コード例 #1
ファイル: PluginDriver.cs プロジェクト: MutonUfoAI/pgina
        public PluginDriver()
            m_logger = LogManager.GetLogger(string.Format("PluginDriver:{0}", m_sessionId));

            m_properties = new SessionProperties(m_sessionId);

            // Add the user information object we'll be using for this session
            UserInformation userInfo = new UserInformation();

            // Add the plugin tracking object we'll be using for this session
            PluginActivityInformation pluginInfo = new PluginActivityInformation();
            pluginInfo.LoadedAuthenticationGatewayPlugins = PluginLoader.GetOrderedPluginsOfType<IPluginAuthenticationGateway>();
            pluginInfo.LoadedAuthenticationPlugins = PluginLoader.GetOrderedPluginsOfType<IPluginAuthentication>();
            pluginInfo.LoadedAuthorizationPlugins = PluginLoader.GetOrderedPluginsOfType<IPluginAuthorization>();

            m_logger.DebugFormat("New PluginDriver created");
コード例 #2
ファイル: LdapTests.cs プロジェクト: hellyhe/pgina
        public void InitTest()
            // Default test settings, reset for each test

            Settings.Store.LdapHost = host;
            Settings.Store.LdapPort = port;
            Settings.Store.LdapTimeout = 10;
            Settings.Store.EncryptionMethod = (int)encMethod;
            Settings.Store.RequireCert = validateCert;
            Settings.Store.SearchDN = searchDN;
            Settings.Store.SetEncryptedSetting("SearchPW", searchPW);
            Settings.Store.GroupDnPattern = "cn=%g,ou=Group,dc=example,dc=com";
            Settings.Store.GroupMemberAttrib = "memberUid";
            Settings.Store.UseAuthBindForAuthzAndGateway = false;

            // Authentication
            Settings.Store.AllowEmptyPasswords = false;
            Settings.Store.DnPattern = "uid=%u,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com";
            Settings.Store.DoSearch = false;
            Settings.Store.SearchFilter = "";
            Settings.Store.SearchContexts = new string[] { };

            // Authorization
            Settings.Store.GroupAuthzRules = new string[] { (new GroupAuthzRule(true)).ToRegString() };
            Settings.Store.AuthzRequireAuth = false;
            Settings.Store.AuthzAllowOnError = true;

            // Gateway
            Settings.Store.GroupGatewayRules = new string[] { };

            // Set up session props
            m_props = new SessionProperties(BogusSessionId);
            UserInformation userInfo = new UserInformation();
            userInfo.Username = "******";
            userInfo.Password = "******";
            PluginActivityInformation actInfo = new PluginActivityInformation();
コード例 #3
ファイル: Service.cs プロジェクト: MutonUfoAI/pgina
        /// <summary>
        /// m_sessionPropertyCache must be locked
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="session"></param>
        private void CREDUIhelper(int session)
            m_logger.InfoFormat("CREDUIhelper:({0})", session);
            List<SessionProperties> mysessionList = m_sessionPropertyCache.Get(session); //list of all users in my session
            if (mysessionList.Count == 0)
                m_logger.InfoFormat("User:? in session:{0} is unknown to pGina", session);
            UserInformation userInfo = m_sessionPropertyCache.Get(session).First().GetTrackedSingle<UserInformation>(); //this user is logging of right now (my user)
            List<int> SessionsList = m_sessionPropertyCache.GetAll(); //all pgina watched sessions
            Dictionary<int,List<string>> othersessioncontext = new Dictionary<int,List<string>>(); //all exept my sessions, a list of usernames in which a process is running
            foreach (int Sessions in SessionsList)
                if (session != Sessions) //if not my session
                    //get all usersNames from processes that dont run in my own session (context in which those processes are running)
                    List<string> sesscontext = Abstractions.WindowsApi.pInvokes.GetSessionContext(Sessions);
                    othersessioncontext.Add(Sessions, sesscontext);
            List<string> InteractiveUserList = Abstractions.WindowsApi.pInvokes.GetInteractiveUserList(); //get interactive users

            foreach (SessionProperties s in m_sessionPropertyCache.Get(session))
                m_logger.InfoFormat("info: username:{0} credui:{1} description:{2} session:{3}", s.GetTrackedSingle<UserInformation>().Username, s.CREDUI, s.GetTrackedSingle<UserInformation>().Description, session);
            //catch runas.exe credui processes
            foreach (KeyValuePair<int, List<string>> context in othersessioncontext)
                // all usersNames from processes in session bla.Key format: sessionID\username
                m_logger.InfoFormat("othersessioncontext: {0}", String.Join(" ", context.Value.Select(s => String.Format("{0}\\{1}", context.Key, s))));

