public dictionary_setting_readonly(settings_as_string sett, string name, T def = default(T)) { sett_ = sett; name_ = name; default_ = def; values_ = new settings_as_string(sett.get(name).Replace(separator_, "\r\n")); }
protected entry_text_reader_base(settings_as_string sett) : base(sett) { new Thread(read_entries_thread) { IsBackground = true }.Start(); }
protected log_settings_string_readonly(string sett) { settings_ = new settings_as_string(sett); // general guid_ = new single_setting <string>(settings_, "guid", ""); name_ = new single_setting <string>(settings_, "name", ""); syntax_ = new single_setting <string>(settings_, "syntax", file_text_reader.UNKNOWN_SYNTAX); context_ = new single_setting <string>(settings_, "context", ""); friendly_name_ = new single_setting <string>(settings_, "friendly_name", ""); type_ = new single_setting_enum <log_type>(settings_, "type", log_type.file); file_type_ = new single_setting_enum <file_log_type>(settings_, "file_type", file_log_type.best_guess); reverse_ = new single_setting_bool(settings_, "reverse"); available_columns_ = new single_setting <string>(settings_, "available_columns", ""); is_open_first_time_ = new single_setting_bool(settings_, "is_open_first_time", true); column_positions_ = new dictionary_setting <string>(settings_, "column_positions", ""); apply_column_positions_to_me_ = new dictionary_setting <bool>(settings_, "apply_column_positions_to_me"); column_formatting_ = new dictionary_setting <string>(settings_, "column_format", ""); apply_column_formatting_to_me_ = new dictionary_setting <bool>(settings_, "apply_column_format_to_me"); category_format_ = new single_setting <string>(settings_, "category_format", ""); description_template_ = new single_setting <string>(settings_, "description_template", ""); aliases_ = new single_setting <string>(settings_, "aliases", ""); line_if_line_does_not_match_syntax_ = new single_setting_bool(settings_, "line.if_line_does_not_match_syntax"); line_if_line_starts_with_tab_ = new single_setting_bool(settings_, "line.if_line_starts_with_tab", true); part_separator_ = new single_setting <string>(settings_, "part.separator", ":"); cvs_has_header_ = new single_setting_bool(settings_, "csv.has_header", true); cvs_separator_char_ = new single_setting <string>(settings_, "csv.separator_char", ","); event_remote_machine_name_ = new single_setting <string>(settings_, "event.remote_machine_name", ""); event_remote_domain_ = new single_setting <string>(settings_, "event.remote_domain", ""); event_remote_user_name_ = new single_setting <string>(settings_, "event.remote_user_name", ""); event_remote_password_ = new single_setting <string>(settings_, "event.remote_password", ""); event_log_type_ = new single_setting <string>(settings_, "event.log_type", "Application|System"); event_provider_name_ = new single_setting <string>(settings_, "event.provider_name", ""); debug_global_ = new single_setting_bool(settings_, ""); debug_process_name_ = new single_setting <string>(settings_, "debug.process_name", ""); xml_delimiter_ = new single_setting <string>(settings_, "xml.delimiter", ""); db_provider_ = new single_setting <string>(settings_, "db_provider", "System.Data.SQLite"); // db_connection_string_ = new single_setting <string>(settings_, "db_connection_string", "Data Source=<your_db_file>;Version=3;new=False;datetimeformat=CurrentCulture"); db_table_name_ = new single_setting <string>(settings_, "db_table_name", "logtable"); db_fields_ = new single_setting <string>(settings_, "db_fields", "time_stamp\r\nlevel\r\nlogger\r\nmessage") { can_be_multi_line = true }; db_id_field_ = new single_setting <string>(settings_, "db_id_field", ""); // = new single_setting<string>(settings_, "", ""); }
public settings_as_string sub(string[] names) { var names_to_return = this.names(); names_to_return = names_to_return.Where(names.Contains).ToArray(); settings_as_string other = new settings_as_string(""); lock (this) other.sett_ = sett_.Where(x => names_to_return.Contains(x.Key)).ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.Value); return other; }
