static void Main(string[] args) { ClinicalDocument_POCD_MT010011GB02 doc = new ClinicalDocument_POCD_MT010011GB02(); // Initialise the CDA document. #region set up entry class // Set up some config options //doc.Config.SchemaLocation = @"../../../SchemaLibrary/Schemas/POCD_MT000002UK01.xsd"; // Create the document doc.SetDocumentCodeLocal("DNA_CDA_DOC", "Did Not Attend Letter", "2.16.840.1.113883."); doc.Title = "Did Not Attend Notification to GP"; doc.SetEffectiveTime(DateTime.Parse("2012/09/07 15:42")); doc.ConfidentialityCode = CDAConfidentialityCode.Normal; doc.Id = new Guid("A709A442-3CF4-476E-8377-376500E829C9"); doc.SetId = new Guid("411910CF-1A76-4330-98FE-C345DDEE5553"); doc.VersionNumber = 1; #endregion // Create and add the "Record Target" participation - this is the details of the individual that the CDA // document is for ( i.e. the patient ). #region Add recordTarget :: TP145201GB01_PatientUniversal TP145201GB01_PatientUniversal rt = new TP145201GB01_PatientUniversal(); rt.AddPatientIdLocalNumber("WM1197955", "E87745:CAVENDISH HEALTH CENTRE"); rt.AddPatientIdNhsUntraced("6496618526"); rt.AddStructuredAddress( new AD_Helper { StreetLine1 = "Flat 5", StreetLine2 = "28 Devonshire Place", City = "London", Postcode = "W1G 6JG", Use = AD_AddressUse.HomeAddress, } ); rt.SetPatientBirthTime(new DateTime(1993, 01, 05), TS_Precision.Day); rt.SetPatientGenderCode(TP145201GB01_PatientUniversal.administrativeGender.Male); PN_Helper patient_name = new PN_Helper() { Given1 = "Edward", Family = "PHILLIPS", }; rt.SetPatientName(patient_name); rt.SetPatientLanguageCode("en"); doc.SetRecordTarget(rt); #endregion // // Add document author using templates // #region Add author :: TP145200GB01_AuthorPersonUniversal TP145200GB01_AuthorPersonUniversal author = new TP145200GB01_AuthorPersonUniversal(); author.SetAuthorIdNull(); author.SetAuthorCode("2.16.840.1.113883.", "NR0050", "Consultant"); author.AddStructuredAddress( new AD_Helper { StreetLine1 = "64 Victoria Street", StreetLine2 = "7th Floor", City = "London", Postcode = "SW1E 6QP", Use = AD_AddressUse.WorkPlace } ); author.SetPersonName( new PN_Helper { Given1 = "Janet", Family = "Ronalds", } ); author.SetOrgSDSOrgCode("RYX", "Central London Community Healthcare NHS Trust"); doc.AddAuthor(author, new DateTime(2012,09,07,15,42,0)); #endregion // // Add the data custodian // #region Add custodian TP145018UK03_CustodianOrganizationUniversal custodian = new TP145018UK03_CustodianOrganizationUniversal(); custodian.SetOrgSDSSiteCode("RYX", "Central London Community Healthcare NHS Trust"); doc.SetCustodian(custodian); #endregion // // Add the recipient(s) of the document // #region Add Information Recipient(s) TP145202GB02_RecipientPersonUniversal recipient1 = new TP145202GB02_RecipientPersonUniversal(); recipient1.AddLocalId("G8433547", "E87745:CAVENDISH HEALTH CENTRE"); PN_Helper name = new PN_Helper() { Given1 = "N", Family = "GIAM" }; recipient1.SetPersonName(name); recipient1.AddTelecom( new TEL_Helper() { Type = TEL_TelecomType.Telephone, URI = "020 74875244" } ); recipient1.SetOrgSDSOrgCode("E87745", "CAVENDISH HEALTH CENTRE"); doc.AddPrimaryInformationRecipient(recipient1); #endregion // // Add the structured text // #region