                List<SessionProperties> othersessionList = m_sessionPropertyCache.Get(context.Key); //sessionlist of SessionProperties
                foreach (string user in context.Value)
                    if (!othersessionList.Any(s => s.GetTrackedSingle<UserInformation>().Username.Equals(user, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)))
                        //user is not part of othersessionList
                        bool cancopy = false;
                        foreach (int Session in SessionsList)
                            if (context.Key != Session && !cancopy) //if not bla.key session
                                foreach (SessionProperties sesprop in m_sessionPropertyCache.Get(Session))
                                    UserInformation sespropUInfo = sesprop.GetTrackedSingle<UserInformation>();
                                    if (sespropUInfo.Username.Equals(user, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))
                                        // SessionProperties found
                                        SessionProperties osesprop = new SessionProperties(Guid.NewGuid(), true);
                                        PluginActivityInformation pluginInfo = new PluginActivityInformation();
                                        m_logger.InfoFormat("add user:{0} into SessionProperties of session:{1} with GUID:{2} and set CREDUI to:{3}", sespropUInfo.Username, context.Key, osesprop.Id, osesprop.CREDUI);
                                        cancopy = true;
                                        m_sessionPropertyCache.Add(context.Key, othersessionList);// refresh the cache
                        if (!cancopy)
                            m_logger.InfoFormat("unamble to track program running under user:{0} in session:{1}", user, context.Key);
            for (int y = 0; y < mysessionList.Count; y++)
                UserInformation allmyuInfo = mysessionList[y].GetTrackedSingle<UserInformation>();
                foreach (int Sessions in SessionsList)
                    if (session != Sessions) //if not my session
                        // there is a program running as user 'allmyuInfo.Username' in session 'Sessions'
                        // && this user 'allmyuInfo.Username' is not an interactive user
                        m_logger.InfoFormat("{0} '{1}' '{2}'", allmyuInfo.Username, String.Join(" ", othersessioncontext[Sessions]), String.Join(" ", InteractiveUserList));
                        if (othersessioncontext[Sessions].Any(s => s.Equals(allmyuInfo.Username, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) && !InteractiveUserList.Any(s => s.ToLower().Contains(Sessions + "\\" + allmyuInfo.Username.ToLower())))
                            bool hit = false;
                            List<SessionProperties> othersessionList = m_sessionPropertyCache.Get(Sessions); //sessionlist of Sessions (not mine)
                            for (int x = 1; x < othersessionList.Count; x++)
                                UserInformation ouserInfo = othersessionList[x].GetTrackedSingle<UserInformation>();
                                m_logger.InfoFormat("compare:'{0}' '{1}'", ouserInfo.Username, allmyuInfo.Username);
                                if (ouserInfo.Username.Equals(allmyuInfo.Username, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))
                                    // SessionProperties List of 'Sessions' contains the user 'allmyuInfo.Username'
                                    hit = true;
                            if (!hit)
                                //this program was run by using runas or simmilar
                                //push it into the SessionProperties list of 'Sessions'
                                SessionProperties osesprop = new SessionProperties(Guid.NewGuid(), true);
                                PluginActivityInformation pluginInfo = new PluginActivityInformation();
                                m_logger.InfoFormat("ive found a program in session:{0} that runs in the context of {1}", Sessions, allmyuInfo.Username);
                                m_logger.InfoFormat("add user:{0} into SessionProperties of session:{1} with GUID:{2} and set CREDUI to:{3}", allmyuInfo.Username, Sessions, osesprop.Id, osesprop.CREDUI);
                            m_sessionPropertyCache.Add(Sessions, othersessionList);// refresh the cache

