コード例 #1
        private void tlsbtnShowCopyPanel_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            #region "Open the Database to Copy From"

            // Check the registry
            string regValue = commonFunctions.ReadReg("Software\\NCGMPTools", "getSqlDatabase");

            // Find a Database
            IWorkspaceFactory wsFact = null;
            IWorkspace openedWorkspace = null;

            // Browse for a file, personal or SDE geodatabase
            IGxObjectFilter objectFilter = new GxFilterWorkspaces();
            IGxObject openedObject = commonFunctions.OpenArcFile(objectFilter, "Please select an NCGMP database");
            if (openedObject == null) { return; }

            // Check to see if it is a File, Personal or SDE database, create appropriate workspace factory
            string pathToOpen = null;

            switch (openedObject.Category)
                case "Personal Geodatabase":
                    wsFact = new AccessWorkspaceFactoryClass();
                    pathToOpen = openedObject.FullName;
                case "File Geodatabase":
                    wsFact = new FileGDBWorkspaceFactoryClass();
                    pathToOpen = openedObject.FullName;
                case "Spatial Database Connection":
                case "Database Connection":
                    wsFact = new SdeWorkspaceFactoryClass();
                    IGxRemoteDatabaseFolder remoteDatabaseFolder = (IGxRemoteDatabaseFolder)openedObject.Parent;
                    pathToOpen = remoteDatabaseFolder.Path + openedObject.Name;
            openedWorkspace = wsFact.OpenFromFile(pathToOpen, 0);

            // Check to see if the database is valid NCGMP
            bool isValid = ncgmpChecks.IsWorkspaceMinNCGMPCompliant(openedWorkspace);
            if (isValid == false)
                MessageBox.Show("The selected database is not a valid NCGMP database.", "NCGMP Toolbar");
                goto findDatabase;
            //    isValid = ncgmpChecks.IsSysInfoPresent(openedWorkspace);
            //    if (isValid == false)
            //    {
            //        MessageBox.Show("In order to use these tools, the NCGMP database must contain a SysInfo table.", "NCGMP Toolbar");
            //        goto findDatabase;
            //    }

            // Show the copy form
            sourceLegendItemSelection sourceForm = new sourceLegendItemSelection(openedWorkspace);

            // Bail if they canceled
            if (sourceForm.Canceled == true) { return; }

            // Get the Ids from the form, then close it
            if (sourceForm.idsToCopy.Count == 0) { sourceForm.Close(); return; }
            List<string> idsToCopy = sourceForm.idsToCopy;

            // Build the Query to get the records to copy
            string sqlWhereClause = "DescriptionOfMapUnits_ID = '";
            foreach (string idValue in idsToCopy) { sqlWhereClause += idValue + "' OR DescriptionOfMapUnits_ID = '"; }

            // Get the records
            if (sqlWhereClause == "DescriptionOfMapUnits_ID = '") { return; }
            DescriptionOfMapUnitsAccess sourceDmu = new DescriptionOfMapUnitsAccess(openedWorkspace);
            sourceDmu.AddDescriptionOfMapUnits(sqlWhereClause.Remove(sqlWhereClause.Length - 32));

            // Get the next new Hierarchy Key
            string newHierarchy = GetNewHierarchyKey();
            int newValue = int.Parse(newHierarchy.Substring(newHierarchy.Length - 4));

            // Loop through the source records, add them to the target legend after adjusting the Hierarchy
            DescriptionOfMapUnitsAccess targetDmu = new DescriptionOfMapUnitsAccess(m_theWorkspace);
            foreach (KeyValuePair<string, DescriptionOfMapUnitsAccess.DescriptionOfMapUnit> sourceEntry in sourceDmu.DescriptionOfMapUnitsDictionary)
                DescriptionOfMapUnitsAccess.DescriptionOfMapUnit sourceDmuEntry = sourceEntry.Value;
                string thisHierachyKey = newValue.ToString().PadLeft(4, '0');

                targetDmu.NewDescriptionOfMapUnit(sourceDmuEntry.MapUnit, sourceDmuEntry.Name, sourceDmuEntry.FullName, sourceDmuEntry.Label,
                    sourceDmuEntry.Age, sourceDmuEntry.Description, thisHierachyKey,
                    sourceDmuEntry.ParagraphStyle, sourceDmuEntry.AreaFillRGB, sourceDmuEntry.AreaFillPatternDescription,
                    commonFunctions.GetCurrentDataSourceID(), sourceDmuEntry.GeneralLithology, sourceDmuEntry.GeneralLithologyConfidence);


