コード例 #1
		/// <summary>
		/// Applies a random bone skin and color from the given color collection to the given renderer 
		/// based on the given randomseed.
		/// </summary>
		public void ApplyRandom( SpriteRenderer renderer, ColorCollection[] colors, int randomSeed )
			Assert.NotNullOrEmpty( boneSkins, "ApplyRandom to an empty boneSkinSet ("+ name +").");
			Assert.NotNullOrEmpty( colors, "ApplyRandom with an empty or null color set to " + name );
			Random.seed = randomSeed;
			boneSkins[ Random.Range( 0, boneSkins.Length ) ].Apply( renderer, colors, randomSeed ); 
コード例 #2
		/// <summary>
		/// Apply the configuration to the specified renderer and picks a random color
		/// from the provided colorSet. If the colorSet property of the BoneConfiguration
		/// is not defined, the default color will be assigned.
		/// </summary>
		public void Apply( SpriteRenderer renderer, ColorCollection[] colors, int randomSeed )
			renderer.sprite 							= spriteAsset;
			renderer.gameObject.transform.localPosition = translation;
			renderer.gameObject.transform.localScale    = scale;
			renderer.gameObject.transform.rotation      = Quaternion.Euler( rotation );

			if ( colorSet >= 0 )
				renderer.color = colors[ colorSet ].SelectRandomColor( randomSeed );
				renderer.color = defaultColor;