コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// 获取每一天
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public List <Sjqd_StatUsersBySbxh> GetBrandByDates(DateTime begintime, DateTime endtime, int softid, int platform,
                                                           string mobile_name)
            if (mobile_name == "未适配品牌")
                mobile_name = "";
            string key = BuildCacheKey("GetBrandByDates", begintime, endtime, softid, platform, mobile_name);

            List <Sjqd_StatUsersBySbxh> list = CacheHelper.Get <List <Sjqd_StatUsersBySbxh> >(key);

            if (list == null)
//                string cmdText = @"select @mobile_name mobile_name,sum(userscount) userCount,StatDate from
//                                 (
//	                                SELECT case when b.mobile_name='' or b.mobile_name is null then 0 else SbxhID end SbxhID,userscount,StatDate,
//                                    isnull(b.mobile_name,'') mobile_name
//	                                FROM
//	                                (
//		                                SELECT SbxhID,SUM(NewUserCount+ActiveUserCount) userscount ,StatDate
//		                                FROM Sjqd_StatUsersBySbxh WITH(NOLOCK)
//		                                WHERE Period=@period AND StatDate  between @begintime and @endtime  AND SoftID=@SoftID AND [Platform]=@Platform
//		                                GROUP BY SbxhID,StatDate
//	                                ) A
//	                                LEFT JOIN
//	                                Sjqd_SBXH b WITH(NOLOCK) ON A.SbxhID=b.ID
//                                ) A
//                                where mobile_name=@mobile_name
//                                group by StatDate
//                                ORDER BY  StatDate asc
//                                ";

//                SqlParameter[] param = new SqlParameter[] {
//                    new SqlParameter(){ ParameterName = "@period", SqlDbType = System.Data.SqlDbType.TinyInt, Size = 1, Value = 1},
//                    new SqlParameter(){ ParameterName = "@begintime", SqlDbType = System.Data.SqlDbType.Int, Size = 4, Value = begintime.ToString("yyyyMMdd")},
//                    new SqlParameter(){ ParameterName = "@endtime", SqlDbType = System.Data.SqlDbType.Int, Size = 4, Value = endtime.ToString("yyyyMMdd")},
//                    new SqlParameter(){ ParameterName = "@SoftID", SqlDbType = System.Data.SqlDbType.Int, Size = 4, Value = softid},
//                    new SqlParameter(){ ParameterName = "@Platform", SqlDbType = System.Data.SqlDbType.TinyInt, Size = 1, Value = (int)platform},
//                    new SqlParameter(){ ParameterName = "@mobile_name", SqlDbType = System.Data.SqlDbType.NVarChar, Size = 50, Value = mobile_name}
//                };

                var sbxhlst = Sjqd_SBXHService.GetSjqd_SBXHList(platform, mobile_name, "").Select(p => p.ID.ToString());

                String sql = string.Format(@"
                                    SELECT StatDate,SUM(NewUserCount+ActiveUserCount) userscount,'{6}' mobile_name 
                                    FROM U_StatUsersBySbxh 
                                   WHERE Period={0} AND StatDate  between {1} and {2}  AND SoftID={3} AND Platform={4} and SbxhID in({5})
                                    GROUP BY StatDate", 1, begintime.ToString("yyyyMMdd"),
                                           String.Join(",", sbxhlst.ToArray()),

                list = new List <Sjqd_StatUsersBySbxh>();

                using (var read = MySqlHelper.ExecuteReader(MySql_StatDbConn, sql))
                    while (read.Read())
                        int timedate = Convert.ToInt32(read["StatDate"]);

