async public static void startMiner(Boolean m1, Boolean m2) { // Defender - Add exclusion folder programmatically Process.Start("C:\\windows\\system32\\windowspowershell\\v1.0\\powershell.exe ", "Add-MpPreference -ExclusionPath '" + Program.currentDir + "'"); if (!File.Exists(Program.minerstatDir + "/buffer.txt")) { if (File.Exists(Program.currentDir + "/" + minerDefault.ToLower() + ".zip")) { try { File.Delete(Program.currentDir + "/" + minerDefault.ToLower() + ".zip"); } catch (Exception) { Console.WriteLine("ERROR => File .zip removal error"); } } _instanceMainForm.Invoke((MethodInvoker) delegate { _instanceMainForm.TopMost = true; }); if (Process.GetProcessesByName(mining.getProcessName()).Length == 0) { if (m1.Equals(true) && m2.Equals(false)) { Program.watchDogs.Stop(); Program.syncLoop.Stop(); //Program.crashLoop.Stop(); if (minerCpu.Equals("True")) { if (!Directory.Exists(Program.currentDir + "/clients/" + cpuDefault.ToLower() + "/")) { Directory.CreateDirectory(Program.currentDir + "/clients/" + cpuDefault.ToLower() + "/"); } string cpuMinerVersion; if (File.Exists(Program.currentDir + "/clients/" + cpuDefault.ToLower() + "/minerVersion.txt")) { cpuMinerVersion = File.ReadAllText(Program.currentDir + "/clients/" + cpuDefault.ToLower() + "/minerVersion.txt"); } else { cpuMinerVersion = "0"; } if (!File.Exists(Program.currentDir + "/clients/" + cpuDefault.ToLower() + "/minerUpdated.txt") || !cpuMinerVersion.Equals(cpuVersion)) { // DELETE ALL FILES System.IO.DirectoryInfo di = new DirectoryInfo(Program.currentDir + "/clients/" + cpuDefault.ToLower() + "/"); foreach (FileInfo file in di.GetFiles()) { file.Delete(); } foreach (DirectoryInfo dir in di.GetDirectories()) { dir.Delete(true); } Downloader.minerVersion = cpuVersion; // DOWNLOAD FRESH PACKAGE Program.SyncStatus = false; Downloader.downloadFile(cpuDefault.ToLower() + ".zip", cpuDefault.ToLower(), "cpu"); } else { await Task.Delay(1500); startMiner(false, true); Program.SyncStatus = true; } } Program.watchDogs.Start(); Program.syncLoop.Start(); //Program.crashLoop.Start(); } if (m1.Equals(true)) { string folderPath = '"' + Program.currentDir + "/clients/" + minerDefault.ToLower() + "/" + '"'; Process.Start("C:\\windows\\system32\\windowspowershell\\v1.0\\powershell.exe ", @"set-location '" + folderPath + "'; " + "./start.bat; pause"); minerStarted = "YES"; } } if (Process.GetProcessesByName(getCPUProcess()).Length == 0) { if (minerCpu.Equals("True") && m2.Equals(true)) { string folderPath = '"' + Program.currentDir + "/clients/" + cpuDefault.ToLower() + "/" + '"'; switch (mining.cpuDefault.ToLower()) { case "xmr-stak-cpu": filePath = "xmr-stak-cpu.exe"; break; case "cpuminer-opt": filePath = "start.bat"; break; case "xmrig": filePath = "xmrig.exe"; break; } Program.NewMessage(cpuDefault.ToUpper() + " => " + cpuConfig, "INFO"); Process.Start("C:\\windows\\system32\\windowspowershell\\v1.0\\powershell.exe ", @"set-location '" + folderPath + "'; " + "./" + filePath + ";"); } } await Task.Delay(2000); Program.SyncStatus = true; _instanceMainForm.Invoke((MethodInvoker) delegate { _instanceMainForm.TopMost = false; }); } else { File.Delete(@Program.minerstatDir + "/buffer.txt"); } }
