private void WriteSolid(Solid solid) { this.chunk.Write(100, SubclassMarker.Solid); // the vertexes are stored in OCS this.chunk.Write(10, solid.FirstVertex.X); this.chunk.Write(20, solid.FirstVertex.Y); this.chunk.Write(30, solid.Elevation); this.chunk.Write(11, solid.SecondVertex.X); this.chunk.Write(21, solid.SecondVertex.Y); this.chunk.Write(31, solid.Elevation); this.chunk.Write(12, solid.ThirdVertex.X); this.chunk.Write(22, solid.ThirdVertex.Y); this.chunk.Write(32, solid.Elevation); this.chunk.Write(13, solid.FourthVertex.X); this.chunk.Write(23, solid.FourthVertex.Y); this.chunk.Write(33, solid.Elevation); this.chunk.Write(39, solid.Thickness); this.chunk.Write(210, solid.Normal.X); this.chunk.Write(220, solid.Normal.Y); this.chunk.Write(230, solid.Normal.Z); this.WriteXData(solid.XData); }
private Solid ReadSolid(ref CodeValuePair code) { var solid = new Solid(); Vector3d v0 = Vector3d.Zero; Vector3d v1 = Vector3d.Zero; Vector3d v2 = Vector3d.Zero; Vector3d v3 = Vector3d.Zero; Vector3d normal = Vector3d.UnitZ; Dictionary<ApplicationRegistry, XData> xData = new Dictionary<ApplicationRegistry, XData>(); code = this.ReadCodePair(); while (code.Code != 0) { switch (code.Code) { case 5: solid.Handle = code.Value; code = this.ReadCodePair(); break; case 8: //layer code solid.Layer = this.GetLayer(code.Value); code = this.ReadCodePair(); break; case 62: //aci color code solid.Color = new AciColor(short.Parse(code.Value)); code = this.ReadCodePair(); break; case 6: //type line code solid.LineType = this.GetLineType(code.Value); code = this.ReadCodePair(); break; case 10: v0.X = double.Parse(code.Value); code = this.ReadCodePair(); break; case 20: v0.Y = double.Parse(code.Value); code = this.ReadCodePair(); break; case 30: v0.Z = double.Parse(code.Value); code = this.ReadCodePair(); break; case 11: v1.X = double.Parse(code.Value); code = this.ReadCodePair(); break; case 21: v1.Y = double.Parse(code.Value); code = this.ReadCodePair(); break; case 31: v1.Z = double.Parse(code.Value); code = this.ReadCodePair(); break; case 12: v2.X = double.Parse(code.Value); code = this.ReadCodePair(); break; case 22: v2.Y = double.Parse(code.Value); code = this.ReadCodePair(); break; case 32: v2.Z = double.Parse(code.Value); code = this.ReadCodePair(); break; case 13: v3.X = double.Parse(code.Value); code = this.ReadCodePair(); break; case 23: v3.Y = double.Parse(code.Value); code = this.ReadCodePair(); break; case 33: v3.Z = double.Parse(code.Value); code = this.ReadCodePair(); break; case 70: solid.Thickness = float.Parse(code.Value); code = this.ReadCodePair(); break; case 210: normal.X = double.Parse(code.Value); code = this.ReadCodePair(); break; case 220: normal.Y = double.Parse(code.Value); code = this.ReadCodePair(); break; case 230: normal.Z = double.Parse(code.Value); code = this.ReadCodePair(); break; case 1001: XData xDataItem = this.ReadXDataRecord(code.Value, ref code); xData.Add(xDataItem.ApplicationRegistry, xDataItem); break; default: if (code.Code >= 1000 && code.Code <= 1071) throw new DxfInvalidCodeValueEntityException(code.Code, code.Value, this.file, "The extended data of an entity must start with the application registry code " + this.fileLine); code = this.ReadCodePair(); break; } } solid.FirstVertex = v0; solid.SecondVertex = v1; solid.ThirdVertex = v2; solid.FourthVertex = v3; solid.Normal = normal; solid.XData = xData; return solid; }