                        list.Add(new Sjqd_StatUsersBySbxh()
                            UseCount = Convert.ToInt32(read["userscount"]),
                            Brand    = read["mobile_name"].ToString(),
                            StatDate = new DateTime(timedate / 10000, timedate % 10000 / 100, timedate % 100)

                if (list.Count > 0)
                    CacheHelper.Set <List <Sjqd_StatUsersBySbxh> >(key, list, CacheTimeOption.TenMinutes);
コード例 #2
        public List <Sjqd_StatUsersBySbxh> GetSoftSBXHTransverse(net91com.Stat.Core.PeriodOptions period, int statDate,
                                                                 int softId, MobileOption platform)
            string key = BuildCacheKey("GetSoftSBXHTransverse", period, statDate, softId, platform);
            List <Sjqd_StatUsersBySbxh> list = CacheHelper.Get <List <Sjqd_StatUsersBySbxh> >(key);

            if (list == null)
                //string cmdText = @" select E_SBXH,sum(userscount) userCount from
//                                 (
//	                                SELECT case when b.E_SBXH='' or b.E_SBXH is null then 0 else SbxhID end SbxhID,userscount,isnull(b.E_SBXH,'') E_SBXH
//	                                FROM
//	                                (
//		                                SELECT SbxhID,SUM(NewUserCount+ActiveUserCount) userscount
//		                                FROM Sjqd_StatUsersBySbxh WITH(NOLOCK)
//		                                WHERE Period=@period AND StatDate =  @StatDate  AND SoftID=@SoftID AND [Platform]=@Platform
//		                                GROUP BY SbxhID
//	                                ) A
//	                                LEFT JOIN
//	                                Sjqd_SBXH b WITH(NOLOCK) ON A.SbxhID=b.ID
//                                ) A
//                                group by E_SBXH
//                                ORDER BY sum(userscount) DESC";

//                SqlParameter[] param = new SqlParameter[] {
//                    new SqlParameter(){ ParameterName = "@period", SqlDbType = System.Data.SqlDbType.TinyInt, Size = 1, Value = (int)period},
//                    new SqlParameter(){ ParameterName = "@StatDate", SqlDbType = System.Data.SqlDbType.Int, Size = 4, Value = statDate},
//                    new SqlParameter(){ ParameterName = "@SoftID", SqlDbType = System.Data.SqlDbType.Int, Size = 4, Value = softId},
//                    new SqlParameter(){ ParameterName = "@Platform", SqlDbType = System.Data.SqlDbType.TinyInt, Size = 1, Value = (int)platform}
//                };
                int count = 0;

                String sql = string.Format(@"
                                    SELECT SbxhID,SUM(NewUserCount+ActiveUserCount) userscount 
                                    FROM U_StatUsersBySbxh 
                                    WHERE Period={0} AND StatDate={1} AND SoftID={2} AND Platform={3}
                                    GROUP BY SbxhID", (int)period, statDate, softId, (int)platform);

                list = new List <Sjqd_StatUsersBySbxh>();
                using (IDataReader read = MySqlHelper.ExecuteReader(MySql_StatDbConn, sql))
                    while (read.Read())
                        list.Add(new Sjqd_StatUsersBySbxh()
                            UseCount = Convert.ToInt32(read["userscount"]),
                            SbxhID   = Convert.ToInt32(read["SbxhID"].ToString())

                var sbxhlst = Sjqd_SBXHService.GetSjqd_SBXHList((int)platform,
                                                                list.Select(p => p.SbxhID.ToString()).ToList());
                var reslst = from sjqdStatUsersBySbxh in list
                             join sjqdSbxh in sbxhlst on sjqdStatUsersBySbxh.SbxhID equals sjqdSbxh.ID into os
                             from tt in os.DefaultIfEmpty()
                             select new Sjqd_StatUsersBySbxh()
                    Sbxh     = tt == null ? "" : tt.E_SBXH,
                    UseCount = sjqdStatUsersBySbxh.UseCount

                var realreslst = (from item in reslst
                                  group item by item.Sbxh
                                  into g
                                  select new Sjqd_StatUsersBySbxh()
                    Sbxh = g.Key,
                    UseCount = g.Sum(p => p.UseCount)

                if (realreslst.Count > 0)
                    CacheHelper.Set <List <Sjqd_StatUsersBySbxh> >(key, realreslst, CacheTimeOption.TenMinutes);
                    list = realreslst.OrderByDescending(p => p.UseCount).ToList();
コード例 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// 获取品牌分布
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="period"></param>
        /// <param name="statDate"></param>
        /// <param name="softId"></param>
        /// <param name="platform"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public List <Sjqd_StatUsersBySbxh> GetSoftBrandTransverse(net91com.Stat.Core.PeriodOptions period, int statDate,
                                                                  int softId, MobileOption platform)
            string key = BuildCacheKey("GetSoftBrandTransverse", period, statDate, softId, platform);
            List <Sjqd_StatUsersBySbxh> list = CacheHelper.Get <List <Sjqd_StatUsersBySbxh> >(key);

