コード例 #1
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the V1beta1JSONSchemaProps class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="additionalItems">JSONSchemaPropsOrBool represents
 /// JSONSchemaProps or a boolean value. Defaults to true for the
 /// boolean property.</param>
 /// <param name="additionalProperties">JSONSchemaPropsOrBool represents
 /// JSONSchemaProps or a boolean value. Defaults to true for the
 /// boolean property.</param>
 /// <param name="defaultProperty">default is a default value for
 /// undefined object fields. Defaulting is a beta feature under the
 /// CustomResourceDefaulting feature gate. CustomResourceDefinitions
 /// with defaults must be created using the v1 (or newer)
 /// CustomResourceDefinition API.</param>
 /// <param name="example">JSON represents any valid JSON value. These
 /// types are supported: bool, int64, float64, string, []interface{},
 /// map[string]interface{} and nil.</param>
 /// <param name="format">format is an OpenAPI v3 format string. Unknown
 /// formats are ignored. The following formats are validated:
 /// - bsonobjectid: a bson object ID, i.e. a 24 characters hex string -
 /// uri: an URI as parsed by Golang net/url.ParseRequestURI - email: an
 /// email address as parsed by Golang net/mail.ParseAddress - hostname:
 /// a valid representation for an Internet host name, as defined by RFC
 /// 1034, section 3.1 [RFC1034]. - ipv4: an IPv4 IP as parsed by Golang
 /// net.ParseIP - ipv6: an IPv6 IP as parsed by Golang net.ParseIP -
 /// cidr: a CIDR as parsed by Golang net.ParseCIDR - mac: a MAC address
 /// as parsed by Golang net.ParseMAC - uuid: an UUID that allows
 /// uppercase defined by the regex
 /// (?i)^[0-9a-f]{8}-?[0-9a-f]{4}-?[0-9a-f]{4}-?[0-9a-f]{4}-?[0-9a-f]{12}$
 /// - uuid3: an UUID3 that allows uppercase defined by the regex
 /// (?i)^[0-9a-f]{8}-?[0-9a-f]{4}-?3[0-9a-f]{3}-?[0-9a-f]{4}-?[0-9a-f]{12}$
 /// - uuid4: an UUID4 that allows uppercase defined by the regex
 /// (?i)^[0-9a-f]{8}-?[0-9a-f]{4}-?4[0-9a-f]{3}-?[89ab][0-9a-f]{3}-?[0-9a-f]{12}$
 /// - uuid5: an UUID5 that allows uppercase defined by the regex
 /// (?i)^[0-9a-f]{8}-?[0-9a-f]{4}-?5[0-9a-f]{3}-?[89ab][0-9a-f]{3}-?[0-9a-f]{12}$
 /// - isbn: an ISBN10 or ISBN13 number string like "0321751043" or
 /// "978-0321751041" - isbn10: an ISBN10 number string like
 /// "0321751043" - isbn13: an ISBN13 number string like
 /// "978-0321751041" - creditcard: a credit card number defined by the
 /// regex
 /// ^(?:4[0-9]{12}(?:[0-9]{3})?|5[1-5][0-9]{14}|6(?:011|5[0-9][0-9])[0-9]{12}|3[47][0-9]{13}|3(?:0[0-5]|[68][0-9])[0-9]{11}|(?:2131|1800|35\d{3})\d{11})$
 /// with any non digit characters mixed in - ssn: a U.S. social
 /// security number following the regex ^\d{3}[- ]?\d{2}[- ]?\d{4}$ -
 /// hexcolor: an hexadecimal color code like "#FFFFFF: following the
 /// regex ^#?([0-9a-fA-F]{3}|[0-9a-fA-F]{6})$ - rgbcolor: an RGB color
 /// code like rgb like "rgb(255,255,2559" - byte: base64 encoded binary
 /// data - password: any kind of string - date: a date string like
 /// "2006-01-02" as defined by full-date in RFC3339 - duration: a
 /// duration string like "22 ns" as parsed by Golang time.ParseDuration
 /// or compatible with Scala duration format - datetime: a date time
 /// string like "2014-12-15T19:30:20.000Z" as defined by date-time in
 /// RFC3339.</param>
 /// <param name="items">JSONSchemaPropsOrArray represents a value that
 /// can either be a JSONSchemaProps or an array of JSONSchemaProps.
 /// Mainly here for serialization purposes.</param>
 /// <param
 /// name="xKubernetesEmbeddedResource">x-kubernetes-embedded-resource
 /// defines that the value is an embedded Kubernetes runtime.Object,
 /// with TypeMeta and ObjectMeta. The type must be object. It is
 /// allowed to further restrict the embedded object. kind, apiVersion
 /// and metadata are validated automatically.
