コード例 #1
    /// <summary>
    /// this code is used with LinqServerModeDataSource_Selecting so we can run in server mode
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="sender"></param>
    /// <param name="e"></param>
    protected void LinqServerModeSearchTop_Selecting(object sender, DevExpress.Data.Linq.LinqServerModeDataSourceSelectEventArgs e)
            Int32 _companyid = -1; //after testing default to empty string 
            Int32 _userid = -1;

            //company id: always add as a search param as user must be logged in
            //if (Page.Session["user"] != null)
            if (Page.Session["user"] != null)
                _companyid = (Int32)((UserClass)Page.Session["user"]).CompanyId;
                _userid = (Int32)((UserClass)Page.Session["user"]).UserId;

            //dynamic queries using system.Linq.dynamic + Dynamic.cs library
            //20/10/2010 we have build a unique index (OrderIx) from OrderId, TitleId, ContainerSubId as usual primary keys are not going to 
            //be unique in the view. aspxgrid only works properly when it has a unique key 
            e.KeyExpression = "qry_ID"; //"OrderID"; //a key expression is required 

            if (_companyid > 0 && _userid > 0)
                //var _query = new linq_classesDataContext().view_orders.Where(_filter);
                var _nquery = new linq.linq_query_logDataContext().db_query_logs.Where(c => c.by_contactID == _userid).OrderByDescending(c => c.qry_ID).Take(10); //c => c.CompanyID == 7
                e.QueryableSource = _nquery;
                //Int32 _count = _nquery.Count();

            else if (_companyid == -1 && _userid > 0)  //internal user 
                //var _nquery = new linq_classesDataContext().view_orders.OrderBy("orderix").OrderByDescending(c => c.OrderIx).Take(10); //.Where(c => c.OrderNumber == -1 );
                var _nquery = new linq.linq_query_logDataContext().db_query_logs.Where(c => c.by_employeeID == _userid).OrderByDescending(c => c.qry_ID).Take(10); //c => c.CompanyID == 7
                //_count = _nquery.Count();

                e.QueryableSource = _nquery;
            else //they should never reach this as must be logged in to get dashboard but just a precaution
                var _nquery = new linq.linq_query_logDataContext().db_query_logs.Where(c => c.qry_ID == -1);
                //_count = _nquery.Count();

                e.QueryableSource = _nquery;
        catch (Exception ex)
            this.dxlblerr5.Text = ex.Message.ToString();
            this.dxlblerr5.Visible = true;

コード例 #2
    /// <summary>
    /// this code is used with LinqServerModeDataSource_Selecting so we can run in server mode
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="sender"></param>
    /// <param name="e"></param>
    protected void LinqServerModeSearchTop_Selecting(object sender, DevExpress.Data.Linq.LinqServerModeDataSourceSelectEventArgs e)
            Int32 _companyid = -1; //after testing default to empty string
            Int32 _userid    = -1;

            //company id: always add as a search param as user must be logged in
            //if (Page.Session["user"] != null)
            if (Page.Session["user"] != null)
                _companyid = (Int32)((UserClass)Page.Session["user"]).CompanyId;
                _userid    = (Int32)((UserClass)Page.Session["user"]).UserId;

            //dynamic queries using system.Linq.dynamic + Dynamic.cs library
            //20/10/2010 we have build a unique index (OrderIx) from OrderId, TitleId, ContainerSubId as usual primary keys are not going to
            //be unique in the view. aspxgrid only works properly when it has a unique key
            e.KeyExpression = "qry_ID"; //"OrderID"; //a key expression is required

            if (_companyid > 0 && _userid > 0)
                //var _query = new linq_classesDataContext().view_orders.Where(_filter);
                var _nquery = new linq.linq_query_logDataContext().db_query_logs.Where(c => c.by_contactID == _userid).OrderByDescending(c => c.qry_ID).Take(10); //c => c.CompanyID == 7
                e.QueryableSource = _nquery;
                //Int32 _count = _nquery.Count();
            else if (_companyid == -1 && _userid > 0)  //internal user
                //var _nquery = new linq_classesDataContext().view_orders.OrderBy("orderix").OrderByDescending(c => c.OrderIx).Take(10); //.Where(c => c.OrderNumber == -1 );
                var _nquery = new linq.linq_query_logDataContext().db_query_logs.Where(c => c.by_employeeID == _userid).OrderByDescending(c => c.qry_ID).Take(10); //c => c.CompanyID == 7
                //_count = _nquery.Count();

                e.QueryableSource = _nquery;
            else //they should never reach this as must be logged in to get dashboard but just a precaution
                var _nquery = new linq.linq_query_logDataContext().db_query_logs.Where(c => c.qry_ID == -1);
                //_count = _nquery.Count();