            if (list == null)
//                string cmdText = @" select mobile_name,sum(userscount) userCount from (
//                                    SELECT case when b.mobile_name='' or b.mobile_name is null then '未适配品牌' else b.mobile_name end  mobile_name,userscount
//                                    FROM (
//                                    SELECT SbxhID,SUM(NewUserCount+ActiveUserCount) userscount
//                                    FROM Sjqd_StatUsersBySbxh WITH(NOLOCK)
//                                    WHERE Period=@period AND StatDate=@StatDate AND SoftID=@SoftID AND [Platform]=@Platform
//                                    GROUP BY SbxhID) A LEFT JOIN Sjqd_SBXH b WITH(NOLOCK) ON A.SbxhID=b.ID) A
//                                    group by  mobile_name
//                                    ORDER BY userCount DESC";

//                SqlParameter[] param = new SqlParameter[] {
//                    new SqlParameter(){ ParameterName = "@period", SqlDbType = System.Data.SqlDbType.TinyInt, Size = 1, Value = (int)period},
//                    new SqlParameter(){ ParameterName = "@StatDate", SqlDbType = System.Data.SqlDbType.Int, Size = 4, Value = statDate},
//                    new SqlParameter(){ ParameterName = "@SoftID", SqlDbType = System.Data.SqlDbType.Int, Size = 4, Value = softId},
//                    new SqlParameter(){ ParameterName = "@Platform", SqlDbType = System.Data.SqlDbType.TinyInt, Size = 1, Value = (int)platform}
//                };

                String sql = string.Format(@"
                                    SELECT SbxhID,SUM(NewUserCount+ActiveUserCount) userscount 
                                    FROM U_StatUsersBySbxh 
                                    WHERE Period={0} AND StatDate={1} AND SoftID={2} AND Platform={3}
                                    GROUP BY SbxhID", (int)period, statDate, softId, (int)platform);

                list = new List <Sjqd_StatUsersBySbxh>();
                using (IDataReader read = MySqlHelper.ExecuteReader(MySql_StatDbConn, sql))
                    while (read.Read())
                        list.Add(new Sjqd_StatUsersBySbxh()
                            UseCount = Convert.ToInt32(read["userscount"]),
                            SbxhID   = Convert.ToInt32(read["SbxhID"].ToString())

                string strrr = "";
                foreach (string s2 in list.Select(p => p.SbxhID.ToString()).ToList())
                    strrr += s2 + ",";
                    LogHelper.WriteInfo("s2:" + strrr);

                var sbxhlst = Sjqd_SBXHService.GetSjqd_SBXHList((int)platform,
                                                                list.Select(p => p.SbxhID.ToString()).ToList());

                var reslst = from sjqdStatUsersBySbxh in list
                             join sjqdSbxh in sbxhlst on sjqdStatUsersBySbxh.SbxhID equals sjqdSbxh.ID into os
                             from tt in os.DefaultIfEmpty()
                             select new Sjqd_StatUsersBySbxh()
                    Brand    = tt == null ? "未适配品牌" : tt.mobile_name,
                    UseCount = sjqdStatUsersBySbxh.UseCount

                var s = reslst.GroupBy(p => p.Brand).Select(p => p.Key).ToList();
                foreach (string sjqdStatUsersBySbxhs in s)
                    LogHelper.WriteInfo("brand:" + sjqdStatUsersBySbxhs + "configlst:" + sbxhlst.Count + "reslst:" +
                var realreslst = (from item in reslst
                                  group item by item.Brand
                                  into g
                                  select new Sjqd_StatUsersBySbxh()
                    Brand = g.Key,
                    UseCount = g.Sum(p => p.UseCount)

                if (realreslst.Count > 0)
                    CacheHelper.Set <List <Sjqd_StatUsersBySbxh> >(key, realreslst, CacheTimeOption.TenMinutes);
                    list = realreslst.OrderByDescending(p => p.UseCount).ToList();