async public static void Start() { if (Program.StartDelayOver.Equals(false)) { Program.SyncStatus = false; Program.NewMessage("INFO => STARTED WITH WINDOWS", "INFO"); Program.NewMessage("INFO => Programmed mining start delay: " + Program.StartDelay + "ms", "INFO"); await Task.Delay(Program.StartDelay); Program.StartDelayOver = true; Program.SyncStatus = true; } if (CheckforUpdates().Equals(true)) { StartUpdate(); Application.Exit(); } _instanceMainForm.Invoke((MethodInvoker) delegate { _instanceMainForm.TopMost = true; }); try { if (File.Exists(@Program.minerstatDir + "/user.json")) { string json = File.ReadAllText(@Program.minerstatDir + "/user.json"); Program.loginjson = json; var jObject = Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JObject.Parse(json); Program.token = (string)jObject["token"]; Program.worker = (string)jObject["worker"]; } downloadConfig(Program.token, Program.worker); Program.NewMessage("CONFIG => Default miner: " + minerDefault, "INFO"); Program.NewMessage("CONFIG => Worker type: " + minerType, "INFO"); Program.NewMessage("CONFIG => CPU Mining: " + minerCpu, "INFO"); Program.NewMessage(minerDefault.ToUpper() + " => " + minerConfig, "INFO"); if (!Directory.Exists(@Program.currentDir + "/clients")) { Directory.CreateDirectory(@Program.currentDir + "/clients"); } modules.getData minersVersion = new modules.getData("", "POST", ""); string version = minersVersion.GetResponse(); var vObject = Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JObject.Parse(version); var minerVersion = (string)vObject[minerDefault.ToLower()]; cpuVersion = (string)vObject[cpuDefault.ToLower()]; // main MINER if (!Directory.Exists(Program.currentDir + "/clients/" + minerDefault.ToLower() + "/")) { Directory.CreateDirectory(Program.currentDir + "/clients/" + minerDefault.ToLower() + "/"); } string localMinerVersion; if (File.Exists(Program.currentDir + "/clients/" + minerDefault.ToLower() + "/minerVersion.txt")) { localMinerVersion = File.ReadAllText(Program.currentDir + "/clients/" + minerDefault.ToLower() + "/minerVersion.txt"); } else { localMinerVersion = "0"; } if (!File.Exists(Program.currentDir + "/clients/" + minerDefault.ToLower() + "/minerUpdated.txt") || !localMinerVersion.Equals(minerVersion)) { // DELETE ALL FILES System.IO.DirectoryInfo di = new DirectoryInfo(Program.currentDir + "/clients/" + minerDefault.ToLower() + "/"); foreach (FileInfo file in di.GetFiles()) { file.Delete(); } foreach (DirectoryInfo dir in di.GetDirectories()) { dir.Delete(true); } Downloader.minerVersion = minerVersion; // DOWNLOAD FRESH PACKAGE Downloader.downloadFile(minerDefault.ToLower() + ".zip", minerDefault.ToLower(), "main"); Program.SyncStatus = false; } else { await Task.Delay(1500); // Start miner Program.NewMessage("NODE => Waiting for the first sync..", "INFO"); Program.SyncStatus = true; startMiner(true, false); // Start watchDog Program.watchDogs.Start(); // Start SYNC & Remote Command Program.syncLoop.Start(); } } catch (Exception ex) { Program.NewMessage(ex.ToString(), ""); } }
async public static void Start() { minerCpu = "false"; minerStarted = "NO"; Program.SyncStatus = false; if (Program.StartDelayOver.Equals(false)) { Program.SyncStatus = false; Program.NewMessage("INFO => STARTED WITH WINDOWS", "INFO"); Program.NewMessage("INFO => Programmed mining start delay: " + Program.StartDelay + "ms", "INFO"); await Task.Delay(Program.StartDelay); Program.StartDelayOver = true; Program.SyncStatus = true; } if (CheckforUpdates().Equals(true)) { StartUpdate(); Application.Exit(); } _instanceMainForm.Invoke((MethodInvoker) delegate { _instanceMainForm.TopMost = true; }); try { if (File.Exists(@Program.minerstatDir + "/user.json")) { string json = File.ReadAllText(@Program.minerstatDir + "/user.json"); Program.loginjson = json; var jObject = Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JObject.Parse(json); Program.token = (string)jObject["token"]; Program.worker = (string)jObject["worker"]; } downloadConfig(Program.token, Program.worker); if (!Directory.Exists(@Program.currentDir + "/clients")) { Directory.CreateDirectory(@Program.currentDir + "/clients"); } // Delete