public override void CompleteOnCreateEntryActivity(EntryActivity activity) { Context ctx = activity; if (ctx == null) { ctx = Application.Context; } if ((ShowUserNotifications == ShowUserNotificationsMode.Always) || ((ShowUserNotifications == ShowUserNotificationsMode.WhenTotp) && new Kp2aTotp().TryGetAdapter(new PwEntryOutput(activity.Entry, App.Kp2a.CurrentDb)) != null)) { //show the notifications activity.StartNotificationsService(ActivateKeyboard); } else { //to avoid getting into inconsistent state (LastOpenedEntry and Notifications): clear notifications: CopyToClipboardService.CancelNotifications(activity); } if (CloseAfterCreate) { //close activity.CloseAfterTaskComplete(); } }
public override void CompleteOnCreateEntryActivity(EntryActivity activity) { Context ctx = activity; if (ctx == null) { ctx = Application.Context; } if (ShowUserNotifications) { //show the notifications activity.StartNotificationsService(CloseAfterCreate); } else { //to avoid getting into inconsistent state (LastOpenedEntry and Notifications): clear notifications: CopyToClipboardService.CancelNotifications(activity); } if (CloseAfterCreate) { //close activity.CloseAfterTaskComplete(); } }
public override void CompleteOnCreateEntryActivity(EntryActivity activity) { if (ShowUserNotifications) { //show the notifications activity.StartNotificationsService(CloseAfterCreate); } else { //to avoid getting into inconsistent state (LastOpenedEntry and Notifications): clear notifications: CopyToClipboardService.CancelNotifications(activity); } if (CloseAfterCreate) { //close activity.CloseAfterTaskComplete(); } }