public static void CreatePage(SiteSettings siteSettings, ContentPage contentPage, PageSettings parentPage) { PageSettings pageSettings = new PageSettings(); pageSettings.PageGuid = Guid.NewGuid(); if (parentPage != null) { pageSettings.ParentGuid = parentPage.PageGuid; pageSettings.ParentId = parentPage.PageId; } pageSettings.SiteId = siteSettings.SiteId; pageSettings.SiteGuid = siteSettings.SiteGuid; pageSettings.AuthorizedRoles = contentPage.VisibleToRoles; pageSettings.EditRoles = contentPage.EditRoles; pageSettings.DraftEditOnlyRoles = contentPage.DraftEditRoles; pageSettings.CreateChildPageRoles = contentPage.CreateChildPageRoles; pageSettings.MenuImage = contentPage.MenuImage; pageSettings.PageMetaKeyWords = contentPage.PageMetaKeyWords; pageSettings.PageMetaDescription = contentPage.PageMetaDescription; CultureInfo uiCulture = Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture; if (WebConfigSettings.UseCultureOverride) { uiCulture = SiteUtils.GetDefaultUICulture(siteSettings.SiteId); } if (contentPage.ResourceFile.Length > 0) { pageSettings.PageName = ResourceHelper.GetResourceString(contentPage.ResourceFile, contentPage.Name, uiCulture, false); if (contentPage.Title.Length > 0) { pageSettings.PageTitle = ResourceHelper.GetResourceString(contentPage.ResourceFile, contentPage.Title, uiCulture, false); } } else { pageSettings.PageName = contentPage.Name; pageSettings.PageTitle = contentPage.Title; } pageSettings.PageOrder = contentPage.PageOrder; pageSettings.Url = contentPage.Url; pageSettings.RequireSsl = contentPage.RequireSsl; pageSettings.ShowBreadcrumbs = contentPage.ShowBreadcrumbs; pageSettings.BodyCssClass = contentPage.BodyCssClass; pageSettings.MenuCssClass = contentPage.MenuCssClass; pageSettings.IncludeInMenu = contentPage.IncludeInMenu; pageSettings.IsClickable = contentPage.IsClickable; pageSettings.IncludeInSiteMap = contentPage.IncludeInSiteMap; pageSettings.IncludeInChildSiteMap = contentPage.IncludeInChildPagesSiteMap; pageSettings.AllowBrowserCache = contentPage.AllowBrowserCaching; pageSettings.ShowChildPageBreadcrumbs = contentPage.ShowChildPageBreadcrumbs; pageSettings.ShowHomeCrumb = contentPage.ShowHomeCrumb; pageSettings.ShowChildPageMenu = contentPage.ShowChildPagesSiteMap; pageSettings.HideAfterLogin = contentPage.HideFromAuthenticated; pageSettings.EnableComments = contentPage.EnableComments; pageSettings.Save(); if (!FriendlyUrl.Exists(siteSettings.SiteId, pageSettings.Url)) { if (!WebPageInfo.IsPhysicalWebPage(pageSettings.Url)) { FriendlyUrl friendlyUrl = new FriendlyUrl(); friendlyUrl.SiteId = siteSettings.SiteId; friendlyUrl.SiteGuid = siteSettings.SiteGuid; friendlyUrl.PageGuid = pageSettings.PageGuid; friendlyUrl.Url = pageSettings.Url.Replace("~/", string.Empty); friendlyUrl.RealUrl = "~/Default.aspx?pageid=" + pageSettings.PageId.ToInvariantString(); friendlyUrl.Save(); } } foreach (ContentPageItem pageItem in contentPage.PageItems) { // tni-20130624: moduleGuidxxxx handling Guid moduleGuid2Use = Guid.Empty; bool updateModule = false; Module findModule = null; if (pageItem.ModuleGuidToPublish != Guid.Empty) { Module existingModule = new Module(pageItem.ModuleGuidToPublish); if (existingModule.ModuleGuid == pageItem.ModuleGuidToPublish && existingModule.SiteId == siteSettings.SiteId) { Module.Publish(pageSettings.PageGuid, existingModule.ModuleGuid, existingModule.ModuleId, pageSettings.PageId, pageItem.Location, pageItem.SortOrder, DateTime.UtcNow, DateTime.MinValue); // tni: I assume there's nothing else to do now so let's go to the next content... continue; } } else if (pageItem.ModuleGuid != Guid.Empty) { findModule = new Module(pageItem.ModuleGuid); if (findModule.ModuleGuid == Guid.Empty) { // Module does not exist, we can create new one with the specified Guid moduleGuid2Use = pageItem.ModuleGuid; } if (findModule.ModuleGuid == pageItem.ModuleGuid && findModule.SiteId == siteSettings.SiteId) { // The module already exist, we'll update existing one updateModule = true; moduleGuid2Use = findModule.ModuleGuid; } } // ModuleDefinition moduleDef = new ModuleDefinition(pageItem.FeatureGuid); // this only adds if its not already there try { SiteSettings.AddFeature(siteSettings.SiteGuid, pageItem.FeatureGuid); } catch (Exception ex) { log.Error(ex); } if (moduleDef.ModuleDefId > -1) { Module module = null; if (updateModule && (findModule != null)) { module = findModule; } else { module = new Module(); module.ModuleGuid = moduleGuid2Use; } module.SiteId = siteSettings.SiteId; module.SiteGuid = siteSettings.SiteGuid; module.PageId = pageSettings.PageId; module.ModuleDefId = moduleDef.ModuleDefId; module.FeatureGuid = moduleDef.FeatureGuid; module.PaneName = pageItem.Location; if (contentPage.ResourceFile.Length > 0) { module.ModuleTitle = ResourceHelper.GetResourceString(contentPage.ResourceFile, pageItem.ContentTitle, uiCulture, false); } else { module.ModuleTitle = pageItem.ContentTitle; } module.ModuleOrder = pageItem.SortOrder; module.CacheTime = pageItem.CacheTimeInSeconds; module.Icon = moduleDef.Icon; module.ShowTitle = pageItem.ShowTitle; module.AuthorizedEditRoles = pageItem.EditRoles; module.DraftEditRoles = pageItem.DraftEditRoles; module.ViewRoles = pageItem.ViewRoles; module.IsGlobal = pageItem.IsGlobal; module.HeadElement = pageItem.HeadElement; module.HideFromAuthenticated = pageItem.HideFromAuthenticated; module.HideFromUnauthenticated = pageItem.HideFromAnonymous; module.Save(); if ((pageItem.Installer != null) && (pageItem.ConfigInfo.Length > 0)) { //this is the newer implementation for populating feature content pageItem.Installer.InstallContent(module, pageItem.ConfigInfo); } else { // legacy implementation for backward compatibility if ( (pageItem.FeatureGuid == HtmlContent.FeatureGuid) && (pageItem.ContentTemplate.EndsWith(".config")) ) { HtmlContent htmlContent = new HtmlContent(); htmlContent.ModuleId = module.ModuleId; htmlContent.Body = ResourceHelper.GetMessageTemplate(uiCulture, pageItem.ContentTemplate); htmlContent.ModuleGuid = module.ModuleGuid; HtmlRepository repository = new HtmlRepository(); repository.Save(htmlContent); } } // tni-20130624: handling module settings foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> item in pageItem.ModuleSettings) { ModuleSettings.UpdateModuleSetting(module.ModuleGuid, module.ModuleId, item.Key, item.Value); } } } foreach (ContentPage childPage in contentPage.ChildPages) { CreatePage(siteSettings, childPage, pageSettings); } }