public settings_as_string sub(string[] names) { var names_to_return = this.names(); names_to_return = names_to_return.Where(names.Contains).ToArray(); settings_as_string other = new settings_as_string(""); lock (this) other.sett_ = sett_.Where(x => names_to_return.Contains(x.Key)).ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.Value); return(other); }
// 'other' overrides all we have public settings_as_string merge_copy(settings_as_string_readonly other) { settings_as_string merged = new settings_as_string(ToString()); var other_names = other.names(); foreach (string name in other_names) { merged.set(name, other.get(name)); } return(merged); }
private void load_save(bool load, string prefix) { app.load_save(load, ref name, prefix + ".name", "Default"); string settings_str = default_settings_.ToString(); if (load) { app.load_save(load, ref settings_str, prefix + ".default_settings"); default_settings_ = new settings_as_string(settings_str); if (settings_str == "") { // ... 1.4.8- kept the old name for persistenting app.load_save(load, ref settings_str, prefix + ".default_syntax"); if (settings_str != "") { default_settings_.set("syntax", settings_str); } } } else { app.load_save(load, ref settings_str, prefix + ".default_settings"); } int view_count = views.Count; app.load_save(load, ref view_count, prefix + ".view_count", 0); if (load) { views.Clear(); while (views.Count < view_count) { views.Add(new ui_view()); } } for (int i = 0; i < view_count; ++i) { views[i].load_save(load, prefix + ".view" + i + "."); } if (load && views.Count == 0) { views.Add(new ui_view() { is_default_name = true, name = "View_1" }); } }
public file_text_reader(settings_as_string sett) : base(sett) { string file = sett.get("name"); buffer_ = new byte[max_read_in_one_go]; try { // get absolute path - normally, this should be the absolute path, but just to be sure file_ = new FileInfo(file).FullName; } catch { file_ = file; } var thread = app.inst.use_file_monitoring_api ? new Thread(read_all_file_thread_file_monitoring_api) {IsBackground = true} : new Thread(read_all_file_thread) {IsBackground = true}; thread.Start(); }
protected log_settings_string_readonly(string sett) { settings_ = new settings_as_string(sett); // general guid_ = new single_setting <string>(settings_, "guid", ""); name_ = new single_setting <string>(settings_, "name", ""); syntax_ = new single_setting <string>(settings_, "syntax", file_text_reader.UNKNOWN_SYNTAX); context_ = new single_setting <string>(settings_, "context", ""); friendly_name_ = new single_setting <string>(settings_, "friendly_name", ""); type_ = new single_setting_enum <log_type>(settings_, "type", log_type.file); file_type_ = new single_setting_enum <file_log_type>(settings_, "file_type", file_log_type.best_guess); reverse_ = new single_setting_bool(settings_, "reverse"); available_columns_ = new single_setting <string>(settings_, "available_columns", ""); is_open_first_time_ = new single_setting_bool(settings_, "is_open_first_time", true); column_positions_ = new dictionary_setting <string>(settings_, "column_positions", ""); apply_column_positions_to_me_ = new dictionary_setting <bool>(settings_, "apply_column_positions_to_me"); column_formatting_ = new dictionary_setting <string>(settings_, "column_format", ""); apply_column_formatting_to_me_ = new dictionary_setting <bool>(settings_, "apply_column_format_to_me"); category_format_ = new single_setting <string>(settings_, "category_format", ""); description_template_ = new single_setting <string>(settings_, "description_template", ""); aliases_ = new single_setting <string>(settings_, "aliases", ""); line_if_line_ = new single_setting_bool(settings_, "line.if_line"); part_separator_ = new single_setting <string>(settings_, "part.separator", ":"); cvs_has_header_ = new single_setting_bool(settings_, "csv.has_header", true); cvs_separator_char_ = new single_setting <string>(settings_, "csv.separator_char", ","); event_remote_machine_name_ = new single_setting <string>(settings_, "event.remote_machine_name", ""); event_remote_domain_ = new single_setting <string>(settings_, "event.remote_domain", ""); event_remote_user_name_ = new single_setting <string>(settings_, "event.remote_user_name", ""); event_remote_password_ = new single_setting <string>(settings_, "event.remote_password", ""); event_log_type_ = new single_setting <string>(settings_, "event.log_type", "Application|System"); event_provider_name_ = new single_setting <string>(settings_, "event.provider_name", ""); debug_global_ = new single_setting_bool(settings_, ""); debug_process_name_ = new single_setting <string>(settings_, "debug.process_name", ""); xml_delimiter_ = new single_setting <string>(settings_, "xml.delimiter", ""); // = new single_setting<string>(settings_, "", ""); }