private static EntityObject EndArrowHead(Vector2 position, double rotation, DimensionStyle style) { Block block = style.DimArrow2; if (block == null) { Vector2 arrowRef = Vector2.Polar(position, -style.ArrowSize*style.DimScaleOverall, rotation); Solid arrow = new Solid(position, Vector2.Polar(arrowRef, -(style.ArrowSize/6)*style.DimScaleOverall, rotation + MathHelper.HalfPI), Vector2.Polar(arrowRef, (style.ArrowSize/6)*style.DimScaleOverall, rotation + MathHelper.HalfPI)) { Color = style.DimLineColor }; return arrow; } else { Insert arrow = new Insert(block, position) { Color = style.DimLineColor, Scale = new Vector3(style.ArrowSize*style.DimScaleOverall), Rotation = rotation*MathHelper.RadToDeg, Lineweight = style.DimLineLineweight }; return arrow; } }
private void WriteSolid(Solid solid) { if (this.activeSection != StringCode.EntitiesSection && !this.isBlockEntities) { throw new InvalidDxfSectionException(this.activeSection, this.file); } this.WriteCodePair(0, solid.CodeName); this.WriteCodePair(5, solid.Handle); this.WriteCodePair(100, SubclassMarker.Entity); this.WriteEntityCommonCodes(solid); this.WriteCodePair(100, SubclassMarker.Solid); this.WriteCodePair(10, solid.FirstVertex.X); this.WriteCodePair(20, solid.FirstVertex.Y); this.WriteCodePair(30, solid.FirstVertex.Z); this.WriteCodePair(11, solid.SecondVertex.X); this.WriteCodePair(21, solid.SecondVertex.Y); this.WriteCodePair(31, solid.SecondVertex.Z); this.WriteCodePair(12, solid.ThirdVertex.X); this.WriteCodePair(22, solid.ThirdVertex.Y); this.WriteCodePair(32, solid.ThirdVertex.Z); this.WriteCodePair(13, solid.FourthVertex.X); this.WriteCodePair(23, solid.FourthVertex.Y); this.WriteCodePair(33, solid.FourthVertex.Z); this.WriteCodePair(39, solid.Thickness); this.WriteCodePair(210, solid.Normal.X); this.WriteCodePair(220, solid.Normal.Y); this.WriteCodePair(230, solid.Normal.Z); this.WriteXData(solid.XData); }
private static EntityObject EndArrowHead(Vector2 position, double rotation, DimensionStyle style) { Block block = style.DIMSAH ? style.DIMBLK2 : style.DIMBLK; if (block == null) { Vector2 arrowRef = Vector2.Polar(position, -style.DIMASZ*style.DIMSCALE, rotation); Solid arrow = new Solid(position, Vector2.Polar(arrowRef, -(style.DIMASZ/6)*style.DIMSCALE, rotation + MathHelper.HalfPI), Vector2.Polar(arrowRef, (style.DIMASZ/6)*style.DIMSCALE, rotation + MathHelper.HalfPI)) { Color = style.DIMCLRD }; return arrow; } else { Insert arrow = new Insert(block, position) { Color = style.DIMCLRD, Scale = new Vector3(style.DIMASZ*style.DIMSCALE), Rotation = rotation*MathHelper.RadToDeg }; return arrow; } }
private Solid ReadSolid() { Vector3 v0 = Vector3.Zero; Vector3 v1 = Vector3.Zero; Vector3 v2 = Vector3.Zero; Vector3 v3 = Vector3.Zero; double thickness = 0.0; Vector3 normal = Vector3.UnitZ; List<XData> xData = new List<XData>(); this.chunk.Next(); while (this.chunk.Code != 0) { switch (this.chunk.Code) { case 10: v0.X = this.chunk.ReadDouble(); this.chunk.Next(); break; case 20: v0.Y = this.chunk.ReadDouble(); this.chunk.Next(); break; case 30: v0.Z = this.chunk.ReadDouble(); this.chunk.Next(); break; case 11: v1.X = this.chunk.ReadDouble(); this.chunk.Next(); break; case 21: v1.Y = this.chunk.ReadDouble(); this.chunk.Next(); break; case 31: v1.Z = this.chunk.ReadDouble(); this.chunk.Next(); break; case 12: v2.X = this.chunk.ReadDouble(); this.chunk.Next(); break; case 22: v2.Y = this.chunk.ReadDouble(); this.chunk.Next(); break; case 32: v2.Z = this.chunk.ReadDouble(); this.chunk.Next(); break; case 13: v3.X = this.chunk.ReadDouble(); this.chunk.Next(); break; case 23: v3.Y = this.chunk.ReadDouble(); this.chunk.Next(); break; case 33: v3.Z = this.chunk.ReadDouble(); this.chunk.Next(); break; case 70: thickness = this.chunk.ReadDouble(); this.chunk.Next(); break; case 210: normal.X = this.chunk.ReadDouble(); this.chunk.Next(); break; case 220: normal.Y = this.chunk.ReadDouble(); this.chunk.Next(); break; case 230: normal.Z = this.chunk.ReadDouble(); this.chunk.Next(); break; case 1001: string appId = this.DecodeEncodedNonAsciiCharacters(this.chunk.ReadString()); XData data = this.ReadXDataRecord(this.GetApplicationRegistry(appId)); xData.Add(data); break; default: if (this.chunk.Code >= 1000 && this.chunk.Code <= 1071) throw new Exception("The extended data of an entity must start with the application registry code."); this.chunk.Next(); break; } } Solid entity = new Solid { FirstVertex = new Vector2(v0.X, v0.Y), SecondVertex = new Vector2(v1.X, v1.Y), ThirdVertex = new Vector2(v2.X, v2.Y), FourthVertex = new Vector2(v3.X, v3.Y), Elevation = v0.Z, Thickness = thickness, Normal = normal }; entity.XData.AddRange(xData); return entity; }
/// <summary> /// Gets the the block that contains the entities that make up the dimension picture. /// </summary> /// <param name="name">Name to be asigned to the generated block.</param> /// <returns>The block that represents the actual dimension.</returns> internal override Block BuildBlock(string name) { // we will build the dimension block in object coordinates with normal the dimension normal Vector3 refPoint = MathHelper.Transform(this.startFirstLine, this.normal, MathHelper.CoordinateSystem.World, MathHelper.CoordinateSystem.Object); Vector2 refStartFirst = new Vector2(refPoint.X, refPoint.Y); double elev = refPoint.Z; refPoint = MathHelper.Transform(this.endFirstLine, this.normal, MathHelper.CoordinateSystem.World, MathHelper.CoordinateSystem.Object); Vector2 refEndFirst = new Vector2(refPoint.X, refPoint.Y); refPoint = MathHelper.Transform(this.startSecondLine, this.normal, MathHelper.CoordinateSystem.World, MathHelper.CoordinateSystem.Object); Vector2 refStartSecond = new Vector2(refPoint.X, refPoint.Y); refPoint = MathHelper.Transform(this.endSecondLine, this.normal, MathHelper.CoordinateSystem.World, MathHelper.CoordinateSystem.Object); Vector2 refEndSecond = new Vector2(refPoint.X, refPoint.Y); double startAngle = Vector2.Angle(refStartFirst, refEndFirst); double endAngle = Vector2.Angle(refStartSecond, refEndSecond); Vector2 centerRef; MathHelper.FindIntersection(refStartFirst, refEndFirst - refStartFirst, refStartSecond, refEndSecond - refStartSecond, out centerRef); // reference points Layer defPoints = new Layer("Defpoints") { Plot = false }; Point startFirstPoint = new Point(refStartFirst) { Layer = defPoints }; Point endFirstPoint = new Point(refEndFirst) { Layer = defPoints }; Point startSecondPoint = new Point(refStartSecond) { Layer = defPoints }; Point endSecondPoint = new Point(refEndSecond) { Layer = defPoints }; // dimension lines Vector2 startArc = Vector2.Polar(centerRef, this.offset, startAngle); Line startBorder = new Line(Vector2.Polar(refEndFirst,, startAngle), Vector2.Polar(startArc,, startAngle)); Vector2 endArc = Vector2.Polar(centerRef, this.offset, endAngle); Line endBorder = new Line(Vector2.Polar(refEndSecond,, endAngle), Vector2.Polar(endArc,, endAngle)); Arc dimArc = new Arc(centerRef, this.offset, startAngle * MathHelper.RadToDeg, endAngle * MathHelper.RadToDeg); // dimension arrows Vector2 arrowRefBegin = Vector2.Polar(startArc,, startAngle + MathHelper.HalfPI); Solid arrowBegin = new Solid(startArc, Vector2.Polar(arrowRefBegin, / 6, startAngle), Vector2.Polar(arrowRefBegin, / 6, startAngle), startArc); Vector2 arrowRefEnd = Vector2.Polar(endArc,, endAngle + MathHelper.HalfPI); Solid arrowEnd = new Solid(endArc, Vector2.Polar(arrowRefEnd, / 6, endAngle), Vector2.Polar(arrowRefEnd, / 6, endAngle), endArc); // dimension text double aperture = this.Value; double rotText = Vector2.Angle(endArc, startArc); Vector2 midText = Vector2.Polar(centerRef, this.offset +, startAngle + aperture * MathHelper.DegToRad * 0.5); this.definitionPoint = this.endSecondLine; this.midTextPoint = new Vector3(midText.X, midText.Y, elev); // this value is in OCS this.arcDefinitionPoint = this.midTextPoint; // this value is in OCS MText text = new MText(this.FormatDimensionText(aperture), this.midTextPoint,, 0.0, { AttachmentPoint = MTextAttachmentPoint.BottomCenter, Rotation = rotText * MathHelper.RadToDeg }; // drawing block Block dim = new Block(name, false); dim.Entities.Add(startFirstPoint); dim.Entities.Add(endFirstPoint); dim.Entities.Add(startSecondPoint); dim.Entities.Add(endSecondPoint); dim.Entities.Add(startBorder); dim.Entities.Add(endBorder); dim.Entities.Add(dimArc); dim.Entities.Add(arrowBegin); dim.Entities.Add(arrowEnd); dim.Entities.Add(text); this.block = dim; return(dim); }
/// <summary> /// Creates a new Solid that is a copy of the current instance. /// </summary> /// <returns>A new Solid that is a copy of this instance.</returns> public override object Clone() { Solid entity = new Solid { //EntityObject properties Layer = (Layer)this.layer.Clone(), LineType = (LineType)this.lineType.Clone(), Color = (AciColor)this.color.Clone(), Lineweight = (Lineweight)this.lineweight.Clone(), Transparency = (Transparency)this.transparency.Clone(), LineTypeScale = this.lineTypeScale, Normal = this.normal, //Solid properties FirstVertex = this.firstVertex, SecondVertex = this.secondVertex, ThirdVertex = this.thirdVertex, FourthVertex = this.fourthVertex, Thickness = this.thickness }; foreach (XData data in this.XData.Values) entity.XData.Add((XData)data.Clone()); return entity; }