                e.QueryableSource = _nquery;
        catch (Exception ex)
            this.dxlblerr5.Text    = ex.Message.ToString();
            this.dxlblerr5.Visible = true;
コード例 #3
    /// <summary>
    /// this code is used with LinqServerModeDataSource_Selecting so we can run in server mode
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="sender"></param>
    /// <param name="e"></param>
    protected void linqservermodesearch_Selecting(object sender, DevExpress.Data.Linq.LinqServerModeDataSourceSelectEventArgs e)
        ParameterCollection _params = new ParameterCollection();

        if (Session["user"] != null)
            UserClass _thisuser = (UserClass)Session["user"];
            Int32 _id = _thisuser.UserId;
            Parameter _p = new Parameter();

            //dynamic queries using system.Linq.dynamic + Dynamic.cs library
            e.KeyExpression = "qry_ID"; //a key expression is required 

            if (_thisuser.CompanyId != -1) //external company not WWI so search in bycontactid
                //var _query = new linq_classesDataContext().view_orders.Where(_filter);
                var _nquery = new linq.linq_query_logDataContext().db_query_logs.Where(c => c.by_contactID == _id); //.Where(c => c.qry_source == "OV"); restrict by query source too?
                //_count = _query.Count();
                e.QueryableSource = _nquery;
            else //search in byemployeeid
                //var _query = new linq_classesDataContext().view_orders.Where(_filter);
                var _nquery = new linq.linq_query_logDataContext().db_query_logs.Where(c => c.by_employeeID == _id); //.Where(c => c.qry_source=="OV");
                //_count = _query.Count();
                e.QueryableSource = _nquery;
            string _userip = userRequestingIP();

            e.KeyExpression = "qry_ID"; //a key expression is required 

            //var _query = new linq_classesDataContext().view_orders.Where(_filter);
            //09/09/2011 don't load by IP, not very secure, just default to 0 records
            //var _nquery = new linq_classesDataContext().db_query_logs.Where(c => c.log_ip == _userip).Where(c => c.by_employeeID == 0).Where(c => c.by_contactID == 0); //.Where(c => c.qry_source == "OV");
            var _nquery = new linq.linq_query_logDataContext().db_query_logs.Where(c => c.by_employeeID == -1).Where(c => c.by_contactID == -1); //.Where(c => c.qry_source == "OV");
            //_count = _query.Count();
            e.QueryableSource = _nquery;
    }//end linq server mode
コード例 #4
    /// <summary>
    /// this code is used with LinqServerModeDataSource_Selecting so we can run in server mode
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="sender"></param>
    /// <param name="e"></param>
    protected void linqservermodesearch_Selecting(object sender, DevExpress.Data.Linq.LinqServerModeDataSourceSelectEventArgs e)
        ParameterCollection _params = new ParameterCollection();

        if (Session["user"] != null)
            UserClass _thisuser = (UserClass)Session["user"];
            Int32     _id       = _thisuser.UserId;
            Parameter _p        = new Parameter();

            //dynamic queries using system.Linq.dynamic + Dynamic.cs library
            e.KeyExpression = "qry_ID"; //a key expression is required

            if (_thisuser.CompanyId != -1) //external company not WWI so search in bycontactid
                //var _query = new linq_classesDataContext().view_orders.Where(_filter);
                var _nquery = new linq.linq_query_logDataContext().db_query_logs.Where(c => c.by_contactID == _id); //.Where(c => c.qry_source == "OV"); restrict by query source too?
                //_count = _query.Count();
                e.QueryableSource = _nquery;
            else //search in byemployeeid
                //var _query = new linq_classesDataContext().view_orders.Where(_filter);
                var _nquery = new linq.linq_query_logDataContext().db_query_logs.Where(c => c.by_employeeID == _id); //.Where(c => c.qry_source=="OV");
                //_count = _query.Count();
                e.QueryableSource = _nquery;
            string _userip = userRequestingIP();

            e.KeyExpression = "qry_ID"; //a key expression is required

            //var _query = new linq_classesDataContext().view_orders.Where(_filter);
            //09/09/2011 don't load by IP, not very secure, just default to 0 records
            //var _nquery = new linq_classesDataContext().db_query_logs.Where(c => c.log_ip == _userip).Where(c => c.by_employeeID == 0).Where(c => c.by_contactID == 0); //.Where(c => c.qry_source == "OV");
            var _nquery = new linq.linq_query_logDataContext().db_query_logs.Where(c => c.by_employeeID == -1).Where(c => c.by_contactID == -1); //.Where(c => c.qry_source == "OV");

            //_count = _query.Count();
            e.QueryableSource = _nquery;
    }//end linq server mode