コード例 #1
            /// <summary>
            /// Process a database update
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="SqlString">The update SQL String that will be executed on the database to update a record, [Mandatory]</param>
            /// <param name="Connection">Open SQL Connection, [Mandatory]</param>
            /// <returns>Populated BaseResponse</returns>
            public static Base_Response ProcessUpdate(string SqlString, SqlConnection Connection)
                //creates an object of the base response class to be sent back to the variables that requested the UpdateRecord function
                Base_Response _Response = new Base_Response();
                //SqlCommand object is declared and the SQL statement set along with the database connection.
                SqlCommand Comm = new SqlCommand(SqlString, Connection);

                //Set the timeout for the results in case the database hangs.
                Comm.CommandTimeout = 600;
                try//here incase there is an error and protects systrem from crashing
                    //stores the result used for executing updateRecords as it does not return any data back and if the update is successful the rows number is returned and then the _respond object can pass a response message of the createion being successful or unsuccessful
                    string Result = Comm.ExecuteNonQuery().ToString();
                    if (Result != "0")
                        //Stores "Record Updated" in the object _Response
                        _Response.ResponseMessage = "Record Updated";
                        // sets the transactioncomplete variable in the _response object to true
                        _Response.TransactionCompleted = true;
                        _Response.ResponseMessage = "Record Not Updated";
                catch (SqlException SqlError)
                    //if the try portion fails then the response message is populated with an error
                    _Response.ResponseMessage = SqlString + SqlError.Message;