/// <summary> /// Gets the the block that contains the entities that make up the dimension picture. /// </summary> /// <param name="name">Name to be asigned to the generated block.</param> /// <returns>The block that represents the actual dimension.</returns> internal override Block BuildBlock(string name) { // we will build the dimension block in object coordinates with normal the dimension normal Vector3 refPoint = MathHelper.Transform(this.firstRef, this.normal, MathHelper.CoordinateSystem.World, MathHelper.CoordinateSystem.Object); Vector2 firstRef = new Vector2(refPoint.X, refPoint.Y); refPoint = MathHelper.Transform(this.secondRef, this.normal, MathHelper.CoordinateSystem.World, MathHelper.CoordinateSystem.Object); Vector2 secondRef = new Vector2(refPoint.X, refPoint.Y); double elev = refPoint.Z; double refRotation = Vector2.Angle(firstRef, secondRef); Vector2 startDimLine = Vector2.Polar(firstRef, this.offset, refRotation + MathHelper.HalfPI); Vector2 endDimLine = Vector2.Polar(secondRef, this.offset, refRotation + MathHelper.HalfPI); // reference points Layer defPoints = new Layer("Defpoints") { Plot = false }; Point startRef = new Point(firstRef) { Layer = defPoints }; Point endRef = new Point(secondRef) { Layer = defPoints }; Point defPoint = new Point(endDimLine) { Layer = defPoints }; // dimension lines double offsetRot = 0.0; if (this.offset < 0) { offsetRot = MathHelper.PI; } Line startBorder = new Line(Vector2.Polar(firstRef,, offsetRot + refRotation + MathHelper.HalfPI), Vector2.Polar(startDimLine,, offsetRot + refRotation + MathHelper.HalfPI)); Line endBorder = new Line(Vector2.Polar(secondRef,, offsetRot + refRotation + MathHelper.HalfPI), Vector2.Polar(endDimLine,, offsetRot + refRotation + MathHelper.HalfPI)); Line dimLine = new Line(startDimLine, endDimLine); this.definitionPoint = MathHelper.Transform(new Vector3(endDimLine.X, endDimLine.Y, elev), this.normal, MathHelper.CoordinateSystem.Object, MathHelper.CoordinateSystem.World); Vector2 midDimLine = Vector2.MidPoint(startDimLine, endDimLine); // dimension arrows Vector2 arrowRefBegin = Vector2.Polar(startDimLine,, refRotation); Vector2 arrowRefEnd = Vector2.Polar(endDimLine,, refRotation); Solid arrowBegin = new Solid(startDimLine, Vector2.Polar(arrowRefBegin, / 6, refRotation + MathHelper.HalfPI), Vector2.Polar(arrowRefBegin, / 6, refRotation + MathHelper.HalfPI), startDimLine); Solid arrowEnd = new Solid(endDimLine, Vector2.Polar(arrowRefEnd, / 6, refRotation + MathHelper.HalfPI), Vector2.Polar(arrowRefEnd, / 6, refRotation + MathHelper.HalfPI), endDimLine); // dimension text this.midTextPoint = new Vector3(midDimLine.X, midDimLine.Y, elev); // this value is in OCS MText text = new MText(this.FormatDimensionText(this.Value), Vector2.Polar(midDimLine,, refRotation + MathHelper.HalfPI),, 0.0, { AttachmentPoint = MTextAttachmentPoint.BottomCenter, Rotation = refRotation * MathHelper.RadToDeg }; // drawing block Block dim = new Block(name); dim.Entities.Add(startRef); dim.Entities.Add(endRef); dim.Entities.Add(defPoint); dim.Entities.Add(startBorder); dim.Entities.Add(endBorder); dim.Entities.Add(dimLine); dim.Entities.Add(arrowBegin); dim.Entities.Add(arrowEnd); dim.Entities.Add(text); this.block = dim; return(dim); }