Add Structured Text TP146229GB01_TextSection sTextDS1 = new TP146229GB01_TextSection(); sTextDS1.Title = "DNA Appointment"; sTextDS1.Text = "<content>You did not attend your appointment on 14/08/2012 at 12:00. As you failed to contact us or to cancel and rearrange the appointment we assume that you feel you do not need an appointment. We will therefore not be offering you another appointment. We have written to the person who referred you to inform them of our decision. Please feel free to contact them should wish to be referred again.</content>"; sTextDS1.Id = "7AFDCAD6-1CE3-45A6-A176-DDAC27F46C87"; doc.AddStructuredBodyTemplate(new Guid("7AFDCAD6-1CE3-45A6-A176-DDAC27F46C87"), sTextDS1); #endregion // // Create the CDA XML document at the specififed file location. // doc.CreateXML("NewTestCDA.xml"); }
static void DummyMain(string[] args) { ClinicalDocument_POCD_MT010011GB02 doc = new ClinicalDocument_POCD_MT010011GB02(); // Initialise the CDA document. #region set up entry class // Set up some config options doc.Config.SchemaLocation = @"../../../SchemaLibrary/Schemas/POCD_MT000002UK01.xsd"; // Create the document //doc.SetDocumentCodeSnomedCTComposition("25581000000101", "310061009", "Discharge from Gynaecology Service"); doc.SetDocumentCodeLocal("DISCH001", "Emergency Care Discharge", ""); doc.Title = "Discharge Report from Gynaecology Services Department"; doc.SetEffectiveTime(DateTime.Parse("2011/05/19 20:00:42")); doc.ConfidentialityCode = CDAConfidentialityCode.Normal; doc.Id = new Guid("A709A442-3CF4-476E-8377-376500E829C9"); doc.SetId = new Guid("411910CF-1A76-4330-98FE-C345DDEE5553"); doc.VersionNumber = 1; #endregion // Create and add the "Record Target" participation - this is the details of the individual that the CDA // document is for ( i.e. the patient ). #region Add recordTarget :: TP145201GB01_PatientUniversal TP145201GB01_PatientUniversal rt = new TP145201GB01_PatientUniversal(); rt.AddPatientIdLocalNumber("K12345", "RA9:SOUTH DEVON HEALTHCARE NHS FOUNDATION TRUST"); rt.AddPatientIdNhsTraced("1234567891"); rt.AddStructuredAddress( new AD_Helper { StreetLine1 = "99a County Lodge", StreetLine2 = "Woodtown", City = "Cheshire", Postcode = "CH7 FS1", Use = AD_AddressUse.HomeAddress, UseablePeriod = new IVLTS_Helper { Low = DateTime.Now, High = DateTime.Now } } ); rt.AddStructuredAddress( new AD_Helper { StreetLine1 = "Hightown Retirement Home", StreetLine2 = "2, Brancaster Road", StreetLine3 = "Medway", City = "Kent", Postcode = "ME5 FL5", Use = AD_AddressUse.PhysicalVisit } ); rt.AddTelecom( new TEL_Helper { Use = TEL_TelecomUse.Home, Type = TEL_TelecomType.Telephone, URI = "01634 775667" } ); rt.AddTelecom( new TEL_Helper { Use = TEL_TelecomUse.None, Type = TEL_TelecomType.Telephone, URI = "01634 775667" } ); rt.AddTelecom( new TEL_Helper { Use = TEL_TelecomUse.VacationHome, Type = TEL_TelecomType.Telephone, URI = "01634 451628" } ); rt.AddTelecom( new TEL_Helper { Use = TEL_TelecomUse.Home, Type = TEL_TelecomType.Email, URI = "*****@*****.