private void Save() { if (store == null) { return; } Product product; if (productGuid != Guid.Empty) { product = new Product(productGuid); } else { product = new Product(); product.StoreGuid = store.Guid; if (siteUser != null) { product.CreatedBy = siteUser.UserGuid; product.Created = DateTime.UtcNow; } } product.ContentChanged += new ContentChangedEventHandler(product_ContentChanged); if (ddTaxClassGuid.SelectedIndex > -1) { Guid taxClassGuid = new Guid(ddTaxClassGuid.SelectedValue); product.TaxClassGuid = taxClassGuid; } product.Name = txtName.Text; product.Teaser = edAbstract.Text; product.Description = edDescription.Text; product.MetaDescription = txtMetaDescription.Text; product.MetaKeywords = txtMetaKeywords.Text; //product.Sku = txtSku.Text; //TODO: Changed in db so sku don't need to be unique, maybe change back later (IX_ws_Product) product.ModelNumber = txtModelNumber.Text; product.Status = Product.ProductStatusFromString(ddStatus.SelectedValue); product.FulfillmentType = Product.FulfillmentTypeFromString(ddFullfillmentType.SelectedValue); decimal weight; if (!decimal.TryParse( txtWeight.Text, NumberStyles.Any, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out weight)) { weight = 0; } product.Weight = weight; decimal shippingAmount; if (!decimal.TryParse( txtShippingAmount.Text, NumberStyles.Any, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out shippingAmount)) { shippingAmount = 0; } product.ShippingAmount = shippingAmount; int qty; if (!int.TryParse(txtQuantityOnHand.Text, NumberStyles.Any, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out qty)) { qty = 1; } product.QuantityOnHand = qty; product.ShowInProductList = chkShowInProductList.Checked; product.EnableRating = chkEnableRating.Checked; product.TeaserFileLink = txtTeaserFileLinkText.Text; if (int.TryParse(txtSortRank1.Text, NumberStyles.Number, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out intSortRank1)) { product.SortRank1 = intSortRank1; } if (int.TryParse(txtSortRank2.Text, NumberStyles.Number, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out intSortRank2)) { product.SortRank2 = intSortRank2; } product.LastModified = DateTime.UtcNow; if (siteUser != null) { product.LastModifedBy = siteUser.UserGuid; } bool needToCreateFriendlyUrl = false; if ((product.Url.Length == 0) && (txtName.Text.Length > 0)) { product.Url = "/" + SiteUtils.SuggestFriendlyUrl( txtName.Text + WebStoreResources.ProductUrlSuffix, siteSettings); needToCreateFriendlyUrl = true; } else { //TODO: change url if title changed? } if (product.Save()) { productGuid = product.Guid; if (needToCreateFriendlyUrl) { FriendlyUrl newUrl = new FriendlyUrl(); newUrl.SiteId = siteSettings.SiteId; newUrl.SiteGuid = siteSettings.SiteGuid; newUrl.PageGuid = product.Guid; newUrl.Url = product.Url.Replace("/", string.Empty); newUrl.RealUrl = "~/WebStore/ProductDetail.aspx?pageid=" + pageId.ToInvariantString() + "&mid=" + moduleId.ToInvariantString() + "&product=" + product.Guid.ToString(); newUrl.Save(); } } SiteUtils.QueueIndexing(); WebUtils.SetupRedirect(this, GetRefreshUrl()); }
private void dlUrlMap_ItemCommand(object sender, DataListCommandEventArgs e) { int urlID = Convert.ToInt32(dlUrlMap.DataKeys[e.Item.ItemIndex]); FriendlyUrl friendlyUrl = new FriendlyUrl(urlID); switch (e.CommandName) { case "edit": dlUrlMap.EditItemIndex = e.Item.ItemIndex; Control c = e.Item.FindControl("ddPagesEdit"); DropDownList dd = null; if ((c != null) && (pageList != null)) { dd = (DropDownList)c; dd.DataSource = pageList; dd.DataBind(); } PopulateControls(); if (dd != null) { String selection = ParsePageId(friendlyUrl.RealUrl); if (selection.Length > 0) { ListItem listItem = dd.Items.FindByValue(selection); if (listItem != null) { dd.ClearSelection(); listItem.Selected = true; } } } break; case "apply": TextBox txtItemFriendlyUrl = (TextBox)e.Item.FindControl("txtItemFriendlyUrl"); if (txtItemFriendlyUrl.Text.Length > 0) { Control cEdit = e.Item.FindControl("ddPagesEdit"); if (cEdit != null) { DropDownList ddEdit = (DropDownList)cEdit; friendlyUrl.Url = txtItemFriendlyUrl.Text; if (WebPageInfo.IsPhysicalWebPage("~/" + friendlyUrl.Url)) { this.lblError.Text = Resource.FriendlyUrlWouldMaskPhysicalPageWarning; return; } int pageId = -1; if (int.TryParse(ddEdit.SelectedValue, out pageId)) { if (pageId > -1) { PageSettings page = new PageSettings(siteSettings.SiteId, pageId); friendlyUrl.PageGuid = page.PageGuid; } } friendlyUrl.RealUrl = "Default.aspx?pageid=" + ddEdit.SelectedValue; friendlyUrl.Save(); } WebUtils.SetupRedirect(this, Request.RawUrl); } else { this.lblError.Text = Resource.FriendlyUrlInvalidFriendlyUrlMessage; } break; case "applymanual": if ( ( (((TextBox)e.Item.FindControl("txtItemFriendlyUrl")).Text.Length > 0) ) && ( (((TextBox)e.Item.FindControl("txtItemRealUrl")).Text.Length > 0) ) ) { friendlyUrl.Url = ((TextBox)e.Item.FindControl("txtItemFriendlyUrl")).Text; if (WebPageInfo.IsPhysicalWebPage("~/" + friendlyUrl.Url)) { this.lblError.Text = Resource.FriendlyUrlWouldMaskPhysicalPageWarning; return; } friendlyUrl.RealUrl = ((TextBox)e.Item.FindControl("txtItemRealUrl")).Text; friendlyUrl.PageGuid = Guid.Empty; friendlyUrl.Save(); WebUtils.SetupRedirect(this, Request.RawUrl); } else { this.lblError.Text = Resource.FriendlyUrlInvalidEntryMessage; } break; case "delete": FriendlyUrl.DeleteUrl(urlID); WebUtils.SetupRedirect(this, Request.RawUrl); break; case "cancel": WebUtils.SetupRedirect(this, Request.RawUrl); break; } }
private void btnUpdate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Page.Validate("feeds"); if (!Page.IsValid) { return; } RssFeed feed = new RssFeed(ModuleId, ItemId); if (feed.ModuleId != ModuleId) { SiteUtils.RedirectToAccessDeniedPage(this); return; } feed.ModuleId = ModuleId; feed.Author = txtAuthor.Text; feed.Url = txtWebSite.Text; feed.RssUrl = txtRssUrl.Text; feed.ImageUrl = txtImageUrl.Text; int sortRank = 500; int.TryParse(txtSortRank.Text, out sortRank); feed.SortRank = sortRank; SiteUser siteUser = SiteUtils.GetCurrentSiteUser(); if (siteUser == null) return; Module module = new Module(ModuleId); feed.ModuleGuid = module.ModuleGuid; feed.UserId = siteUser.UserId; feed.UserGuid = siteUser.UserGuid; feed.LastModUserGuid = siteUser.UserGuid; feed.PublishByDefault = chkPublishByDefault.Checked; if (feed.Save()) { CurrentPage.UpdateLastModifiedTime(); FeedCache.RefreshFeed( feed, ModuleId, module.ModuleGuid, config.MaxDaysOld, config.MaxEntriesPerFeed, config.EnableSelectivePublishing); String rssFriendlyUrl = "aggregator" + ModuleId.ToInvariantString() + "rss.aspx"; if (!FriendlyUrl.Exists(siteSettings.SiteId, rssFriendlyUrl)) { FriendlyUrl friendlyUrl = new FriendlyUrl(); friendlyUrl.SiteId = siteSettings.SiteId; friendlyUrl.SiteGuid = siteSettings.SiteGuid; friendlyUrl.Url = rssFriendlyUrl; friendlyUrl.RealUrl = "~/FeedManager/FeedAggregate.aspx?pageid=" + PageId.ToInvariantString() + "&mid=" + ModuleId.ToInvariantString(); friendlyUrl.Save(); } if (hdnReturnUrl.Value.Length > 0) { WebUtils.SetupRedirect(this, hdnReturnUrl.Value); return; } WebUtils.SetupRedirect(this, SiteUtils.GetCurrentPageUrl()); } }
void btnAddExpert_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if ( (this.txtFriendlyUrl.Text.Length > 0) && (this.txtRealUrl.Text.Length > 0) ) { if (WebPageInfo.IsPhysicalWebPage("~/" + txtFriendlyUrl.Text)) { this.lblError.Text = Resource.FriendlyUrlWouldMaskPhysicalPageWarning; return; } if (FriendlyUrl.Exists(siteSettings.SiteId, txtFriendlyUrl.Text)) { this.lblError.Text = Resource.FriendlyUrlDuplicateWarning; return; } FriendlyUrl url = new FriendlyUrl(); url.SiteId = siteSettings.SiteId; url.SiteGuid = siteSettings.SiteGuid; url.Url = this.txtFriendlyUrl.Text; url.RealUrl = this.txtRealUrl.Text; url.Save(); WebUtils.SetupRedirect(this, Request.RawUrl); } else { this.lblError.Text = Resource.FriendlyUrlInvalidEntryMessage; } }
