コード例 #1
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var data = new Data();
              data.wireDecode(new Blob(TlvData));

              // Use a hard-wired secret for testing. In a real application the signer
              // ensures that the verifier knows the shared key and its keyName.
              var key = new Blob(new byte[] {
             0,  1,  2,  3,  4,  5,  6,  7,  8,  9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15,
            16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31

              if (KeyChain.verifyDataWithHmacWithSha256(data, key))
            Console.Out.WriteLine("Hard-coded data signature verification: VERIFIED");
            Console.Out.WriteLine("Hard-coded data signature verification: FAILED");

              var freshData = new Data(new Name("/ndn/abc"));
              var signature = new HmacWithSha256Signature();
              signature.getKeyLocator().setKeyName(new Name("key1"));
              freshData.setContent(new Blob("SUCCESS!"));
              Console.Out.WriteLine("Signing fresh data packet " + freshData.getName().toUri());
              KeyChain.signWithHmacWithSha256(freshData, key);

              if (KeyChain.verifyDataWithHmacWithSha256(freshData, key))
            Console.Out.WriteLine("Freshly-signed data signature verification: VERIFIED");
            Console.Out.WriteLine("Freshly-signed data signature verification: FAILED");
コード例 #2
         * Loop to encode a data packet nIterations times.
         * @param nIterations The number of iterations.
         * @param useComplex If true, use a large name, large content and all fields.
         * If false, use a small name, small content
         * and only required fields.
         * @param useCrypto If true, sign the data packet.  If false, use a blank
         * signature.
         * @param keyType KeyType.RSA or EC, used if useCrypto is true.
         * @param encoding Set encoding[0] to the wire encoding.
         * @return The number of seconds for all iterations.
        private static double benchmarkEncodeDataSeconds(int nIterations, bool useComplex, bool useCrypto, KeyType keyType,
        Blob[] encoding)
            Name name;
              Blob content;
              if (useComplex) {
            // Use a large name and content.
            name = new Name

            StringBuilder contentStream = new StringBuilder();
            int count = 1;
            while (contentStream.toString().Length < 1115)
              contentStream.append(" ").append(count++);
            content = new Blob(contentStream.toString());
              else {
            // Use a small name and content.
            name = new Name("/test");
            content = new Blob("abc");
              Name.Component finalBlockId =
            new Name.Component(new Blob(new byte[] { (byte)0 }));

              // Initialize the KeyChain storage in case useCrypto is true.
              MemoryIdentityStorage identityStorage = new MemoryIdentityStorage();
              MemoryPrivateKeyStorage privateKeyStorage = new MemoryPrivateKeyStorage();
              KeyChain keyChain = new KeyChain
            (new IdentityManager(identityStorage, privateKeyStorage),
              new SelfVerifyPolicyManager(identityStorage));
              Name keyName = new Name("/testname/DSK-123");
              Name certificateName = keyName.getSubName(0, keyName.size() - 1).append
              (keyName, KeyType.RSA, new ByteBuffer(DEFAULT_RSA_PUBLIC_KEY_DER),
            new ByteBuffer(DEFAULT_RSA_PRIVATE_KEY_DER));

              Blob signatureBits = new Blob(new byte[256]);
              Blob emptyBlob = new Blob(new byte[0]);

              double start = getNowSeconds();
              for (int i = 0; i < nIterations; ++i) {
            Data data = new Data(name);
            if (useComplex) {

            if (useCrypto)
              // This sets the signature fields.
              keyChain.sign(data, certificateName);
            else {
              // Imitate IdentityManager.signByCertificate to set up the signature
              //   fields, but don't sign.
              KeyLocator keyLocator = new KeyLocator();
              Sha256WithRsaSignature sha256Signature =

            encoding[0] = data.wireEncode();
              double finish = getNowSeconds();

              return finish - start;
コード例 #3
  * Call benchmarkEncodeDataSeconds and benchmarkDecodeDataSeconds with
  * appropriate nInterations.  Print the results to System.out.
  * @param useComplex See benchmarkEncodeDataSeconds.
  * @param useCrypto See benchmarkEncodeDataSeconds and
  * benchmarkDecodeDataSeconds.
  * @param keyType KeyType.RSA or EC, used if useCrypto is true.
 private static void benchmarkEncodeDecodeData(bool useComplex, bool useCrypto, KeyType keyType)
     String format = "TLV";
       Blob[] encoding = new Blob[1];
     int nIterations = useCrypto ? 30 : 200000;
     double duration = benchmarkEncodeDataSeconds
       (nIterations, useComplex, useCrypto, keyType, encoding);
     Console.Out.WriteLine("Encode " + (useComplex ? "complex " : "simple  ") +
       format + " data: Crypto? " +
       (useCrypto ? (keyType == KeyType.ECDSA ? "EC " : "RSA") : "no ") +
       ", Duration sec, Hz: " + duration + ", " + (nIterations / duration));
     // Use an extra long duration for decoding until we understand why it gets
     //   a different rate at a shorter duration.
     int nIterations = useCrypto ? 1000 : 200000;
     double duration = benchmarkDecodeDataSeconds
       (nIterations, useCrypto, keyType, encoding[0]);
     Console.Out.WriteLine("Decode " + (useComplex ? "complex " : "simple  ") +
       format + " data: Crypto? " +
       (useCrypto ? (keyType == KeyType.ECDSA ? "EC " : "RSA") : "no ") +
       ", Duration sec, Hz: " + duration + ", " + (nIterations / duration));
コード例 #4
         * Loop to decode a data packet nIterations times.
         * @param nIterations The number of iterations.
         * @param useCrypto If true, verify the signature.  If false, don't verify.
         * @param keyType KeyType.RSA or EC, used if useCrypto is true.
         * @param encoding The wire encoding to decode.
         * @return The number of seconds for all iterations.
         * @throws EncodingException
        private static double benchmarkDecodeDataSeconds(int nIterations, bool useCrypto, KeyType keyType, Blob encoding)
            // Initialize the KeyChain storage in case useCrypto is true.
              MemoryIdentityStorage identityStorage = new MemoryIdentityStorage();
              KeyChain keyChain = new KeyChain
            (new IdentityManager(identityStorage, new MemoryPrivateKeyStorage()),
              new SelfVerifyPolicyManager(identityStorage));
              Name keyName = new Name("/testname/DSK-123");
              Name certificateName = keyName.getSubName(0, keyName.size() - 1).append
              identityStorage.addKey(keyName, KeyType.RSA, new Blob(DEFAULT_RSA_PUBLIC_KEY_DER));
              VerifyCallbacks callbacks = new VerifyCallbacks();

              double start = getNowSeconds();
              for (int i = 0; i < nIterations; ++i) {
            Data data = new Data();

            if (useCrypto)
              keyChain.verifyData(data, callbacks, callbacks);
              double finish = getNowSeconds();

              return finish - start;