**" } ); rt.SetPatientBirthTime(new DateTime(1949, 1, 1), TS_Precision.Day); rt.SetPatientGenderCode(TP145201GB01_PatientUniversal.administrativeGender.Male); PN_Helper patient_name = new PN_Helper() { Prefix = "Mr", Given1 = "Mark", Family = "Smith", Use = PN_NameUse.Preferred }; rt.SetPatientName(patient_name); rt.SetPatientLanguageCode("en"); rt.SetOrgSDSOrgCode("V396F", "Medway Medical Practice"); rt.AddOrgTelecom( new TEL_Helper { Use = TEL_TelecomUse.Home, Type = TEL_TelecomType.Email, URI = "*****@*****.**" } ); rt.SetOrgStructuredAddress( new AD_Helper { StreetLine1 = "Springer Street", StreetLine2 = "Medway", Postcode = "ME5 5TY", Use = AD_AddressUse.WorkPlace } ); doc.SetRecordTarget(rt); #endregion // // Add some document authors using templates // #region Add author :: TP145200GB01_AuthorPersonUniversal TP145200GB01_AuthorPersonUniversal author = new TP145200GB01_AuthorPersonUniversal(); author.SetAuthorIdSDS("userid"); author.SetAuthorCode("2.16.840.1.113883.", "OOH02", "Nurse Practitioner"); author.AddTelecom( new TEL_Helper { Type = TEL_TelecomType.Telephone, Use = TEL_TelecomUse.AnsweringService, URI = "0123456789" } ); author.AddTelecom( new TEL_Helper { Type = TEL_TelecomType.Fax, Use = TEL_TelecomUse.EmergencyContact, URI = "1111456789" } ); author.AddStructuredAddress( new AD_Helper { StreetLine1 = "The Clinic", StreetLine2 = "23a, The High Street", StreetLine3 = "Someplace", City = "SomeTown", Postcode = "AA12 3TT", Use = AD_AddressUse.WorkPlace } ); author.SetPersonName( new PN_Helper { Prefix = "Dr", Given1 = "Mary", Given2 = "Louise", Family = "Jones", Suffix = "O.B.E.", Use = PN_NameUse.PreviousBirth } ); author.SetOrgSDSOrgCode("5L399", "Medway NHS Foundation Trust"); doc.AddAuthor(author, new DateTime(2011, 05, 19, 20, 00, 0, 0)); #endregion #region Add author :: TP145207GB01_AuthorDeviceUniversal TP145207GB01_AuthorDeviceUniversal authorDevice = new TP145207GB01_AuthorDeviceUniversal(); authorDevice.SetAuthorIdNull(); authorDevice.SetManufacturerModelName("Motiva", "GT2001", "name goes here"); authorDevice.SetSoftwareName("Software name goes here"); authorDevice.SetOrgSDSOrgCode("XX123", "Test Trust Name"); doc.AddAuthor(authorDevice, new DateTime(2009, 05, 18, 00, 01, 0, 0)); #endregion #region Add author :: TP145212GB02_WorkgroupUniversal TP145212GB02_WorkgroupUniversal authorWG = new TP145212GB02_WorkgroupUniversal(); authorWG.SetId("1.2.826.0.1285.", "102016309999"); authorWG.SetCode("ABC123", "Care Team"); authorWG.AddTelecom( new TEL_Helper { URI = "*****@*****.**", Type = TEL_TelecomType.Email, Use = TEL_TelecomUse.VacationHome } ); authorWG.SetOrgSDSOrgCode("V396AA", "East Cheshire NHS Trust"); PN_Helper authorWG_name = new PN_Helper() { Prefix = "Mrs", Given1 = "Jessica", Given2 = "Jane", Family = "Brown", Suffix = "OBE" }; authorWG.SetPersonName(authorWG_name); doc.AddAuthor(authorWG, DateTime.Parse("2010/10/20 15:15:00")); #endregion #region Add author :: TP145208GB01_AuthorNonNamedPersonUniversal TP145208GB01_AuthorNonNamedPersonUniversal authorNNP = new TP145208GB01_AuthorNonNamedPersonUniversal(); authorNNP.SetAuthorIdNull(); authorNNP.SetAuthorCode("NR0620", "Staff Nurse"); authorNNP.SetOrgSDSSiteCode("V396", "East Cheshire NHS Trust"); doc.AddAuthor(authorNNP, DateTime.Parse("2010/10/20 15:15:00")); #endregion // // Add the data enterer // #region Add dataEnterer TP145205GB01_PersonUniversal de = new