private void btnAddFriendlyUrl_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (this.txtFriendlyUrl.Text.Length > 0) { if (WebPageInfo.IsPhysicalWebPage("~/" + txtFriendlyUrl.Text)) { this.lblError.Text = Resource.FriendlyUrlWouldMaskPhysicalPageWarning; return; } if (FriendlyUrl.Exists(siteSettings.SiteId, txtFriendlyUrl.Text)) { this.lblError.Text = Resource.FriendlyUrlDuplicateWarning; return; } if (FriendlyUrl.Exists(siteSettings.SiteId, txtFriendlyUrl.Text.ToLower())) { this.lblError.Text = Resource.FriendlyUrlDuplicateWarning; return; } FriendlyUrl url = new FriendlyUrl(); url.SiteId = siteSettings.SiteId; url.SiteGuid = siteSettings.SiteGuid; int pageId = -1; if (int.TryParse(ddPages.SelectedValue, out pageId)) { if (pageId > -1) { PageSettings page = new PageSettings(siteSettings.SiteId, pageId); url.PageGuid = page.PageGuid; } } url.Url = this.txtFriendlyUrl.Text; url.RealUrl = "Default.aspx?pageid=" + ddPages.SelectedValue; url.Save(); WebUtils.SetupRedirect(this, Request.RawUrl); } else { this.lblError.Text = Resource.FriendlyUrlInvalidFriendlyUrlMessage; } }
private void Save() { if (store == null) { return; } Offer offer; if (offerGuid != Guid.Empty) { offer = new Offer(offerGuid); } else { offer = new Offer(); offer.Created = DateTime.UtcNow; offer.CreatedBy = siteUser.UserGuid; offer.CreatedFromIP = SiteUtils.GetIP4Address(); } if (config.IndexOffersInSearch) { offer.ContentChanged += new ContentChangedEventHandler(offer_ContentChanged); } offer.Name = txtName.Text; offer.ProductListName = txtProductListName.Text; offer.Teaser = edAbstract.Text; offer.Description = edDescription.Text; offer.StoreGuid = store.Guid; offer.IsVisible = chkIsVisible.Checked; offer.IsSpecial = chkIsSpecial.Checked; offer.IsDonation = chkIsDonation.Checked; offer.ShowDetailLink = chkShowDetailLink.Checked; offer.MetaDescription = txtMetaDescription.Text; offer.MetaKeywords = txtMetaKeywords.Text; // If the sort rank inputs are left null on the product // and offer creation screens, the in.Parse gets all // bent out of shape so I converted to TryParse if (int.TryParse(txtSortRank1.Text, NumberStyles.Number, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out intSortRank1)) { offer.SortRank1 = intSortRank1; } if (int.TryParse(txtSortRank2.Text, NumberStyles.Number, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out intSortRank2)) { offer.SortRank2 = intSortRank2; } offer.Price = decimal.Parse(txtPrice.Text, NumberStyles.Currency, currencyCulture); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(ddTaxClassGuid.SelectedValue)) { Guid taxClassGuid = new Guid(ddTaxClassGuid.SelectedValue); offer.TaxClassGuid = taxClassGuid; } offer.LastModified = DateTime.UtcNow; offer.LastModifiedBy = siteUser.UserGuid; offer.LastModifiedFromIP = SiteUtils.GetIP4Address(); bool needToCreateFriendlyUrl = false; if ((offer.Url.Length == 0) && (txtName.Text.Length > 0)) { offer.Url = "/" + SiteUtils.SuggestFriendlyUrl( txtName.Text + WebStoreResources.OfferUrlSuffix, siteSettings); needToCreateFriendlyUrl = true; } else { //TODO: change url if title changed? } if (offer.Save()) { offerGuid = offer.Guid; if (needToCreateFriendlyUrl) { FriendlyUrl newUrl = new FriendlyUrl(); newUrl.SiteId = siteSettings.SiteId; newUrl.SiteGuid = siteSettings.SiteGuid; newUrl.PageGuid = offer.Guid; newUrl.Url = offer.Url.Replace("/", string.Empty); newUrl.RealUrl = "~/WebStore/OfferDetail.aspx?pageid=" + pageId.ToInvariantString() + "&mid=" + moduleId.ToInvariantString() + "&offer=" + offer.Guid.ToString(); newUrl.Save(); } } SiteUtils.QueueIndexing(); WebUtils.SetupRedirect(this, GetRefreshUrl()); }
private void Save() { if (blog == null) { blog = new Blog(itemId); if ((blog.ItemId > -1) && (blog.ModuleId != moduleId)) { SiteUtils.RedirectToAccessDeniedPage(this); return; } } Module module = GetModule(moduleId, Blog.FeatureGuid); if (module == null) { return; } if (currentUser == null) { return; } blog.UserGuid = currentUser.UserGuid; blog.LastModUserGuid = currentUser.UserGuid; blog.ContentChanged += new ContentChangedEventHandler(blog_ContentChanged); blog.ModuleId = moduleId; blog.ModuleGuid = module.ModuleGuid; DateTime localTime = DateTime.Parse(dpBeginDate.Text); if (timeZone != null) { blog.StartDate = localTime.ToUtc(timeZone); } else { blog.StartDate = localTime.AddHours(-timeOffset); } if (dpEndDate.Text.Length == 0) { blog.EndDate = DateTime.MaxValue; } else { DateTime localEndTime = DateTime.Parse(dpEndDate.Text); if (timeZone != null) { blog.EndDate = localEndTime.ToUtc(timeZone); } else { blog.EndDate = localEndTime.AddHours(-timeOffset); } } blog.Title = txtTitle.Text; blog.SubTitle = txtSubTitle.Text; blog.Location = txtLocation.Text; blog.Description = edContent.Text; blog.Excerpt = edExcerpt.Text; blog.UserName = Context.User.Identity.Name; blog.IncludeInFeed = this.chkIncludeInFeed.Checked; blog.IsPublished = chkIsPublished.Checked; int allowComentsForDays = -1; int.TryParse(ddCommentAllowedForDays.SelectedValue, out allowComentsForDays); blog.AllowCommentsForDays = allowComentsForDays; blog.MetaDescription = txtMetaDescription.Text; blog.MetaKeywords = txtMetaKeywords.Text; blog.ShowDownloadLink = chkShowDownloadLink.Checked; blog.UseBingMap = chkUseBing.Checked; blog.MapType = ((GMapTypeSetting)MapTypeControl).GetValue(); int mapZoom = 13; int.TryParse(((GMapZoomLevelSetting)ZoomLevelControl).GetValue(), out mapZoom); blog.MapZoom = mapZoom; blog.MapHeight = txtMapHeight.Text; blog.MapWidth = txtMapWidth.Text; blog.ShowMapOptions = chkShowMapOptions.Checked; blog.ShowZoomTool = chkShowMapZoom.Checked; blog.ShowLocationInfo = chkShowMapBalloon.Checked; blog.UseDrivingDirections = chkShowMapDirections.Checked; blog.IncludeInSearch = chkIncludeInSearchIndex.Checked; blog.ExcludeFromRecentContent = chkExcludeFromRecentContent.Checked; blog.IncludeInSiteMap = chkIncludeInSiteMap.Checked; blog.ShowAuthorName = chkShowAuthorName.Checked; blog.ShowAuthorAvatar = chkShowAuthorAvatar.Checked; blog.ShowAuthorBio = chkShowAuthorBio.Checked; blog.IncludeInNews = chkIncludeInNews.Checked; blog.PubName = txtPublicationName.Text; blog.PubLanguage = txtPubLanguage.Text; blog.PubAccess = config.PublicationAccess; blog.PubGenres = txtPubGenres.Text; blog.PubGeoLocations = txtPubGeoLocations.Text; blog.PubKeyWords = txtPubKeyWords.Text; blog.PubStockTickers = txtPubStockTickers.Text; blog.HeadlineImageUrl = txtHeadlineImage.Text; if (blog.HeadlineImageUrl.Length > 0) { imgPreview.ImageUrl = blog.HeadlineImageUrl; } blog.IncludeImageInExcerpt = chkIncludeImageInExcerpt.Checked; if (txtItemUrl.Text.Length == 0) { txtItemUrl.Text = SuggestUrl(); } String friendlyUrlString = SiteUtils.RemoveInvalidUrlChars(txtItemUrl.Text.Replace("~/", String.Empty)); FriendlyUrl friendlyUrl = new FriendlyUrl(siteSettings.SiteId, friendlyUrlString); if ( ((friendlyUrl.FoundFriendlyUrl) && (friendlyUrl.PageGuid != blog.BlogGuid)) && (blog.ItemUrl != txtItemUrl.Text) ) { lblError.Text = BlogResources.PageUrlInUseBlogErrorMessage; cancelRedirect = true; return; } if (!friendlyUrl.FoundFriendlyUrl) { if (WebPageInfo.IsPhysicalWebPage("~/" + friendlyUrlString)) { lblError.Text = BlogResources.PageUrlInUseBlogErrorMessage; cancelRedirect = true; return; } } string oldUrl = blog.ItemUrl.Replace("~/", string.Empty); string newUrl = SiteUtils.RemoveInvalidUrlChars(txtItemUrl.Text.Replace("~/", string.Empty)); blog.ItemUrl = "~/" + newUrl; if (enableContentVersioning) { blog.CreateHistory(siteSettings.SiteGuid); } blog.Save(); //added by suresh UploadCoverImage(blog.ItemId.ToInvariantString()); //added above by suresh if (!friendlyUrl.FoundFriendlyUrl) { if ((friendlyUrlString.Length > 0)&&(!WebPageInfo.IsPhysicalWebPage("~/" + friendlyUrlString))) { FriendlyUrl newFriendlyUrl = new FriendlyUrl(); newFriendlyUrl.SiteId = siteSettings.SiteId; newFriendlyUrl.SiteGuid = siteSettings.SiteGuid; newFriendlyUrl.PageGuid = blog.BlogGuid; newFriendlyUrl.Url = friendlyUrlString; newFriendlyUrl.RealUrl = "~/Blog/ViewPost.aspx?pageid=" + pageId.ToInvariantString() + "&mid=" + blog.ModuleId.ToInvariantString() + "&ItemID=" + blog.ItemId.ToInvariantString(); newFriendlyUrl.Save(); } //if post was renamed url will change, if url changes we need to redirect from the old url to the new with 301 if ((oldUrl.Length > 0) && (newUrl.Length > 0) && (!SiteUtils.UrlsMatch(oldUrl, newUrl)) && BlogConfiguration.Create301OnPostRename) { //worry about the risk of a redirect loop if the page is restored to the old url again // don't create it if a redirect for the new url exists if ( (!RedirectInfo.Exists(siteSettings.SiteId, oldUrl)) && (!RedirectInfo.Exists(siteSettings.SiteId, newUrl)) ) { RedirectInfo redirect = new RedirectInfo(); redirect.SiteGuid = siteSettings.SiteGuid; redirect.SiteId = siteSettings.SiteId; redirect.OldUrl = oldUrl; redirect.NewUrl = newUrl; redirect.Save(); } // since we have created a redirect we don't need the old friendly url FriendlyUrl oldFriendlyUrl = new FriendlyUrl(siteSettings.SiteId, oldUrl); if ((oldFriendlyUrl.FoundFriendlyUrl) && (oldFriendlyUrl.PageGuid == blog.BlogGuid)) { FriendlyUrl.DeleteUrl(oldFriendlyUrl.UrlId); } } } // new item posted so ping services if ((itemId == -1) && (blog.IsPublished) && (blog.StartDate <= DateTime.UtcNow)) { QueuePings(); } CurrentPage.UpdateLastModifiedTime(); // friendly feed urls are no longer needed since all params have been combined into 1 param // //String blogFriendlyUrl = "blog" + blog.ModuleId.ToInvariantString() + "rss.aspx"; //if (!FriendlyUrl.Exists(siteSettings.SiteId, blogFriendlyUrl)) //{ // FriendlyUrl rssUrl = new FriendlyUrl(); // rssUrl.SiteId = siteSettings.SiteId; // rssUrl.SiteGuid = siteSettings.SiteGuid; // rssUrl.PageGuid = blog.ModuleGuid; // rssUrl.Url = blogFriendlyUrl; // rssUrl.RealUrl = "~/Blog/RSS.aspx?pageid=" + pageId.ToInvariantString() // + "&mid=" + blog.ModuleId.ToInvariantString(); // rssUrl.Save(); //} Blog.DeleteItemCategories(blog.ItemId); // Mono doesn't see this in update panel // so help find it if (chkCategories == null) { log.Error("chkCategories was null"); chkCategories = (CheckBoxList)UpdatePanel1.FindControl("chkCategories"); } foreach (ListItem listItem in this.chkCategories.Items) { if (listItem.Selected) { Int32 categoryId; if (Int32.TryParse(listItem.Value, out categoryId)) { Blog.AddItemCategory(blog.ItemId, categoryId); } } } //CacheHelper.TouchCacheDependencyFile(cacheDependencyKey); CacheHelper.ClearModuleCache(moduleId); SiteUtils.QueueIndexing(); }
public void InstallContent(Module module, string configInfo) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(configInfo)) { return; } Store store = new Store(module.SiteGuid, module.ModuleId); if (store.Guid == Guid.Empty) // No store created yet { store = new Store(); store.SiteGuid = module.SiteGuid; store.ModuleId = module.ModuleId; store.Save(); } SiteSettings siteSettings = new SiteSettings(module.SiteId); Guid taxClassGuid = Guid.Empty; List<TaxClass> taxClasses = TaxClass.GetList(siteSettings.SiteGuid); if (taxClasses.Count == 0) { TaxClass taxClass = new TaxClass(); taxClass.SiteGuid = siteSettings.SiteGuid; taxClass.Title = "Taxable"; taxClass.Description = "Taxable"; taxClass.Save(); taxClass = new TaxClass(); taxClass.SiteGuid = siteSettings.SiteGuid; taxClass.Title = "Not Taxable"; taxClass.Description = "Not Taxable"; taxClass.Save(); taxClassGuid = taxClass.Guid; } else { foreach (TaxClass t in taxClasses) { if (t.Title == "Not Taxable") { taxClassGuid = t.Guid; } } } SiteUser admin = SiteUser.GetNewestUser(siteSettings); XmlDocument xml = new XmlDocument(); using (StreamReader stream = File.OpenText(HostingEnvironment.MapPath(configInfo))) { xml.LoadXml(stream.ReadToEnd()); } CultureInfo currencyCulture = new CultureInfo("en-US"); if (xml.DocumentElement.Name == "store") { // update the store XmlAttributeCollection storeAttrributes = xml.DocumentElement.Attributes; if (storeAttrributes["storeName"] != null) { store.Name = storeAttrributes["storeName"].Value; } if (storeAttrributes["emailFrom"] != null) { store.EmailFrom = storeAttrributes["emailFrom"].Value; } if (storeAttrributes["currencyCulture"] != null) { currencyCulture = new CultureInfo(storeAttrributes["currencyCulture"].Value); } if (storeAttrributes["ownerName"] != null) { store.OwnerName = storeAttrributes["ownerName"].Value; } if (storeAttrributes["ownerEmail"] != null) { store.OwnerEmail = storeAttrributes["ownerEmail"].Value; } if (storeAttrributes["city"] != null) { store.City = storeAttrributes["city"].Value; } if (storeAttrributes["postalCode"] != null) { store.PostalCode = storeAttrributes["postalCode"].Value; } if (storeAttrributes["phone"] != null) { store.Phone = storeAttrributes["phone"].Value; } if (storeAttrributes["address"] != null) { store.Address = storeAttrributes["address"].Value; } if (storeAttrributes["countryGuid"] != null) { string g = storeAttrributes["countryGuid"].Value; if(g.Length == 36) { Guid countryGuid = new Guid(g); store.CountryGuid = countryGuid; } } if (storeAttrributes["stateGuid"] != null) { string s = storeAttrributes["stateGuid"].Value; if(s.Length == 36) { Guid stateGuid = new Guid(s); store.ZoneGuid = stateGuid; } } foreach (XmlNode descriptionNode in xml.DocumentElement.ChildNodes) { if (descriptionNode.Name == "storeDescription") { store.Description = descriptionNode.InnerText; break; } } store.Save(); //module settings foreach (XmlNode node in xml.DocumentElement.ChildNodes) { if (node.Name == "moduleSetting") { XmlAttributeCollection settingAttributes = node.Attributes; if ((settingAttributes["settingKey"] != null) && (settingAttributes["settingKey"].Value.Length > 0)) { string key = settingAttributes["settingKey"].Value; string val = string.Empty; if (settingAttributes["settingValue"] != null) { val = settingAttributes["settingValue"].Value; } ModuleSettings.UpdateModuleSetting(module.ModuleGuid, module.ModuleId, key, val); } } } if (storeAttrributes["productFilesPath"] != null) { if (storeAttrributes["productFilesPath"].Value.Length > 0) { string destPath = "~/Data/Sites/" + module.SiteId.ToInvariantString() + "/webstoreproductfiles/"; if (!Directory.Exists(HostingEnvironment.MapPath(destPath))) { Directory.CreateDirectory(HostingEnvironment.MapPath(destPath)); } IOHelper.CopyFolderContents(HostingEnvironment.MapPath(storeAttrributes["productFilesPath"].Value), HostingEnvironment.MapPath(destPath)); } } if (storeAttrributes["teaserFilesPath"] != null) { if (storeAttrributes["teaserFilesPath"].Value.Length > 0) { string destPath = "~/Data/Sites/" + module.SiteId.ToInvariantString() + "/webstoreproductpreviewfiles/"; if (!Directory.Exists(HostingEnvironment.MapPath(destPath))) { Directory.CreateDirectory(HostingEnvironment.MapPath(destPath)); } IOHelper.CopyFolderContents(HostingEnvironment.MapPath(storeAttrributes["teaserFilesPath"].Value), HostingEnvironment.MapPath(destPath)); } } FullfillDownloadTerms term = new FullfillDownloadTerms(); term.Name = WebStoreResources.DownloadUnlimited; term.Description = WebStoreResources.DownloadUnlimited; if (admin != null) { term.CreatedBy = admin.UserGuid; } term.StoreGuid = store.Guid; term.Save(); XmlNode offersNode = null; foreach (XmlNode n in xml.DocumentElement.ChildNodes) { if (n.Name == "offers") { offersNode = n; break; } } if (offersNode != null) { foreach (XmlNode node in offersNode.ChildNodes) { if (node.Name == "offer") { XmlAttributeCollection offerAttrributes = node.Attributes; Offer offer = new Offer(); offer.StoreGuid = store.Guid; offer.Created = DateTime.UtcNow; offer.LastModified = DateTime.UtcNow; if (admin != null) { offer.CreatedBy = admin.UserGuid; offer.LastModifiedBy = admin.UserGuid; } if (offerAttrributes["offerName"] != null) { offer.Name = offerAttrributes["offerName"].Value; } if (offerAttrributes["nameOnProductList"] != null) { offer.ProductListName = offerAttrributes["nameOnProductList"].Value; } if ( (offerAttrributes["isVisible"] != null) && (offerAttrributes["isVisible"].Value.ToLower() == "true") ) { offer.IsVisible = true; } if ( (offerAttrributes["isSpecial"] != null) && (offerAttrributes["isSpecial"].Value.ToLower() == "true") ) { offer.IsSpecial = true; } //offer.IsDonation = chkIsDonation.Checked; if ( (offerAttrributes["showOfferDetailLink"] != null) && (offerAttrributes["showOfferDetailLink"].Value.ToLower() == "true") ) { offer.ShowDetailLink = true; } if (offerAttrributes["primarySort"] != null) { int sort = 5000; if (int.TryParse(offerAttrributes["primarySort"].Value, out sort)) { offer.SortRank1 = sort; } } if (offerAttrributes["secondarySort"] != null) { int sort = 5000; if (int.TryParse(offerAttrributes["secondarySort"].Value, out sort)) { offer.SortRank2 = sort; } } if (offerAttrributes["price"] != null) { offer.Price = decimal.Parse(offerAttrributes["price"].Value, NumberStyles.Currency, currencyCulture); } offer.TaxClassGuid = taxClassGuid; offer.Url = "/" + SiteUtils.SuggestFriendlyUrl( offer.Name + WebStoreResources.OfferUrlSuffix, siteSettings); foreach (XmlNode descriptionNode in node.ChildNodes) { if (descriptionNode.Name == "abstract") { offer.Teaser = descriptionNode.InnerText; break; } } foreach (XmlNode descriptionNode in node.ChildNodes) { if (descriptionNode.Name == "description") { offer.Description = descriptionNode.InnerText; break; } } if (offer.Save()) { FriendlyUrl newUrl = new FriendlyUrl(); newUrl.SiteId = siteSettings.SiteId; newUrl.SiteGuid = siteSettings.SiteGuid; newUrl.PageGuid = offer.Guid; newUrl.Url = offer.Url.Replace("/", string.Empty); newUrl.RealUrl = "~/WebStore/OfferDetail.aspx?pageid=" + module.PageId.ToInvariantString() + "&mid=" + module.ModuleId.ToInvariantString() + "&offer=" + offer.Guid.ToString(); newUrl.Save(); } foreach (XmlNode productNode in node.ChildNodes) { if (productNode.Name == "product") { XmlAttributeCollection productAttrributes = productNode.Attributes; Product product = new Product(); product.StoreGuid = store.Guid; if (admin != null) { product.CreatedBy = admin.UserGuid; } product.Created = DateTime.UtcNow; product.TaxClassGuid = taxClassGuid; if (productAttrributes["name"] != null) { product.Name = productAttrributes["name"].Value; } if (productAttrributes["modelNumber"] != null) { product.ModelNumber = productAttrributes["modelNumber"].Value; } if (productAttrributes["teaser"] != null) { product.TeaserFile = productAttrributes["teaser"].Value; } if (productAttrributes["fulfillmentType"] != null) { product.FulfillmentType = Product.FulfillmentTypeFromString(productAttrributes["fulfillmentType"].Value); } product.Status = ProductStatus.Available; product.Weight = 0; product.QuantityOnHand = 0; if ( (productAttrributes["showInProductList"] != null) && (productAttrributes["showInProductList"].Value.ToLower() == "true") ) { product.ShowInProductList = true; } if ( (productAttrributes["enableRating"] != null) && (productAttrributes["enableRating"].Value.ToLower() == "true") ) { product.EnableRating = true; } if (productAttrributes["primarySort"] != null) { int sort = 5000; if (int.TryParse(productAttrributes["primarySort"].Value, out sort)) { product.SortRank1 = sort; } } if (productAttrributes["secondarySort"] != null) { int sort = 5000; if (int.TryParse(productAttrributes["secondarySort"].Value, out sort)) { product.SortRank2 = sort; } } product.Url = "/" + SiteUtils.SuggestFriendlyUrl( product.Name + WebStoreResources.ProductUrlSuffix, siteSettings); foreach (XmlNode descriptionNode in productNode.ChildNodes) { if (descriptionNode.Name == "abstract") { product.Teaser = descriptionNode.InnerText; break; } } foreach (XmlNode descriptionNode in productNode.ChildNodes) { if (descriptionNode.Name == "description") { product.Description = descriptionNode.InnerText; break; } } if (product.Save()) { if (productAttrributes["file"] != null) { ProductFile productFile = new ProductFile(product.Guid); productFile.ServerFileName = productAttrributes["file"].Value; if (productAttrributes["fileName"] != null) { productFile.FileName = productAttrributes["fileName"].Value; } if (admin != null) { productFile.CreatedBy = admin.UserGuid; } productFile.Save(); } FriendlyUrl newUrl = new FriendlyUrl(); newUrl.SiteId = siteSettings.SiteId; newUrl.SiteGuid = siteSettings.SiteGuid; newUrl.PageGuid = product.Guid; newUrl.Url = product.Url.Replace("/", string.Empty); newUrl.RealUrl = "~/WebStore/ProductDetail.aspx?pageid=" + module.PageId.ToInvariantString() + "&mid=" + module.ModuleId.ToInvariantString() + "&product=" + product.Guid.ToString(); newUrl.Save(); } // create offer product OfferProduct offerProduct = new OfferProduct(); if (admin != null) { offerProduct.CreatedBy = admin.UserGuid; } offerProduct.ProductGuid = product.Guid; if (productAttrributes["fulfillmentType"] != null) { offerProduct.FullfillType = Convert.ToByte(productAttrributes["fulfillmentType"].Value); } if (productAttrributes["sortOrder"] != null) { int sort = 100; if (int.TryParse(productAttrributes["sortOrder"].Value, out sort)) { offerProduct.SortOrder = sort; } } if (productAttrributes["quantity"] != null) { int qty = 1; if (int.TryParse(productAttrributes["quantity"].Value, out qty)) { offerProduct.Quantity = qty; } } offerProduct.FullfillType = (byte)product.FulfillmentType; offerProduct.FullFillTermsGuid = term.Guid; offerProduct.OfferGuid = offer.Guid; offerProduct.Save(); } } } } } } //create product }
