internal static void remove_btrans(BState to) { /* redirects transitions before removing a state from the automaton */ BState s; BTrans t; int i; for (s = bstates.nxt; s != bstates; s = s.nxt) { for (t = s.trans.nxt; t != s.trans; t = t.nxt) { if ( == to) { /* transition to a state with no transitions */ BTrans free = t.nxt; =; set.copy_set(free.pos, t.pos, 1); set.copy_set(free.neg, t.neg, 1); t.nxt = free.nxt; if (free == s.trans) { s.trans = t; } mem.free_btrans(free, null, 0); } } } }
internal static BState find_bstate(ref GState state, int final, BState s) { /* finds the corresponding state, or creates it */ if ((s.gstate == state) && ( == final)) { return(s); /* same state */ } s = bstack.nxt; /* in the stack */ bstack.gstate = state; = final; while (!(s.gstate == state) || !( == final)) { s = s.nxt; } if (s != bstack) { return(s); } s = bstates.nxt; /* in the solved states */ bstates.gstate = state; = final; while (!(s.gstate == state) || !( == final)) { s = s.nxt; } if (s != bstates) { return(s); } s = bremoved.nxt; /* in the removed states */ bremoved.gstate = state; = final; while (!(s.gstate == state) || !( == final)) { s = s.nxt; } if (s != bremoved) { return(s); } s = new BState(); /* creates a new state */ s.gstate = state; = (state).id; s.incoming = 0; = final; s.trans = mem.emalloc_btrans(); /* sentinel */ s.trans.nxt = s.trans; s.nxt = bstack.nxt; bstack.nxt = s; return(s); }
internal static int bdfs(BState s) { BTrans t; BScc c; BScc scc = new BScc(); scc.bstate = s; scc.rank = rank; scc.theta = rank++; scc.nxt = scc_stack; scc_stack = scc; s.incoming = 1; for (t = s.trans.nxt; t != s.trans; t = t.nxt) { if ( == 0) { int result = bdfs(; scc.theta = Math.Min(scc.theta, result); } else { for (c = scc_stack.nxt; c != null; c = c.nxt) { if (c.bstate == { scc.theta = Math.Min(scc.theta, c.rank); break; } } } } if (scc.rank == scc.theta) { if (scc_stack == scc) { /* s is alone in a scc */ s.incoming = -1; for (t = s.trans.nxt; t != s.trans; t = t.nxt) { if ( == s) { s.incoming = 1; } } } scc_stack = scc.nxt; } return(scc.theta); }
internal static BState remove_bstate(BState s, BState s1) /* removes a state */ { BState prv = s.prv; s.prv.nxt = s.nxt; s.nxt.prv = s.prv; mem.free_btrans(s.trans.nxt, s.trans, 0); s.trans = null; s.nxt = bremoved.nxt; bremoved.nxt = s; s.prv = s1; for (s1 = bremoved.nxt; s1 != bremoved; s1 = s1.nxt) { if (s1.prv == s) { s1.prv = s.prv; } } return(prv); }
internal static int all_btrans_match(BState a, BState b) /* decides if the states are equivalent */ { BTrans s, t; if ((( == b_accept) || ( == b_accept)) && ( + != 2 * b_accept) && a.incoming >= 0 && b.incoming >= 0) { return(0); /* the states have to be both final or both non final */ } for (s = a.trans.nxt; s != a.trans; s = s.nxt) { /* all transitions from a appear in b */ copy_btrans(s, b.trans); t = b.trans.nxt; while (same_btrans(s, t) == 0) { t = t.nxt; } if (t == b.trans) { return(0); } } for (s = b.trans.nxt; s != b.trans; s = s.nxt) { /* all transitions from b appear in a */ copy_btrans(s, a.trans); t = a.trans.nxt; while (same_btrans(s, t) == 0) { t = t.nxt; } if (t == a.trans) { return(0); } } return(1); }
internal static void mk_buchi() {/* generates a Buchi automaton from the generalized Buchi automaton */ int i; BState s = new BState(); GTrans t; BTrans t1; b_accept =[0] - 1; // if(tl_stats) getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF, &tr_debut); bstack = new BState(); /* sentinel */ bstack.nxt = bstack; bremoved = new BState(); /* sentinel */ bremoved.nxt = bremoved; bstates = new BState(); /* sentinel */ bstates.nxt = s; bstates.prv = s; s.nxt = bstates; /* creates (unique) inital state */ s.prv = bstates; = -1; s.incoming = 1; = 0; s.gstate = null; s.trans = mem.emalloc_btrans(); /* sentinel */ s.trans.nxt = s.trans; for (i = 0; i < generalized.init_size; i++) { if (generalized.init[i] != null) { for (t = generalized.init[i].trans.nxt; t != generalized.init[i].trans; t = t.nxt) { int fin = next_final(, 0); BState to = find_bstate(ref, fin, s); for (t1 = s.trans.nxt; t1 != s.trans;) { if (main.tl_simp_fly != 0 && (to == && set.included_set(t.pos, t1.pos, 1) != 0 && set.included_set(t.neg, t1.neg, 1) != 0) { /* t1 is redondant */ BTrans free = t1.nxt;; =; set.copy_set(free.pos, t1.pos, 1); set.copy_set(free.neg, t1.neg, 1); t1.nxt = free.nxt; if (free == s.trans) { s.trans = t1; } mem.free_btrans(free, null, 0); } else if (main.tl_simp_fly != 0 && ( == to) && set.included_set(t1.pos, t.pos, 1) != 0 && set.included_set(t1.neg, t.neg, 1) != 0) /* t is redondant */ { break; } else { t1 = t1.nxt; } } if (t1 == s.trans) { BTrans trans = mem.emalloc_btrans(); = to;; set.copy_set(t.pos, trans.pos, 1); set.copy_set(t.neg, trans.neg, 1); trans.nxt = s.trans.nxt; s.trans.nxt = trans; } } } } while (bstack.nxt != bstack) { /* solves all states in the stack until it is empty */ s = bstack.nxt; bstack.nxt = bstack.nxt.nxt; if (s.incoming == 0) { free_bstate(s); continue; } make_btrans(s); } retarget_all_btrans(); /* * if(tl_stats) { * getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF, &tr_fin); * timeval_subtract (&t_diff, &tr_fin.ru_utime, &tr_debut.ru_utime); * fprintf(tl_out, "\nBuilding the Buchi automaton : %i.%06is", * t_diff.tv_sec, t_diff.tv_usec); * fprintf(tl_out, "\n%i states, %i transitions\n", bstate_count, btrans_count); * }*/ //if(tl_verbose) { // fprintf(tl_out, "\nBuchi automaton before simplification\n"); // print_buchi(bstates.nxt); // if(bstates == bstates.nxt) // fprintf(tl_out, "empty automaton, refuses all words\n"); //} if (main.tl_simp_diff != 0) { simplify_btrans(); if (main.tl_simp_scc != 0) { simplify_bscc(); } while (simplify_bstates() != 0) { /* simplifies as much as possible */ simplify_btrans(); if (main.tl_simp_scc != 0) { simplify_bscc(); } } // if(tl_verbose) { // fprintf(tl_out, "\nBuchi automaton after simplification\n"); // print_buchi(bstates.nxt); // if(bstates == bstates.nxt) //fprintf(tl_out, "empty automaton, refuses all words\n"); // fprintf(tl_out, "\n"); // } } //print_spin_buchi(); }
internal static void make_btrans(BState s) /* creates all the transitions from a state */ { int state_trans = 0; GTrans t; BTrans t1; BState s1; if (s.gstate.trans != null) { for (t = s.gstate.trans.nxt; t != s.gstate.trans; t = t.nxt) { int fin = next_final(, ( == b_accept) ? 0 :; BState to = find_bstate(ref, fin, s); for (t1 = s.trans.nxt; t1 != s.trans;) { if (main.tl_simp_fly != 0 && (to == && set.included_set(t.pos, t1.pos, 1) != 0 && set.included_set(t.neg, t1.neg, 1) != 0) { /* t1 is redondant */ BTrans free = t1.nxt;; =; set.copy_set(free.pos, t1.pos, 1); set.copy_set(free.neg, t1.neg, 1); t1.nxt = free.nxt; if (free == s.trans) { s.trans = t1; } mem.free_btrans(free, null, 0); state_trans--; } else if (main.tl_simp_fly != 0 && ( == to) && set.included_set(t1.pos, t.pos, 1) != 0 && set.included_set(t1.neg, t.neg, 1) != 0) /* t is redondant */ { break; } else { t1 = t1.nxt; } } if (t1 == s.trans) { BTrans trans = mem.emalloc_btrans(); = to;; set.copy_set(t.pos, trans.pos, 1); set.copy_set(t.neg, trans.neg, 1); trans.nxt = s.trans.nxt; s.trans.nxt = trans; state_trans++; } } } if (main.tl_simp_fly != 0) { if (s.trans == s.trans.nxt) { /* s has no transitions */ mem.free_btrans(s.trans.nxt, s.trans, 1); s.trans = null; s.prv = null; s.nxt = bremoved.nxt; bremoved.nxt = s; for (s1 = bremoved.nxt; s1 != bremoved; s1 = s1.nxt) { if (s1.prv == s) { s1.prv = null; } } return; } bstates.trans = s.trans; =; s1 = bstates.nxt; while (all_btrans_match(s, s1) == 0) { s1 = s1.nxt; } if (s1 != bstates) { /* s and s1 are equivalent */ mem.free_btrans(s.trans.nxt, s.trans, 1); s.trans = null; s.prv = s1; s.nxt = bremoved.nxt; bremoved.nxt = s; for (s1 = bremoved.nxt; s1 != bremoved; s1 = s1.nxt) { if (s1.prv == s) { s1.prv = s.prv; } } return; } } s.nxt = bstates.nxt; /* adds the current state to 'bstates' */ s.prv = bstates; s.nxt.prv = s; bstates.nxt = s; btrans_count += state_trans; bstate_count++; }
internal static void free_bstate(BState s) /* frees a state and its transitions */ { mem.free_btrans(s.trans.nxt, s.trans, 1); mem.tfree(s); }