static void Main() { Console.WriteLine(" "); Console.WriteLine(" -[ Keyhole v0.1 --"); Console.WriteLine(" "); Console.WriteLine(" ... an exprimental accessibility technology "); Console.WriteLine(" "); Console.WriteLine(" by markus gaasedelen, (c) 2020 "); Console.WriteLine(" "); Console.WriteLine("---------------------------------------------------------"); var argv = Environment.GetCommandLineArgs(); // the default 'hotkey' for the keyhole overlay (F20, lol) var overlayKey = Keys.F20; // if the user specifies an arg to the program, this will be the default key if (argv.Length == 3 && argv[1] == "-k") { overlayKey = (Keys)System.Enum.Parse(typeof(Keys), argv[2]); } Console.WriteLine("Using '" + overlayKey.ToString() + "' as the default hotkey, use -k <key> to change..."); Keyhole k = new Keyhole(overlayKey); Application.Run(k.window); }
public Form1(Keyhole parent) { this.parent = parent; this.m_Bitmap = new Bitmap(parent.Screen.Width, parent.Screen.Height, System.Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb); this.m_Graphics = Graphics.FromImage(this.m_Bitmap); this.m_Graphics.CompositingMode = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.CompositingMode.SourceCopy; InitializeComponent(); }