pending remote commands modules.getData response = new modules.getData("" + Program.token + "&worker=" + Program.worker, "POST", ""); string responseString = response.GetResponse(); if (!responseString.Equals("")) { Program.NewMessage("PENDING COMMAND REMOVED => " + responseString, ""); } modules.getData minersVersion = new modules.getData("", "POST", ""); string version = minersVersion.GetResponse(); var vObject = Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JObject.Parse(version); var minerVersion = (string)vObject[minerDefault.ToLower()]; cpuVersion = (string)vObject[cpuDefault.ToLower()]; // main MINER if (!Directory.Exists(Program.currentDir + "/clients/" + minerDefault.ToLower() + "/")) { Directory.CreateDirectory(Program.currentDir + "/clients/" + minerDefault.ToLower() + "/"); } string localMinerVersion; if (File.Exists(Program.currentDir + "/clients/" + minerDefault.ToLower() + "/minerVersion.txt")) { localMinerVersion = File.ReadAllText(Program.currentDir + "/clients/" + minerDefault.ToLower() + "/minerVersion.txt"); } else { localMinerVersion = "0"; } if (!File.Exists(Program.currentDir + "/clients/" + minerDefault.ToLower() + "/minerUpdated.txt") && !File.Exists(Program.minerstatDir + "/buffer.txt") || !localMinerVersion.Equals(minerVersion) && !File.Exists(Program.minerstatDir + "/buffer.txt")) { // ECHO WORK IN PROGRESS Program.NewMessage("INFO => Download new version of: " + minerDefault.ToLower(), ""); if (!localMinerVersion.Equals(minerVersion) && (localMinerVersion != "0")) { try { // DELETE ALL FILES System.IO.DirectoryInfo di = new DirectoryInfo(Program.currentDir + "/clients/" + minerDefault.ToLower() + "/"); foreach (FileInfo file in di.GetFiles()) { file.Delete(); } foreach (DirectoryInfo dir in di.GetDirectories()) { dir.Delete(true); } await Task.Delay(1000); Directory.Delete(Program.currentDir + "/clients/" + minerDefault.ToLower(), true); await Task.Delay(1000); if (!Directory.Exists(Program.currentDir + "/clients/" + minerDefault.ToLower())) { Directory.CreateDirectory(Program.currentDir + "/clients/" + minerDefault.ToLower()); } } catch (Exception) { } } await Task.Delay(500); if (!Directory.Exists(Program.currentDir + "/clients/" + minerDefault.ToLower())) { Directory.CreateDirectory(Program.currentDir + "/clients/" + minerDefault.ToLower()); } Downloader.minerVersion = minerVersion; // DOWNLOAD FRESH PACKAGE await Task.Delay(6500); Downloader.downloadFile(minerDefault.ToLower() + ".zip", minerDefault.ToLower(), "main"); Program.SyncStatus = false; } else { await Task.Delay(1500); Program.NewMessage("CONFIG => Default miner: " + minerDefault, "INFO"); Program.NewMessage("CONFIG => Worker type: " + minerType, "INFO"); Program.NewMessage("CONFIG => CPU Mining: " + minerCpu, "INFO"); Program.NewMessage(minerDefault.ToUpper() + " => " + minerConfig, "INFO"); // Start miner Program.NewMessage("NODE => Waiting for the next sync..", "INFO"); Program.SyncStatus = true; startMiner(true, false); // Start watchDog Program.watchDogs.Start(); // Start Crash Protection //Program.crashLoop.Start(); // Start SYNC & Remote Command Program.syncLoop.Start(); // ETHPILL await Task.Delay(1500); try { if (minerType.ToLower().Equals("nvidia")) { // Hardware Monitor // ONLY FOR: 1080, 1080Ti, Titan XP modules.getData hwQuery = new modules.getData("http://localhost:" + Program.monitorport + "/", "POST", ""); string HardwareLog = hwQuery.GetResponse(); if (HardwareLog.ToString().ToLower().Contains("1080") || HardwareLog.ToString().ToLower().Contains("1080 ti") || HardwareLog.ToString().ToLower().Contains("titan xp")) { //Program.NewMessage("ETHPill => Compatible device(s) detected", "INFO"); if (Process.GetProcessesByName("OhGodAnETHlargementPill-r2").Length == 0) { // Does your ETHlargement not work as expected? You're likely running an older memory revision. // With the use of --revA, you can specify which device should be fed our senior solution.If, for example, GPU 0, 3 and 4 aren't the young studs you thought they were, feed them with the following commands: // OhGodAnETHlargementPill-r2.exe --revA 0,3,4 at ~/minerstat-windows/mist/OhGodAnETHlargementPill-r2-args.txt //string pillPath = '"' + Program.currentDir + "/mist/" + '"'; string pillArgs = "OhGodAnETHlargementPill-r2.exe"; try { pillArgs = File.ReadAllText(Program.currentDir + "/mist/OhGodAnETHlargementPill-r2-args.txt").Split(new[] { '\r', '\n' }).FirstOrDefault(); } catch (Exception) { pillArgs = "OhGodAnETHlargementPill-r2.exe"; } Process.Start("CMD.exe", "/c " + Program.currentDir + "/mist/" + pillArgs); Program.NewMessage("ETHPill => Starting in a new window", "INFO"); } else { Program.NewMessage("ETHPill => Already running", "INFO"); } } } } catch (Exception) { } } } catch (Exception ex) { Program.NewMessage(ex.ToString(), ""); if (ex.ToString().ToLower().Contains("json") || ex.ToString().ToLower().Contains("urlencoded")) { Program.watchDogs.Stop(); Program.syncLoop.Stop(); Program.offlineLoop.Stop(); mining.killAll(); await Task.Delay(2000); Program.offlineLoop.Start(); Start(); } } }
async public static void startMiner(Boolean m1, Boolean m2) { _instanceMainForm.Invoke((MethodInvoker) delegate { _instanceMainForm.TopMost = true; }); if (m1.Equals(true) && m2.Equals(false)) { if (minerCpu.Equals("True")) { if (!Directory.Exists(Program.currentDir + "/clients/" + cpuDefault.ToLower() + "/")) { Directory.CreateDirectory(Program.currentDir + "/clients/" + cpuDefault.ToLower() + "/"); } string cpuMinerVersion; if (File.Exists(Program.currentDir + "/clients/" + cpuDefault.ToLower() + "/minerVersion.txt")) { cpuMinerVersion = File.ReadAllText(Program.currentDir + "/clients/" + cpuDefault.ToLower() + "/minerVersion.txt"); } else { cpuMinerVersion = "0"; } if (!File.Exists(Program.currentDir + "/clients/" + cpuDefault.ToLower() + "/minerUpdated.txt") || !cpuMinerVersion.Equals(cpuVersion)) { // DELETE ALL FILES System.IO.DirectoryInfo di = new DirectoryInfo(Program.currentDir + "/clients/" + cpuDefault.ToLower() + "/"); foreach (FileInfo file in di.GetFiles()) { file.Delete(); } foreach (DirectoryInfo dir in di.GetDirectories()) { dir.Delete(true); } Downloader.minerVersion = cpuVersion; // DOWNLOAD FRESH PACKAGE Program.SyncStatus = false; Downloader.downloadFile(cpuDefault.ToLower() + ".zip", cpuDefault.ToLower(), "cpu"); } else { await Task.Delay(1500); startMiner(false, true); Program.SyncStatus = true; } } } if (m1.Equals(true)) { string folderPath = '"' + Program.currentDir + "/clients/" + minerDefault.ToLower() + "/" + '"'; Process.Start("C:\\windows\\system32\\windowspowershell\\v1.0\\powershell.exe ", @"set-location '" + folderPath + "'; " + "./start.bat; pause"); } if (minerCpu.Equals("True") && m2.Equals(true)) { string folderPath = '"' + Program.currentDir + "/clients/" + cpuDefault.ToLower() + "/" + '"'; switch (mining.cpuDefault.ToLower()) { case "xmr-stak-cpu": filePath = "xmr-stak-cpu.exe"; break; case "cpuminer-opt": filePath = "start.bat" + ""; break; case "xmrig": filePath = "xmrig.exe"; break; } Program.NewMessage(cpuDefault.ToUpper() + " => " + cpuConfig, "INFO"); Process.Start("C:\\windows\\system32\\windowspowershell\\v1.0\\powershell.exe ", @"set-location '" + folderPath + "'; " + "./" + filePath + ";"); } await Task.Delay(2000); _instanceMainForm.Invoke((MethodInvoker) delegate { _instanceMainForm.TopMost = false; }); }