private SeriesModel ConvertDataRowToSeriesModel(DataRow rawSeriesData) { uint authorId; uint.TryParse(rawSeriesData[seriesAuthorKeyIndex].ToString(), out authorId); string title = rawSeriesData[seriesTitleIndex].ToString(); AuthorModel author = ((App)Application.Current).Model.AuthorTable.GetAuthorFromId(authorId); SeriesModel seriesModel = new SeriesModel(author, title); return(seriesModel); }
public AuthorModel GetAuthorFromId(uint key) { AuthorModel author = null; DataTable dt = AuthorTable; string filterString = "idAuthors = '" + key.ToString() + "'"; DataRow[] authors = dt.Select(filterString); if (authors.Length > 0) { author = ConvertDataRowToAuthor(authors[0]); } return(author); }
public BookModel(bool EditNotInsert) { _bookKey = 0; _bookInfo = new BookInfoModel(); _authorInfo = null; _itemsToValidate = new List <DataTableItemBaseModel>(); _itemsToAddToDb = new List <DataTableItemBaseModel>(); _editMode = EditNotInsert; if (!EditNotInsert) { _bookInfoIndex = AddUnique(_itemsToValidate, _bookInfo); } else { _itemsToUpDate = new List <DataTableItemBaseModel>(); } }
public List <string> SeriesSelectionListCreator(AuthorModel author) { List <string> seriesSelectionList = new List <string>(); if (author != null && author.IsValid) { DataTable currentSeriesList = Series; string filterString = "LastName = '" + author.LastName + "' AND FirstName = '" + author.FirstName + "'"; DataRow[] seriesTitleList = currentSeriesList.Select(filterString); foreach (DataRow row in seriesTitleList) { seriesSelectionList.Add(row[seriesTitleIndex].ToString()); } } return(seriesSelectionList); }
public uint GetSeriesKey(AuthorModel author, string seriesTitle) { uint key = 0; if (author != null && author.IsValid) { string SqlQuery = "SELECT series.idSeries FROM series WHERE series.SeriesName = @title AND series.AuthorOfSeries = @authorid;"; using (MySqlConnection conn = new MySqlConnection(_dbConnectionString)) { int ResultCount = 0; DataTable Dt = new DataTable(); try { conn.Open(); using (MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand()) { cmd.Connection = conn; cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text; cmd.CommandText = SqlQuery; cmd.AddParameter("@title", MySqlDbType.String, seriesTitle) .AddParameter("@authorid", MySqlDbType.UInt32, author.AuthorId); cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); MySqlDataAdapter sda = new MySqlDataAdapter(cmd); ResultCount = sda.Fill(Dt); if (ResultCount > 0) { key = Dt.Rows[0].Field <uint>(0); } } } catch (Exception ex) { string errorMsg = "Database Error: " + ex.Message; MessageBox.Show(errorMsg); key = 0; } } } return(key); }
public uint AuthorKey(AuthorModel author) { uint key = author.AuthorId; if (key < 1) { DataTable dt = AuthorTable; string filterString = "LastName = '" + author.LastName + "' AND FirstName = '" + author.FirstName + "' AND MiddleName Like '" + author.MiddleName + "'"; DataRow[] authors = dt.Select(filterString); if (authors.Length > 0) { if (!uint.TryParse(authors[0][AuthorIDColumnIndex].ToString(), out key)) { key = 0; } } else { key = 0; } } return(key); }
public bool UpdateAuthor(AuthorModel NewAuthor) => updateItem(NewAuthor);
public bool AddAuthor(AuthorModel NewAuthor) => addItem(NewAuthor);