TP145205GB01_PersonUniversal(); de.AddId("2.16.840.1.113883.", "100"); PN_Helper this_name = new PN_Helper() { Given1 = "Steve", Family = "Stafford" }; de.SetPersonName(this_name); doc.AddDataEnterer(de); #endregion // // Add the data informant // #region Add informant TP145007UK03_RelatedEntity informant = new TP145007UK03_RelatedEntity(); informant.SetPersonRelationTypeCode("01", "Spouse"); informant.SetStructuredAddress( new AD_Helper { StreetLine1 = "The Laurels", StreetLine2 = "Pleasant Village", StreetLine3 = "Niceplace", City = "LovelyTown", Postcode = "AA22 9LJ", Use = AD_AddressUse.HomeAddress } ); informant.SetPersonName( new PN_Helper { Prefix = "Miss", Given1 = "Abigail", Family = "Anderson", Use = PN_NameUse.None } ); informant.SetTelecom( new TEL_Helper { Type = TEL_TelecomType.Email, Use = TEL_TelecomUse.Home, URI = "*****@*****.**" } ); doc.AddInformant(informant); #endregion // // Add the data custodian // #region Add custodian TP145018UK03_CustodianOrganizationUniversal custodian = new TP145018UK03_CustodianOrganizationUniversal(); custodian.SetOrgSDSSiteCode("SL3", "Medway NHS Foundation Trust"); doc.SetCustodian(custodian); #endregion // // Add the recipients of the document ( there are two in this example ) // #region Add Information Recipient(s) #region TP145202GB01 TP145202GB01_RecipientPersonUniversal recipient1 = new TP145202GB01_RecipientPersonUniversal(); recipient1.SetJobRoleCode("NR0600", "Specialist Nurse Practitioner"); recipient1.AddId("2.16.840.1.113883.", "1234512345"); PN_Helper name = new PN_Helper() { Prefix = "Mr", Given1 = "Terence", Family = "Hall" }; recipient1.SetPersonName(name); recipient1.SetJobRoleCode("AA1122", "Job Role goes here"); recipient1.AddTelecom( new TEL_Helper() { Type = TEL_TelecomType.Email, URI = "*****@*****.**" } ); recipient1.SetOrgSDSOrgCode("V396A", "Medway PCT"); doc.AddPrimaryInformationRecipient(recipient1); #endregion #region TP145202GB02 TP145202GB02_RecipientPersonUniversal recipient2 = new TP145202GB02_RecipientPersonUniversal(); recipient2.SetJobRoleCode("NR0260", "General Medical Practitioner"); recipient2.SetIdNull(); recipient2.SetPersonName( new PN_Helper() { Given1 = "Pauline", Family = "Shelley" } ); recipient2.AddTelecom( new TEL_Helper() { Type = TEL_TelecomType.Email, URI = "*****@*****.**" } ); recipient2.SetAddress( new AD_Helper() { StreetLine1 = "The Vicarage", StreetLine2 = "Oak Lane", City = "Pleasant Town", Postcode = "AA11 1ZZ" } ); recipient2.SetOrgSDSSiteCode("W123A", "Medway Medical Practice"); doc.AddTrackerInformationRecipient(recipient2); #endregion #region TP145203GB02 TP145203GB02_RecipientOrganizationUniversal recipient3 = new TP145203GB02_RecipientOrganizationUniversal(); name = new PN_Helper() { Given1 = "Pauline", Family = "Shelley" }; recipient3.AddTelecom( new TEL_Helper() { Type = TEL_TelecomType.Email, URI = "*****@*****.**" } ); recipient3.AddTelecom( new TEL_Helper() { Type = TEL_TelecomType.Telephone, URI = "0113 2000000" } ); recipient3.SetOrgSDSSiteCode("W123A", "Medway Medical Practice"); doc.AddPrimaryInformationRecipient(recipient3); #endregion #region TP145203GB03 TP145203GB03_RecipientOrganizationUniversal recipient4 = new TP145203GB03_RecipientOrganizationUniversal(); name = new PN_Helper() { Given1 = "Pauline", Family = "Shelley" }; recipient4.AddTelecom( new TEL_Helper() { Type = TEL_TelecomType.Email, URI = "*****@*****.