public override void Initialise() { for (int i = 0; i < memory.Length; i++) { NativeMemoryUtils.memset(memory[i], 0, 0, pageSize); } }
protected internal override void memcpy(int destination, int source, int Length, bool checkOverlap) { if (Length <= 0) { return; } destination &= addressMask; source &= addressMask; Modules.sceDisplayModule.write(destination); if (!checkOverlap || source >= destination || !areOverlapping(destination, source, Length)) { NativeMemoryUtils.memcpy(memory, destination, memory, source, Length); } else { // Source and destination are overlapping and source < destination, // copy from the tail. for (int i = Length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { int b = NativeMemoryUtils.read8(memory, source + i); NativeMemoryUtils.write8(memory, destination + i, b); } } }
public override bool allocate() { NativeMemoryUtils.init(); memorySize = MemoryMap.END_RAM + 1; memory = new long[System.Math.Max((memorySize + pageSize - 1) >> pageShift, 1)]; for (int i = 0; i < memory.Length; i++) { memory[i] = NativeMemoryUtils.alloc(pageSize); if (memory[i] == 0) { // Not enough native memory available for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) {[j]); } return(false); } } //JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: The following line has a Java format specifier which cannot be directly translated to .NET: //ORIGINAL LINE: Console.WriteLine(String.format("Using SparseNativeMemory(littleEndian=%b)", NativeMemoryUtils.isLittleEndian())); Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Using SparseNativeMemory(littleEndian=%b)", NativeMemoryUtils.LittleEndian)); return(base.allocate()); }
protected internal override void memcpy(int destination, int source, int Length, bool checkOverlap) { if (Length <= 0) { return; } destination &= addressMask; source &= addressMask; Modules.sceDisplayModule.write(destination); if (!checkOverlap || source >= destination || !areOverlapping(destination, source, Length)) { while (Length > 0) { int pageLengthDestination = System.Math.Min(pageSize - (destination & pageMask), Length); int pageLengthSource = System.Math.Min(pageSize - (source & pageMask), Length); int pageLength = System.Math.Min(pageLengthDestination, pageLengthSource); NativeMemoryUtils.memcpy(memory[destination >> pageShift], destination & pageMask, memory[source >> pageShift], source & pageMask, pageLength); Length -= pageLength; destination += pageLength; source += pageLength; } } else { // Source and destination are overlapping and source < destination, // copy from the tail. for (int i = Length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { int b = read8(source + i); write8(destination + i, (sbyte)b); } } }
public override void memset(int address, sbyte data, int Length) { address &= addressMask; while (Length > 0) { int pageLength = System.Math.Min(pageSize - (address & pageMask), Length); NativeMemoryUtils.memset(memory[address >> pageShift], address & pageMask, data, pageLength); Length -= pageLength; address += pageLength; } }
public override void copyToMemory(int address, ByteBuffer source, int Length) { address &= addressMask; Length = System.Math.Min(Length, source.capacity()); if (source.Direct) { NativeMemoryUtils.copyBufferToMemory(memory, address, source, source.position(), Length); } else { for (; Length > 0; address++, Length--) { NativeMemoryUtils.write8(memory, address, source.get()); } } }
public override Buffer getBuffer(int address, int Length) { address &= addressMask; ByteBuffer buffer = NativeMemoryUtils.getBuffer(memory, address, Length); // Set the correct byte order if (NativeMemoryUtils.LittleEndian) { buffer.order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN); } else { buffer.order(ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN); } return(buffer); }
public override bool allocate() { NativeMemoryUtils.init(); memorySize = MemoryMap.END_RAM + 1; memory = NativeMemoryUtils.alloc(memorySize); if (memory == 0) { // Not enough native memory available return(false); } //JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: The following line has a Java format specifier which cannot be directly translated to .NET: //ORIGINAL LINE: Console.WriteLine(String.format("Using NativeMemory(littleEndian=%b)", NativeMemoryUtils.isLittleEndian())); Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Using NativeMemory(littleEndian=%b)", NativeMemoryUtils.LittleEndian)); return(base.allocate()); }
public override void memset(int address, sbyte data, int Length) { address &= addressMask; NativeMemoryUtils.memset(memory, address, data, Length); }
public override void write32(int address, int data) { address &= addressMask; NativeMemoryUtils.write32(memory, address, data); Modules.sceDisplayModule.write32(address); }
public override int read32(int address) { address &= addressMask; return(NativeMemoryUtils.read32(memory, address)); }
public override void Initialise() { NativeMemoryUtils.memset(memory, 0, 0, memorySize); }
public override int read16(int address) { address &= addressMask; return(NativeMemoryUtils.read16(memory[address >> pageShift], address & pageMask)); }
public override void write16(int address, short data) { address &= addressMask; NativeMemoryUtils.write16(memory[address >> pageShift], address & pageMask, data); Modules.sceDisplayModule.write16(address); }