internal QueryProcessor(MegaHistory megahist, int threadCount) { _threadCount = threadCount; _megahist = megahist; }
static int Main(string[] args) { Values values = new Values(0x4); ArgParser argParser = new ArgParser(); argParser.add(new Arg('s', "server", "server name", "the tfs server to connect to", null)); argParser.add(new tfsinterface.PathVersionArg("src", "path[,version]", "the source of the changesets")); argParser.add(new tfsinterface.VersionArg("from", "version[,version]", "the changeset range to look in.")); argParser.add(new FlagArg("name-only", "add the path of the files to the changeset info", false)); argParser.add(new FlagArg("name-status", "print the path and the change type in the changeset info", false)); argParser.add(new ArgInt('d', "distance", new string[] { "distance or number of merge queries to run.", "default=1", "e.g. distance=2", " source path=$/main/ version=12", " query #1 = $/main/ => decompose 12.", " 12 => $/development/group1/ version 10", " query #2 = $/development/group1/ => decompose 10.", " 10 => $/code_review/group1/ version 8", " process stops." }, 1)); argParser.add(new ArgInt('j', "threads", new string[] { "number of threads to run merge queries in", " defaults to 8.", " if set to 1, queries are done in order.", " e.g. ", "query changeset 12, query parents of changeset 12, starting at the first parent.", " query the first parent, <insert recursion>" }, 8)); argParser.add(new ArgInt('c', "count", new string[] { "max number history items to query", " defaults to 10.", " if a range isn't specified, ", "this will control how many history items that are decomposed.", }, 10)); List <int> unknownArgs; bool argError = false == argParser.parse_args(args, out unknownArgs); /* if we don't have any args, the user needs to fix that too. */ if (!argError && (unknownArgs.Count < 1)) { argError = true; } if (argError) { /* get the version of the megahistory library. */ Version version = null; Assembly asm = Assembly.GetAssembly(typeof(megahistorylib.MegaHistory)); version = asm.GetName().Version; /* ******************** */ string libVersion = null; object[] objs = asm.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(System.Reflection.AssemblyInformationalVersionAttribute), true); if (objs != null) { System.Reflection.AssemblyInformationalVersionAttribute attr = objs[0] as System.Reflection.AssemblyInformationalVersionAttribute; if (attr != null) { libVersion = string.Format("lib version git: {0}", attr.InformationalVersion); } } if (libVersion == null) { libVersion = string.Format("lib version {0}.{1}.{2}.{3} (sp{4}/{5})", version.Major, version.Minor, version.Build, version.Revision, version.MajorRevision, version.MinorRevision); } argParser.print_help("<target>[,<version>]", new string[] { libVersion, "target - the required path we're looking at", "version - an optional version of the target path", string.Empty, "queries tfs for the list of changesets which make up a merge", string.Empty, "eg: megahistory -s foo --src $/foo,45 --from 10,45 $/bar,43" } ); return(1); } if (unknownArgs.Count > 0) { /* anything not caught by the above items is considered a target path and changeset. */ tfsinterface.PathVersionArg.GetParts(args[unknownArgs[0]], out, out values.targetVer); } values.server = (string)argParser.get_arg <Arg>('s'); { tfsinterface.PathVersionArg arg = argParser.get_arg <tfsinterface.PathVersionArg>("src"); if (arg.Data != null) { arg.get_parts(out values.srcPath, out values.srcVer); } } { tfsinterface.VersionArg arg = argParser.get_arg <tfsinterface.VersionArg>("from"); if (arg.Data != null) { arg.get_parts(out values.fromVer, out values.toVer); } } if ((bool)argParser.get_arg <FlagArg>("name-only")) { values.printWhat = HistoryViewer.Printwhat.NameOnly; } else if ((bool)argParser.get_arg <FlagArg>("name-status")) { values.printWhat = HistoryViewer.Printwhat.NameStatus; } { saastdlib.ArgInt arg = argParser.get_arg <saastdlib.ArgInt>('d'); values.maxDistance = arg; } values.threads = argParser.get_arg <saastdlib.ArgInt>('j'); values.count = argParser.get_arg <saastdlib.ArgInt>('c'); megahistorylib.MegaHistory megahistory = new megahistorylib.MegaHistory(values.server, values.maxDistance); megahistorylib.MegaHistory.THREAD_COUNT = values.threads; /* this won't do a single changeset decomposition...? */ megahistory.query(, values.targetVer, values.count, values.fromVer, values.toVer, null); HistoryViewer visitor = new HistoryViewer(values.printWhat, megahistory.Results); visitor.print(Console.Out); return(0); }