 /// x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields is allowed to be true, but
 /// does not have to be if the object is fully specified (up to kind,
 /// apiVersion, metadata).</param>
 /// <param name="xKubernetesIntOrString">x-kubernetes-int-or-string
 /// specifies that this value is either an integer or a string. If this
 /// is true, an empty type is allowed and type as child of anyOf is
 /// permitted if following one of the following patterns:
 /// 1) anyOf:
 /// - type: integer
 /// - type: string
 /// 2) allOf:
 /// - anyOf:
 /// - type: integer
 /// - type: string
 /// - ... zero or more</param>
 /// <param name="xKubernetesListMapKeys">x-kubernetes-list-map-keys
 /// annotates an array with the x-kubernetes-list-type `map` by
 /// specifying the keys used as the index of the map.
 /// This tag MUST only be used on lists that have the
 /// "x-kubernetes-list-type" extension set to "map". Also, the values
 /// specified for this attribute must be a scalar typed field of the
 /// child structure (no nesting is supported).
 /// The properties specified must either be required or have a default
 /// value, to ensure those properties are present for all list
 /// items.</param>
 /// <param name="xKubernetesListType">x-kubernetes-list-type annotates
 /// an array to further describe its topology. This extension must only
 /// be used on lists and may have 3 possible values:
 /// 1) `atomic`: the list is treated as a single entity, like a scalar.
 /// Atomic lists will be entirely replaced when updated. This extension
 /// may be used on any type of list (struct, scalar, ...).
 /// 2) `set`:
 /// Sets are lists that must not have multiple items with the same
 /// value. Each
 /// value must be a scalar, an object with x-kubernetes-map-type
 /// `atomic` or an
 /// array with x-kubernetes-list-type `atomic`.
 /// 3) `map`:
 /// These lists are like maps in that their elements have a non-index
 /// key
 /// used to identify them. Order is preserved upon merge. The map tag
 /// must only be used on a list with elements of type object.
 /// Defaults to atomic for arrays.</param>
 /// <param name="xKubernetesMapType">x-kubernetes-map-type annotates an
 /// object to further describe its topology. This extension must only
 /// be used when type is object and may have 2 possible values:
 /// 1) `granular`:
 /// These maps are actual maps (key-value pairs) and each fields are
 /// independent
 /// from each other (they can each be manipulated by separate actors).
 /// This is
 /// the default behaviour for all maps.
 /// 2) `atomic`: the list is treated as a single entity, like a scalar.
 /// Atomic maps will be entirely replaced when updated.</param>
 /// <param
 /// name="xKubernetesPreserveUnknownFields">x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields
 /// stops the API server decoding step from pruning fields which are
 /// not specified in the validation schema. This affects fields
 /// recursively, but switches back to normal pruning behaviour if
 /// nested properties or additionalProperties are specified in the
 /// schema. This can either be true or undefined. False is
 /// forbidden.</param>
 public V1beta1JSONSchemaProps(string refProperty = default(string), string schema = default(string), object additionalItems = default(object), object additionalProperties = default(object), IList <V1beta1JSONSchemaProps> allOf = default(IList <V1beta1JSONSchemaProps>), IList <V1beta1JSONSchemaProps> anyOf = default(IList <V1beta1JSONSchemaProps>), object defaultProperty = default(object), IDictionary <string, V1beta1JSONSchemaProps> definitions = default(IDictionary <string, V1beta1JSONSchemaProps>), IDictionary <string, object> dependencies = default(IDictionary <string, object>), string description = default(string), IList <object> enumProperty = default(IList <object>), object example = default(object), bool?exclusiveMaximum = default(bool?), bool?exclusiveMinimum = default(bool?), V1beta1ExternalDocumentation externalDocs = default(V1beta1ExternalDocumentation), string format = default(string), string id = default(string), object items = default(object), long?maxItems = default(long?), long?maxLength = default(long?), long?maxProperties = default(long?), double?maximum = default(double?), long?minItems = default(long?), long?minLength = default(long?), long?minProperties = default(long?), double?minimum = default(double?), double?multipleOf = default(double?), V1beta1JSONSchemaProps not = default(V1beta1JSONSchemaProps), bool?nullable = default(bool?), IList <V1beta1JSONSchemaProps> oneOf = default(IList <V1beta1JSONSchemaProps>), string pattern = default(string), IDictionary <string, V1beta1JSONSchemaProps> patternProperties = default(IDictionary <string, V1beta1JSONSchemaProps>), IDictionary <string, V1beta1JSONSchemaProps> properties = default(IDictionary <string, V1beta1JSONSchemaProps>), IList <string> required = default(IList <string>), string title = default(string), string type = default(string), bool?uniqueItems = default(bool?), bool?xKubernetesEmbeddedResource = default(bool?), bool?xKubernetesIntOrString = default(bool?), IList <string> xKubernetesListMapKeys = default(IList <string>), string xKubernetesListType = default(string), string xKubernetesMapType = default(string), bool?xKubernetesPreserveUnknownFields = default(bool?))
