private void btn_ane_insert_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (txteno.Text == "") { txteno.BackColor = Color.Red; } else { try { pno = Convert.ToInt32(mtxt_pno.Text); con.connection(); con.qurry("insert into employee values('" + txteno.Text + "','" + txtename.Text + "','" + txteadd.Text + "','" + pno + "','" + dtp_dob.Text + "');"); con.nonqurry(); MessageBox.Show("insert"); con.conclose(); txteno.BackColor = Color.White; txteadd.Clear(); txtename.Clear(); txteno.Clear(); mtxt_pno.Clear(); } catch (Exception EX) { MessageBox.Show(EX.Message); } } }
private void emp_view_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { con.connection(); con.qurry("select eno as 'Employee NO',ename as 'Name', eaddress as 'Address',ephone_no as 'Phone NO',dob as 'Date of birth' from employee;");; dataGridView1.DataSource = con.dt; con.conclose(); }
private void stock_view_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { con.connection(); con.qurry("select ino as 'Item ON',iname as 'Item Name',iprice as 'Item Price',icost as 'Item Cost',no_of_item as 'NO of Items' from item;");; dataGridView1.DataSource = con.dt; con.conclose(); }
private void button3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { con.connection(); con.qurry("insert into item values('" + txtino.Text + "','" + txtiname.Text + "','" + txtiprice.Text + "','" + txticost.Text + "','" + txtqty.Text + "');"); con.nonqurry(); con.qurry("insert into sales_s values('" + txtino.Text + "','" + txtiname.Text + "',0,0,0);"); con.nonqurry(); MessageBox.Show("insert"); con.conclose(); } catch (Exception EX) { MessageBox.Show(EX.Message); } }
private void btnlog_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { con.connection(); con.qurry("select * from log where UserName='******';");; String id = ""; String pw = ""; id = con.dt.Rows[0][2].ToString(); pw = con.dt.Rows[0][1].ToString(); con.dt.Clear(); con.conclose(); if (pw.Equals(txtp.Text)) { if (id.Equals("1")) { this.Hide(); admin a = new admin(); a.Show(); } else { this.Hide(); home h = new home(); h.Show(); } } else { ep_w.Clear(); ep_w.SetError(txtp, "enter correct password"); } } catch (Exception) { ep_w.Clear(); ep_w.SetError(txtu, "enter correct username"); ep_w.SetError(txtp, "enter correct password"); // MessageBox.Show("Check Your Username or Password"); } }
/* private void textBox3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) * { * lblprivrlege.Show(); * }*/ /* private void textBox3_MouseLeave(object sender, EventArgs e) * { * lblprivrlege.Hide(); * }*/ private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { con.connection(); con.qurry("insert into log values('" + txtusername.Text + "','" + txtpass.Text + "','" + txtprivilege.Text + "');"); con.nonqurry(); MessageBox.Show("user created!"); con.conclose(); } catch (Exception EX) { MessageBox.Show(EX.Message); } }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { con.connection(); con.qurry("delete from item where ino='" + txtino2.Text + "';"); con.nonqurry(); con.conclose(); MessageBox.Show("Deleted!"); } catch (Exception EX) { MessageBox.Show(EX.Message); } finally { txtino2.Clear(); txtino2.Focus(); } }
private void sales_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { con.connection(); con.qurry("select item_no as 'Item NO',item_name as 'Item Name',item_price as 'Total Income',item_cost as 'Total Cost',no_of_s as 'Sold Items' from sales_s;");; dataGridView1.DataSource = con.dt; con.conclose(); } catch (Exception EX) { MessageBox.Show(EX.Message); } }