**" } ); recipient4.AddTelecom( new TEL_Helper() { Type = TEL_TelecomType.Telephone, URI = "0113 2000000" } ); recipient4.SetAddress( new AD_Helper() { StreetLine1 = "The Vicarage", StreetLine2 = "Oak Lane", City = "Pleasant Town", Postcode = "AA11 1ZZ" } ); recipient4.SetOrgSDSSiteCode("W123A", "Medway Medical Practice"); doc.AddPrimaryInformationRecipient(recipient4); #endregion #region TP145204GB02 TP145204GB02_RecipientWorkgroupUniversal recipient5 = new TP145204GB02_RecipientWorkgroupUniversal(); #endregion #endregion // // Add the document authenticator // #region Add authenticator TP145205GB01_PersonUniversal authenticator = new TP145205GB01_PersonUniversal(); authenticator.AddId("2.16.840.1.113883.", "100"); PN_Helper this_auth_name = new PN_Helper() { Given1 = "Bruce", Family = "Berresford" }; authenticator.SetPersonName(this_auth_name); doc.AddAuthenticator(authenticator, new DateTime(2011, 05, 19, 20, 15, 0, 0)); #endregion // // Add extra participations // #region Add participant TP145214GB01_DocumentParticipantUniversal participant = new TP145214GB01_DocumentParticipantUniversal(TP145214GB01_DocumentParticipantUniversal.ClassCode.Assigned); participant.AddId("2.16.840.1.113883.", "000000000"); participant.SetOrgSDSOrgCode("V396AA", "Medway PCT"); participant.SetPersonName( new PN_Helper { UnstructuredName = "Bill Lydon" } ); doc.AddParticipant(participant, CDAParticipationType.WIT, CDAParticipationFunction.ADMPHYS); TP145007UK03_RelatedEntity template_participant2 = new TP145007UK03_RelatedEntity(); // Set the person relationship type for the participant template_participant2.SetPersonRelationTypeCode("01", "Spouse"); // Set the name of the participant template_participant2.SetPersonName( new PN_Helper { UnstructuredName = "Hector Maynard" } ); // Add the participant template to the CDA document, specifying type of participation. doc.AddParticipant(template_participant2, CDAParticipationType.CALLBCK); #endregion // // Add authrozation/consent // #region Add authrozation/consent TP146226GB02_Consent auth = new TP146226GB02_Consent(); auth.AddId(Guid.NewGuid()); auth.SetCode(OIDStore.OIDCodeSystemSnomedCT, "319951000000105", "consent given to share patient data with specified third party"); doc.AddAuthorization(auth); TP146226GB02_Consent auth2 = new TP146226GB02_Consent(); auth2.AddId("AA234KL", "XX00:ABC NHS TRUST"); auth2.SetCodeSnomedCT("319951000000105", "consent given to share patient data with specified third party"); doc.AddAuthorization(auth2); #endregion // // Add a Service Event // #region Add a service event #region #1 TP146227GB02_ServiceEvent template_serviceEvent = new TP146227GB02_ServiceEvent(TP146227GB02_ServiceEvent.ActCode.PROC); // Add the GUID id for the service event. template_serviceEvent.AddId(new Guid("8371D2F1-123F-4A14-A1AC-C6C8023103CF")); // Add a code ( SNOMED ) for the type of service event being described. template_serviceEvent.SetCodeSnomedCT("73761001", "colonoscopy"); // Add a timespan for the service event. template_serviceEvent.SetEffectiveTime( new IVLTS_Helper { Low = DateTime.Parse("2011/05/19 20:00"), LowPrecision = TS_Precision.Minute, High = DateTime.Parse("2011/05/19 20:45"), HighPrecision = TS_Precision.Minute } ); // Add a 'performer' using template :: TP145210GB01_PersonWithOrganizationUniversal TP145210GB01_PersonWithOrganizationUniversal template_serviceEventPerformer1 = new TP145210GB01_PersonWithOrganizationUniversal(); // No id available so use a NULL template_serviceEventPerformer1.SetIdNull(); // Add the performer's name template_serviceEventPerformer1.SetPersonName( new PN_Helper { Given1 = "Joe", Family = "Bloggs" } ); // Set the performer's organisation template_serviceEventPerformer1.SetOrgSDSOrgCode("8785675885765767", "xx organisation"); // Add the performer to the service event template // Note : This is very clunky, needs to be fixed in a future release. template_serviceEvent.AddPerformer( template_serviceEventPerformer1, nhs.itk.hl7v3.cda.classes.p_performer_000091.serviceEventPerformer.PRF, null ); #endregion // Add the service event template to the CDA document. doc.AddDocumentationOf(template_serviceEvent); #region #2 TP146227GB02_ServiceEvent se = new TP146227GB02_ServiceEvent(TP146227GB02_ServiceEvent.ActCode.PROC); se.AddId(new Guid("8371D2F1-123F-4A14-A1AC-C6C8023103CF")); se.SetCode(OIDStore.OIDCodeSystemSnomedCT, "73761001", "colonoscopy"); se.SetEffectiveTime( new IVLTS_Helper { Low = DateTime.Parse("2011/03/12 09:00"), LowPrecision = TS_Precision.Minute, High = DateTime.Parse("2011/04/12 09:45"), HighPrecision = TS_Precision.Minute } ); TP145212GB02_WorkgroupUniversal serviceEventPerformer1 = new TP145212GB02_WorkgroupUniversal(); serviceEventPerformer1.SetId("1.2.826.0.1285.", "102016309999"); serviceEventPerformer1.SetCode("2.16.840.1.113883.", "01", "CHC Team"); serviceEventPerformer1.SetOrgSDSOrgCode("V396AA", "East Cheshire NHS Trust"); PN_Helper seName = new PN_Helper() { Given1 = "Mary", Family = "Mooney" }; serviceEventPerformer1.SetPersonName(seName); se.AddPerformer( serviceEventPerformer1, p_performer_000091.serviceEventPerformer.PRF, p_performer_000091.participationFunction.MDWF, new IVLTS_Helper() { Low = DateTime.Parse("2011/08/12 09:45"), LowPrecision = TS_Precision.Second, } ); se.AddPerformer( serviceEventPerformer1, p_performer_000091.serviceEventPerformer.SPRF, null ); #endregion //doc.AddDocumentationOf(se); #endregion // // Add the encompassing encounter // #region Add the encompassing encounter TP146228GB01_EncompassingEncounter ee = new TP146228GB01_EncompassingEncounter(); // // Populate the entry class // ee.AddId(new Guid("3D3B95B5-24AA-42ED-9F77-BE7ECEB78C3E")); ee.SetCode("2.16.840.1.113883.", "11429006", "Consultation"); ee.SetEffectiveTime( new IVLTS_Helper { Low = new DateTime(2011, 05, 19, 19, 45, 0), LowPrecision = TS_Precision.Second, High = new DateTime(2011, 05, 19, 20, 15, 0), HighPrecision = TS_Precision.Second } ); ee.SetDischargeDispositionCodeNull(); #region location :: TP145211GB01_HealthCareFacilityUniversal // // Populate the location (health care facility) participation // TP145211GB01_HealthCareFacilityUniversal hcf = new TP145211GB01_HealthCareFacilityUniversal(); hcf.AddId("", "testID001"); hcf.AddLocalId("MyLocalID002", "ZZ1:MY TEST