private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { connect1(); comm = new MySqlCommand(); comm.CommandText = "select * from database.login"; ds=new DataSet(); da = new MySqlDataAdapter(comm.CommandText, conn); da.Fill(ds, "login"); dt=ds.Tables["login"]; String username=textBox1.Text; String password=textBox2.Text; for(i=0;i<dt.Rows.Count;i++) { dr=dt.Rows[i]; String u = dr["username"].ToString(); String p = dr["password"].ToString(); int id= int.Parse(dr["userid"].ToString()); if (username.Equals(u)) { if (password.Equals(Decrypt(p))) { //MessageBox.Show(""+id); menu m = new menu(id); m.Show(); this.Hide(); break; } } } if (i >= dt.Rows.Count) { Dialog1 d = new Dialog1(); d.Show(); conn.Close(); } }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { menu m = new menu(id); this.Close(); m.Show(); }
private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.Hide(); menu m = new menu(userid); m.Show(); }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { connect1(); comm2 = new MySqlCommand(); comm2.Connection = conn; comm2.CommandText = "update database.userinfo1 SET points = points - '" + points + "' where userid = '" + userid + "'"; comm2.CommandType = CommandType.Text; comm2.ExecuteNonQuery(); conn.Close(); connect1(); comm2 = new MySqlCommand(); comm2.Connection = conn; comm2.CommandText = "update database.books1 SET available = 'N' where bookid = '" + bookid + "'"; comm2.CommandType = CommandType.Text; comm2.ExecuteNonQuery(); conn.Close(); connect1(); comm = new MySqlCommand(); comm.CommandText = "select * from database.courier"; ds = new DataSet(); da = new MySqlDataAdapter(comm.CommandText, conn); da.Fill(ds, "database.courier"); dt = ds.Tables["database.courier"]; i = dt.Rows.Count; int courierid = (i + 1); // MessageBox.Show(""); comm2 = new MySqlCommand(); comm2.Connection = conn; comm2.CommandText = "insert into database.courier(courierid,couriername,lender_id,borrower_id) values ('" + courierid + "','" + textBox1.Text + "','" + lenderid + "','" + userid + "')"; comm2.CommandType = CommandType.Text; comm2.ExecuteNonQuery(); comm2 = new MySqlCommand(); comm2.Connection = conn; comm2.CommandText = "insert into database.bookborrow(bookid,userid) values ('" + bookid + "','" + userid + "')"; comm2.CommandType = CommandType.Text; comm2.ExecuteNonQuery(); comm2 = new MySqlCommand(); comm2.Connection = conn; comm2.CommandText = "insert into database.dispatch(bookid,courierid,userid) values ('" + bookid + "','" + courierid + "','" + userid + "')"; comm2.CommandType = CommandType.Text; comm2.ExecuteNonQuery(); conn.Close(); connect1(); comm1 = new MySqlCommand(); comm1.Connection = conn; comm1.CommandText = "select * from database.books1 where bookid =" + bookid; comm1.CommandType = CommandType.Text; MySqlDataReader read1 = comm1.ExecuteReader(); while (read1.Read()) { bookname = ((read1["bookname"]).ToString()); } //label3.Text = "Points to be used : " + points; read1.Close(); conn.Close(); MessageBox.Show("Thanks for using the Lend A Book System to borrow " + bookname + "! \nIt will take 3-4 days for the courier to deliver the product to your address.\n\nWe look forward to helping you again!"); this.Hide(); menu m = new menu(userid); m.Show(); }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { int j=0; String bookname = textBox1.Text; String author = textBox2.Text; int point = (int.Parse(textBox3.Text)) / 10; int year = int.Parse(comboBox1.SelectedItem.ToString()); if(radioButton1.Checked) binding=radioButton1.Text; if(radioButton2.Checked) binding=radioButton2.Text; if (binding.Equals("Hard Bound")) point += 20; if (binding.Equals("Paper Bound")) point += 10; if (year > 2000) point += 10; String[] arr = new String[6]; if (checkBox1.Checked) arr[j++] = checkBox1.Text; if (checkBox2.Checked) arr[j++] = checkBox2.Text; if (checkBox3.Checked) arr[j++] = checkBox3.Text; if (checkBox4.Checked) arr[j++] = checkBox4.Text; if (checkBox5.Checked) arr[j++] = checkBox5.Text; if (checkBox6.Checked) arr[j++] = checkBox6.Text; connect1(); comm = new MySqlCommand(); comm.CommandText = "select * from database.books1"; ds = new DataSet(); da = new MySqlDataAdapter(comm.CommandText, conn); da.Fill(ds, "database.books1"); dt = ds.Tables["database.books1"]; i = dt.Rows.Count; int bookid = (i + 1); // MessageBox.Show(""); comm2 = new MySqlCommand(); comm2.Connection = conn; comm2.CommandText = "insert into database.books1(bookid,bookname,points,binding,pubyear) values ('" + bookid + "','" + bookname + "','" + point + "','" + binding + "','" + year + "')"; comm2.CommandType = CommandType.Text; comm2.ExecuteNonQuery(); //MessageBox.Show(""); for (int k = 0; k < j;k++ ) { comm3 = new MySqlCommand(); comm3.Connection = conn; comm3.CommandText = "insert into database.books3(bookid,genre) values ('" + bookid + "','" + arr[k] + "')"; comm3.CommandType = CommandType.Text; comm3.ExecuteNonQuery(); } comm1 = new MySqlCommand(); comm1.Connection = conn; comm1.CommandText = "insert into database.books2(bookid,author) values ('" + bookid + "','" + author + "')"; comm1.CommandType = CommandType.Text; comm1.ExecuteNonQuery(); if(ans==true && textBox4.Text!=null) { comm1 = new MySqlCommand(); comm1.Connection = conn; comm1.CommandText = "insert into database.books2(bookid,author) values ('" + bookid + "','" + textBox4.Text + "')"; comm1.CommandType = CommandType.Text; comm1.ExecuteNonQuery(); } //comm1 = new MySqlCommand(); //comm1.Connection = conn; //comm1.CommandText = "insert into database.booklender(bookid,userid) values ('" + bookid + "','" + id + "')"; //comm1.CommandType = CommandType.Text; //comm1.ExecuteNonQuery(); comm1 = new MySqlCommand(); comm1.Connection = conn; comm1.CommandText = "update database.userinfo1 SET points = points + '" + point + "' where userid = '" + id + "'"; comm1.CommandType = CommandType.Text; comm1.ExecuteNonQuery(); MessageBox.Show("Thanks for Lending a book! \n" + point + " points have been added to your account! "); menu m = new menu(id); this.Close(); m.Show(); }