public static void main(string [] args) { Console.WriteLine("\nFrom ContactStaticClass"); ContactStaticClass contactSaticClass = new ContactStaticClass(); contactSaticClass.generateCount(); // call static class method's StaticClass.StaticMessage(); // with parameters StaticClass.StaticReceivedContact(count); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("Hello World!"); Class1 c1 = new Class1(); Console.WriteLine($"Hello,World {c1.ReturnMessage()} \n"); Sample sample = new Sample(); Console.WriteLine($"Search Result : {sample.Search()}"); Fibonacci fib = new Fibonacci(); fib.generateFibonacci(); AccessModifierPublic classPublic = new AccessModifierPublic(45); // public method classPublic.AreaOfCircle(); // internal method classPublic.perimeterOfCircleInternal(); // public method bypass for protected method and private method // classPublic.perimeterOfCircleBypass(); // private method cannot be accessed // classPublic.perimeterOfCirclePrivate(); // protectected method cannot be accessed // classPublic.perimeterOfCircleProtected // call main method of another class AccessModifierPublic.main(null); // static class method cannot be accessed by instance but by classname itself StaticClass.StaticMessage(); ContactStaticClass.main(null); // from namespace iterators ,accessing static method ForeachExamples.ExampleOne(); // calling main PowerOf2 power = new PowerOf2(); PowerOf2.main(null); // calling main of static class GalaxyClass.main(null); Console.Clear(); foreach (var item in IteratorMethods.GetSingleDigitNumbers()) { Console.WriteLine(item); } foreach (var item in IteratorMethods.GetSingleDigitNumbersV2()) { Console.WriteLine(item); } Console.WriteLine("\nGeneric Array "); GenericArray <int> genericArray = new GenericArray <int>(5); genericArray.setItem(0, 1); Console.WriteLine(genericArray.getItem(0)); // will produce assertion error by making assertion false message displays Console.WriteLine(genericArray.getItem(6)); Console.Clear(); }