internal static GARCFile unpackGARC(string path) { GARCFile garc = new GARCFile(); using (BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(File.OpenRead(path))) { // GARC Header garc.Magic = br.ReadChars(4); garc.HeaderSize = br.ReadUInt32(); garc.Endianess = br.ReadUInt16(); garc.ChunkCount = br.ReadUInt16(); garc.FileSize = br.ReadUInt32(); garc.DataOffset = br.ReadUInt32(); garc.FileSize = br.ReadUInt32(); garc.LastSize = br.ReadUInt32(); // FATO (File Allocation Table Offsets) garc.fato.Magic = br.ReadChars(4); garc.fato.HeaderSize = br.ReadInt32(); garc.fato.EntryCount = br.ReadUInt16(); garc.fato.Padding = br.ReadUInt16(); garc.fato.Entries = new FATO_Entry[garc.fato.EntryCount]; for (int i = 0; i < garc.fato.EntryCount; i++) garc.fato.Entries[i].Offset = br.ReadInt32(); // FATB (File Allocation Table Bits) garc.fatb.Magic = br.ReadChars(4); garc.fatb.HeaderSize = br.ReadInt32(); garc.fatb.FileCount = br.ReadInt32(); garc.fatb.Entries = new FATB_Entry[garc.fato.EntryCount]; for (int i = 0; i < garc.fato.EntryCount; i++) // Loop through all FATO entries { garc.fatb.Entries[i].Vector = br.ReadUInt32(); garc.fatb.Entries[i].SubEntries = new FATB_SubEntry[32]; uint bitvector = garc.fatb.Entries[i].Vector; int ctr = 0; for (int b = 0; b < 32; b++) { garc.fatb.Entries[i].SubEntries[b].Exists = (bitvector & 1) == 1; bitvector >>= 1; if (!garc.fatb.Entries[i].SubEntries[b].Exists) continue; garc.fatb.Entries[i].SubEntries[b].Start = br.ReadInt32(); garc.fatb.Entries[i].SubEntries[b].End = br.ReadInt32(); garc.fatb.Entries[i].SubEntries[b].Length = br.ReadInt32(); ctr++; } garc.fatb.Entries[i].IsFolder = ctr > 1; } // FIMB (File IMage Bytes) garc.fimg.Magic = br.ReadChars(4); garc.fimg.HeaderSize = br.ReadInt32(); garc.fimg.DataSize = br.ReadInt32(); // Files data // Oftentimes too large to toss into a byte array. Fetch as needed with a BinaryReader. } return garc; }
public MemGARC(byte[] data) { Data = data; garc = unpackGARC(data); }
internal static bool garcPackMS(string folderPath, string garcPath, ProgressBar pBar1 = null, Label label = null, bool supress = false) { // Check to see if our input folder exists. if (!new DirectoryInfo(folderPath).Exists) { Util.Error("Folder does not exist."); return false; } // Okay some basic proofing is done. Proceed. int filectr = 0; // Get the paths of the files to pack up. string[] files = Directory.GetFiles(folderPath); string[] folders = Directory.GetDirectories(folderPath, "*.*", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly); string[] packOrder = new string[files.Length + folders.Length]; #region Reassemble a list of filenames. try { foreach (string f in files) { string fn = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(f); int compressed = fn.IndexOf("dec_", StringComparison.Ordinal); int fileNumber = (compressed < 0) ? Int32.Parse(fn) : Int32.Parse(fn.Substring(compressed + 4)); packOrder[fileNumber] = f; filectr++; } foreach (string f in folders) { packOrder[Int32.Parse(new DirectoryInfo(f).Name)] = f; filectr += Directory.GetFiles(f).Length; } } catch (Exception e) { Util.Error("Invalid packing filenames", e.ToString()); return false; } #endregion #region Initialize Progress Update Display if (pBar1 == null) pBar1 = new ProgressBar(); if (pBar1.InvokeRequired) pBar1.Invoke((MethodInvoker)delegate { pBar1.Minimum = 0; pBar1.Step = 1; pBar1.Value = 0; pBar1.Maximum = filectr; }); else { pBar1.Minimum = 0; pBar1.Step = 1; pBar1.Value = 0; pBar1.Maximum = filectr; } if (label == null) label = new Label(); if (label.InvokeRequired) label.Invoke((MethodInvoker)delegate { label.Visible = true; }); #endregion // Set Up the GARC template. GARCFile garc = new GARCFile { fato = { // Magic = new[] { 'O', 'T', 'A', 'F' }, Entries = new FATO_Entry[packOrder.Length], EntryCount = (ushort)packOrder.Length, HeaderSize = 0xC + packOrder.Length * 4, Padding = 0xFFFF }, fatb = { // Magic = new[] { 'B', 'T', 'A', 'F' }, Entries = new FATB_Entry[packOrder.Length], FileCount = filectr } }; #region Start Reassembling the FAT* tables. { int op = 0; int od = 0; int v = 0; int index = 0; for (int i = 0; i < garc.fatb.Entries.Length; i++) { garc.fato.Entries[i].Offset = op; // FATO offset garc.fatb.Entries[i].SubEntries = new FATB_SubEntry[32]; op += 4; // Vector if (!Directory.Exists(packOrder[i])) // is not folder { garc.fatb.Entries[i].IsFolder = false; garc.fatb.Entries[i].SubEntries[0].Exists = true; string fn = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(packOrder[i]); int compressed = fn.IndexOf("dec_", StringComparison.Ordinal); int fileNumber = (compressed < 0) ? Int32.Parse(fn) : Int32.Parse(fn.Substring(compressed + 4)); if (compressed >= 0) { string old = packOrder[i]; LZSS.Compress(packOrder[i], packOrder[i] = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(packOrder[i]), fileNumber.ToString())); File.Delete(old); } // Assemble Vector v = 1; // Assemble Entry FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(packOrder[i]); int actualLength = (int)((fi.Length % 4 == 0) ? fi.Length : fi.Length + 4 - (fi.Length % 4)); garc.fatb.Entries[i].SubEntries[0].Start = od; garc.fatb.Entries[i].SubEntries[0].End = actualLength + garc.fatb.Entries[i].SubEntries[0].Start; garc.fatb.Entries[i].SubEntries[0].Length = (int)fi.Length; od += actualLength; op += 12; #region Step if (pBar1.InvokeRequired) pBar1.Invoke((MethodInvoker)(() => pBar1.PerformStep())); else { pBar1.PerformStep(); } string update = String.Format("{0:P2} - {1}/{2} - {3}", ((float)index) / ((float)filectr), index, filectr, packOrder[i]); index++; if (label.InvokeRequired) label.Invoke((MethodInvoker)delegate { label.Text = update; }); else { label.Text = update; } #endregion } else { garc.fatb.Entries[i].IsFolder = true; string[] subFiles = Directory.GetFiles(packOrder[i]); foreach (string f in subFiles) { string s = f; string fn = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(f); int compressed = fn.IndexOf("dec_", StringComparison.Ordinal); int fileNumber = (compressed < 0) ? Int32.Parse(fn) : Int32.Parse(fn.Substring(compressed + 4)); garc.fatb.Entries[i].SubEntries[fileNumber].Exists = true; if (compressed >= 0) { LZSS.Compress(f, s = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(f), fileNumber.ToString())); File.Delete(f); } // Assemble Vector v |= 1 << fileNumber; // Assemble Entry FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(s); int actualLength = (int)((fi.Length % 4 == 0) ? fi.Length : fi.Length + 4 - (fi.Length % 4)); garc.fatb.Entries[i].SubEntries[fileNumber].Start = od; garc.fatb.Entries[i].SubEntries[fileNumber].End = actualLength + garc.fatb.Entries[i].SubEntries[fileNumber].Start; garc.fatb.Entries[i].SubEntries[fileNumber].Length = (int)fi.Length; od += actualLength; op += 12; #region Step if (pBar1.InvokeRequired) pBar1.Invoke((MethodInvoker)(() => pBar1.PerformStep())); else { pBar1.PerformStep(); } string update = String.Format("{0:P2} - {1}/{2} - {3}", ((float)index) / ((float)filectr), index, filectr, f); index++; if (label.InvokeRequired) label.Invoke((MethodInvoker)delegate { label.Text = update; }); else { label.Text = update; } #endregion } } garc.fatb.Entries[i].Vector = (uint)v; } garc.fatb.HeaderSize = (0xC + op); } #endregion // Delete the old garc if it exists, then begin writing our new one try { File.Delete(garcPath); } catch { } // Set up the Header Info using (MemoryStream newGARC = new MemoryStream()) using (MemoryStream GARCdata = new MemoryStream()) using (BinaryWriter gw = new BinaryWriter(newGARC)) { #region Write GARC Headers // Write GARC gw.Write((uint)0x47415243); // GARC gw.Write((uint)0x0000001C); // Header Length gw.Write((ushort)0xFEFF); // Endianness BOM gw.Write((ushort)0x0400); // Const (4) gw.Write((uint)0x00000004); // Section Count (4) gw.Write((uint)0x00000000); // Data Offset (temp) gw.Write((uint)0x00000000); // File Length (temp) gw.Write((uint)0x00000000); // Largest File Size (temp) // Write FATO gw.Write((uint)0x4641544F); // FATO gw.Write(garc.fato.HeaderSize); // Header Size gw.Write(garc.fato.EntryCount); // Entry Count gw.Write(garc.fato.Padding); // Padding for (int i = 0; i < garc.fato.Entries.Length; i++) gw.Write((uint)garc.fato.Entries[i].Offset); // Write FATB gw.Write((uint)0x46415442); // FATB gw.Write(garc.fatb.HeaderSize); // Header Size gw.Write(garc.fatb.FileCount); // File Count foreach (var e in garc.fatb.Entries) { gw.Write(e.Vector); foreach (var s in e.SubEntries.Where(s => s.Exists)) { gw.Write((uint)s.Start); gw.Write((uint)s.End); gw.Write((uint)s.Length); } } #endregion #region Write Files long largestSize = 0; // Required memory to allocate to handle the largest file foreach (string e in packOrder) { string[] fa = Directory.Exists(e) ? Directory.GetFiles(e) : new[] { e }; foreach (string f in fa) { // Update largest file length if necessary long len = new FileInfo(f).Length; if (len > largestSize) largestSize = len; // Write to FIMB using (var input = File.OpenRead(f)) input.CopyTo(GARCdata); // While length is not divisible by 4, pad with FF (unused byte) while (GARCdata.Length % 4 > 0) GARCdata.WriteByte(0xFF); } } #endregion gw.Write((uint)0x46494D42); // FIMB gw.Write((uint)0x0000000C); // Header Length gw.Write((uint)GARCdata.Length); // Data Length gw.Seek(0x10, SeekOrigin.Begin); // Goto the start of the un-set 0 data we set earlier and set it. gw.Write((uint)newGARC.Length); // Write Data Offset gw.Write((uint)(newGARC.Length + GARCdata.Length)); // Write total GARC Length gw.Write((uint)largestSize); // Write Largest File stat (?) newGARC.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.End); // Goto the end so we can copy the filedata after the GARC headers. // Write in the data GARCdata.Position = 0; GARCdata.CopyTo(newGARC); // Copy the data. // New File is ready to be saved (memstream newGARC) try { File.WriteAllBytes(garcPath, newGARC.ToArray()); if (label.InvokeRequired) label.Invoke((MethodInvoker)delegate { label.Visible = false; }); else { label.Visible = false; } // We're done. SystemSounds.Exclamation.Play(); if (!supress) Util.Alert("Pack Successful!", filectr + " files packed to the GARC!"); return true; } catch (Exception e) { Util.Error("Packing Failed!", e.ToString()); return false; } } }
