コード例 #1
ファイル: Column.cs プロジェクト: huaminglee/OnlinePublish
 public DataSet LoadInfo()
     string sql = "select * from [column] order by columnID asc";
     Database db = new Database();
     DataSet ds = db.GetDataSet(sql);
     return ds;
コード例 #2
ファイル: Author.cs プロジェクト: huaminglee/OnlinePublish
 public DataSet Loadauthor(string userID)
     string sql = "select * from author where 1=1";
     if (userID.Trim() != "")
         sql += "and authorID like '%" + userID + "%'";
     Database db = new Database();
     DataSet ds = db.GetDataSet(sql);
     return ds;
コード例 #3
ファイル: Assess.cs プロジェクト: huaminglee/OnlinePublish
 public DataSet Loadassess(int docID)
     string sql = "select assess.*,expert.expertName,expert.expertID from assess,expert where assess.expertID=expert.expertID and assess.docID=" + SQLString.GetQuotedString(Convert.ToString(docID));
     Database db = new Database();
     DataSet ds = db.GetDataSet(sql);
     return ds;
コード例 #4
ファイル: Editor.cs プロジェクト: huaminglee/OnlinePublish
        public DataSet LoadInfo(string ID, string column, string Name)
            string sql = "SELECT editor.editorID, editor.editorName, editor.editorPhone, editor.editorMail, editor.editorColumn, [column].columnName FROM [editor],[column] where[column].columnID = editor.editorColumn";
            if (ID != "")
                sql += " and editorID like '%" + ID + "%'";


            if (column != "")
                sql += " and editorColumn like '%" + column + "%'";

            if (Name != "")
                sql += " and editorName like '%" + Name + "%'";


            Database db = new Database();
            DataSet ds = db.GetDataSet(sql);
            return ds;
コード例 #5
ファイル: Board.cs プロジェクト: huaminglee/OnlinePublish
        public DataSet Asign_board(string title, string author)
            string sql = "select document.docID,document.docTitle,document.authorID,board.boardRank,board.boardMoney,board.boardState from document,board where document.docID=board.docID";
            if (title != "")
                sql += " and docTitle like '%" + title + "%'";

            if (author != "")
                sql += " and authorID like '%" + author + "%'";


            Database db = new Database();
            DataSet ds = db.GetDataSet(sql);
            return ds;
コード例 #6
ファイル: Board.cs プロジェクト: huaminglee/OnlinePublish
 public DataSet Load_board(string author)
     string sql = "select document.docID,document.docTitle,document.authorID,board.boardRank,board.boardMoney,board.boardState from document,board where document.docID=board.docID and document.authorID=" + SQLString.GetQuotedString(author);
     Database db = new Database();
     DataSet ds = db.GetDataSet(sql);
     return ds;
コード例 #7
ファイル: Doc.cs プロジェクト: huaminglee/OnlinePublish
 public DataSet LoadRepairdoc(string author)
     string sql = " SELECT [document].docID, [document].docTime, [document].docTitle, [document].docReason, state.stateText FROM document,state where [document].docState = state.stateID and docState like " + SQLString.GetQuotedString("_2") + "and authorID=" + SQLString.GetQuotedString(author);
     Database db = new Database();
     DataSet ds = db.GetDataSet(sql);
     return ds;
コード例 #8
ファイル: Doc.cs プロジェクト: huaminglee/OnlinePublish
        //专家审核稿件 assess为0 未审稿件,否则为已审稿件
        public DataSet expertload(string expert, string title, string author, int assess)
            string sql;
            if (assess == 0)
                sql = "select document.docID,document.docTitle,docTime,document.authorID,attach.attachName,assess.expertID from document,attach,assess where document.docID=attach.docID and document.docID=assess.docID and assess.expertID=" + SQLString.GetQuotedString(expert) + "and assess.assessment is null";
                sql = "select document.docID,document.docTitle,docTime,document.authorID,attach.attachName,assess.expertID,assess.assessment from document,attach,assess where document.docID=attach.docID and document.docID=assess.docID and assess.expertID=" + SQLString.GetQuotedString(expert) + "and assess.assessment is not null";
            if (title != "")
                sql += " and docTitle like '%" + title + "%'";

            if (author != "")
                sql += " and authorID like '%" + author + "%'";


            Database db = new Database();
            DataSet ds = db.GetDataSet(sql);
            return ds;
コード例 #9
ファイル: Doc.cs プロジェクト: huaminglee/OnlinePublish
        public DataSet editorload(string editor, string title, string author, string state)
            string sql = "";
            if (state != "")
                sql = "select document.*,attach.* from document,attach where document.docID=attach.docID and docState=" + SQLString.GetQuotedString(state) + " and document.docColumnID=" + SQLString.GetQuotedString(editor);
                sql = "select document.*,attach.*,state.stateText from document,attach,state where document.docID=attach.docID and document.docState=state.stateID and docState !=" + SQLString.GetQuotedString("0") + " and document.docColumnID=" + SQLString.GetQuotedString(editor);
            if (title != "")
                sql += "and docTitle like '%" + title + "%'";

            if (author != "")
                sql += "and authorID like '%" + author + "%'";


            Database db = new Database();
            DataSet ds = db.GetDataSet(sql);
            return ds;
コード例 #10
ファイル: Doc.cs プロジェクト: huaminglee/OnlinePublish
        public DataSet AllDoc(string title, string column, string Keywords, string timeF, string timeT)
            string sql = "SELECT [document].docID,[document].docTime, [document].docTitle, [document].docKeywords, [document].authorID, [column].columnName,attach.attachName FROM [column],[document],[attach] where document.docID=attach.docID and [column].columnID = [document].docColumnID and [document].docTime between " + SQLString.GetQuotedString(timeF) + "and " + SQLString.GetQuotedString(timeT);
            if (title != "")
                sql += "and docTitle like '%" + title + "%'";

            if (column != "")
                sql += "and docColumnID like '%" + column + "%'";

            if (Keywords != "")
                sql += "and docTitle like '%" + Keywords + "%'";

            Database db = new Database();
            DataSet ds = db.GetDataSet(sql);
            return ds;
コード例 #11
ファイル: Doc.cs プロジェクト: huaminglee/OnlinePublish
        public DataSet adminload(string title, string author, string state)
            string sql = "";
            if (state == "")
                sql = "select document.*,attach.* from document,attach where document.docID=attach.docID and docState !=" + SQLString.GetQuotedString(state) + " and docState like '2_'";
               sql = "select document.*,attach.* from document,attach where document.docID=attach.docID and docState=" + SQLString.GetQuotedString(state);
            if (title != "")
                sql += "and docTitle like '%" + title + "%'";

            if (author != "")
                sql += "and authorID like '%" + author + "%'";

            Database db = new Database();
            DataSet ds = db.GetDataSet(sql);
            return ds;
コード例 #12
ファイル: Message.cs プロジェクト: huaminglee/OnlinePublish
 public DataSet LoadMsg(string user)
     string sql = "select * from message where messageTo=" + SQLString.GetQuotedString(user) + "order by messageState asc,messageTime desc";
     Database db = new Database();
     DataSet ds = db.GetDataSet(sql);
     return ds;