private void button3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { String path = textBox1.Text; double minimum_badness = 0; int number_lines = 0; int arr_size = 0; long[] arr_badness = new long[Int16.MaxValue]; long[] arr_from_to = new long[Int16.MaxValue]; Stopwatch stopwatch = new Stopwatch(); stopwatch.Start(); TextJustification awl = new TextJustification(); System.IO.StreamReader myFile = new System.IO.StreamReader(path); string myString = myFile.ReadToEnd(); String[] words = myString.Split(' '); String text_justification = awl.justify(words, width, ref minimum_badness, ref number_lines, ref arr_size); stopwatch.Stop(); label1.Text = text_justification; String s1 = " # of lines = " + number_lines; String s2 = " Execution time = " + stopwatch.Elapsed + " SECONDS"; String s3 = " The minimum obtained badness for the first word in the given file = " + minimum_badness.ToString(); File.WriteAllText("E:/FCIS/3rd year/Algorithms/project/TestCases/after_justify/NF.txt", label1.Text); using (StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter("E:/FCIS/3rd year/Algorithms/project/TestCases/after_justify/_Output.txt")) { writer.WriteLine(s1); writer.WriteLine(s2); writer.WriteLine(s3); /* writer.WriteLine("--From Word -- To Word -- Min badness"); * for (int i = 0; i < arr_size; i++) * { * writer.Write(" " + i + " " + arr_from_to[i] + " " + arr_badness[i]); * writer.WriteLine(""); * * } */ } file1_after_justifiy = textBox1.Text; textBox1.Text = ""; textBox2.Text = ""; }
private void button4_Click_1(object sender, EventArgs e) { String path = textBox1.Text; double minimum_badness = 0; int number_lines = 0; int arr_size = 0; long[] arr_badness = new long[Int16.MaxValue]; long[] arr_from_to = new long[Int16.MaxValue]; Stopwatch stopwatch = new Stopwatch(); stopwatch.Start(); TextJustification awl = new TextJustification(); System.IO.StreamReader myFile = new System.IO.StreamReader(path); string myString = myFile.ReadToEnd(); string[] ss = myString.Split('.'); IList <String> my_list = ss; double[] array_hold_badness = new double[my_list.Count()]; int y = 0; for (int i = 0; i < my_list.Count(); i++) { my_list[i] += '.'; } int alllines = 0; String display = ""; using (StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter("E:/FCIS/3rd year/Algorithms/project/TestCases/after_justify/_Output.txt")) { for (int i = 0; i < my_list.Count(); i++) { String string1 = my_list[i]; string[] words = string1.Split(' '); String text_justification = awl.justify(words, width, ref minimum_badness, ref number_lines, ref arr_size); array_hold_badness[y] = minimum_badness; display += text_justification; y++; alllines += number_lines; /* writer.WriteLine("--From Word -- To Word -- Min badness"); * for (int x = 0; x < arr_size; x++) * { * writer.Write(" " + x + " " + arr_from_to[x] + " " + arr_badness[x]); * writer.WriteLine(""); * * }*/ } stopwatch.Stop(); double total_min_badness = 0; for (int i = 0; i < array_hold_badness.Count(); i++) { total_min_badness += array_hold_badness[i]; } label1.Text = display; Array.Sort(array_hold_badness); String s1 = " # of lines = " + alllines; String s2 = " Execution time = " + stopwatch.Elapsed + " SECONDS"; String s3 = " The minimum obtained badness for the first word in the given file = " + total_min_badness.ToString(); File.WriteAllText("D:/project/Samples/after_justifiy/NF4.txt", label1.Text); writer.WriteLine(s1); writer.WriteLine(s2); writer.WriteLine(s3); } }