/// <summary> /// Gets the the block that contains the entities that make up the dimension picture. /// </summary> /// <param name="name">Name to be asigned to the generated block.</param> /// <returns>The block that represents the actual dimension.</returns> internal override Block BuildBlock(string name) { // we will build the dimension block in object coordinates with normal the dimension normal Vector3 refPoint = MathHelper.Transform(this.definitionPoint, this.normal, MathHelper.CoordinateSystem.World, MathHelper.CoordinateSystem.Object); Vector2 firstRef = new Vector2(refPoint.X, refPoint.Y); double elev = refPoint.Z; double refRotation = this.rotation * MathHelper.DegToRad; Vector2 secondRef = Vector2.Polar(firstRef, this.radius, refRotation); this.circunferencePoint = MathHelper.Transform(new Vector3(secondRef.X, secondRef.Y, elev), this.normal, MathHelper.CoordinateSystem.Object, MathHelper.CoordinateSystem.World); // reference points Layer defPoints = new Layer("Defpoints") { Plot = false }; Point startRef = new Point(firstRef) { Layer = defPoints }; Point endRef = new Point(secondRef) { Layer = defPoints }; // dimension lines Line dimLine = new Line(firstRef, secondRef); // center cross double dist = Math.Abs(; Vector2 c1 = new Vector2(0, -dist) + firstRef; Vector2 c2 = new Vector2(0, dist) + firstRef; Line crossLine1 = new Line(c1, c2); c1 = new Vector2(-dist, 0) + firstRef; c2 = new Vector2(dist, 0) + firstRef; Line crossLine2 = new Line(c1, c2); // dimension arrows Vector2 arrowRef = Vector2.Polar(secondRef,, refRotation); Solid arrow = new Solid(secondRef, Vector2.Polar(arrowRef, / 6, refRotation + MathHelper.HalfPI), Vector2.Polar(arrowRef, / 6, refRotation + MathHelper.HalfPI), secondRef); // dimension text Vector2 midDimLine = Vector2.MidPoint(firstRef, secondRef); this.midTextPoint = new Vector3(midDimLine.X, midDimLine.Y, elev); // this value is in OCS MText text = new MText(this.FormatDimensionText(this.Value), Vector2.Polar(midDimLine,, refRotation + MathHelper.HalfPI),, 0.0, { AttachmentPoint = MTextAttachmentPoint.BottomCenter, Rotation = refRotation * MathHelper.RadToDeg }; Block dim = new Block(name, false); dim.Entities.Add(startRef); dim.Entities.Add(endRef); dim.Entities.Add(dimLine); dim.Entities.Add(crossLine1); dim.Entities.Add(crossLine2); dim.Entities.Add(arrow); dim.Entities.Add(text); this.block = dim; return(dim); }
private static void SolidEntity() { // The solid vertexes are expressed in OCS (object coordinate system) // Now they are stored as Vector2 to force all vertexes to lay on a plane, this is similar as how the LwPolyline works. // The Z coordinate is controlled by the elevation property of the Solid. Vector2 a = new Vector2(-1, -1); Vector2 b = new Vector2(1, -1); Vector2 c = new Vector2(-1, 1); Vector2 d = new Vector2(1, 1); Solid solid = new Solid(a, b, c, d); solid.Normal = new Vector3(1, 1, 0); solid.Elevation = 2; DxfDocument doc = new DxfDocument(); doc.AddEntity(solid); doc.Save("SolidEntity.dxf"); }
private static void Solid() { DxfDocument dxf = new DxfDocument(); Solid solid = new Solid(); solid.FirstVertex=new Vector2(0,0); solid.SecondVertex = new Vector2(1, 0); solid.ThirdVertex = new Vector2(0, 1); solid.FourthVertex = new Vector2(1, 1); dxf.AddEntity(solid); dxf.Save("solid.dxf"); //dxf = DxfDocument.Load("solid.dxf"); //dxf.Save("solid.dxf"); }
private static void Solid() { DxfDocument dxf = new DxfDocument(); Solid solid = new Solid(); solid.FirstVertex=new Vector3d(0,0,0); solid.SecondVertex = new Vector3d(1, 0, 0); solid.ThirdVertex = new Vector3d(0, 1, 0); solid.FourthVertex = new Vector3d(1, 1, 0); dxf.AddEntity(solid); dxf.Save("solid.dxf", DxfVersion.AutoCad2000); //dxf.Load("solid.dxf"); //dxf.Save("solid.dxf"); }