public test_log_view() { InitializeComponent(); string file = @"C:\john\code\buff\lw-tests\small.log"; string syntax = "$time[0,12] $ctx1[13,10] $level[24,5] $class[' ','- '] $msg"; settings_as_string sett = new settings_as_string(""); sett.set("type", "file"); sett.set("name", file); sett.set("syntax", syntax); lv_ = new log_view(this, "testing 123"); lv_.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; this.Controls.Add(lv_); lv_.show_name = false; lv_.set_log( new log_reader( new log_parser(new file_text_reader(sett))) ); var filter = new List<raw_filter_row>(); lv_.set_filter( filter ); app.inst.edit_mode = app.edit_mode_type.always; // app.inst.edit_mode = app.edit_mode_type.with_space; }
public file_text_reader(settings_as_string sett) : base(sett) { string file = sett.get("name"); buffer_ = new byte[max_read_in_one_go]; try { // get absolute path - normally, this should be the absolute path, but just to be sure file_ = new FileInfo(file).FullName; } catch { file_ = file; } var thread = app.inst.use_file_monitoring_api ? new Thread(read_all_file_thread_file_monitoring_api) { IsBackground = true } : new Thread(read_all_file_thread) { IsBackground = true }; thread.Start(); }
private static void load_contexts(settings_file sett) { logger.Debug("loading contexts"); int history_count = int.Parse( sett.get("history_count", "0")); for (int idx = 0; idx < history_count; ++idx) { history hist = new history(); string guid = sett.get("history." + idx + ".guid"); if (guid != "") { // 1.5.6+ - guid points to the whole settings string settings = sett.get("guid." + guid); if (settings == "") { logger.Debug("history guid removed " + guid); continue; // entry removed } Debug.Assert(settings.Contains(guid)); hist.from_settings(new settings_as_string(settings)); } else { // old code (pre 1.5.6) string type_str = sett.get("history." + idx + "type", "file"); if (type_str == "0") type_str = "file"; string name = sett.get("history." + idx + "name"); string friendly_name = sett.get("history." + idx + "friendly_name"); settings_as_string history_sett = new settings_as_string(""); history_sett.set("type", type_str); history_sett.set("name", name); history_sett.set("friendly_name", friendly_name); // create a guid now history_sett.set("guid", Guid.NewGuid().ToString()); hist.from_settings(history_sett); } history_.Add( hist ); } history_ = history_.Where(h => { if (h.type == history.entry_type.file) { // 1.5.11 - don't include this into the list next time the user opens the app // (so that he'll see the "Drop me like it's hot" huge message) if ("LogWizardSetupSample.log")) return false; if (File.Exists( // 1.1.5+ - compute md5s for this md5_log_keeper.inst.compute_default_md5s_for_file(; else return false; } return true; }).ToList(); int count = int.Parse( sett.get("context_count", "1")); for ( int i = 0; i < count ; ++i) { ui_context ctx = new ui_context(); ctx.load("context." + i); contexts_.Add(ctx); } // 1.1.25 - at application start - remove empty contexts (like, the user may have dragged a file, not what he wanted, dragged another) contexts_ = contexts_.Where(x => x.has_not_empty_views || == "Default").ToList(); }
