public Skills(Client _c, GameServer _gs) { InitializeComponent(); c = _c; gs = _gs; condition.Items.Add("Always"); condition.Items.Add("HP"); condition.Items.Add("Distance"); compare.Items.Add("="); compare.Items.Add(">"); compare.Items.Add("<"); condition.SelectedIndex = 0; compare.SelectedIndex = 0; value.Text = "0"; //skill s = new skill(); // = "f**k"; // = 12203; //skill s1 = new skill(); // = "suck"; // = 12205; //skill s2 = new skill(); // = "duck"; // = 12204; //sl.Items.Add(s1); //sl.Items.Add(s2); //sl.Items.Add(s); }
public Fight(Client _c, GameServer _gs) { buffid = 0; c = _c; gs = _gs; InitializeComponent(); }
public BotView(GameServer _gs) { gs = _gs; newplayers = new List<uint>(); deletedplayer = new List<uint>(); players = new List<uint>(); listlock = new Object(); InitializeComponent(); }
public BuffForm(Client _c, GameServer _gs) { c = _c; gs = _gs; InitializeComponent(); c.doafterskill.Clear(); c.doonskill.Clear(); foreach (skillmap s in gs.skills.Values) { cbOn.Items.Add(s); cbAfter.Items.Add(s); } }
public BuffForm(Client _c, GameServer _gs) { c = _c; gs = _gs; InitializeComponent(); onbufflist = new ComboBox[4]; doonbufflist = new ComboBox[4]; afterbufflist = new ComboBox[4]; doafterbufflist = new ComboBox[4]; onbufflist[0] = comboBox1; onbufflist[1] = comboBox4; onbufflist[2] = comboBox6; onbufflist[3] = comboBox8; doonbufflist[0] = comboBox2; doonbufflist[1] = comboBox3; doonbufflist[2] = comboBox5; doonbufflist[3] = comboBox7; afterbufflist[0] = comboBox10; afterbufflist[1] = comboBox12; afterbufflist[2] = comboBox16; afterbufflist[3] = comboBox14; doafterbufflist[0] = comboBox9; doafterbufflist[1] = comboBox11; doafterbufflist[2] = comboBox15; doafterbufflist[3] = comboBox13; c.doafterskill.Clear(); c.doonskill.Clear(); foreach (ComboBox d in onbufflist) { foreach (string s in gs.skills.Values) d.Items.Add(s); } foreach (ComboBox d in afterbufflist) { foreach (string s in gs.skills.Values) d.Items.Add(s); } }
public Defense(Client _c, GameServer _gs) { InitializeComponent(); c = _c; gs = _gs; condition.Items.Add("Always"); condition.Items.Add("HP"); condition.Items.Add("Distance"); compare.Items.Add("="); compare.Items.Add(">"); compare.Items.Add("<"); Effects sleep, hold, medusa, poison; medusa = new Effects(); = "Medusa"; = 2048; sleep = new Effects(); = "Sleep"; = 128; hold = new Effects(); = "Root"; = 512; poison = new Effects(); = "Poison"; = 2; eff.Items.Add(medusa); eff.Items.Add(sleep); eff.Items.Add(hold); eff.Items.Add(poison); condition.SelectedIndex = 0; compare.SelectedIndex = 0; value.Text = "0"; eff.SelectedIndex = 0; tb_mp.Text = "1500"; }
public ItemUseForm(Client _c, GameServer _gs) { InitializeComponent(); c = _c; _gs = gs; }