/// <summary> /// metaWeblog.newPost method /// </summary> /// <param name="blogId"> /// always 1000 in BlogEngine since it is a singlar blog instance /// </param> /// <param name="userName"> /// login username /// </param> /// <param name="password"> /// login password /// </param> /// <param name="sentPost"> /// struct with post details /// </param> /// <param name="publish"> /// mark as published? /// </param> /// <returns> /// postID as string /// </returns> internal string NewPost(string blogId, string userName, string password, MWAPost sentPost, bool publish) { int moduleId = Convert.ToInt32(blogId); if (!UserCanPostToBlog(userName, moduleId)) { throw new MetaWeblogException("11", MetaweblogResources.AccessDenied); } try { Module module = new Module(moduleId); Blog post = new Blog(); post.ModuleId = module.ModuleId; post.ModuleGuid = module.ModuleGuid; post.UserGuid = siteUser.UserGuid; post.LastModUserGuid = siteUser.UserGuid; if ((sentPost.postDate != null) && (sentPost.postDate > DateTime.MinValue) && (sentPost.postDate < DateTime.MaxValue)) { if (!WebConfigSettings.DisableUseOfPassedInDateForMetaWeblogApi) { post.StartDate = sentPost.postDate; } } post.Title = sentPost.title; post.Description = SiteUtils.ChangeFullyQualifiedLocalUrlsToRelative(navigationSiteRoot, imageSiteRoot, sentPost.description); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sentPost.excerpt)) { if (BlogConfiguration.UseExcerptFromMetawblogAsMetaDescription) { post.MetaDescription = UIHelper.CreateExcerpt(sentPost.excerpt, BlogConfiguration.MetaDescriptionMaxLengthToGenerate); } post.Excerpt = SiteUtils.ChangeFullyQualifiedLocalUrlsToRelative(navigationSiteRoot, imageSiteRoot, sentPost.excerpt); } post.IncludeInFeed = true; post.IsPublished = publish; //post.Slug = sentPost.slug; //string author = String.IsNullOrEmpty( ? userName :; switch (sentPost.commentPolicy) { //closed case "2": post.AllowCommentsForDays = -1; // closed break; // open case "1": default: Hashtable moduleSettings = ModuleSettings.GetModuleSettings(post.ModuleId); BlogConfiguration config = new BlogConfiguration(moduleSettings); post.AllowCommentsForDays = config.DefaultCommentDaysAllowed; break; } string newUrl = SiteUtils.SuggestFriendlyUrl(post.Title, siteSettings); post.ItemUrl = "~/" + newUrl; if (!post.Title.Contains("Theme Detection")) // don't index a temp post from livewriter that will be deleted { post.ContentChanged += new ContentChangedEventHandler(blog_ContentChanged); } post.Save(); int pageId = GetPageIdForModule(moduleId); FriendlyUrl newFriendlyUrl = new FriendlyUrl(); newFriendlyUrl.SiteId = siteSettings.SiteId; newFriendlyUrl.SiteGuid = siteSettings.SiteGuid; newFriendlyUrl.PageGuid = post.BlogGuid; newFriendlyUrl.Url = newUrl; newFriendlyUrl.RealUrl = "~/Blog/ViewPost.aspx?pageid=" + pageId.ToInvariantString() + "&mid=" + post.ModuleId.ToInvariantString() + "&ItemID=" + post.ItemId.ToInvariantString(); if (pageId > -1) { newFriendlyUrl.Save(); } SetCategories(post, sentPost); //post.Tags.Clear(); //foreach (var item in sentPost.tags.Where(item => item != null && item.Trim() != string.Empty)) //{ // post.Tags.Add(item); //} if (!post.Title.Contains("Theme Detection")) // don't index a temp post from livewriter that will be deleted { SiteUtils.QueueIndexing(); } return post.ItemId.ToString(); } catch (Exception ex) { log.Error(ex); throw new MetaWeblogException("12", string.Format("Create new post failed. Error: {0}", ex.Message)); } }
/// <summary> /// wp.newPage method /// </summary> /// <param name="blogId">blogID in string format</param> /// <param name="userName">login username</param> /// <param name="password">login password</param> /// <param name="mwaPage">The mwa page.</param> /// <param name="publish">if set to <c>true</c> [publish].</param> /// <returns>The new page.</returns> internal string NewPage(string blogId, string userName, string password, MWAPage mwaPage, bool publish) { PageSettings page = new PageSettings(); PageSettings parentPage = null; Guid parentGuid = Guid.Empty; if ((mwaPage.pageParentID != null)&&(mwaPage.pageParentID.Length == 36)) { parentGuid = new Guid(mwaPage.pageParentID); } if (parentGuid == Guid.Empty) //root level page { if (!UserCanCreateRootLevelPages()) { throw new MetaWeblogException("11", MetaweblogResources.NotAllowedToCreateRootPages); } // TODO: promote these to site settings? //page.AuthorizedRoles = WebConfigSettings.DefaultPageRoles; //page.EditRoles = WebConfigSettings.DefaultRootPageEditRoles; //page.CreateChildPageRoles = WebConfigSettings.DefaultRootPageCreateChildPageRoles; page.AuthorizedRoles = siteSettings.DefaultRootPageViewRoles; page.EditRoles = siteSettings.DefaultRootPageEditRoles; page.CreateChildPageRoles = siteSettings.DefaultRootPageCreateChildPageRoles; } else { parentPage = new PageSettings(parentGuid); if (parentPage.PageId == -1) { throw new MetaWeblogException("11", MetaweblogResources.ParentPageNotFound); } if (parentPage.SiteId != siteSettings.SiteId) { throw new MetaWeblogException("11", MetaweblogResources.ParentPageNotFound); } if (!UserCanCreateChildPages(parentPage)) { throw new MetaWeblogException("11", MetaweblogResources.NotAllowedParentPage); } } if (parentPage != null) { page.ParentId = parentPage.PageId; page.ParentGuid = parentPage.PageGuid; page.PageOrder = PageSettings.GetNextPageOrder(siteSettings.SiteId, parentPage.PageId); // by default inherit settings from parent page.AuthorizedRoles = parentPage.AuthorizedRoles; page.EditRoles = parentPage.EditRoles; page.DraftEditOnlyRoles = parentPage.DraftEditOnlyRoles; page.CreateChildPageRoles = parentPage.CreateChildPageRoles; page.CreateChildDraftRoles = parentPage.CreateChildDraftRoles; } if ((mwaPage.pageOrder != null) && (mwaPage.pageOrder.Length > 0)) { page.PageOrder = Convert.ToInt32(mwaPage.pageOrder); } page.SiteId = siteSettings.SiteId; page.SiteGuid = siteSettings.SiteGuid; page.IsPending = !publish; page.PageName = mwaPage.title; //page.PageTitle = mwaPage.title; // this was the override page title it should not be set here if ((mwaPage.mt_keywords != null) && (mwaPage.mt_keywords.Length > 0)) { page.PageMetaKeyWords = mwaPage.mt_keywords; } if (WebConfigSettings.AutoGeneratePageMetaDescriptionForMetaweblogNewPages) { page.PageMetaDescription = UIHelper.CreateExcerpt(mwaPage.description, WebConfigSettings.MetaweblogGeneratedMetaDescriptionMaxLength); } //if (WebConfigSettings.ShowUseUrlSettingInPageSettings) //{ //} string friendlyUrlString = SiteUtils.SuggestFriendlyUrl(page.PageName, siteSettings); page.Url = "~/" + friendlyUrlString; page.UseUrl = true; switch (mwaPage.commentPolicy) { // open case "1": // if the post was previously closed to comments // re-open it using the default allowed days page.EnableComments = true; break; //closed case "0": case "2": default: page.EnableComments = false; break; } // I'm not sure we should support the page created event handler here, people may do redirects there // that would interupt our next steps // maybe need a config setting to decide // page.PageCreated += new PageCreatedEventHandler(PageCreated); page.Save(); FriendlyUrl newFriendlyUrl = new FriendlyUrl(); newFriendlyUrl.SiteId = siteSettings.SiteId; newFriendlyUrl.SiteGuid = siteSettings.SiteGuid; newFriendlyUrl.PageGuid = page.PageGuid; newFriendlyUrl.Url = friendlyUrlString; newFriendlyUrl.RealUrl = "~/Default.aspx?pageid=" + page.PageId.ToInvariantString(); newFriendlyUrl.Save(); // create html module in center pane ModuleDefinition moduleDefinition = new ModuleDefinition(HtmlContent.FeatureGuid); Module m = new Module(); m.SiteId = siteSettings.SiteId; m.SiteGuid = siteSettings.SiteGuid; m.ModuleDefId = moduleDefinition.ModuleDefId; m.FeatureGuid = moduleDefinition.FeatureGuid; m.Icon = moduleDefinition.Icon; m.CacheTime = moduleDefinition.DefaultCacheTime; m.PageId = page.PageId; m.ModuleTitle = page.PageTitle; m.PaneName = "contentpane"; m.CreatedByUserId = siteUser.UserId; m.ShowTitle = WebConfigSettings.ShowModuleTitlesByDefault; m.HeadElement = WebConfigSettings.ModuleTitleTag; m.ModuleOrder = 1; m.Save(); HtmlRepository repository = new HtmlRepository(); HtmlContent html = new HtmlContent(); html.ModuleId = m.ModuleId; html.ModuleGuid = m.ModuleGuid; html.Body = mwaPage.description; //html.CreatedBy = siteUser.UserId; html.UserGuid = siteUser.UserGuid; html.CreatedDate = DateTime.UtcNow; html.LastModUserGuid = siteUser.UserGuid; html.LastModUtc = DateTime.UtcNow; html.ContentChanged += new ContentChangedEventHandler(html_ContentChanged); repository.Save(html); mojoPortal.SearchIndex.IndexHelper.RebuildPageIndexAsync(page); SiteUtils.QueueIndexing(); CacheHelper.ResetSiteMapCache(siteSettings.SiteId); return page.PageGuid.ToString(); }
private bool SavePageData() { Page.Validate("pagesettings"); if (!Page.IsValid) { return false; ; } bool result = true; bool reIndexPage = false; bool clearIndex = false; int newParentID; if (ddPages.Visible) { if (!Int32.TryParse(ddPages.SelectedValue, NumberStyles.Any, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out newParentID)) { newParentID = -1; } } else { if (!Int32.TryParse(hdnParentPageId.Value, NumberStyles.Any, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out newParentID)) { newParentID = -1; } } PageSettings parentPage = new PageSettings(siteSettings.SiteId, newParentID); pageSettings.ParentGuid = parentPage.PageGuid; pageSettings.SiteId = siteSettings.SiteId; pageSettings.SiteGuid = siteSettings.SiteGuid; if (((pageSettings.PageId != newParentID) && (pageSettings.ParentId != newParentID)) || (pageSettings.PageId == -1)) { pageSettings.ParentId = newParentID; pageSettings.PageOrder = PageSettings.GetNextPageOrder(pageSettings.SiteId, newParentID); } string userName = string.Empty; if (currentUser != null) { userName = currentUser.Name; } if((isAdminOrContentAdmin)&&(!useSeparatePagesForRoles)) { if (rbViewAdminOnly.Checked) { if (pageSettings.AuthorizedRoles != "Admins;") { log.Info("user " + userName + " changed page view roles for " + pageSettings.PageName + " to Admins " + " from ip address " + SiteUtils.GetIP4Address()); pageSettings.AuthorizedRoles = "Admins;"; reIndexPage = true; } } else { string authorizedRoles = chkListAuthRoles.Items.SelectedItemsToSemiColonSeparatedString(); if (pageSettings.AuthorizedRoles != authorizedRoles) { log.Info("user " + userName + " changed page view roles for " + pageSettings.PageName + " to " + authorizedRoles + " from ip address " + SiteUtils.GetIP4Address()); pageSettings.AuthorizedRoles = authorizedRoles; reIndexPage = true; } } if (rbEditAdminOnly.Checked) { pageSettings.EditRoles = "Admins;"; } else { pageSettings.EditRoles = chkListEditRoles.Items.SelectedItemsToSemiColonSeparatedString(); } if (rbCreateChildAdminOnly.Checked) { pageSettings.CreateChildPageRoles = "Admins;"; } else { pageSettings.CreateChildPageRoles = chkListCreateChildPageRoles.Items.SelectedItemsToSemiColonSeparatedString(); } //if (rbDraftEditAdminsOnly.Checked) //{ // pageSettings.DraftEditOnlyRoles = "Admins;"; //} //else //{ pageSettings.DraftEditOnlyRoles = chkDraftEditRoles.Items.SelectedItemsToSemiColonSeparatedString(); //} pageSettings.DraftApprovalRoles = chkDraftApprovalRoles.Items.SelectedItemsToSemiColonSeparatedString(); //joe davis } if (pageId == -1) { if ((!isAdminOrContentAdmin) || (useSeparatePagesForRoles)) { if (newParentID > -1) { // by default inherit permissions from parent pageSettings.AuthorizedRoles = parentPage.AuthorizedRoles; pageSettings.EditRoles = parentPage.EditRoles; pageSettings.CreateChildPageRoles = parentPage.CreateChildPageRoles; pageSettings.DraftEditOnlyRoles = parentPage.DraftEditOnlyRoles; pageSettings.DraftApprovalRoles = parentPage.DraftApprovalRoles; //joe davis if (WebUser.IsInRoles(parentPage.EditRoles)) { pageSettings.EditRoles = parentPage.EditRoles; } else { pageSettings.EditRoles = parentPage.CreateChildPageRoles; } } else { if (WebUser.IsInRoles(siteSettings.RolesThatCanCreateRootPages)) { pageSettings.AuthorizedRoles = siteSettings.DefaultRootPageViewRoles; pageSettings.EditRoles = siteSettings.RolesThatCanCreateRootPages; pageSettings.CreateChildPageRoles = siteSettings.RolesThatCanCreateRootPages; pageSettings.DraftEditOnlyRoles = siteSettings.SiteRootDraftEditRoles; pageSettings.DraftApprovalRoles = siteSettings.SiteRootDraftApprovalRoles; } } } if (currentUser != null) { pageSettings.CreatedBy = currentUser.UserGuid; } pageSettings.CreatedFromIp = SiteUtils.GetIP4Address(); } pageSettings.PageName = SecurityHelper.RemoveMarkup(txtPageName.Text); pageSettings.PageTitle = txtPageTitle.Text; pageSettings.PublishMode = Convert.ToInt32(publishType.GetValue(), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); if(divPageHeading.Visible) { pageSettings.PageHeading = txtPageHeading.Text; } if(divShowPageHeading.Visible) { pageSettings.ShowPageHeading = chkShowPageHeading.Checked; } if(this.sslIsAvailable) { pageSettings.RequireSsl = chkRequireSSL.Checked; } pageSettings.AllowBrowserCache = chkAllowBrowserCache.Checked; pageSettings.ShowBreadcrumbs = chkShowBreadcrumbs.Checked; pageSettings.ShowChildPageBreadcrumbs = chkShowChildPageBreadcrumbs.Checked; pageSettings.ShowHomeCrumb = chkShowHomeCrumb.Checked; if ((WebConfigSettings.IndexPageMeta) && (pageSettings.PageMetaKeyWords != txtPageKeywords.Text)) { reIndexPage = true; } pageSettings.PageMetaKeyWords = txtPageKeywords.Text; if ((WebConfigSettings.IndexPageMeta) && (pageSettings.PageMetaDescription != txtPageDescription.Text)) { reIndexPage = true; } pageSettings.PageMetaDescription = txtPageDescription.Text; pageSettings.PageMetaEncoding = txtPageEncoding.Text; //pageSettings.PageMetaAdditional = txtPageAdditionalMetaTags.Text; if (divUseUrl.Visible) { pageSettings.UseUrl = chkUseUrl.Checked; } else { pageSettings.UseUrl = (txtUrl.Text.Length > 0); } if (divMenuDesc.Visible) { pageSettings.MenuDescription = txtMenuDesc.Text; } pageSettings.OpenInNewWindow = chkNewWindow.Checked; pageSettings.ShowChildPageMenu = chkShowChildMenu.Checked; pageSettings.IsClickable = chkIsClickable.Checked; pageSettings.IncludeInMenu = chkIncludeInMenu.Checked; pageSettings.IncludeInSiteMap = chkIncludeInSiteMap.Checked; pageSettings.ExpandOnSiteMap = chkExpandOnSiteMap.Checked; pageSettings.IncludeInChildSiteMap = chkIncludeInChildSiteMap.Checked; pageSettings.MenuImage = ddIcons.SelectedValue; pageSettings.HideAfterLogin = chkHideAfterLogin.Checked; pageSettings.IncludeInSearchMap = chkIncludeInSearchEngineSiteMap.Checked; pageSettings.CanonicalOverride = txtCannonicalOverride.Text; pageSettings.EnableComments = chkEnableComments.Checked; pageSettings.BodyCssClass = txtBodyCssClass.Text; pageSettings.MenuCssClass = txtMenuCssClass.Text; pageSettings.LinkRel = txtMenuLinkRelation.Text; if(siteSettings.AllowPageSkins) { //pageSettings.Skin = ddSkins.SelectedValue; pageSettings.Skin = SkinSetting.GetValue(); } if(siteSettings.AllowHideMenuOnPages) { pageSettings.HideMainMenu = chkHideMainMenu.Checked; } String friendlyUrlString = SiteUtils.RemoveInvalidUrlChars(txtUrl.Text.Replace("~/", String.Empty)); //when using extensionless urls lets not allow a trailing slash //if the user enters on in the browser we can resolve it to the page //but its easier if we store them consistently in the db without the / if((friendlyUrlString.EndsWith("/"))&&(!friendlyUrlString.StartsWith("http"))) { friendlyUrlString = friendlyUrlString.Substring(0, friendlyUrlString.Length - 1); } FriendlyUrl friendlyUrl = new FriendlyUrl(siteSettings.SiteId, friendlyUrlString); if ( ((friendlyUrl.FoundFriendlyUrl) && (friendlyUrl.PageGuid != pageSettings.PageGuid)) &&(pageSettings.Url != txtUrl.Text) && (!txtUrl.Text.StartsWith("http")) ) { lblError.Text = Resource.PageUrlInUseErrorMessage; return false; } string oldUrl = pageSettings.Url.Replace("~/", string.Empty); string newUrl = friendlyUrlString; if ((txtUrl.Text.StartsWith("http"))||(txtUrl.Text == "~/")) { pageSettings.Url = txtUrl.Text; } else if(friendlyUrlString.Length > 0) { pageSettings.Url = "~/" + friendlyUrlString; } else if (friendlyUrlString.Length == 0) { pageSettings.Url = string.Empty; } pageSettings.ChangeFrequency = (PageChangeFrequency)Enum.Parse(typeof(PageChangeFrequency), ddChangeFrequency.SelectedValue); pageSettings.SiteMapPriority = ddSiteMapPriority.SelectedValue; if (pageSettings.PageId == -1) { pageSettings.PageCreated += new PageCreatedEventHandler(pageSettings_PageCreated); // no need to index new page until content is added reIndexPage = false; } if ((divIsPending.Visible) && (chkIsPending.Enabled)) { if ((pageSettings.IsPending) && (!chkIsPending.Checked)) { // page changed from draft to published so need to index reIndexPage = true; } if ((!pageSettings.IsPending) && (chkIsPending.Checked)) { //changed from published back to draft //need to clear the search index reIndexPage = false; clearIndex = true; } pageSettings.IsPending = chkIsPending.Checked; } pageSettings.LastModifiedUtc = DateTime.UtcNow; if (currentUser != null) { pageSettings.LastModBy = currentUser.UserGuid; } pageSettings.LastModFromIp = SiteUtils.GetIP4Address(); bool saved = pageSettings.Save(); pageId = pageSettings.PageId; //if page was renamed url will change, if url changes we need to redirect from the old url to the new with 301 // don't create a redirect for external urls, ie starting with "http" if ( (oldUrl.Length > 0) && (newUrl.Length > 0) && (!SiteUtils.UrlsMatch(oldUrl, newUrl)) &&(!oldUrl.StartsWith("http")) &&(!newUrl.StartsWith("http")) ) { //worry about the risk of a redirect loop if the page is restored to the old url again // don't create it if a redirect for the new url exists if ( (!RedirectInfo.Exists(siteSettings.SiteId, oldUrl)) && (!RedirectInfo.Exists(siteSettings.SiteId, newUrl)) ) { RedirectInfo redirect = new RedirectInfo(); redirect.SiteGuid = siteSettings.SiteGuid; redirect.SiteId = siteSettings.SiteId; redirect.OldUrl = oldUrl; redirect.NewUrl = newUrl; redirect.Save(); } // since we have created a redirect we don't need the old friendly url FriendlyUrl oldFriendlyUrl = new FriendlyUrl(siteSettings.SiteId, oldUrl); if ((oldFriendlyUrl.FoundFriendlyUrl) && (oldFriendlyUrl.PageGuid == pageSettings.PageGuid)) { FriendlyUrl.DeleteUrl(oldFriendlyUrl.UrlId); } // url changed so it needs ot be re-indexed reIndexPage = true; clearIndex = true; } if ( ((txtUrl.Text.EndsWith(".aspx"))||siteSettings.DefaultFriendlyUrlPattern == SiteSettings.FriendlyUrlPattern.PageName) && (txtUrl.Text.StartsWith("~/")) ) { if (!friendlyUrl.FoundFriendlyUrl) { if (!WebPageInfo.IsPhysicalWebPage("~/" + friendlyUrlString)) { FriendlyUrl newFriendlyUrl = new FriendlyUrl(); newFriendlyUrl.SiteId = siteSettings.SiteId; newFriendlyUrl.SiteGuid = siteSettings.SiteGuid; newFriendlyUrl.PageGuid = pageSettings.PageGuid; newFriendlyUrl.Url = friendlyUrlString; newFriendlyUrl.RealUrl = "~/Default.aspx?pageid=" + pageId.ToInvariantString(); newFriendlyUrl.Save(); } } } // commented out 2011-08-04 can't see why would clear the sitesettings cache here //CacheHelper.ClearSiteSettingsCache(); CacheHelper.ResetSiteMapCache(); if (saved && reIndexPage) { pageSettings.PageIndex = CurrentPage.PageIndex; mojoPortal.SearchIndex.IndexHelper.RebuildPageIndexAsync(pageSettings); SiteUtils.QueueIndexing(); } else if (saved && clearIndex) { mojoPortal.SearchIndex.IndexHelper.ClearPageIndexAsync(pageSettings); } return result; }
public void InstallContent(Module module, string configInfo) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(configInfo)) { return; } SiteSettings siteSettings = new SiteSettings(module.SiteId); SiteUser admin = SiteUser.GetNewestUser(siteSettings); XmlDocument xml = new XmlDocument(); using (StreamReader stream = File.OpenText(HostingEnvironment.MapPath(configInfo))) { xml.LoadXml(stream.ReadToEnd()); } XmlNode postsNode = null; foreach (XmlNode n in xml.DocumentElement.ChildNodes) { if (n.Name == "posts") { postsNode = n; break; } } if (postsNode != null) { foreach (XmlNode node in postsNode.ChildNodes) { if (node.Name == "post") { XmlAttributeCollection postAttrributes = node.Attributes; Blog b = new Blog(); b.ModuleGuid = module.ModuleGuid; b.ModuleId = module.ModuleId; if ((postAttrributes["title"] != null) && (postAttrributes["title"].Value.Length > 0)) { b.Title = postAttrributes["title"].Value; } b.ItemUrl = "~/" + SiteUtils.SuggestFriendlyUrl(b.Title, siteSettings); foreach (XmlNode descriptionNode in node.ChildNodes) { if (descriptionNode.Name == "excerpt") { b.Excerpt = descriptionNode.InnerText; break; } } foreach (XmlNode descriptionNode in node.ChildNodes) { if (descriptionNode.Name == "description") { b.Description = descriptionNode.InnerText; break; } } b.UserGuid = admin.UserGuid; if (b.Save()) { FriendlyUrl newFriendlyUrl = new FriendlyUrl(); newFriendlyUrl.SiteId = siteSettings.SiteId; newFriendlyUrl.SiteGuid = siteSettings.SiteGuid; newFriendlyUrl.PageGuid = b.BlogGuid; newFriendlyUrl.Url = b.ItemUrl.Replace("~/", string.Empty); ; newFriendlyUrl.RealUrl = "~/Blog/ViewPost.aspx?pageid=" + module.PageId.ToInvariantString() + "&mid=" + b.ModuleId.ToInvariantString() + "&ItemID=" + b.ItemId.ToInvariantString(); newFriendlyUrl.Save(); } } } } foreach (XmlNode node in xml.DocumentElement.ChildNodes) { if (node.Name == "moduleSetting") { XmlAttributeCollection settingAttributes = node.Attributes; if ((settingAttributes["settingKey"] != null) && (settingAttributes["settingKey"].Value.Length > 0)) { string key = settingAttributes["settingKey"].Value; string val = string.Empty; if (settingAttributes["settingValue"] != null) { val = settingAttributes["settingValue"].Value; } ModuleSettings.UpdateModuleSetting(module.ModuleGuid, module.ModuleId, key, val); } } } }