private void on_new_log() { string size = text_ is file_text_reader ? " (" + new FileInfo( + " bytes)" : ""; set_status_forever("Log: " + + size); dropHere.Visible = false; if (history_.Count < 1) history_select(text_.settings); var reader_settings_copy = new settings_as_string( text_.settings.ToString() ); var context_settings_copy = new settings_as_string( settings_to_context(reader_settings_copy).default_settings.ToString()); context_settings_copy.merge(reader_settings_copy.ToString()); var file_text = text_ as file_text_reader; if (file_text != null) if ( factory.guess_file_type( == "line-by-line") if (reader_settings_copy.get("syntax") == "") { // file reader doesn't know syntax // by default - try to find the syntax by reading the header info; otherwise, try to parse it string file_to_syntax = log_to.file_to_syntax(; if (file_to_syntax != "") // note: file-to-syntax overrides the context syntax context_settings_copy.set("syntax", file_to_syntax); // note: if the context already knows syntax, use that else if (context_settings_copy.get("syntax") == "") { string found_syntax = file_text.try_to_find_log_syntax(); if (found_syntax != "" && found_syntax != file_text_reader.UNKNOWN_SYNTAX) context_settings_copy.set("syntax", found_syntax); } } text_.merge_setings( context_settings_copy); // note: we recreate the log, so that cached filters know to rebuild log_parser_ = new log_parser(text_); log_parser_.on_aliases_changed = on_aliases_changed; if ( text_.settings.get("description_template") != "") description.set_layout( text_.settings.get("description_template")); ui_context log_ctx = settings_to_context( text_.settings ); bool same_context = log_ctx == cur_context(); if (!same_context) { ++ignore_change_; // set_aliases context based on log curContextCtrl.SelectedIndex = contexts_.IndexOf(log_ctx); --ignore_change_; remove_all_log_views(); on_context_changed(); } full_log_ctrl_.set_filter(new List<raw_filter_row>()); on_new_log_parser(); load(); if (log_parser_.has_multi_line_columns) if (!app.inst.has_shown_details_pane) { app.inst.has_shown_details_pane = true; show_details(global_ui.show_details = true); } add_reader_to_history(); app.inst.set_log_file(selected_file_name()); Text = reader_title() + " - Log Wizard " + version(); logger.Info("new reader " + history_[logHistory.SelectedIndex].name); // at this point, some file has been dropped log_view_for_tab(0).Visible = true; notes.Enabled = text_ is file_text_reader; if (notes.Enabled) { notes.load(notes_keeper.inst.notes_file_for_file(; merge_notes(); } util.postpone(update_list_view_edit, 250); util.postpone(check_are_settings_complete, 1500); }
public void copy_from(ui_context other) { default_settings_ = other.default_settings_; name =; views = other.views.ToList(); }
private int history_select(string unique_name, string friendly_name = "") { ++ignore_change_; bool needs_save = false; logHistory.SelectedIndex = -1; bool found = false; for (int i = 0; i < history_.Count && !found; ++i) if (history_[i].unique_name == unique_name) { found = true; bool is_sample = unique_name.ToLower().EndsWith("logwizardsetupsample.log"); // if not default form - don't move the selection to the end bool is_default_form = toggled_to_custom_ui_ < 0; if (is_sample || !is_default_form) logHistory.SelectedIndex = i; else { // whatever the user selects, move it to the end history h = history_[i]; history_.RemoveAt(i); history_.Add(h); logHistory.Items.RemoveAt(i); logHistory.Items.Add(h.ui_friendly_name); logHistory.SelectedIndex = logHistory.Items.Count - 1; needs_save = true; } } if (logHistory.SelectedIndex < 0) { // if we end up here, it can only be a file! - we don't allow selecting anything else that we don't already have in history Debug.Assert(File.Exists(unique_name)); // FIXME (minor) if not on the default form -> i should not put it last (since that will be automatically loaded at restart) history new_ = new history(); settings_as_string hist_sett = new settings_as_string(""); hist_sett.set("type", "file"); hist_sett.set("name", unique_name); hist_sett.set("friendly_name", friendly_name); // FIXME perhaps GUID as well? new_.from_string(hist_sett.ToString()); history_.Add(new_); logHistory.Items.Add(history_.Last().ui_friendly_name); logHistory.SelectedIndex = logHistory.Items.Count - 1; } --ignore_change_; if (needs_save) save(); return logHistory.SelectedIndex; }
protected text_reader(settings_as_string sett) { settings_ = sett; settings_.on_changed += on_settings_changed; }