            // Save the target Dmu

            // Refresh the tree
コード例 #2
        private void saveMapUnit()
            // Get attributes from the form
            string thisDmuAge = txtMapUnitAge.Text;
            string thisDmuDefinitionSourceID = commonFunctions.GetCurrentDataSourceID();
            string thisDmuDescription = txtMapUnitDescription.Text;
            string thisDmuFullName = txtMapUnitFullName.Text;
            string thisDmuLabel = txtMapUnitAbbreviation.Text;
            string thisDmuMapUnit = txtMapUnitAbbreviation.Text;
            string thisDmuName = txtUnitName.Text;

            // These attributes are dependant on whether this is a heading or not
            string thisDmuParagraphStyle = "";
            string thisDmuAreaFillRGB = "";
            if (chkIsHeading.Checked == true)
                thisDmuParagraphStyle = "Heading";
                thisDmuAreaFillRGB = "";
                thisDmuParagraphStyle = "Standard";
                thisDmuAreaFillRGB = pnlColor.BackColor.R + ";" + pnlColor.BackColor.G + ";" + pnlColor.BackColor.B;

            // Get the DMU reference that will be used to provide table access
            DescriptionOfMapUnitsAccess dmuAccess = new DescriptionOfMapUnitsAccess(m_theWorkspace);

            // Set the variable to represent the updated Dmu entry in the case of an update. This will be used to update polygons later
            DescriptionOfMapUnitsAccess.DescriptionOfMapUnit dmuEntry = new DescriptionOfMapUnitsAccess.DescriptionOfMapUnit();

            switch (m_ThisIsAnUpdate)
                case true:
                    // Get the DMU entry that should be updated
                    dmuAccess.AddDescriptionOfMapUnits("DescriptionOfMapUnits_ID = '" + trvLegendItems.SelectedNode.Name + "'");
                    dmuEntry = dmuAccess.DescriptionOfMapUnitsDictionary[trvLegendItems.SelectedNode.Name];

                    // Add attributes from the form
                    dmuEntry.Age = thisDmuAge;
                    dmuEntry.DescriptionSourceID = thisDmuDefinitionSourceID;
                    dmuEntry.Description = thisDmuDescription;
                    dmuEntry.FullName = thisDmuFullName;
                    dmuEntry.Label = thisDmuLabel;
                    dmuEntry.MapUnit = thisDmuMapUnit;
                    dmuEntry.Name = thisDmuName;
                    dmuEntry.RequiresUpdate = true;

                    // These attributes are dependant on whether this is a heading or not
                    if (chkIsHeading.Checked == true)
                        dmuEntry.ParagraphStyle = thisDmuParagraphStyle;
                        dmuEntry.AreaFillRGB = thisDmuAreaFillRGB;
                        dmuEntry.ParagraphStyle = thisDmuParagraphStyle;
                        dmuEntry.AreaFillRGB = thisDmuAreaFillRGB;

                    // Perform the update


                case false:
                    // This is a new entry, get an Hierarchy Key
                    string thisDmuHierarchyKey = GetNewHierarchyKey();

                    // Add the record
                    dmuAccess.NewDescriptionOfMapUnit(thisDmuMapUnit, thisDmuName, thisDmuFullName,
                        thisDmuLabel, thisDmuAge, thisDmuDescription,
                        thisDmuHierarchyKey, thisDmuParagraphStyle, thisDmuAreaFillRGB,
                        "", thisDmuDefinitionSourceID, "", "");


            // All done - save

            // Refresh the tree

            // Update polys
            if ((m_ThisIsAnUpdate == true) && (m_theOldMapUnitName != null)) { UpdatePolygons(m_theOldMapUnitName, dmuEntry); }

            // Clear Inputs