            foreach (SessionProperties s in m_sessionPropertyCache.Get(session))
                m_logger.InfoFormat("info: username:{0} credui:{1} description:{2} session:{3}", s.GetTrackedSingle<UserInformation>().Username, s.CREDUI, s.GetTrackedSingle<UserInformation>().Description, session);
            //set SessionProperties.CREDUI
            for (int y = 0; y < mysessionList.Count; y++)
                UserInformation allmyuInfo = mysessionList[y].GetTrackedSingle<UserInformation>();
                foreach (int Sessions in SessionsList)
                    if (session != Sessions) //if not my session
                        List<SessionProperties> othersessionList = m_sessionPropertyCache.Get(Sessions); //sessionlist of Sessions (not mine)
                        for (int x = 0; x < othersessionList.Count; x++) //all entries
                            UserInformation ouserInfo = othersessionList[x].GetTrackedSingle<UserInformation>();
                            m_logger.InfoFormat("compare '{0}' '{1}'", ouserInfo.Username, allmyuInfo.Username);
                            if (ouserInfo.Username.Equals(allmyuInfo.Username, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))
                                // there is an entry in the SessionProperties List of session 'Sessions'
                                // ill mark CREDUI of user 'allmyuInfo.Username' in my session 'session' as true
                                // a plugin should not remove or upload a credui user (its up to the plugin dev)
                                if (mysessionList[y].CREDUI != true)
                                    mysessionList[y].CREDUI = true;
                                    m_logger.InfoFormat("an entry in session:{0} was found from user {1}", Sessions, allmyuInfo.Username);
                                    m_logger.InfoFormat("set CREDUI in SessionProperties of user:{0} in session:{1} to {2}", allmyuInfo.Username, session, mysessionList[y].CREDUI);
                                // ill mark CREDUI of user 'ouserInfo.Username' in session 'Sessions' as false
                                othersessionList[x].CREDUI = false;
                                m_logger.InfoFormat("set CREDUI in SessionProperties of user:{0} in session:{1} to {2}", ouserInfo.Username, Sessions, othersessionList[x].CREDUI);

                        if (othersessioncontext[Sessions].Any(s => s.Equals(allmyuInfo.Username, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)))
                            // there is a process running in a different session under the context this user
                            // ill mark the sessioninfo struct of my user as credui true
                            // a plugin should not remove or upload a credui user (its up to the plugin dev)
                            //mysessionList.First().CREDUI = true; //the first entry in the list is always an interactive login
                            mysessionList[y].CREDUI = true;
                            m_logger.InfoFormat("a program in session:{0} is running in the context of user {1}", Sessions, allmyuInfo.Username);
                            m_logger.InfoFormat("set CREDUI in SessionProperties of user:{0} in session:{1} to {2}", allmyuInfo.Username, session, mysessionList[y].CREDUI);
                            List<SessionProperties> othersessionList = m_sessionPropertyCache.Get(Sessions); //sessionlist of Sessions (not mine)
                            bool hit = false;
                            for (int x = 0; x < othersessionList.Count; x++)
                                //one user of this other sessions where a process runs under my user
                                UserInformation ouserInfo = othersessionList[x].GetTrackedSingle<UserInformation>();
                                m_logger.InfoFormat("compare:'{0}' '{1}'", ouserInfo.Username, allmyuInfo.Username);
                                if (ouserInfo.Username.Equals(allmyuInfo.Username, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))
                                    // this is the entry
                                    hit = true;
                                    if (x > 0)
                                        // user is non interactive
                                        if (userInfo.Username.Equals(ouserInfo.Username, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))
                                            othersessionList[x].CREDUI = false;
                                            othersessionList[x].CREDUI = true;
                                        m_logger.InfoFormat("set CREDUI in SessionProperties of user:{0} in session:{1} to {2}", ouserInfo.Username, Sessions, othersessionList[x].CREDUI);
                            if (!hit)
                                //this program was run by using runas or simmilar
                                //push it into the SessionProperties list of this session
                                SessionProperties osesprop = mysessionList[y];
                                osesprop.CREDUI = true;
                                osesprop.Id = new Guid(Guid.NewGuid().ToString());
                                m_logger.InfoFormat("ive found a program in session:{0} that runs in the context of {1}", Sessions, allmyuInfo.Username);
                                m_logger.InfoFormat("add user:{0} into SessionProperties of session:{1} an set CREDUI to:{2}", allmyuInfo.Username, Sessions, osesprop.CREDUI);
                            m_sessionPropertyCache.Add(Sessions, othersessionList);// refresh the cache
            m_sessionPropertyCache.Add(session, mysessionList);// refresh the cache
            foreach (SessionProperties s in m_sessionPropertyCache.Get(session))
                m_logger.InfoFormat("info: username:{0} credui:{1} description:{2} session:{3}", s.GetTrackedSingle<UserInformation>().Username, s.CREDUI, s.GetTrackedSingle<UserInformation>().Description, session);