private void load_save(bool load, string prefix) { app.load_save(load, ref name, prefix + ".name", "Default" ); string settings_str = default_settings_.ToString(); if (load) { app.load_save(load, ref settings_str, prefix + ".default_settings"); default_settings_ = new settings_as_string(settings_str); if (settings_str == "") { // ... 1.4.8- kept the old name for persistenting app.load_save(load, ref settings_str, prefix + ".default_syntax"); if (settings_str != "") default_settings_.set("syntax", settings_str); } } else app.load_save(load, ref settings_str, prefix + ".default_settings"); int view_count = views.Count; app.load_save(load, ref view_count, prefix + ".view_count", 0); if (load) { views.Clear(); while ( views.Count < view_count) views.Add( new ui_view()); } for (int i = 0; i < view_count; ++i) views[i].load_save(load, prefix + ".view" + i + "."); if ( load && views.Count == 0) views.Add( new ui_view() { is_default_name = true, name = "View_1" }); }
internal single_setting(settings_as_string sett, string name, T default_ = default(T)) : base(sett, name, default_) { }
public log_settings_string sub(string[] names) { settings_as_string sub_sett = settings_.sub(names); return(new log_settings_string(sub_sett.ToString())); }
public void merge(string other) { settings_as_string_readonly other_sett = new settings_as_string(other); merge(other_sett); }
protected single_setting_readonly(settings_as_string sett, string name, T default_ = default(T)) { sett_ = sett; name_ = name; this.default_ = default_; }
public debug_text_reader(settings_as_string sett) : base(sett) { settings.on_changed += (a) => force_reload(); }
protected entry_text_reader_base(settings_as_string sett) : base(sett) { new Thread(read_entries_thread) {IsBackground = true}.Start(); }
protected file_text_reader_base(settings_as_string sett) : base(sett) { }
private void on_new_log() { string size = text_ is file_text_reader ? " (" + new FileInfo( + " bytes)" : ""; set_status_forever("Log: " + + size); dropHere.Visible = false; if (history_.Count < 1) history_select(text_.unique_id); var reader_settings_copy = new settings_as_string( text_.settings.ToString() ); var context_settings_copy = new settings_as_string( settings_to_context(reader_settings_copy).default_settings.ToString()); context_settings_copy.merge(reader_settings_copy.ToString()); var file_text = text_ as file_text_reader; if (file_text != null) if ( factory.guess_file_type( == "line-by-line") if (reader_settings_copy.get("syntax") == "") { // file reader doesn't know syntax // by default - try to find the syntax by reading the header info; otherwise, try to parse it string file_to_syntax = log_to.file_to_syntax(; if (file_to_syntax != "") { // note: file-to-syntax overrides the context syntax context_settings_copy.set("syntax", file_to_syntax); context_settings_copy.set("syntax_type", "file_to_syntax"); } // note: if the context already knows syntax, use that else if (context_settings_copy.get("syntax") == "") { string found_syntax = file_text.try_to_find_log_syntax(); if (found_syntax != "" && found_syntax != file_text_reader.UNKNOWN_SYNTAX) { context_settings_copy.set("syntax", found_syntax); context_settings_copy.set("syntax_type", "try_to_find_syntax"); } } } text_.merge_setings( context_settings_copy.ToString()); // note: we recreate the log, so that cached filters know to rebuild log_parser_ = new log_parser(text_); on_new_log_parser(); full_log_ctrl_.set_filter(new List<raw_filter_row>()); Text = reader_title() + " - Log Wizard " + version(); add_reader_to_history(); load_bookmarks(); logger.Info("new reader " + history_[logHistory.SelectedIndex].name); // at this point, some file has been dropped log_view_for_tab(0).Visible = true; notes.Enabled = text_ is file_text_reader; if (notes.Enabled) { notes.load(notes_keeper.inst.notes_file_for_file(; merge_notes(); } util.postpone(update_list_view_edit, 250); util.postpone(check_are_settings_complete, 1500); }
// 'other' overrides all we have public settings_as_string merge_copy(settings_as_string_readonly other) { settings_as_string merged = new settings_as_string(ToString()); var other_names = other.names(); foreach ( string name in other_names) merged.set(name, other.get(name)); return merged; }
