//Checks Window Title for blocked words public void BlockedWordCheck() { string WindowTitle = GetWindowTitle.GetCaptionOfActiveWindow(); string blockedWordsString = BlockedWordsTextBox.Text; string[] blockedWords = blockedWordsString.Split(' '); blockedWords = Array.ConvertAll(blockedWords, d => d.ToLower()); BlockList = blockedWordsString; if (blockedWordsString == "" || blockedWordsString == " ") { SetPresence.blockedWord = false; } else if (blockedWords.Any(WindowTitle.ToLower().Contains)) { SetPresence.blockedWord = true; } else { SetPresence.blockedWord = false; } }
//Updates the presence when it detects a title change. private void UpdatePresence() { string newTitle = GetWindowTitle.GetFullTitle(); if (oldTitle != newTitle) { if (client != null) { client.Invoke(); } //TickBoxSaver(); CurrentlyOpen.Content = GetWindowTitle.GetCaptionOfActiveWindow(); CurrentProcessOpen.Content = GetWindowTitle.GetActiveProcessFileName(); SetPresence.StatText = CustomStatusText.Text; SetPresence.CustAppText = CustomAppText.Text; CustomAppText.MaxLength = 128; CustomStatusText.MaxLength = 128; oldTitle = newTitle; BlockedWordCheck(); var sP = new SetPresence(); sP.RPCUpdate(); } }
private void ForceUpdatePresence() { if (client != null) { client.Invoke(); } //TickBoxSaver(); CurrentlyOpen.Content = GetWindowTitle.GetCaptionOfActiveWindow(); SetPresence.StatText = CustomStatusText.Text; SetPresence.CustAppText = CustomAppText.Text; CustomAppText.MaxLength = 128; CustomStatusText.MaxLength = 128; BlockedWordCheck(); var sP = new SetPresence(); sP.RPCUpdate(); }
//Updates the RPC public void RPCUpdate() { lit = "1.5"; //Browsers if (curOp.Contains("firefox")) { det = "Firefox"; lik = "firefox"; } else if (curOp.Contains("chrome")) { det = "Chrome"; lik = "chrome"; } else if (curOp.Contains("brave")) { det = "Brave"; lik = "brave"; } else if (curOp.Contains("iexplore")) { det = "Internet Explorer"; lik = "iexplore"; } else if (curOp.Contains("msedge")) { det = "Microsoft Edge"; lik = "edge"; } else if (curOp.Contains("opera")) { det = "Opera"; lik = "opera"; } //Chat else if (curOp.Contains("Discord")) { det = "Discord"; lik = "discord"; } else if (curOp.Contains("WhatsApp")) { det = "WhatsApp"; lik = "whatsapp"; } else if (curOp.Contains("Telegram")) { det = "Telegram"; lik = "telegram"; } else if (curOp.Contains("Zoom")) { det = "Zoom"; lik = "zoom"; } else if (curOp.Contains("Teams")) { det = "Microsoft Teams"; lik = "msteams"; } //Artistic else if (curOp.Contains("mspaint")) { det = "Microsoft Paint"; lik = "paint"; } else if (curOp.Contains("PaintDotNet")) { det = "paint.net"; lik = "pdn"; } else if (curOp.Contains("gimp")) { det = "GIMP"; lik = "gimp"; } else if (curOp.Contains("inkscape")) { det = "Inkscape"; lik = "inkscape"; } else if (curOp.Contains("Adobe Premiere Pro")) { det = "Adobe Premiere Pro"; lik = "prpro"; } else if (curOp.Contains("AfterFX")) { det = "Adobe After Effects"; lik = "aae"; } else if (curOp.Contains("VideoEditor") || curTit.Contains("VSDC")) { det = "VSDC Video Editor"; lik = "vsdc"; } else if (curOp.Contains("Photoshop")) { det = "Adobe Photoshop"; lik = "aps"; } else if (curTit.Contains("VEGAS Pro")) { det = "Vegas Pro"; lik = "vegas"; } //Gaming else if (curOp.Contains("steam")) { det = "Steam"; lik = "steam"; } else if (curOp.Contains("Minecraft") || curTit.Contains("Minecraft")) { det = "Playing:"; lik = "minecraft"; } //Coding else if (curOp.Contains("notepad++")) { det = "Notepad++"; lik = "nplusplus"; } else if (curOp.Contains("Unity") || curOp.Contains("Unity Hub")) { det = "Unity"; lik = "unity"; } else if (curOp.Contains("devenv")) { det = "Microsoft Visual Studio"; lik = "visualstudio"; } else if (curOp.Contains("Code") && curTit.Contains("Visual Studio Code")) { det = "Visual Studio Code"; lik = "vscode"; } //Media Players else if (curOp.Contains("vlc")) { det = "VLC Media Player"; lik = "vlc"; } else if (curOp.Contains("mpc-hc64")) { det = "Media Player Classic"; lik = "mpc"; } else if (curOp.Contains("AIMP")) { det = "AIMP"; lik = "AIMP"; } //Misc. else if (curOp == "") { det = "Idle"; lik = "desk"; } else if (curOp == "explorer" || curOp == "ShellExperienceHost" || curOp == "SearchApp") { det = "Explorer"; lik = "explorer"; } else if (curTit == "Calculator" && curOp == "ApplicationFrameHost") { det = "Calculator"; lik = "calc"; } else if (curTit == "Groove Music" && curOp == "ApplicationFrameHost") { det = "Grooving to some music:"; lik = "groove"; } else if (curOp == "Omniscient") { det = "looking into the void:"; lik = "omni_icon"; } //Default else { det = "Currently in app:"; lik = "no_icon"; } app = GetWindowTitle.GetCaptionOfActiveWindow(); if (det == app) { app = ""; } if (customStatus == true) { det = StatText; } if (customApp == true) { app = CustAppText; } if (blockedWord == true) { det = "Incognito"; app = ""; lik = "blocked"; } if (incognitoMode == true) { det = "Incognito"; app = ""; lik = "blocked"; } if (altTheme == true) { lik = lik + "_alt"; } client.SetPresence(new RichPresence() { Details = det, State = app, Assets = new Assets() { LargeImageKey = lik, LargeImageText = "Omniscient " + lit, SmallImageKey = "app_icon_w" } }); }