public void ShowSpectrum(IScanProvider scanProvider, int transitionIndex, int scanIndex) { _msDataFileScanHelper.UpdateScanProvider(scanProvider, transitionIndex, scanIndex); if (scanProvider != null) { comboBoxScanType.Items.Clear(); foreach (var source in new[] { ChromSource.ms1, ChromSource.fragment, ChromSource.sim }) { foreach (var transition in _msDataFileScanHelper.ScanProvider.Transitions) { if (transition.Source == source) { comboBoxScanType.Items.Add(_msDataFileScanHelper.NameFromSource(source)); break; } } } comboBoxScanType.SelectedIndexChanged -= comboBoxScanType_SelectedIndexChanged; comboBoxScanType.SelectedItem = _msDataFileScanHelper.NameFromSource(_msDataFileScanHelper.Source); comboBoxScanType.SelectedIndexChanged += comboBoxScanType_SelectedIndexChanged; comboBoxScanType.Enabled = true; LoadScan(true, true); } else { ClearGraph(); // No full scans can be displayed. _graphHelper.SetErrorGraphItem(new UnavailableMSGraphItem()); } UpdateUI(false); }
public void UpdateUI(bool selectionChanged = true) { // Only worry about updates, if the graph is visible // And make sure it is not disposed, since rendering happens on a timer if (!Visible || IsDisposed) { return; } // Clear existing data from the graph pane var graphPane = (MSGraphPane)graphControl.MasterPane[0]; graphPane.CurveList.Clear(); graphPane.GraphObjList.Clear(); GraphItem = null; GraphHelper.FormatGraphPane(graphControl.GraphPane); GraphHelper.FormatFontSize(graphControl.GraphPane, Settings.Default.SpectrumFontSize); // Try to find a tree node with spectral library info associated // with the current selection. var nodeTree = _stateProvider.SelectedNode as SrmTreeNode; var nodeGroupTree = nodeTree as TransitionGroupTreeNode; var nodeTranTree = nodeTree as TransitionTreeNode; if (nodeTranTree != null) { nodeGroupTree = nodeTranTree.Parent as TransitionGroupTreeNode; } var nodeGroup = (nodeGroupTree != null ? nodeGroupTree.DocNode : null); PeptideTreeNode nodePepTree; if (nodeGroup == null) { nodePepTree = nodeTree as PeptideTreeNode; if (nodePepTree != null) { var listInfoGroups = GetLibraryInfoChargeGroups(nodePepTree); if (listInfoGroups.Length == 1) { nodeGroup = listInfoGroups[0]; } else if (listInfoGroups.Length > 1) { _nodeGroup = null; toolBar.Visible = false; _graphHelper.SetErrorGraphItem(new NoDataMSGraphItem( Resources.GraphSpectrum_UpdateUI_Multiple_charge_states_with_library_spectra)); return; } } } else { nodePepTree = nodeGroupTree.Parent as PeptideTreeNode; } // Check for appropriate spectrum to load SrmSettings settings = DocumentUI.Settings; PeptideLibraries libraries = settings.PeptideSettings.Libraries; bool available = false; if (nodeGroup == null || (!nodeGroup.HasLibInfo && !libraries.HasMidasLibrary)) { _spectra = null; } else { TransitionGroup group = nodeGroup.TransitionGroup; TransitionDocNode transition = (nodeTranTree == null ? null : nodeTranTree.DocNode); var lookupSequence = group.Peptide.Target;// Sequence or custom ion id ExplicitMods lookupMods = null; if (nodePepTree != null) { lookupSequence = nodePepTree.DocNode.SourceUnmodifiedTarget; lookupMods = nodePepTree.DocNode.SourceExplicitMods; } try { // Try to load a list of spectra matching the criteria for // the current node group. if (libraries.HasLibraries && libraries.IsLoaded) { if (NodeGroupChanged(nodeGroup)) { try { UpdateSpectra(nodeGroup, lookupSequence, lookupMods); UpdateToolbar(); } catch (Exception) { _spectra = null; UpdateToolbar(); throw; } _nodeGroup = nodeGroup; if (settings.TransitionSettings.Instrument.IsDynamicMin) { ZoomSpectrumToSettings(); } } var spectrum = SelectedSpectrum; if (spectrum != null) { IsotopeLabelType typeInfo = spectrum.LabelType; var types = _stateProvider.ShowIonTypes(group.IsProteomic); var adducts = (group.IsProteomic ? Transition.DEFAULT_PEPTIDE_LIBRARY_CHARGES : nodeGroup.InUseAdducts).ToArray(); var charges = _stateProvider.ShowIonCharges(adducts); var rankTypes = group.IsProteomic ? settings.TransitionSettings.Filter.PeptideIonTypes : settings.TransitionSettings.Filter.SmallMoleculeIonTypes; var rankAdducts = group.IsProteomic ? settings.TransitionSettings.Filter.PeptideProductCharges : settings.TransitionSettings.Filter.SmallMoleculeFragmentAdducts; var rankCharges = Adduct.OrderedAbsoluteChargeValues(rankAdducts); // Make sure the types and charges in the settings are at the head // of these lists to give them top priority, and get rankings correct. int i = 0; foreach (IonType type in rankTypes) { if (types.Remove(type)) { types.Insert(i++, type); } } i = 0; var showAdducts = new List <Adduct>(); foreach (var charge in rankCharges) { if (charges.Remove(charge)) { charges.Insert(i++, charge); } // NB for all adducts we just look at abs value of charge // CONSIDER(bspratt): we