public Client(Socket _socket, GameServer _gs) { try { gs = _gs; proxy2client = _socket; cv = new ClientView(this); gs.bwindow.SuspendLayout(); gs.bwindow.d_addClient(cv); gs.bwindow.ResumeLayout(true); askills = new List<AttackSkills>(); dskills = new List<DefenseSkills>(); skilllist = new List<uint>(); doafterskill = new Dictionary<uint, uint>(); doonskill = new Dictionary<uint, uint>(); buffform = new BuffForm(this, gs); m_lock = new Object(); mq = new Queue(); updateq = new Queue(); updateq_lock = new Object(); hpmq = new Queue(); q_mre = new ManualResetEvent(false); update_mre = new ManualResetEvent(false); asform = new Skills(this, gs); dsform = new Defense(this, gs); x = new Random(); pinfo = new Player_Info(); aslock = new object(); dslock = new object(); PeriodicThread = new Thread(PeriodicFunction); updatestatusthread = new Thread(this.updatestatefunc); skillthread = new Thread(this.skillfunction); defendthread = new Thread(this.defendfunction); attackthread = new Thread(this.attackfunction); movethread = new Thread(this.movepawnthread); statusmonitor = new Thread(this.statusmonthread); inthread = new Thread(this.dataIn); outthread = new Thread(this.dataOut); sendthread = new Thread(this.sendData); IPEndPoint remoteGS = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(gs.gsIP), gs.gsPort); proxy2server = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp); proxy2server.Connect(remoteGS); p2c =new NetworkStream(proxy2client,FileAccess.ReadWrite, true); p2s =new NetworkStream(proxy2server, FileAccess.ReadWrite, true); { Client c = (Client)this; byte[] buffer; int length = 0; int lenlo = c.p2c.ReadByte(); int lenhi = c.p2c.ReadByte(); length = lenhi * 256 + lenlo; buffer = new byte[length]; buffer[0] = (byte)lenlo; buffer[1] = (byte)lenhi; buffer[2] = (byte)10; c.p2c.Read(buffer, 2, length - 2); c.p2s.Write(buffer, 0, length); lenlo = c.p2s.ReadByte(); lenhi = c.p2s.ReadByte(); length = lenhi * 256 + lenlo; buffer = new byte[length]; buffer[0] = (byte)lenlo; buffer[1] = (byte)lenhi; c.p2s.Read(buffer, 2, length - 2); byte[] key = new byte[16]; key[0] = buffer[4]; key[1] = buffer[5]; key[2] = buffer[6]; key[3] = buffer[7]; key[4] = buffer[8]; key[5] = buffer[9]; key[6] = buffer[10]; key[7] = buffer[11]; key[8] = (byte)0xc8; key[9] = (byte)0x27; key[10] = (byte)0x93; key[11] = (byte)0x01; key[12] = (byte)0xa1; key[13] = (byte)0x6c; key[14] = (byte)0x31; key[15] = (byte)0x97; c.crypt_in = new Crypt(); c.crypt_out = new Crypt(); c.crypt_client_in = new Crypt(); c.crypt_client_out = new Crypt(); //crypt for data from server c.crypt_in.setKey(key); //crypt for data to server c.crypt_out.setKey(key); //crypt for data from client c.crypt_client_out.setKey(key); //crypt for data to client c.crypt_client_in.setKey(key); // Console.WriteLine(length); c.p2c.Write(buffer, 0, length); } System.Console.WriteLine("got keys"); if (gs.leader == null) gs.leader = this; //inthread.Priority = ThreadPriority.BelowNormal; //outthread.Priority = ThreadPriority.BelowNormal; outthread.Name = "outthread"; inthread.Name = "inthread"; sendthread.Name = "sendthread"; outthread.Start(); inthread.Start(); sendthread.Start(); updatestatusthread.Start(); statusmonitor.Start(); movethread.Start(); attackthread.Start(); defendthread.Start(); skillthread.Start(); PeriodicThread.Start(); } catch { if (gs.leader == this) { gs.leader = null; } proxy2client.Close(); proxy2server.Close(); gs.bwindow.d_removeClient(cv); inthread.Abort(); outthread.Abort(); sendthread.Abort(); updatestatusthread.Abort(); movethread.Abort(); statusmonitor.Abort(); if(cv != null) gs.bwindow.d_removeClient(cv); } }