/* private void checkForErrorInDispositionReport(dispositionReport report, String Error, String entityKey) { if (entityKey != null && report != null && report.countainsErrorCode(DispositionReport.E_INVALID_KEY_PASSED)) { log.info("entityKey " + entityKey + " was not found in the registry"); } else { if (report == null) { log.info("Missing DispositionReport"); } else { foreach (result result in report.result) { // log.error(result.getErrInfo().getErrCode() + " " + result.getErrInfo().getValue()); } } } } */ /** * Gets an auth token from the uddi server using the uddi auth token * <br> * Notice: never log auth tokens! Treat it like a password * * notes: changed to public to have access from the subscription * callback API 8/20/2013 AO * * @param endpointURL * @return * @throws TransportException * @throws DispositionReportFaultMessage * @throws RemoteException */ public String getAuthToken(String endpointURL) { //if the token is older then 10 minutes discard it, and create a new one. if ((authToken != null && !"".Equals(authToken)) && (tokenBirthDate != null && DateTime.Now > tokenBirthDate.AddMilliseconds(600000))) { discard_authToken discardAuthToken = new discard_authToken(); discardAuthToken.authInfo = (authToken); using (UDDI_Security_SoapBinding sec = getUDDINode().getTransport().getUDDISecurityService(endpointURL)) { getUDDINode().getTransport().getUDDISecurityService(endpointURL).discard_authToken(discardAuthToken); authToken = null; } } if (authToken == null || "".Equals(authToken)) { tokenBirthDate = new DateTime(); get_authToken getAuthToken = new get_authToken(); getAuthToken.userID = (getPublisher()); if (isEncrypted) { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(cryptoProvider)) { log.error("Credentials are encrypted but no cryptoProvider was defined in the config file!"); } else try { getAuthToken.cred = (CryptorFactory.getCryptor(this.cryptoProvider).decrypt(getPassword())); } catch (Exception ex) { log.error("Unable to decrypt credentials! sending it as is", ex); getAuthToken.cred = (getPassword()); } } else { getAuthToken.cred = (getPassword()); } using (UDDI_Security_SoapBinding sec = getUDDINode().getTransport().getUDDISecurityService(endpointURL)) { authToken = getUDDINode().getTransport().getUDDISecurityService(endpointURL).get_authToken(getAuthToken).authInfo; } } return authToken; }
/** * kills the provided auth token, aka Logout */ public void discardAuthToken(String token) { if (token != null) { try { discard_authToken discardAuthToken = new discard_authToken(); discardAuthToken.authInfo=(token); getUDDINode().getTransport().getUDDISecurityService().discard_authToken(discardAuthToken); token = null; } catch (Exception ex) { log.warn("Error discarding auth token: " + ex.Message); log.debug("Error discarding auth token: " + ex.Message, ex); } } }
/// <remarks/> public void discard_authTokenAsync(discard_authToken discard_authToken1) { this.discard_authTokenAsync(discard_authToken1, null); }
/// <remarks/> public void discard_authTokenAsync(discard_authToken discard_authToken1, object userState) { if ((this.discard_authTokenOperationCompleted == null)) { this.discard_authTokenOperationCompleted = new System.Threading.SendOrPostCallback(this.Ondiscard_authTokenOperationCompleted); } this.InvokeAsync("discard_authToken", new object[] { discard_authToken1}, this.discard_authTokenOperationCompleted, userState); }
/// <remarks/> public System.IAsyncResult Begindiscard_authToken(discard_authToken discard_authToken1, System.AsyncCallback callback, object asyncState) { return this.BeginInvoke("discard_authToken", new object[] { discard_authToken1}, callback, asyncState); }