt(front_timkiem_sanpham["front_gia_to"]), hangsx, nhomsp, "1"); int Total_Page = (int)(Math.Ceiling((double)Result_Count / max_item_per_page)); Boolean CanNextPage = Current_Page >= Total_Page ? false : true; Boolean CanPrevPage = Current_Page == 1 ? false : true; ViewBag.Result_Count = Result_Count; ViewBag.CanNextPage = CanNextPage; ViewBag.CanPrevPage = CanPrevPage; ViewBag.Current_Page = Current_Page; ViewBag.Total_page = Total_Page; return View(); }
public ActionResult Submit() { //get obj id first int obj_id = TextLibrary.ToInt(Request["sanpham_id"]); //must use same dbcontext neu khong se bao loi (chi can thiet khi co cap nhat thao tac tren doi tuong sanpham trong session) SanPhamController ctr = new SanPhamController(this._get_current_dbcontext()); SanPham obj = (SanPham)Session["sanpham_new_tmp"]; Boolean un_save = false; if (obj != null) { //un save mode un_save = true; //add mode if (!this._nhanvien_permission.Contains("sanpham_add")) { return _fail_permission("sanpham_add"); } } else { //get obj from csdl obj = ctr.get_by_id(obj_id); //edit mode if (!this._nhanvien_permission.Contains("sanpham_edit")) { return _fail_permission("sanpham_edit"); } if (obj == null) { return RedirectToAction("Index", "AdminSanPhams"); } } //assign value = TextLibrary.ToBoolean(Request["sanpham_active"]); obj.gia = TextLibrary.ToInt(Request["sanpham_gia"]); obj.masp = TextLibrary.ToString(Request["sanpham_masp"]); obj.mota = TextLibrary.ToString(Request.Unvalidated["sanpham_mota"]); obj.ten = TextLibrary.ToString(Request["sanpham_ten"]); //get external object HangSXController ctr_hangsx = new HangSXController(ctr._db); obj.hangsx = ctr_hangsx.get_by_id(TextLibrary.ToInt(Request["sanpham_hangsx_id"])); NhomSanPhamController ctr_nhomsanpham = new NhomSanPhamController(ctr._db); obj.nhomsanpham = ctr_nhomsanpham.get_by_id(TextLibrary.ToInt(Request["sanpham_nhomsanpham_id"])); //validate properties List<String> validate = ctr.validate(obj); //action if (validate.Count == 0) { if (!un_save) { //update properties first ctr._db.SaveChanges(); this._state.Add("edit_ok"); this._add_state_tempdata("edit_ok"); //get image if (!TextLibrary.ToString(Request["sanpham_upload_hinhanh"]).Equals("")) { HinhAnhController ctr_hinhanh = new HinhAnhController(ctr._db); List<HinhAnh> hinhanh_list = ctr_hinhanh.upload(Server, Request.Files); obj.ds_hinhanh.AddRange(hinhanh_list); ctr._db.SaveChanges(); } //successfull redirect return RedirectToAction("Index", "AdminSanPham", new { id = }); } else { //người dùng bấm nút upload hình ảnh chứ không phải nút lưu if (!TextLibrary.ToString(Request["sanpham_upload_hinhanh"]).Equals("")) { //khoan hãy lưu vào csdl HinhAnhController ctr_hinhanh = new HinhAnhController(ctr._db); List<HinhAnh> hinhanh_list = ctr_hinhanh.upload(Server, Request.Files); obj.ds_hinhanh.AddRange(hinhanh_list); //re assign to session Session["sanpham_new_tmp"] = obj; //successfull redirect return RedirectToAction("Index", "AdminSanPham", new { id = 0 }); } else { //call add int maxid = ctr.add(obj); //re assign id = maxid; this._state.Add("add_ok"); this._add_state_tempdata("add_ok"); //successfull redirect return RedirectToAction("Index", "AdminSanPham", new { id = }); } } } else { //người dùng bấm nút upload hình ảnh chứ không phải