private void _workShiftModule_process_WorkAreaVisitEvent(Object _sender, WorkAreaVisitEvent _event) { try { WorkEmployer we = (from w in db.WorkEmployers where w.deviceId == _event.device.deviceId select w).First<WorkEmployer>(); List<WorkShift> shiftsToSignaled = (from shift in db.WorkShifts join accessEmployers in db.WorkShiftAccessEmployers on shift.workShiftId equals accessEmployers.workShiftId where shift.workAreaId == _event.workArea.workAreaId && accessEmployers.workEmployersId == we.employerId && shift.shiftState == WorkShiftState.wssActive select shift).ToList<WorkShift>(); foreach(WorkShift shift in shiftsToSignaled) _resetWorkShift(shift, we, _event); } catch (Exception) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.Write("Exception on getting wirk shifts for work area vivst event '" + _event.workArea.workAreaName + "'."); } }
private void _resetWorkShift(WorkShift _shift, WorkEmployer _employer, WorkAreaVisitEvent _event) { if (_shift.workShiftType == WorkShiftTypes.wstOnce) { // this is one call shift, like cook station, it signaled by some outside activity, not timer. _shift.notificationTimerDelay = Int32.MaxValue; _shift.alarmTimerDelay = Int32.MaxValue; _shift.shiftState = WorkShiftState.wssInactive; _shift.lastAccessTime =; db.SaveChangesAsync(); ResetEventHandler(this, new WorkShiftInfoEvent(_shift)); } else if (_shift.workShiftType == WorkShiftTypes.wstPassive) { // Passive work shifts created only for logging emploers access and havent timer and notifications. } else if (_shift.workShiftType == WorkShiftTypes.wstActive) { int nNow =; _shift.notificationTimerDelay = nNow + 5*60; _shift.alarmTimerDelay = nNow + 10 * 60; _shift.lastAccessTime =; db.SaveChangesAsync(); ResetEventHandler(this, new WorkShiftInfoEvent(_shift)); } }