private ResultSequence minusXSTimeDuration(Item at) { XSTime val = (XSTime)at; Duration dtduration = null; Calendar thisCal = normalizeCalendar(calendar(), tz()); Calendar thatCal = normalizeCalendar(val.calendar(),; long duration = thisCal.getTimeInMillis() - thatCal.getTimeInMillis(); dtduration = _datatypeFactory.newDuration(duration); return(ResultSequenceFactory.create_new(XSDayTimeDuration.parseDTDuration(dtduration.ToString()))); }
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in .NET: //ORIGINAL LINE: private org.eclipse.wst.xml.xpath2.api.ResultSequence minusXSDate(org.eclipse.wst.xml.xpath2.api.ResultSequence arg) throws org.eclipse.wst.xml.xpath2.processor.DynamicError private ResultSequence minusXSDate(ResultSequence arg) { XSDate val = (XSDate)NumericType.get_single_type(arg, typeof(XSDate)); Duration dtduration = null; Calendar thisCal = normalizeCalendar(calendar(), tz()); Calendar thatCal = normalizeCalendar(val.calendar(),; long duration = thisCal.getTimeInMillis() - thatCal.getTimeInMillis(); dtduration = _datatypeFactory.newDuration(duration); return(ResultSequenceFactory.create_new(XSDayTimeDuration.parseDTDuration(dtduration.ToString()))); }
/// <summary> /// Mathematical addition operator between this XSDate and a supplied result /// sequence (XDTYearMonthDuration and XDTDayTimeDuration are only valid /// ones). /// </summary> /// <param name="arg"> /// The supplied ResultSequence that is on the right of the minus /// operator. If arg is an XDTYearMonthDuration or an /// XDTDayTimeDuration the result will be a XSDate of the result /// of the current date minus the duration of time supplied. </param> /// <returns> New ResultSequence consisting of the result of the mathematical /// minus operation. </returns> //JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in .NET: //ORIGINAL LINE: public org.eclipse.wst.xml.xpath2.api.ResultSequence plus(org.eclipse.wst.xml.xpath2.api.ResultSequence arg) throws org.eclipse.wst.xml.xpath2.processor.DynamicError public virtual ResultSequence plus(ResultSequence arg) { if (arg.size() != 1) { DynamicError.throw_type_error(); } Item at = arg.first(); try { if (at is XSYearMonthDuration) { XSYearMonthDuration val = (XSYearMonthDuration)at; XSDate res = (XSDate)clone(); res.calendar().add(Calendar.MONTH, val.monthValue()); return(ResultSequenceFactory.create_new(res)); } else if (at is XSDayTimeDuration) { XSDayTimeDuration val = (XSDayTimeDuration)at; XSDate res = (XSDate)clone(); // We only need to add the Number of days dropping the rest. int days = val.days(); if (val.negative()) { days *= -1; } res.calendar().add(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, days); res.calendar().add(Calendar.MILLISECOND, (int)(val.time_value() * 1000.0)); return(ResultSequenceFactory.create_new(res)); } else { DynamicError.throw_type_error(); return(null); // unreach } } catch { Debug.Assert(false); return(null); } }
/// <summary> /// Equality comparison between this and the supplied duration of time. /// </summary> /// <param name="arg"> /// The duration of time to compare with </param> /// <returns> True if they both represent the duration of time. False otherwise </returns> /// <exception cref="DynamicError"> </exception> //JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in .NET: //ORIGINAL LINE: public boolean eq(AnyType arg, org.eclipse.wst.xml.xpath2.api.DynamicContext dynamicContext) throws org.eclipse.wst.xml.xpath2.processor.DynamicError public override bool eq(AnyType arg, DynamicContext dynamicContext) { if (arg is XSDayTimeDuration) { XSDayTimeDuration dayTimeDuration = (XSDayTimeDuration)arg; return(monthValue() == 0 && dayTimeDuration.value() == 0.0); } else if (arg is XSYearMonthDuration) { XSYearMonthDuration yearMonthDuration = (XSYearMonthDuration)arg; return(monthValue() == yearMonthDuration.monthValue()); } XSDuration val = (XSDuration)NumericType.get_single_type(arg, typeof(XSDuration)); return(base.eq(val, dynamicContext)); }
/// <summary> /// Parses a String representation of a date and time and constructs a new /// XSDateTime object using that information /// </summary> /// <param name="str"> /// The String representation of the date (and optional timezone) </param> /// <returns> The XSDateTime representation of the date and time (and optional /// timezone) </returns> public static XSDateTime parseDateTime(string str) { // oh no... not again // ok its three things: // date T time timezone int index = str.IndexOf('T'); if (index == -1) { return(null); } // split date and rest... string date = str.Substring(0, index); string time = str.Substring(index + 1, str.Length - (index + 1)); string timezone = null; // check for timezone index = time.IndexOf('+'); if (index == -1) { index = time.IndexOf('-'); } if (index == -1) { index = time.IndexOf('Z'); } if (index != -1) { timezone = time.Substring(index, time.Length - index); time = time.Substring(0, index); } // get date int[] d = parse_date(date); if (d == null) { return(null); } // SANITY CHEX var UTC = TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC"); GregorianCalendar cal = new GregorianCalendar(UTC); // year int year = d[0]; if (year < 0) { year *= -1; cal.set(Calendar.ERA, GregorianCalendar.BC); } else { cal.set(Calendar.ERA, GregorianCalendar.AD); } // this is a nice bug.... // if say the current day is 29... // then if we set the month to feb for example, and 29 doesn't // exist in that year, then the date screws up. cal.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, 2); cal.set(Calendar.MONTH, 2); if (!set_item(cal, Calendar.YEAR, year)) { return(null); } if (!set_item(cal, Calendar.MONTH, d[1] - 1)) { return(null); } if (!set_item(cal, Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, d[2])) { return(null); } // get time double[] t = parse_time(time); if (t == null) { return(null); } if (!set_item(cal, Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, (int)t[0])) { return(null); } if (!set_item(cal, Calendar.MINUTE, (int)t[1])) { return(null); } if (!set_item(cal, Calendar.SECOND, (int)t[2])) { return(null); } double ms = t[2] - ((int)t[2]); ms *= 1000; if (!set_item(cal, Calendar.MILLISECOND, (int)ms)) { return(null); } // get timezone int[] tz = null; XSDuration tzd = null; if (!string.ReferenceEquals(timezone, null)) { tz = parse_timezone(timezone); if (tz == null) { return(null); } tzd = new XSDayTimeDuration(0, tz[1], tz[2], 0.0, tz[0] < 0); } return(new XSDateTime(cal, tzd)); }