            //shutdown/reboot case
            if (mysessionList.First().CREDUI == false)
                //this interactive user is logging out
                foreach (int Sessions in SessionsList)
                    if (session != Sessions) //if not my session
                        List<SessionProperties> othersessionList = m_sessionPropertyCache.Get(Sessions); //sessionlist of Sessions (not mine)
                        for (int y = othersessionList.Count - 1; y > 0; y--) //only other credui users
                            if (userInfo.Username.Equals(othersessionList[y].GetTrackedSingle<UserInformation>().Username, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))
                                //no process of my users should run anymore anywhere
                                //if so mysessionList.First().CREDUI would be true
                                m_logger.InfoFormat("no process is running in session:{0} under the context of user:{1} removing:{1} in session:{0}", Sessions, userInfo.Username);
                        m_sessionPropertyCache.Add(Sessions, othersessionList);// refresh the cache

            for (int x = mysessionList.Count - 1; x > 0; x--)
                UserInformation myuserInfo = mysessionList[x].GetTrackedSingle<UserInformation>();
                if (InteractiveUserList.Any(s => s.ToLower().Contains(myuserInfo.Username.ToLower())))
                    // a program in my session runs in a different context of an also interactive logged in user
                    // ill remove this SessionProperty from my SessionProperties List
                    m_logger.InfoFormat("user {0} is still interactively logged in", myuserInfo.Username);
                    m_logger.InfoFormat("removing SessionProperties entry of user:{0} from session:{1}", myuserInfo.Username, session);

            List<string> myCREDUIusernameList = new List<string>(); //my credui usersnames
            for (int x = 1; x < mysessionList.Count; x++)
                UserInformation myCREDUIusername = mysessionList[x].GetTrackedSingle<UserInformation>();
            for (int x = mysessionList.Count - 1; x > 0; x--) //only credui users
                bool hit = false;
                UserInformation myCREDUIusername = mysessionList[x].GetTrackedSingle<UserInformation>();
                foreach (int Sessions in SessionsList)
                    if (session != Sessions) //if not my session
                        List<SessionProperties> othersessionList = m_sessionPropertyCache.Get(Sessions); //sessionlist of Sessions (not mine)
                        for (int y = othersessionList.Count - 1; y >= 0; y--) //all users
                            UserInformation oCREDUIusername = othersessionList[y].GetTrackedSingle<UserInformation>();
                            //m_logger.InfoFormat("'{0}' '{1}'", oCREDUIusername.Username, String.Join(" ", myCREDUIusernameList));
                            //if (myCREDUIusernameList.Any(s => s.Equals(oCREDUIusername.Username, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)))
                            m_logger.InfoFormat("'{0}' '{1}'", myCREDUIusername.Username, oCREDUIusername.Username);
                            if (myCREDUIusername.Username.Equals(oCREDUIusername.Username, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))
                                hit = true;
                                m_logger.InfoFormat("found SessionProperties entry in session:{0} that equals username {1} in my session:{2}", Sessions, oCREDUIusername.Username, session);
                                m_logger.InfoFormat("removing the SessionProperties entry from session:{0} of user:{1}", session, oCREDUIusername.Username);
                                //is the credui programm still running
                                m_logger.InfoFormat("'{0}' '{1}'", String.Join(" ", othersessioncontext[Sessions].ToArray()), oCREDUIusername.Username);
                                if (othersessioncontext[Sessions].Any(s => s.Equals(oCREDUIusername.Username, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)))
                                    //remove from my list
                                    m_logger.InfoFormat("the program is still running, removing the SessionProperties entry from session:{0} of user:{1}", session, oCREDUIusername.Username);
                                    //remove from other list, its not running anymore
                                    m_logger.InfoFormat("the program has been closed, removing the SessionProperties entry from session:{0} of user:{1}", Sessions, oCREDUIusername.Username);
                        m_sessionPropertyCache.Add(Sessions, othersessionList);
                        if (hit)
                if (!hit)
                    //this credui user runs only in my session
                    m_logger.InfoFormat("the last program in context of {0} is running in session:{1} set CREDUI to false", mysessionList[x].GetTrackedSingle<UserInformation>().Username, session);
                    mysessionList[x].CREDUI = false;
            // refresh the cache
            m_sessionPropertyCache.Add(session, mysessionList);
コード例 #4
ファイル: Plugin.cs プロジェクト: MutonUfoAI/pgina
 private bool WeAuthedThisUser( PluginActivityInformation actInfo )
         BooleanResult ldapResult = actInfo.GetAuthenticationResult(this.Uuid);
         return ldapResult.Success;
     catch (KeyNotFoundException)
         // The plugin is not enabled for authentication
         return false;