void searchpage(Dbconnection db)
            string query = "select * from pages order by pageid";
            List <Dictionary <string, string> > rs = db.List_Query(query);

            Dynamic_Menu.InnerHtml = "<ul class=\"nav navbar-nav\">";
            foreach (Dictionary <string, string> row in rs)
                string pageid    = row["pageid"];
                string pagetitle = row["pagetitle"];

                Dynamic_Menu.InnerHtml += "<li><a href=\"ViewPage.aspx?pageid=" + pageid + "\">" + pagetitle + "</a></li>";
            Dynamic_Menu.InnerHtml += "</ul>";
コード例 #2
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        {   //empty string to store search key
            string Search_Key = "";
            //empty string to store query
            string query = "";

            if (Page.IsPostBack)
                Search_Key = Search_txt.Text.ToString();
                //on post back we store keyword entered in textbox to Search_Key
            //cheking if string is empty we display all records in th table
            if (Search_Key == "")
                query = "select * from pages";
            //if string is not empty we search for the records which matches that string
                query = "select * from pages where pagetitle like '%" + Search_Key + "%' order by pageid";
            var db = new Dbconnection();
            //printing all records one by one in a table row
            List <Dictionary <String, String> > rs = db.List_Query(query);

            foreach (Dictionary <String, String> row in rs)
                string pageid            = row["pageid"];
                string pagetitle         = row["pagetitle"];
                string pagecontent       = row["pagebody"];
                string pageauthor        = row["author"];
                string publish_date_time = row["Publish_Date"];

                HtmlTableRow trow = new HtmlTableRow();

                //1st column
                HtmlTableCell Cell1 = new HtmlTableCell();
                Cell1.InnerText = pageid;

                //2nd column
                HtmlTableCell Cell2 = new HtmlTableCell();
                Cell2.InnerHtml = "<a href=\"ViewPage.aspx?pageid=" + pageid + "\">" + pagetitle + "</a>";

                //3nd column
                HtmlTableCell Cell3 = new HtmlTableCell();
                Cell3.InnerText = pagecontent;

                //4th column
                HtmlTableCell Cell4 = new HtmlTableCell();
                Cell4.InnerText = pageauthor;

                //5th column
                LinkButton EditButton = new LinkButton();
                EditButton.Text        = "EDIT";
                EditButton.ID          = "Edit_btn";
                EditButton.PostBackUrl = "EditPage.aspx?pageid=" + pageid;
                HtmlTableCell cell5 = new HtmlTableCell();

                ////6th column
                //LinkButton DeleteButton = new LinkButton();
                //DeleteButton.Text = "DELETE";
                //DeleteButton.Click += new EventHandler(D);

                //HtmlTableCell cell6 = new HtmlTableCell();

