public Month(int month, Year year) { Month month1 = this; if (month < 1 || month > 12) { string str = "Month outside valid range."; Throwable.__\u003CsuppressFillInStackTrace\u003E(); throw new IllegalArgumentException(str); } else { this.month = month; this.year = year.getYear(); this.peg(Calendar.getInstance()); } }
public Quarter(int quarter, Year year) { Quarter quarter1 = this; if (quarter < 1 || quarter > 4) { string str = "Quarter outside valid range."; Throwable.__\u003CsuppressFillInStackTrace\u003E(); throw new IllegalArgumentException(str); } else { this.year = (short) year.getYear(); this.quarter = (byte) quarter; this.peg(Calendar.getInstance()); } }
public Week(int week, Year year) { Week week1 = this; if (week < 1 && week > 53) { string str = "The 'week' argument must be in the range 1 - 53."; Throwable.__\u003CsuppressFillInStackTrace\u003E(); throw new IllegalArgumentException(str); } else { this.week = (byte) week; this.year = (short) year.getYear(); this.peg(Calendar.getInstance()); } }