public void SpawnWeapons(Agent.Creature creature, Agent.Weapon weapon, OperacjeMapy.Pole[,] map) { for (int i = 0; i < map[creature.currentpossition.X, creature.currentpossition.Y].Creature.Count; i++) { if (map[creature.currentpossition.X, creature.currentpossition.Y].Creature[i] == creature) { map[creature.currentpossition.X, creature.currentpossition.Y].Creature[i].inventory.Add(weapon); } } Console.WriteLine("Spawning {0} to {1}s inventory.",,; }
public void MakeWeapons() { XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument(); xmlDoc.Load("Weapons.xml"); XmlNodeList elemList = xmlDoc.GetElementsByTagName("weapon"); Console.WriteLine("Number of weapons: {0}", elemList.Count); for (int i = 0; i < elemList.Count; i++) { var weapon = new Agent.Weapon(); Console.WriteLine("Adding Weapon no. {0}", i); weapon.type = elemList[i].Attributes["type"].Value[0]; Console.WriteLine("Weapon type: {0}", weapon.type); = elemList[i].Attributes["name"].Value; weapon.weight = int.Parse(elemList[i].Attributes["weight"].Value); weapon.minDamage = int.Parse(elemList[i].Attributes["minDamage"].Value); weapon.maxDamage = int.Parse(elemList[i].Attributes["maxDamage"].Value); weapon.weaponLength = byte.Parse(elemList[i].Attributes["weaponLength"].Value); string special, dmgtype; special = elemList[i].Attributes["special"].Value; dmgtype = elemList[i].Attributes["damageType"].Value; char[] separator = new char[] { ',' }; string[] splitString; splitString = special.Split(separator); foreach (String attr in splitString) { var specialAttr = new Agent.specialWeaponQualities(); if (attr == "woodchopping") { specialAttr = Agent.specialWeaponQualities.woodchopping; weapon.special.Add(specialAttr); } } splitString = dmgtype.Split(separator); foreach (String attr in splitString) { var specialAttr = new Agent.kindOfDamage(); if (attr == "slashing") { specialAttr = Agent.kindOfDamage.slashing; weapon.damageType.Add(specialAttr); } if (attr == "blunt") { specialAttr = Agent.kindOfDamage.blunt; weapon.damageType.Add(specialAttr); } } weaponsList.Add(weapon); } }
public void DrawCommandMenu(List <Agent.Weapon> wpnList, List <Agent.Creature> crtList, OperacjeMapy.Pole[,] mapa, List <Agent.Resource> resourcesList) { Point coords; bool coordsIsOK = true; while (input != "1") { Console.WriteLine("\n"); Console.WriteLine("1. Exit command menu."); Console.WriteLine("2. Spawn an item."); Console.WriteLine("3. Spawn a creature."); Console.WriteLine("4. Spawn a mapEntity."); input = Console.ReadLine(); switch (input) { case "1": { break; } case "2": { var spawner = new ItemSpawner(); string whichItem; Console.WriteLine("Which kind of item would you like to spawn?\n 1.Weapon\n 2.null"); whichItem = Console.ReadLine(); switch (whichItem) { case "1": { Console.WriteLine("Which weapon would you like to spawn (type in ID number for answer):"); int i = 0; foreach (Agent.Weapon wpn in wpnList) { Console.WriteLine("ID: {4}\t{0}\tMinDamage: {1}\tMaxDamage: {2}\tWeaponLength: {3}\n",, wpn.minDamage, wpn.maxDamage, wpn.weaponLength, i); i++; } int wpnID = Convert.ToInt16(Console.ReadLine()); var answerWeapon = new Agent.Weapon(); answerWeapon = wpnList[wpnID]; Console.WriteLine("Would you like to spawn the weapon to a creatures inventory(1) or on the map(2)?"); string answer = Console.ReadLine(); switch (answer) { case "1": { break; } case "2": { //do{ Console.WriteLine("Where would you like to spawn the weapon (coord x and y):"); int x, y; x = Convert.ToInt16(Console.ReadLine()); y = Convert.ToInt16(Console.ReadLine()); coords = new Point(y--, x--); spawner.SpawnWeapons(coords, answerWeapon, mapa); //}while(coordsIsOK); break; } default: { break; } } break; } case "2": { break; } } break; } case "3": { var spawner = new CreatureSpawner(); Console.WriteLine("Which creature would you like to spawn (type in ID number for answer):"); int i = 0; foreach (Agent.Creature crt in crtList) { Console.WriteLine("ID: {1}\t{0}\n",, i); i++; } int crtID = Convert.ToInt16(Console.ReadLine()); var answerCreature = new Agent.Creature(); answerCreature = crtList[crtID]; //do{ Console.WriteLine("Where would you like to spawn the creature (coord x and y):"); int x, y; x = Convert.ToInt16(Console.ReadLine()); y = Convert.ToInt16(Console.ReadLine()); coords = new Point(y--, x--); spawner.SpawnCreature(coords, answerCreature, mapa); //}while(coordsIsOK); break; } default: { break; } } break; } }
// Spawn weapon into coordinates x,y; public void SpawnWeapons(Point coords, Agent.Weapon weapon, OperacjeMapy.Pole[,] map) { map[coords.X, coords.Y].Items.Add(weapon); Console.WriteLine("Spawning {0} to X{1},Y{2}.",, coords.X, coords.Y); }