private static GARCFile unpackGARC(Stream stream) { GARCFile garc = new GARCFile(); using (BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(stream)) { // GARC Header garc.Magic = br.ReadChars(4); garc.HeaderSize = br.ReadUInt32(); garc.Endianess = br.ReadUInt16(); garc.Version = br.ReadUInt16(); garc.ChunkCount = br.ReadUInt32(); garc.DataOffset = br.ReadUInt32(); garc.FileSize = br.ReadUInt32(); if (garc.Version == VER_4) { garc.ContentLargestUnpadded = br.ReadUInt32(); } else if (garc.Version == VER_6) { garc.ContentLargestPadded = br.ReadUInt32(); garc.ContentLargestUnpadded = br.ReadUInt32(); garc.ContentPadToNearest = br.ReadUInt32(); } else throw new FormatException("Invalid GARC Version: 0x" + garc.Version.ToString("X4")); if (garc.ChunkCount != 4) throw new FormatException("Invalid GARC Chunk Count: " + garc.ChunkCount); // FATO (File Allocation Table Offsets) garc.fato.Magic = br.ReadChars(4); garc.fato.HeaderSize = br.ReadInt32(); garc.fato.EntryCount = br.ReadUInt16(); garc.fato.Padding = br.ReadUInt16(); garc.fato.Entries = new FATO_Entry[garc.fato.EntryCount]; for (int i = 0; i < garc.fato.EntryCount; i++) garc.fato.Entries[i].Offset = br.ReadInt32(); // FATB (File Allocation Table Bits) garc.fatb.Magic = br.ReadChars(4); garc.fatb.HeaderSize = br.ReadInt32(); garc.fatb.FileCount = br.ReadInt32(); garc.fatb.Entries = new FATB_Entry[garc.fato.EntryCount]; for (int i = 0; i < garc.fato.EntryCount; i++) // Loop through all FATO entries { garc.fatb.Entries[i].Vector = br.ReadUInt32(); garc.fatb.Entries[i].SubEntries = new FATB_SubEntry[32]; uint bitvector = garc.fatb.Entries[i].Vector; int ctr = 0; for (int b = 0; b < 32; b++) { garc.fatb.Entries[i].SubEntries[b].Exists = (bitvector & 1) == 1; bitvector >>= 1; if (!garc.fatb.Entries[i].SubEntries[b].Exists) continue; garc.fatb.Entries[i].SubEntries[b].Start = br.ReadInt32(); garc.fatb.Entries[i].SubEntries[b].End = br.ReadInt32(); garc.fatb.Entries[i].SubEntries[b].Length = br.ReadInt32(); ctr++; } garc.fatb.Entries[i].IsFolder = ctr > 1; } // FIMB (File IMage Bytes) garc.fimg.Magic = br.ReadChars(4); garc.fimg.HeaderSize = br.ReadInt32(); garc.fimg.DataSize = br.ReadInt32(); // Files data // Oftentimes too large to toss into a byte array. Fetch as needed with a BinaryReader. } return garc; }
public static MemGARC packGARC(byte[][] data, int version) { // Set Up the GARC template. GARCFile garc = new GARCFile { ContentPadToNearest = 4, fato = { // Magic = new[] { 'O', 'T', 'A', 'F' }, Entries = new FATO_Entry[data.Length], EntryCount = (ushort) data.Length, HeaderSize = 0xC + data.Length*4, Padding = 0xFFFF }, fatb = { // Magic = new[] { 'B', 'T', 'A', 'F' }, Entries = new FATB_Entry[data.Length], FileCount = data.Length } }; if (version == VER_6) garc.ContentPadToNearest = 4; int op = 0; int od = 0; for (int i = 0; i < garc.fatb.Entries.Length; i++) { garc.fato.Entries[i].Offset = op; // FATO offset garc.fatb.Entries[i].SubEntries = new FATB_SubEntry[32]; op += 4; // Vector garc.fatb.Entries[i].IsFolder = false; garc.fatb.Entries[i].SubEntries[0].Exists = true; // Assemble Entry int actualLength = data[i].Length%4 == 0 ? data[i].Length : data[i].Length + 4 - data[i].Length%4; garc.fatb.Entries[i].SubEntries[0].Start = od; garc.fatb.Entries[i].SubEntries[0].End = actualLength + garc.fatb.Entries[i].SubEntries[0].Start; garc.fatb.Entries[i].SubEntries[0].Length = data[i].Length; od += actualLength; op += 12; garc.fatb.Entries[i].Vector = 1; } garc.fatb.HeaderSize = 0xC + op; // Set up the Header Info using (MemoryStream newGARC = new MemoryStream()) using (MemoryStream GARCdata = new MemoryStream()) using (BinaryWriter gw = new BinaryWriter(newGARC)) { #region Write GARC Headers // Write GARC gw.Write((uint) 0x47415243); // GARC gw.Write((uint) (version == VER_6 ? 