nút lưu if (!TextLibrary.ToString(Request["sanpham_upload_hinhanh"]).Equals("")) { //khoan hãy lưu vào csdl HinhAnhController ctr_hinhanh = new HinhAnhController(ctr._db); List<HinhAnh> hinhanh_list = ctr_hinhanh.upload(Server, Request.Files); obj.ds_hinhanh.AddRange(hinhanh_list); //re assign to session Session["sanpham_new_tmp"] = obj; //successfull redirect this._add_state_tempdata(validate); return RedirectToAction("Index", "AdminSanPham", new { id = 0 }); } } //fail or redirect this._state.AddRange(validate); ViewBag.State = this._state; ViewBag.SanPham = obj; ViewBag.Title += " - Submit"; return View("Index"); }
public ActionResult Index(int page = 1,int id_loaisp=0,int level_loaisp=0) { = 2; NhomSanPhamController ctr2 = new NhomSanPhamController(ctr._db); List<NhomSanPham> loaisp_list = new List<NhomSanPham>(); NhomSanPham2 loaisp = new NhomSanPham2(); List<List<SanPham>> splist = new List<List<SanPham>>(); if (id_loaisp == 0 || level_loaisp == 0 ) { NhomSanPham tmp; if (id_loaisp != 0) { tmp = ctr2.get_by_id(id_loaisp); loaisp.Load_From(tmp); loaisp.level = level_loaisp; if (tmp.ds_nhomcon.Count == 0) { loaisp_list.Add(tmp); splist.Add(ctr.timkiem("","","","",0,0,null,loaisp_list,"1","id",true,0,-1)); } else { foreach (NhomSanPham item in tmp.ds_nhomcon) { loaisp_list.Add(item); splist.Add(ctr.timkiem_dequy(item, "1", 0, 3)); } } } else { tmp = null; loaisp = null; List<NhomSanPham2> loaisp_l = ctr2.get_tree(tmp, 0); foreach (NhomSanPham2 item in loaisp_l) { // if ((loaisp != null && != && item.level == 1) || (loaisp == null && item.level == 0)) if(item.level==0&& { NhomSanPham a = ctr2.get_by_id(; loaisp_list.Add(a); splist.Add(ctr.timkiem_dequy(a, "1", 0, 3)); } } } ViewBag.splist = splist; ViewBag.loaisp = loaisp; ViewBag.loaisp_list = loaisp_list; } else { String orderby = TextLibrary.ToString(front_sanpham["front_orderby"]); Boolean desc = TextLibrary.ToBoolean(front_sanpham["front_desc"]); NhomSanPham tmp = ctr2.get_by_id(id_loaisp); loaisp.Load_From(tmp); loaisp.level = level_loaisp; foreach(var item in ctr2.get_tree2(tmp)) { if ( == true) loaisp_list.Add(item); } //calculate offset if (TextLibrary.ToString(Request["front_current_page"]) != "") page = int.Parse(TextLibrary.ToString(Request["front_current_page"])); int max_item_per_page = TextLibrary.ToInt(this.front_sanpham["front_max_item_per_page"]); int start_point = (page - 1) * max_item_per_page; if (start_point <= 0) start_point = 0; //get list List<SanPham> listnew = ctr.timkiem("", "", "", "", -1, -1, null, loaisp_list, "1", orderby, desc, start_point, max_item_per_page); ViewBag.SanPham_List = listnew; ViewBag.front_sanpham = this.front_sanpham; ViewBag.loaisp = loaisp; //pagination int Current_Page = page; // int Result_Count = listnew.Count; int Result_Count = ctr.timkiem_count("", "", "", "", -1, -1, null, loaisp_list, "1"); int Total_Page = (int)(Math.Ceiling((double)Result_Count / max_item_per_page)); Boolean CanNextPage = Current_Page >= Total_Page ? false : true; Boolean CanPrevPage = Current_Page == 1 ? false : true; ViewBag.Result_Count = Result_Count; ViewBag.CanNextPage = CanNextPage; ViewBag.CanPrevPage = CanPrevPage; ViewBag.Current_Page = Current_Page; ViewBag.Total_page = Total_Page; } return View(); }
