protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture(Session["culture"].ToString()); Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = new CultureInfo(Session["culture"].ToString()); // if Edge we don't need the hide/show eye if (Request.UserAgent.IndexOf("Edge") > -1) { eyeMembId.Visible = false; eyeMembPwd.Visible = false; } if (Session["secure"] == null) { Session["secure"] = false; } if (!IsPostBack) { // set default language before change if (Session["culture"].ToString() == "en-US") { radLang.Items.FindByValue("en-US").Selected = true; radLang.Items.FindByValue("fr-CA").Selected = false; } else if (Session["culture"].ToString() == "fr-CA") { radLang.Items.FindByValue("en-US").Selected = false; radLang.Items.FindByValue("fr-CA").Selected = true; } se.localize(); // did we start with a SignIn call from NOP Session["isVisitor"] = false; // assume is a not visitor unless we have them enrolled on V5.dbo.memb if (Request["storeId"] != null & Request["returnUrl"] != null & Request["cancelUrl"] != null & Request["custId"] != null) { Session["storeId"] = Request["storeId"]; Session["nopReturnUrl"] = Request["returnUrl"]; Session["nopCancelUrl"] = Request["cancelUrl"]; Session["custId"] = Request["custId"]; //Session["source"] = "nopSignIn"; // we will change this to "nop" later but need to know if we have to save the ReturnUrl } // did we start with membGuid? if (Request["membGuid"] != null) { Session["source"] = Request["source"]; if (Request["source"] == "nop") { me.membGuidTemp = Request["membGuid"]; cu.custId = me.memberByGuid(me.membGuidTemp); Session["membGuidTemp"] = me.membGuidTemp; Session["profile"] = Request["profile"]; Session["returnUrl"] = ""; // we need to add on a valid token if using this returnUrl, ie: &token=aasdfasdfds Session["nopReturnUrl"] = Request["returnUrl"]; // store the NOP returnUrl (not the Profile URL) in apps.dbo.ecomRegister.ecomReturnUrl so we can access the NOP Store // added the Ecom_NewAcctId for ease of NOP account management ap.saveNopReturnUrl(Session["membGuidTemp"].ToString(), Session["nopReturnUrl"].ToString(), cu.custId); } if (Request["source"] == "v8") { me.membGuidTemp = Request["membGuid"]; cu.custId = me.memberByGuid(me.membGuidTemp); Session["membGuidTemp"] = me.membGuidTemp; Session["profile"] = Request["profile"]; // if NOP get nopReturnUrl for Store tile ap.getNopReturnUrl(me.membId, out string nopReturnUrl); Session["nopReturnUrl"] = nopReturnUrl; } if (Request["source"] == "v5") { me.membGuidTemp = Request["membGuid"].ToString().Replace("{", "").Replace("}", ""); // remove V5 guid braces - V8 doesn't like them cu.custId = me.memberByGuid(me.membGuidTemp); Session["membGuidTemp"] = me.membGuidTemp; Session["nopReturnUrl"] = ""; } // get profile data if available (it won't be for V5) cu.customerProfile(cu.custId, out string profileId, out string profileReturnUrl, out string profileColor, out string profileLogo); Session["profile"] = profileId; Session["returnUrl"] = profileReturnUrl; Session["color"] = fn.fDefault(profileColor, "#0178b9"); // no longer used Session["logo"] = fn.fDefault(profileLogo, "vubz.png"); if (cu.custId != null) { // get some customer values cu.customer(cu.custId); Session["secure"] = true; // store key customer values Session["cust"] = fn.left(cu.custId, 4); Session["custId"] = cu.custId; Session["custAcctId"] = me.membAcctId; Session["custChannelManager"] = cu.custChannelManager; Session["custChannelNop"] = cu.custChannelNop; Session["custParentId"] = cu.custParentId; Session["custEmailAlert"] = cu.getEmailAlert(cu.custAcctId); Session["isChild"] = (cu.custParentId.Trim() == "") ? false : true; // used for tiles // store key member values Session["membGuid"] = me.membGuid; Session["membFirstName"] = me.membFirstName; Session["membLastName"] = me.membLastName; Session["membEmail"] = me.membEmail; Session["membId"] = me.membId; Session["membNo"] = me.membNo; Session["membLevel"] = me.membLevel; // temp hack if (Session["cust"].ToString() == "CCHS") { Session["logo"] = "cchs.png"; } } } // language passed in? ie lang=FR (only checked if valid guid passed in --- ??) if (Request["lang"] == null) { Session["culture"] = "en-US"; } else { if (Request["lang"].ToLower() == "en") { Session["culture"] = "en-US"; } if (Request["lang"].ToLower() == "fr") { Session["culture"] = "fr-CA"; } } Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture(Session["culture"].ToString()); Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = new CultureInfo(Session["culture"].ToString()); // first session visit? if ((bool)Session["secure"] == false) { tabSignIn.Visible = true; } } // Session["lang"] = "xx"; Session["lang"] = Session["culture"].ToString().Substring(0, 2); // get logo from profile if (Session["logo"] != null) { string imageUrl = "/vubizApps/styles/logos/" + Session["logo"].ToString(); logo.ImageUrl = imageUrl; } // preset credentials for fast testing ( mucks up signin to use anything else ) if ( == "localhost") { //txtMembId.Attributes["value"] = "VUV5_FAC"; //txtCustId.Text = "CCHS2544"; //txtMembId.Attributes["value"] = "*****@*****.**"; //txtMembPwd.Text = "password"; txtMembId.Attributes["value"] = "VUV8_ADM"; txtCustId.Text = "CFIB5288"; //txtCustId.Text = "EVHR3DUX"; //txtMembId.Attributes["value"] = "JANBOSS"; //txtMembPwd.Attributes["value"] = "TANGERINE"; } // manage tiles if ((bool)Session["secure"]) { lvTiles.Visible = true; } // capture tile click if (IsPostBack) { string targetType = Request["tileTargetType"]; // sender used for target type (1,2,3) string target = Request["tileTarget"]; // parameter used for target if (targetType.Length > 0 && target.Length > 0) { Session["pageName"] = target; se.localize(); // replace URLs with [[session]] target = target.Replace("[[custAcctId]]", se.custAcctId); target = target.Replace("[[custId]]", se.custId); target = target.Replace("[[membId]]", se.membId); target = target.Replace("[[membNo]]", se.membNo.ToString()); target = target.Replace("[[membGuidTemp]]", se.membGuidTemp); target = target.Replace("[[nopReturnUrl]]", se.nopReturnUrl); target = target.Replace("[[lang]]", se.lang); target = target.Replace("[[profile]]", se.profile); // except [[token]] target = target.Replace("[[token]]", ap.token(10)); // link to same tab (typically local app) if (targetType == "1") { Response.Redirect(target); } // link to another tab (typically external app) if (targetType == "2") { // ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Page, Page.GetType(), "popup", "'" + target + "','_blank')", true); Response.Redirect("iFrame.aspx?url=" + Server.UrlEncode(target)); } // link to another menuGroup if (targetType == "3") { Session["tileGroup"] = target; lvTiles.DataBind(); } } } }