void Run(string[] args) { monocle.Telegraph telegraph = new monocle.Telegraph(); List <monocle.IslandData> islands = new List <IslandData>(); List <Delivery> deliveries = new List <Delivery>(); Dictionary <ulong, monocle.Coordinate> tradingPosts = new Dictionary <ulong, monocle.Coordinate>(); foreach (string name in args) { List <IslandData> tempData = null; if (!telegraph.GetIslandsByName(name, out tempData)) { Console.WriteLine("Could not get island"); return; } islands.AddRange(tempData); } while (true) { var islandResources = new Dictionary <monocle.IslandData, Dictionary <monocle.Resource, IslandResourceData> >(); foreach (var island in islands) { Dictionary <monocle.Resource, IslandResourceData> islandResource = new Dictionary <monocle.Resource, IslandResourceData>(); List <monocle.IslandResourceRecord> resources = new List <monocle.IslandResourceRecord>(); if (!telegraph.GetIslandResources(island.id, out resources)) { return; } foreach (var record in resources) { islandResource.Add(record.resourceType, new IslandResourceData() { capacity = (int)record.capacity, amount = (int)record.amount, rate = 0.0, }); } List <monocle.ConsumptionNode> consumption = null; if (!telegraph.GetIslandConsumption(island.id, out consumption)) { return; } foreach (ConsumptionNode node in consumption) { IslandResourceData data = islandResource[node.resourceType]; data.rate -= node.rate; islandResource[node.resourceType] = data; } List <monocle.BuildingData> buildings = null; if (!telegraph.GetIslandBuildings(island.id, out buildings)) { return; } foreach (var building in buildings) { if (building.buidlingType == monocle.Building.LargeTradingPost || building.buidlingType == monocle.Building.MediumTradingPost || building.buidlingType == monocle.Building.SmallTradingPost) { tradingPosts[island.id] = building.position; } monocle.ProductionNode productionNode; if (!telegraph.GetBuildingProduction(island.id, building.id, out productionNode)) { continue; } foreach (var input in productionNode.input) { IslandResourceData inputData = islandResource[input]; inputData.rate -= Math.Max(0.1, productionNode.rate); islandResource[input] = inputData; } IslandResourceData outputData = islandResource[productionNode.output]; outputData.rate += productionNode.rate; islandResource[productionNode.output] = outputData; } islandResources.Add(island, islandResource); } List <monocle.ShipData> ships = null; if (!telegraph.GetAllShips(monocle.Area.OldWorld, out ships)) { return; } var schooners = (from ship in ships where ship.shipType == monocle.ShipType.Schooner select ship).ToList(); List <ShipData> idleSchooners = new List <ShipData>(); List <int> deliveriesToRemove = new List <int>(); for (int i = 0; i < deliveries.Count; ++i) { var shipIDs = (from s in ships select s.shipId).ToList(); if (!shipIDs.Contains(deliveries[i].shipID) || deliveries[i].done) { deliveriesToRemove.Add(i); } } foreach (var schooner in schooners) { monocle.ShipMoveData moveData; if (!telegraph.GetShipMoveData(schooner.shipId, out moveData)) { return; } bool schoonerInDelivery = false; foreach (var delivery in deliveries) { if (delivery.shipID == schooner.shipId) { schoonerInDelivery = true; } } if (schoonerInDelivery) { continue; } if (!moveData.moving) { idleSchooners.Add(schooner); } } deliveriesToRemove.Reverse(); foreach (int idx in deliveriesToRemove) { deliveries.RemoveAt(idx); } List <Supply> supplies = new List <Supply>(); List <Demand> demands = new List <Demand>(); foreach (monocle.IslandData island in islandResources.Keys) { foreach (var r in islandResources[island].Keys) { int virtualAmount = islandResources[island][r].amount; int capacity = islandResources[island][r].capacity; double ownRate = islandResources[island][r].rate; foreach (var delivery in deliveries) { if (delivery.targetIsland.id == island.id) { foreach (var package in delivery.packets) { if (package.resourceType == r) { virtualAmount += package.amount; } } } if (delivery.pickupIsland.id == island.id && !delivery.finalRun) { foreach (var package in delivery.packets) { if (package.resourceType == r) { virtualAmount -= package.amount; } } } } if (r != Resource.Oil && r != Resource.Coal) { if (ownRate < 0.0 && (capacity - virtualAmount) > 50) { Demand demand = new Demand() { island = island, resourceType = r, urgency = -ownRate * (1.0 - ((double)virtualAmount / capacity)), amountDemanded = capacity - virtualAmount, }; demands.Add(demand); continue; } if (ownRate > 0.0 && (virtualAmount > 70) || virtualAmount == capacity) { Supply supply = new Supply() { island = island, resourceType = r, amountSupplied = islandResources[island][r].amount - 20, }; supplies.Add(supply); continue; } if (ConstructionMaterials.ToList().Contains(r) && ownRate == 0.0) { int toFull = capacity - virtualAmount; if (toFull < 50) { continue; } Demand demand = new Demand() { island = island, resourceType = r, urgency = 1.0 / (capacity / (double)toFull), amountDemanded = toFull, }; demands.Add(demand); continue; } } } } demands.Sort((s1, s2) => s2.urgency.CompareTo(s1.urgency)); Console.Clear(); foreach (Supply supply in supplies) { Console.WriteLine(string.Format("{0} supplies {1} tonnes of {2}", supply.island.name, supply.amountSupplied.ToString(), supply.resourceType)); } foreach (Demand demand in demands) { Console.WriteLine(string.Format("{0} demands {1} tonnes of {2} at urgency {3}", demand.island.name, demand.amountDemanded.ToString(), demand.resourceType, demand.urgency)); } if (idleSchooners.Count > 0 && demands.Count > 0) { List <ResourcePacket> packets = new List <ResourcePacket>(); monocle.IslandData pickupIsland = new monocle.IslandData(); monocle.IslandData targetIsland = new monocle.IslandData(); bool found = false; for (int i = 0; i < demands.Count; ++i) { var demand = demands[i]; if (found) { break; } for (int j = 0; j < supplies.Count; ++j) { var supply = supplies[j]; // Should not happen, but eh... if (supply.island.id == demand.island.id) { continue; } if (demand.resourceType == supply.resourceType) { int packetSize = Math.Max(0, Math.Min(50, Math.Min(demand.amountDemanded, supply.amountSupplied))); packets.Add(new ResourcePacket() { resourceType = supply.resourceType, amount = packetSize }); pickupIsland = supply.island; targetIsland = demand.island; demand.amountDemanded -= packetSize; supply.amountSupplied -= packetSize; demands[i] = demand; supplies[j] = supply; found = true; break; } } } if (packets.Count > 0) { Delivery delivery = new Delivery() { packets = packets, finalRun = false, done = false, pickupIsland = pickupIsland, targetIsland = targetIsland, shipID = idleSchooners.First().shipId }; Coordinate pickupCoord = tradingPosts[pickupIsland.id]; List <ulong> shipID = new List <ulong>(); ulong schooner = idleSchooners.First().shipId; shipID.Add(schooner); if (!telegraph.ShipDumpCargo(schooner, 0)) { return; } if (!telegraph.ShipDumpCargo(schooner, 1)) { return; } if (!telegraph.AddWaypoint(shipID, pickupCoord)) { return; } deliveries.Add(delivery); } } for (int i = 0; i < deliveries.Count; ++i) { var delivery = deliveries[i]; Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Delivering {0} tonnes of {1} from {2} to {3}", delivery.packets.First().amount, delivery.packets.First().resourceType, delivery.pickupIsland.name, delivery.targetIsland.name)); monocle.ShipMoveData moveData; if (!telegraph.GetShipMoveData(delivery.shipID, out moveData)) { return; } if (moveData.moving) { continue; } monocle.Coordinate targetLocation = delivery.finalRun ? tradingPosts[delivery.targetIsland.id] : tradingPosts[delivery.pickupIsland.id]; double x1 = moveData.position.x; double x2 = targetLocation.x; double y1 = moveData.position.y; double y2 = targetLocation.y; double dx = x2 - x1; double dy = y2 - y1; double distance = Math.Sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy); if (distance > 25.0) { List <ulong> shipIds = new List <ulong>(); shipIds.Add(delivery.shipID); if (!telegraph.AddWaypoint(shipIds, targetLocation)) { return; } continue; } if (delivery.finalRun) { if (!telegraph.OffloadCargoFromShip(delivery.targetIsland.id, delivery.shipID, 50, 0)) { return; } delivery.done = true; deliveries[i] = delivery; } else { if (!telegraph.LoadCargoToShip(delivery.pickupIsland.id, delivery.shipID, delivery.packets.First().resourceType, (ulong)delivery.packets.First().amount, 0)) { return; } delivery.finalRun = true; deliveries[i] = delivery; List <ulong> shipIds = new List <ulong>(); shipIds.Add(delivery.shipID); if (!telegraph.AddWaypoint(shipIds, tradingPosts[delivery.targetIsland.id])) { return; } } } Thread.Sleep(500); } }