TRUST"); hcf.SetCareSettingTypeCode("313161000000107", "Example Care Setting"); hcf.SetPlaceName("The Acme Care Clinic"); //hcf.SetPlaceNameNullNI(); hcf.SetPlaceAddress( new AD_Helper { StreetLine1 = "ACME House", StreetLine2 = "45 New Lane", StreetLine3 = "Someplace", City = "SomeTown", Postcode = "KL12 9HY", Use = AD_AddressUse.PostalAddress } ); hcf.SetOrgSDSOrgCode("XX123", "Test Trust Name"); ee.SetLocationTemplate(hcf); #endregion #region encounterParticipant :: TP145212GB02_WorkgroupUniversal TP145212GB02_WorkgroupUniversal att_part = new TP145212GB02_WorkgroupUniversal(); att_part.SetId("", "myId00002"); att_part.SetCodeNull(); //att_part.SetCode("code001"); att_part.SetPersonName( new PN_Helper { Prefix = "Miss", Given1 = "Abigail", Family = "Anderson", Use = PN_NameUse.None } ); att_part.SetOrgSDSSiteCode("V396", "East Cheshire NHS Trust"); ee.AddEncounterParticipantTemplate( att_part, p_participation_000089.EncounterParticipationType.Consultant, new IVLTS_Helper { Low = DateTime.Parse("2011/03/12 09:00"), LowPrecision = TS_Precision.Minute, High = DateTime.Parse("2011/04/12 09:45"), HighPrecision = TS_Precision.Minute } ); ee.AddEncounterParticipantTemplate( att_part, p_participation_000089.EncounterParticipationType.Referrer ); #endregion #region responsibleParty :: TP145210GB01_PersonWithOrganizationUniversa TP145210GB01_PersonWithOrganizationUniversal respParty = new TP145210GB01_PersonWithOrganizationUniversal(); //respParty.AddId(new HL7V3_II(HL7V3_NullType.NoInformation)); respParty.SetIdNull(); respParty.SetCode("R0100", "Medical Director"); PN_Helper this_name1 = new PN_Helper() { Prefix = "Mr", Given1 = "Dave", Family = "Donaldson" }; respParty.SetPersonName(this_name1); respParty.SetOrgSDSOrgCode("VDE232323", "Medway South Out of Hours Centre"); ee.SetResponsiblePartyTemplate(respParty); #endregion // doc.AddComponentOf(ee); #endregion // // Add a related parent document // #region Add a related parent document act_CDAParentDocument pd1 = new act_CDAParentDocument(); pd1.Id = Guid.NewGuid(); pd1.SetId = Guid.NewGuid(); pd1.VersionNumber = 2; // pd1.SetCodeSnomedCT("185291000000100", "Emergency Department Report"); doc.AddRelatedDocument(pd1); #endregion // // Add the structured text // #region Add Structured Text TP146229GB01_TextSection sTextDS1 = new TP146229GB01_TextSection(); sTextDS1.Title = "Document Section"; sTextDS1.Text = "<content>Some Text</content>"; sTextDS1.Id = "E27F4264-C005-4BC3-BFA1-57C3E64B30B7"; #region Create/Add Author TP145200GB01_AuthorPersonUniversal text_author = new TP145200GB01_AuthorPersonUniversal(); text_author.AddAuthorId("2.16.840.1.113883.", "101"); text_author.SetAuthorCode("2.16.840.1.113883.", "OOH02", "Nurse Practitioner"); text_author.SetPersonName( new PN_Helper { Prefix = "Miss", Given1 = "Mary", Given2 = "Molly", Family = "McDonald" } ); text_author.SetOrgSDSSiteCode("AB345", "Medway South Out of Hours Centre"); sTextDS1.SetAuthorTemplate(text_author, new DateTime(2007, 08, 01, 20, 11,12)); #endregion doc.AddStructuredBodyTemplate(sTextDS1); TP146229GB01_TextSection sTextDS2 = new TP146229GB01_TextSection() { Title = "Document Section", Text = "<content>Some Text</content>", Id = "773110DB-288F-4B32-8DE1-362646A65E9A" }; doc.AddStructuredBodyTemplate(sTextDS2); TP146229GB01_TextSection sTextDS3 = new TP146229GB01_TextSection() { Title = "Document Section", Text = "<content>Some Text</content>", Id = "8271D2F1-123F-4A14-A1AC-C6C8023203CF" }; sTextDS3.section.Add( new TP146229GB01_TextSection.TextSubSection() { Text = "<content>SUB SECTION TEXT</content>", Id = Guid.NewGuid() } ); doc.AddStructuredBodyTemplate(sTextDS3); #endregion // // Add a "ReferenceURL" Coded entry // #region Entry : ReferenceURL TP146248GB01_ReferenceURL entryURL = new TP146248GB01_ReferenceURL(); entryURL.SetCodeURL(); //entryURL.SetCode("2.16.840.1.113883.", "01", "URL"); entryURL.SetId(new Guid("7DAC2CE0-AE1A-11EC-98EE-B18E1E0994CD")); entryURL.SetReferenceURL(""); string entryId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString().ToUpper(); doc.AddEntryTemplate(entryURL); #endregion // // Add an "Attachment" Coded entry // #region Entry : Attachment TP146224GB02_Attachment entryAttachement = new TP146224GB02_Attachment(); entryAttachement.SetId(Guid.NewGuid()); entryAttachement.SetAttachmentB64("text/xml", "../../TestData/anAttachment.xml"); #region attachment:subject TP145213GB01_RelatedSubject subject = new TP145213GB01_RelatedSubject(); subject.AddStructuredAddress( new AD_Helper { StreetLine1 = "The Lodge", StreetLine2 = "Pleasant Village", StreetLine3 = "Niceplace", City = "LovelyTown", Postcode = "AA22 9LJ", Use = AD_AddressUse.HomeAddress } ); subject.AddTelecom( new TEL_Helper { Type = TEL_TelecomType.Email, Use = TEL_TelecomUse.Home, URI = "*****@*****.**" } ); subject.AddPersonName( new PN_Helper { UnstructuredName = "Bill Lydon" } ); subject.AddPersonName( new PN_Helper { Prefix = "Miss", Given1 = "Tabitha", Family = "Taylor", Use = PN_NameUse.None } ); subject.SetBirthTime(new DateTime(1949, 2, 1), TS_Precision.Day); subject.SetGenderCode(TP145213GB01_RelatedSubject.administrativeGender.Male); entryAttachement.AddSubjectTemplate(subject, CDATargetAwareness.MarginallyAware); #endregion #region attachment:author TP145208GB01_AuthorNonNamedPersonUniversal att_author = new TP145208GB01_AuthorNonNamedPersonUniversal(); att_author.SetAuthorIdNull(); att_author.SetAuthorCode("NR0620", "Staff Nurse"); att_author.SetOrgSDSSiteCode("V396", "East Cheshire NHS Trust"); entryAttachement.SetAuthorTemplate(att_author, DateTime.Parse("2010/10/20 15:15:00")); #endregion #region attachment:informant TP145007UK03_RelatedEntity att_informant = new TP145007UK03_RelatedEntity(); att_informant.SetPersonRelationTypeCode("01", "Spouse"); att_informant.SetStructuredAddress( new AD_Helper { StreetLine1 = "The Laurels", StreetLine2 = "Pleasant Village", StreetLine3 = "Niceplace", City = "LovelyTown", Postcode = "AA22 9LJ", Use = AD_AddressUse.HomeAddress } ); att_informant.SetPersonName( new PN_Helper { Prefix = "Miss", Given1 = "Abigail", Family = "Anderson", Use = PN_NameUse.None } ); att_informant.SetTelecom( new TEL_Helper { Type = TEL_TelecomType.Email, Use = TEL_TelecomUse.Home, URI = "*****@*****.**" } ); entryAttachement.SetInformantTemplate(att_informant); #endregion doc.AddEntryTemplate(entryAttachement); #endregion // // Create the CDA XML document at the specififed file location. // doc.CreateXML("NewTestCDA.xml"); }