public MainWindow() { var sP = new SetPresence(); //Initializes the rich presence. sP.Initialize(); InitializeComponent(); //Loads saved stuff SaveSettings.FileLoader(); TickBoxLoader(); //Sets loaded list. BlockedWordsTextBox.Text = SaveSettings.LoadedList; //Title update check timer. TUChange = new DispatcherTimer(); TUChange.Tick += new EventHandler(TUChange_Tick); TUChange.Interval = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 1); TUChange.Start(); //Double clicking the tray icon notIco.DoubleClick += delegate(object sender, EventArgs args) { this.Show(); this.WindowState = WindowState.Normal; notIco.Visible = false; }; }
//Updates the presence when it detects a title change. private void UpdatePresence() { string newTitle = GetWindowTitle.GetFullTitle(); if (oldTitle != newTitle) { if (client != null) { client.Invoke(); } //TickBoxSaver(); CurrentlyOpen.Content = GetWindowTitle.GetCaptionOfActiveWindow(); CurrentProcessOpen.Content = GetWindowTitle.GetActiveProcessFileName(); SetPresence.StatText = CustomStatusText.Text; SetPresence.CustAppText = CustomAppText.Text; CustomAppText.MaxLength = 128; CustomStatusText.MaxLength = 128; oldTitle = newTitle; BlockedWordCheck(); var sP = new SetPresence(); sP.RPCUpdate(); } }
private void ForceUpdatePresence() { if (client != null) { client.Invoke(); } //TickBoxSaver(); CurrentlyOpen.Content = GetWindowTitle.GetCaptionOfActiveWindow(); SetPresence.StatText = CustomStatusText.Text; SetPresence.CustAppText = CustomAppText.Text; CustomAppText.MaxLength = 128; CustomStatusText.MaxLength = 128; BlockedWordCheck(); var sP = new SetPresence(); sP.RPCUpdate(); }