0x24 : 0x1C)); // Header Length gw.Write((ushort) 0xFEFF); // Endianness BOM gw.Write((ushort) version); // Version gw.Write((uint) 0x00000004); // Section Count (4) gw.Write((uint) 0x00000000); // Data Offset (temp) gw.Write((uint) 0x00000000); // File Length (temp) gw.Write((uint) 0x00000000); // Largest File Size (temp) if (version == VER_6) { gw.Write((uint) 0x0); gw.Write((uint) 0x0); } // Write FATO gw.Write((uint) 0x4641544F); // FATO gw.Write(garc.fato.HeaderSize); // Header Size gw.Write(garc.fato.EntryCount); // Entry Count gw.Write(garc.fato.Padding); // Padding for (int i = 0; i < garc.fato.Entries.Length; i++) gw.Write((uint) garc.fato.Entries[i].Offset); // Write FATB gw.Write((uint) 0x46415442); // FATB gw.Write(garc.fatb.HeaderSize); // Header Size gw.Write(garc.fatb.FileCount); // File Count foreach (var e in garc.fatb.Entries) { gw.Write(e.Vector); foreach (var s in e.SubEntries.Where(s => s.Exists)) { gw.Write((uint) s.Start); gw.Write((uint) s.End); gw.Write((uint) s.Length); } } #endregion #region Write Files long largestSize = 0; // Required memory to allocate to handle the largest file long largestPadded = 0; // Required memory to allocate to handle the largest PADDED file (Ver6 only) foreach (byte[] e in data) { // Update largest file length if necessary long len = e.Length; bool largest = len > largestSize; if (largest) { largestSize = len; largestPadded = len; } // Write to FIMB using (var input = new MemoryStream(e)) input.CopyTo(GARCdata); // While length is not divisible by 4, pad with FF (unused byte) while (GARCdata.Length%garc.ContentPadToNearest != 0) { GARCdata.WriteByte(0xFF); if (largest) largestPadded++; } } garc.ContentLargestUnpadded = (uint) largestSize; garc.ContentLargestPadded = (uint) largestPadded; #endregion gw.Write((uint) 0x46494D42); // FIMB gw.Write((uint) 0x0000000C); // Header Length gw.Write((uint) GARCdata.Length); // Data Length gw.Seek(0x10, SeekOrigin.Begin); // Goto the start of the un-set 0 data we set earlier and set it. gw.Write((uint) newGARC.Length); // Write Data Offset gw.Write((uint) (newGARC.Length + GARCdata.Length)); // Write total GARC Length // Write Handling information if (version == VER_4) { gw.Write(garc.ContentLargestUnpadded); // Write Largest File stat } else if (version == VER_6) { gw.Write(garc.ContentLargestPadded); // Write Largest With Padding gw.Write(garc.ContentLargestUnpadded); // Write Largest Without Padding gw.Write(garc.ContentPadToNearest); } newGARC.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.End); // Goto the end so we can copy the filedata after the GARC headers. // Write in the data GARCdata.Position = 0; GARCdata.CopyTo(newGARC); // Copy the data. // New File is ready to be saved (memstream newGARC) return new MemGARC(newGARC.ToArray()); } }
public byte[] Save() { byte[][] data = new byte[FileCount][]; for (int i = 0; i < data.Length; i++) { if (Storage[i] == null || !Storage[i].Saved) // retrieve original data[i] = getFile(i, 0); else // use modified data[i] = Storage[i].Save(); } var ng = packGARC(data, garc.Version, (int)garc.ContentPadToNearest); garc = ng.garc; Data = ng.Data; return Data; }
public lzGARC(byte[] data) { Data = data; garc = unpackGARC(data); Storage = new GARCEntry[FileCount]; }
public void InitializePersonal() { GARCPersonal = getGARCData("personal"); Personal = new PersonalTable(GARCPersonal.getFile(GARCPersonal.FileCount - 1), Version); }