public void from_text_reader(text_reader reader) { settings_ = reader.settings as settings_as_string; }
public event_log_reader(settings_as_string sett) : base(sett) { settings.on_changed += on_settings_changed; sett.set("name", friendly_name); reverse_ = settings.get("event.reversed", "0") != "0"; }
/* 1.1.25+ - on new file (that does not match any context) - we will create a context matching the name of the file (if one exists, we will automatically select it) - by default, we'll never go to the "Default" context - the idea is for the uesr not to have to mistakenly delete a context when he's selecting a different type of file, (since he would want new filters). thus, just create a new context where he can do anything */ private void create_context_for_log(settings_as_string log_settings) { string context_name = log_settings.get("context"); if (contexts_.FirstOrDefault(x => == context_name) != null) // in this case, I already have a context, and the context exists return; ui_context log_ctx = settings_to_context(log_settings); if ( != "Default") // we already have a context return; ui_context new_ctx = new ui_context(); contexts_.Add(new_ctx); switch (log_settings.get("type")) { case "file": string file = log_settings.get("name"); Debug.Assert(file != ""); = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(new FileInfo(file).Name); break; case "event_log": = least_unused_context_name("Event Log"); break; case "debug_print": = least_unused_context_name("Debug"); break; default: Debug.Assert(false); return; } Debug.Assert( != ""); log_settings.set("context",; update_contexts_combos_in_all_forms(); }
public dictionary_setting(settings_as_string sett, string name, T def = default(T)) : base(sett, name, def) { }
internal single_setting_enum_readonly(settings_as_string sett, string name, T default_) { sett_ = sett; name_ = name; this.default_ = default_; }
public void from_settings(settings_as_string_readonly sett) { settings_ = sett as settings_as_string; }
internal single_setting_enum(settings_as_string sett, string name, T default_) : base(sett, name, default_) { }
private void on_new_file_log(string name, string friendly_name) { string guid = sett_.get("file_to_guid." + name); if (guid != "") create_text_reader(new settings_as_string(sett_.get("guid." + guid))); else { // at this point, we know it's a ***new*** file settings_as_string file_settings = new settings_as_string(""); file_settings.set("type", "file"); file_settings.set("name", name); file_settings.set("friendly_name", friendly_name); file_settings.set("guid", Guid.NewGuid().ToString()); create_text_reader(file_settings); } }
internal single_setting_bool_readonly(settings_as_string sett, string name, bool default_ = false) { sett_ = sett; name_ = name; this.default_ = default_; }
private void whatsupOpen_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { var add = new edit_log_settings_form("", edit_log_settings_form.edit_type.add); if (add.ShowDialog(this) == DialogResult.OK) { settings_as_string_readonly settings = new settings_as_string(add.settings); if (is_log_in_history(ref settings)) { // we already have this in history create_text_reader(settings); return; } var new_ = new history(); new_.from_settings(settings); history_.Add(new_); ++ignore_change_; logHistory.Items.Add(history_.Last().ui_friendly_name); logHistory.SelectedIndex = logHistory.Items.Count - 1; --ignore_change_; Text = reader_title() + " - Log Wizard " + version(); create_text_reader(new_.settings); save(); } }
public single_setting_bool(settings_as_string sett, string name, bool default_ = false) : base(sett, name, default_) { }
private ui_context new_file_to_context(string name) { var default_ = contexts_.FirstOrDefault(x => == "Default"); if (!File.Exists(name)) return default_; settings_as_string sett = new settings_as_string(""); sett.set("type", "file"); sett.set("name", name); return settings_to_context(sett); }
public event_log_reader(settings_as_string sett) : base(sett) { settings.on_changed += on_settings_changed; }