public ActionResult Edit(int id=0) { //check if (!this._nhanvien_permission.Contains("nhomsanpham_edit")) { return this._fail_permission("nhomsanpham_edit"); } //get data NhomSanPhamController ctr = new NhomSanPhamController(); if (!ctr.is_exist(id)) { Debug.WriteLine("Mã nhóm sản phẩm không tồn tại, id="+id); return RedirectToAction("Index","AdminNhomSanPham"); } ViewBag.nhom_san_pham = ctr.get_by_id(id); ViewBag.Title += " - Edit"; ViewBag.NhomSanPham2_List_All = ctr.timkiem("","","",""); return View(); }
public ActionResult EditSubmit() { //check if (!this._nhanvien_permission.Contains("nhomsanpham_edit")) { return this._fail_permission("nhomsanpham_edit"); } NhomSanPhamController ctr = new NhomSanPhamController(); //get data int id = TextLibrary.ToInt(Request["cat_id"]); if (!ctr.is_exist(id)) { Debug.WriteLine("Mã nhóm sản phẩm không tồn tại, id=" + id); return RedirectToAction("Index", "AdminNhomSanPham"); } String cat_name = TextLibrary.ToString(Request["cat_name"]); Boolean cat_active = TextLibrary.ToBoolean(Request["cat_active"]); String cat_description = TextLibrary.ToString(Request["cat_description"]); int cat_p_id = TextLibrary.ToInt(Request["cat_parent_id"]); //get curent cat object and pass update info NhomSanPham obj = ctr.get_by_id(id); obj.ten = cat_name; obj.mota = cat_description; = cat_active; //get parent cat info NhomSanPham p_nhom = ctr.get_by_id(cat_p_id); ctr.set_parent(obj, p_nhom); //call update ctr._db.SaveChanges(); Debug.WriteLine("Cập nhật thành công Nhóm Sản phẩm"); return RedirectToAction("Index", "AdminNhomSanPham"); }
public ActionResult Index(int page=1) { //check if (!this._nhanvien_permission.Contains("sanpham_view")) { return this._fail_permission("sanpham_view"); } SanPhamController ctr = new SanPhamController(); NhomSanPhamController ctr_nhom = new NhomSanPhamController(); HangSXController ctr_hangsx = new HangSXController(); List<HangSX> hangsx_list = ctr_hangsx.timkiem(timkiem_sanpham["hangsx_id"]); NhomSanPham nhom_obj = ctr_nhom.get_by_id(TextLibrary.ToInt(timkiem_sanpham["nhomsanpham_id"])); List<NhomSanPham> nhomsanpham_list = ctr_nhom.get_tree2(nhom_obj); //pagination int max_item_per_page = TextLibrary.ToInt(this.timkiem_sanpham["max_item_per_page"]); Pagination pg = new Pagination(); pg.set_current_page(page); pg.set_max_item_per_page(max_item_per_page); pg.set_total_item( ctr.timkiem_count( timkiem_sanpham["id"], timkiem_sanpham["masp"], timkiem_sanpham["ten"], "", TextLibrary.ToInt(timkiem_sanpham["gia_from"]), TextLibrary.ToInt(timkiem_sanpham["gia_to"]), hangsx_list, nhomsanpham_list, timkiem_sanpham["active"] ) ); pg.update(); //Chọn danh sách nhân viên để hiển thị theo cookies tìm kiếm ViewBag.SanPham_List = ctr.timkiem( timkiem_sanpham["id"], timkiem_sanpham["masp"], timkiem_sanpham["ten"], "", TextLibrary.ToInt( timkiem_sanpham["gia_from"]), TextLibrary.ToInt(timkiem_sanpham["gia_to"]), hangsx_list, nhomsanpham_list, timkiem_sanpham["active"], timkiem_sanpham["order_by"], TextLibrary.ToBoolean(timkiem_sanpham["order_desc"]), pg.start_point, max_item_per_page ); //set search cookies ViewBag.timkiem_sanpham = this.timkiem_sanpham; ViewBag.Title += " - Quản lý"; ViewBag.pagination = pg; ViewBag.NhomSanPham2_List = ctr_nhom.timkiem(); ViewBag.HangSX_List = ctr_hangsx.timkiem(); return View(); }