may want finer per-adduct control for small molecule use showAdducts.AddRange(adducts.Where(a => charge == Math.Abs(a.AdductCharge))); } showAdducts.AddRange(adducts.Where(a => charges.Contains(Math.Abs(a.AdductCharge)) && !showAdducts.Contains(a))); SpectrumPeaksInfo spectrumInfo = spectrum.SpectrumPeaksInfo; var spectrumInfoR = new LibraryRankedSpectrumInfo(spectrumInfo, typeInfo, nodeGroup, settings, lookupSequence, lookupMods, showAdducts, types, rankAdducts, rankTypes); GraphItem = new SpectrumGraphItem(nodeGroup, transition, spectrumInfoR, spectrum.LibName) { ShowTypes = types, ShowCharges = charges, ShowRanks = Settings.Default.ShowRanks, ShowMz = Settings.Default.ShowIonMz, ShowObservedMz = Settings.Default.ShowObservedMz, ShowDuplicates = Settings.Default.ShowDuplicateIons, FontSize = Settings.Default.SpectrumFontSize, LineWidth = Settings.Default.SpectrumLineWidth }; LibraryChromGroup chromatogramData = null; if (Settings.Default.ShowLibraryChromatograms) { chromatogramData = spectrum.LoadChromatogramData(); } if (null == chromatogramData) { _graphHelper.ResetForSpectrum(new[] { nodeGroup.TransitionGroup }); _graphHelper.AddSpectrum(GraphItem); _graphHelper.ZoomSpectrumToSettings(DocumentUI, nodeGroup); } else { _graphHelper.ResetForChromatograms(new[] { nodeGroup.TransitionGroup }); var displayType = GraphChromatogram.GetDisplayType(DocumentUI, nodeGroup); IList <TransitionDocNode> displayTransitions = GraphChromatogram.GetDisplayTransitions(nodeGroup, displayType).ToArray(); int numTrans = displayTransitions.Count; var allChromDatas = chromatogramData.ChromDatas.Where( chromData => DisplayTypeMatches(chromData, displayType)).ToList(); var chromDatas = new List <LibraryChromGroup.ChromData>(); for (int iTran = 0; iTran < numTrans; iTran++) { var displayTransition = displayTransitions[iTran]; var indexMatch = allChromDatas.IndexOf(chromData => IonMatches(displayTransition.Transition, chromData)); if (indexMatch >= 0) { chromDatas.Add(allChromDatas[indexMatch]); allChromDatas.RemoveAt(indexMatch); } else { chromDatas.Add(null); } } allChromDatas.Sort((chromData1, chromData2) => chromData1.Mz.CompareTo(chromData2.Mz)); chromDatas.AddRange(allChromDatas); double maxHeight = chromDatas.Max(chromData => null == chromData ? double.MinValue : chromData.Height); int iChromDataPrimary = chromDatas.IndexOf(chromData => null != chromData && maxHeight == chromData.Height); int colorOffset = displayType == DisplayTypeChrom.products ? GraphChromatogram.GetDisplayTransitions(nodeGroup, DisplayTypeChrom. precursors).Count() : 0; for (int iChromData = 0; iChromData < chromDatas.Count; iChromData++) { var chromData = chromDatas[iChromData]; if (chromData == null) { continue; } string label; var pointAnnotation = GraphItem.AnnotatePoint(new PointPair(chromData.Mz, 1.0)); if (null != pointAnnotation) { label = pointAnnotation.Label; } else { label = chromData.Mz.ToString(@"0.####"); } TransitionDocNode matchingTransition; Color color; if (iChromData < numTrans) { matchingTransition = displayTransitions[iChromData]; color = GraphChromatogram.COLORS_LIBRARY[ (iChromData + colorOffset) % GraphChromatogram.COLORS_LIBRARY.Count]; } else { matchingTransition = null; color = GraphChromatogram.COLORS_GROUPS[ iChromData % GraphChromatogram.COLORS_GROUPS.Count]; } TransitionChromInfo tranPeakInfo; ChromatogramInfo chromatogramInfo; MakeChromatogramInfo(nodeGroup.PrecursorMz, chromatogramData, chromData, out chromatogramInfo, out tranPeakInfo); var graphItem = new ChromGraphItem(nodeGroup, matchingTransition, chromatogramInfo, iChromData == iChromDataPrimary ? tranPeakInfo : null, null, new[] { iChromData == iChromDataPrimary }, null, 0, false, false, null, 0, color, Settings.Default.ChromatogramFontSize, 1); LineItem curve = (LineItem)_graphHelper.AddChromatogram(PaneKey.DEFAULT, graphItem); if (matchingTransition == null) { curve.Label.Text = label; } curve.Line.Width = Settings.Default.ChromatogramLineWidth; if (null != transition) { if (IonMatches(transition.Transition, chromData)) { color = ChromGraphItem.ColorSelected; } } curve.Color = color; } graphPane.Title.IsVisible = false; graphPane.Legend.IsVisible = true; _graphHelper.FinishedAddingChromatograms(chromatogramData.StartTime, chromatogramData.EndTime, false); graphControl.Refresh(); } graphControl.IsEnableVPan = graphControl.IsEnableVZoom = !Settings.Default.LockYAxis; available = true; } } } catch (Exception) { _graphHelper.SetErrorGraphItem(new NoDataMSGraphItem( Resources.GraphSpectrum_UpdateUI_Failure_loading_spectrum__Library_may_be_corrupted)); return; } } // Show unavailable message, if no spectrum loaded if (!available) { UpdateToolbar(); _nodeGroup = null; _graphHelper.SetErrorGraphItem(new UnavailableMSGraphItem()); } }