public static void AddToShoppingCart(Menu itemsInMenu, ShoppingCart itemsInShoppingCart) { Console.WriteLine($"Enter the id of the pizza on menu to add it to the shopping cart: "); int productId = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); if (productId == 11 || productId == 12) { Ingredients extraIngredients = new Ingredients(); extraIngredients.PrintIngredients(); Console.WriteLine($"Enter 4 ingredients from the aboved list:"); string userInput = Console.ReadLine(); } Console.WriteLine("Enter the numbers of items to add to the shopping cart: "); int quantity = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); pizza articleToAdd = itemsInMenu.GetFromMenu(productId); itemsInShoppingCart.AddToShoppingCart(articleToAdd, quantity); itemsInShoppingCart.PrintShoppingCart(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Menu itemsInMenu = new Menu(); ShoppingCart itemsInShoppingCart = new ShoppingCart(); Ingredients extraIngredients = new Ingredients(); itemsInMenu.PrintMenu(); AddToShoppingCart(itemsInMenu, itemsInShoppingCart); while (true) { Console.WriteLine("Would you like to add more pizzas to shopping cart? (yes/no)"); string userInput = Console.ReadLine().ToLower(); if (userInput == "yes") { AddToShoppingCart(itemsInMenu, itemsInShoppingCart); } else if (userInput == "no") { Console.WriteLine("Would you like to add some extra ingredients? (yes/no)"); string userInput2 = Console.ReadLine().ToLower(); if (userInput2 == "yes") { extraIngredients.PrintIngredients(); AddToShoppingCart2(extraIngredients, itemsInShoppingCart); Console.WriteLine("Would you like to confirm your order? (yes/no)"); string userInput3 = Console.ReadLine(); if (userInput3 == "yes") { Console.Clear(); itemsInShoppingCart.PrintShoppingCart(); itemsInShoppingCart.PrintTotal(); Console.WriteLine($"Total amount of shoppingcart is {itemsInShoppingCart.Total} $"); break; } } if (userInput2 == "no") { Console.WriteLine("Would you like to confirm your order? (yes/no)"); string userInput3 = Console.ReadLine(); if (userInput3 == "yes") { Console.Clear(); itemsInShoppingCart.PrintShoppingCart(); itemsInShoppingCart.PrintTotal(); Console.WriteLine($"Total amount of shoppingcart is {itemsInShoppingCart.Total} $"); break; } } } } Console.ReadLine(); }