public static bool add( string user, string passwd, NameValueCollection info, out string reason, string oldpass) { if ( > 5 && > MyKey.ulimit_max()) { reason = "Sorry license user limit reached"; return(false); } if (!Vuser.valid_user(user, out reason)) { return(false); } User user1 = UserDb.lookup(user); bool flag = UserDb.add(user, passwd, info, user1 == null ? "" : user1.passwd, out reason); if (flag && user1 == null) { Vuser.total_add(1); } return(flag); }
public static int ulimit_max() { if (MyKey.s_code.Length < 20 || MyKey.isexpired()) { return(5); } return(MyKey.ulimit > 0 ? MyKey.ulimit : 10000000); }
public static void init(string fname) { MyKey.keyfile = fname; MyKey.load(); if (MyKey.s_code.Length <= 0) { return; } MyKey.decode(MyKey.s_code, out string _); }
public static string host() { string str = Ini.getstring(; if (str == null || str.Length == 0) { str = MyKey.get_host(); } return(str); }
public static void load() { NameValueCollection all = clib.pair_load(MyKey.keyfile); MyKey.s_email = all.get_safe("email"); MyKey.regid = clib.atoi(all.get_safe("regid")); MyKey.s_hostid = clib.atoi(all.get_safe("hostid")); MyKey.s_code = all.get_safe("code"); if (MyKey.s_hostid != 0) { return; } MyKey.s_hostid = new Random().Next(1000000);; }
public static bool decode(string key, out string reason) { byte[] xin = clib.hex_to_byte(key); int index1 = 0; int mon = 0; reason = ""; if (key.Length < 30) { reason = "tooshort: Keys are 30 char long"; return(false); } MyKey.regid = (int)xin[index1] + (int)xin[index1 + 1] * 256 + (int)xin[index1 + 2] * 65536; int index2 = index1 + 3; MyKey.regdate = (int)xin[index2] + (int)xin[index2 + 1] * 256; int index3 = index2 + 2; = (int)xin[index3] + (int)xin[index3 + 1] * 256; int num1 = index3 + 2; byte[] numArray1 = xin; int index4 = num1; int num2 = index4 + 1; MyKey.prodid = (int)numArray1[index4]; byte[] numArray2 = xin; int index5 = num2; int num3 = index5 + 1; MyKey.flags = (int)numArray2[index5]; byte[] numArray3 = xin; int index6 = num3; int index7 = index6 + 1; MyKey.ulimit = MyKey.keylib_ulimit_decode((int)numArray3[index6]); int num4 = MyKey.keylib_crc(xin, MyKey.PRE_CRC); int num5 = (int)xin[index7] + (int)xin[index7 + 1] * 256; int num6 = index7 + 2; clib.imsg("crc {0} {1}", (object)num4, (object)num5); MyKey.reg_day1 = (int)xin[12]; MyKey.reg_day2 = (int)xin[13]; MyKey.fromdate = MyKey.keylib_fromdate(MyKey.regdate, MyKey.reg_day1, MyKey.reg_day2, out mon); if ( != 0) { string host = MyKey.get_host(); if (MyKey.keylib_host(host) != && MyKey.keylib_host(MyKey.keylib_host_trim(host)) != { reason = string.Format("Key for wrong host=({0}) ({1}) , try activate again", (object)host, (object)MyKey.keylib_host_trim(host)); return(false); } } DateTime date = clib.unix_to_date(MyKey.fromdate); MyKey.expdate = date.AddMonths(mon).to_unix_date(); if (mon == 0) { date = clib.unix_to_date(MyKey.fromdate); MyKey.expdate = date.AddMonths(12).to_unix_date(); } MyKey.istemp = true; if (mon == 0) { MyKey.istemp = false; } clib.imsg("Fromdate is {0} {1} Expires {2}", (object)MyKey.fromdate, (object)clib.nice_unix_date(MyKey.fromdate), (object)clib.nice_unix_date(MyKey.expdate)); if (num4 == num5) { return(true); } reason = "bad crc"; return(false); }
public static bool keylib_activate_get( string prod, string sregid, string email, out string keycode, out string reason) { string str1 = ""; string str2 = MyKey.keylib_host_new(MyKey.get_host()); string postUrl = string.Format("http://{0}/cgi-bin/keycgi.exe", (object)str1); keycode = "failed"; MyKey.robot_email = string.Format("{{host: {0}}}\r\n{{regid: {1}}}\r\n{{email: {2}}}\r\n{{product: {3}}}\r\n{{build: {4}}}\r\n{{hostid: {5}}}\r\n", (object)str2, (object)sregid, (object)email, (object)prod, (object)MyKey.keylib_build_date(), (object)MyKey.s_hostid); if (email.Length > 0) { MyKey.s_email = email; } reason = ""; sregid = sregid.ToLower(); if (sregid.StartsWith("n")) { sregid = sregid.Substring(1); } Dictionary <string, object> postParameters = new Dictionary <string, object>(); postParameters.Add("cmd", (object)"activate"); postParameters.Add("regid", (object)sregid); postParameters.Add(nameof(email), (object)email); postParameters.Add("host", (object)str2); postParameters.Add("product", (object)prod); postParameters.Add("build", (object)MyKey.keylib_build_date()); postParameters.Add("hostid", (object)MyKey.s_hostid); string end; try { string userAgent = "ftpdav"; HttpWebResponse httpWebResponse = WebHelpers.MultipartFormDataPost(postUrl, userAgent, postParameters, "", ""); end = new StreamReader(httpWebResponse.GetResponseStream()).ReadToEnd(); httpWebResponse.Close(); stat.imsg("image post response {0}", (object)end); } catch (Exception ex) { stat.imsg("image post failed to connect {0}", (object)ex.ToString()); return(false); } keycode = ""; string str3 = ""; foreach (string str4 in end.string_lines_any()) { clib.imsg("Response: {0}", (object)str4); if (str4.StartsWith("key: ")) { keycode = str4.Substring(5); } if (str4.StartsWith("key_state: ")) { str3 = str4.Substring(1); } if (str4.StartsWith("error: ")) { reason = str4.Substring(7); } } if (reason.Length > 0) { return(false); } clib.imsg("key state {0}", (object)str3); MyKey.s_code = keycode; return(true); }
private static int keylib_host(string host) { host = host.ToLower(); return(host == "*" ? 0 : MyKey.keylib_crc(clib.string_to_byte(host), host.Length) & (int)ushort.MaxValue); }
public static string show() { return(string.Format("Regid={0} regdate={1} host={2} prodid={3} flags={4} ulimit={5} istemp={6} host={7} expires={8}", (object)MyKey.regid, (object)MyKey.regdate, (object), (object)MyKey.prodid, (object)MyKey.flags, (object)MyKey.ulimit, (object)MyKey.istemp, (object)MyKey.keylib_host_new(MyKey.get_host()), (object)clib.nice_unix_date(MyKey.expdate))); }
public static void console_main(bool block) { MyMain.start_time = DateTime.Now; AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException += new UnhandledExceptionEventHandler(MyMain.CurrentDomain_UnhandledException); Timer timer = new Timer(new TimerCallback(MyMain.tsecond_Elapsed), (object)null, 0, 1000); clib.init_log_files(); clib.set_debug(true); clib.imsg("Logging home {0}", (object)clib.log_file("imsg.log")); clib.imsg("Starting FTPDAV Version {0} Build {1}", (object)clib.Version(), (object)clib.Build()); clib.startstop("Starting FTPDAV Version {0} {1}", (object)clib.Version(), (object)clib.Build()); Ini.init("config.ini")); clib.set_debug(MyMain.main_debug); clib.log_idle(); Quota.init(); clib.set_tmp("tmp")); Directory.CreateDirectory(clib.tmp()); Directory.CreateDirectory("userdb")); Directory.CreateDirectory("spawn")); Directory.CreateDirectory("log")); Vuser.init("userdb")); Link.set_paths(""),"")); Profile.load(); SimpleHash.unit_test(); Link.set_ssl_password(Ini.getstring(En.ssl_password)); clib.set_debug(true); MyMain.startListeners(); if (!MyMain.main_debug) { clib.imsg("Going quiet now as no -debug switch on command line..."); } clib.set_debug(MyMain.main_debug); MyKey.init("key.dat")); try { File.Delete("ftpdav.exit")); } catch { clib.imsg("FAILED TO DELETE FTPDAV.EXIT"); } if (!block) { return; } while (true) { try { File.WriteAllText("main.running"), "running"); if (File.Exists("ftpdav.exit"))) { clib.imsg("Exiting because ftpdav.exit found"); try { File.Delete("ftpdav.exit")); goto label_18; } catch (Exception ex) { clib.imsg("Delete failed {0}", (object)ex.Message); goto label_18; } } } catch { } Thread.Sleep(1000); if (!MyMain.shutdown) { if (clib.time() - MyMain.last > 60) { MyMain.last = clib.time();; } } else { break; } } clib.imsg("Exiting because shutdown flag true"); label_18: File.Delete("main.running")); clib.imsg("Key pressed or ftpdav.exit found ==============================");; clib.startstop("Clean shutdown FTPDAV Version {0}", (object)clib.Version()); }