     RefProperty          = refProperty;
     Schema               = schema;
     AdditionalItems      = additionalItems;
     AdditionalProperties = additionalProperties;
     AllOf            = allOf;
     AnyOf            = anyOf;
     DefaultProperty  = defaultProperty;
     Definitions      = definitions;
     Dependencies     = dependencies;
     Description      = description;
     EnumProperty     = enumProperty;
     Example          = example;
     ExclusiveMaximum = exclusiveMaximum;
     ExclusiveMinimum = exclusiveMinimum;
     ExternalDocs     = externalDocs;
     Format           = format;
     Id                               = id;
     Items                            = items;
     MaxItems                         = maxItems;
     MaxLength                        = maxLength;
     MaxProperties                    = maxProperties;
     Maximum                          = maximum;
     MinItems                         = minItems;
     MinLength                        = minLength;
     MinProperties                    = minProperties;
     Minimum                          = minimum;
     MultipleOf                       = multipleOf;
     Not                              = not;
     Nullable                         = nullable;
     OneOf                            = oneOf;
     Pattern                          = pattern;
     PatternProperties                = patternProperties;
     Properties                       = properties;
     Required                         = required;
     Title                            = title;
     Type                             = type;
     UniqueItems                      = uniqueItems;
     XKubernetesEmbeddedResource      = xKubernetesEmbeddedResource;
     XKubernetesIntOrString           = xKubernetesIntOrString;
     XKubernetesListMapKeys           = xKubernetesListMapKeys;
     XKubernetesListType              = xKubernetesListType;
     XKubernetesMapType               = xKubernetesMapType;
     XKubernetesPreserveUnknownFields = xKubernetesPreserveUnknownFields;
コード例 #2
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the V1beta1JSONSchemaProps class.
 /// </summary>
 public V1beta1JSONSchemaProps(string refProperty = default(string), string schema = default(string), V1beta1JSONSchemaPropsOrBool additionalItems = default(V1beta1JSONSchemaPropsOrBool), V1beta1JSONSchemaPropsOrBool additionalProperties = default(V1beta1JSONSchemaPropsOrBool), IList <V1beta1JSONSchemaProps> allOf = default(IList <V1beta1JSONSchemaProps>), IList <V1beta1JSONSchemaProps> anyOf = default(IList <V1beta1JSONSchemaProps>), V1beta1JSON defaultProperty = default(V1beta1JSON), IDictionary <string, V1beta1JSONSchemaProps> definitions = default(IDictionary <string, V1beta1JSONSchemaProps>), IDictionary <string, V1beta1JSONSchemaPropsOrStringArray> dependencies = default(IDictionary <string, V1beta1JSONSchemaPropsOrStringArray>), string description = default(string), IList <V1beta1JSON> enumProperty = default(IList <V1beta1JSON>), V1beta1JSON example = default(V1beta1JSON), bool?exclusiveMaximum = default(bool?), bool?exclusiveMinimum = default(bool?), V1beta1ExternalDocumentation externalDocs = default(V1beta1ExternalDocumentation), string format = default(string), string id = default(string), V1beta1JSONSchemaPropsOrArray items = default(V1beta1JSONSchemaPropsOrArray), long?maxItems = default(long?), long?maxLength = default(long?), long?maxProperties = default(long?), double?maximum = default(double?), long?minItems = default(long?), long?minLength = default(long?), long?minProperties = default(long?), double?minimum = default(double?), double?multipleOf = default(double?), V1beta1JSONSchemaProps not = default(V1beta1JSONSchemaProps), IList <V1beta1JSONSchemaProps> oneOf = default(IList <V1beta1JSONSchemaProps>), string pattern = default(string), IDictionary <string, V1beta1JSONSchemaProps> patternProperties = default(IDictionary <string, V1beta1JSONSchemaProps>), IDictionary <string, V1beta1JSONSchemaProps> properties = default(IDictionary <string, V1beta1JSONSchemaProps>), IList <string> required = default(IList <string>), string title = default(string), string type = default(string), bool?uniqueItems = default(bool?))
     RefProperty          = refProperty;
     Schema               = schema;
     AdditionalItems      = additionalItems;
     AdditionalProperties = additionalProperties;
     AllOf            = allOf;
     AnyOf            = anyOf;
     DefaultProperty  = defaultProperty;
     Definitions      = definitions;
     Dependencies     = dependencies;
     Description      = description;
     EnumProperty     = enumProperty;
     Example          = example;
     ExclusiveMaximum = exclusiveMaximum;
     ExclusiveMinimum = exclusiveMinimum;
     ExternalDocs     = externalDocs;
     Format           = format;
     Id                = id;
     Items             = items;
     MaxItems          = maxItems;
     MaxLength         = maxLength;
     MaxProperties     = maxProperties;
     Maximum           = maximum;
     MinItems          = minItems;
     MinLength         = minLength;
     MinProperties     = minProperties;
     Minimum           = minimum;
     MultipleOf        = multipleOf;
     Not               = not;
     OneOf             = oneOf;
     Pattern           = pattern;
     PatternProperties = patternProperties;
     Properties        = properties;
     Required          = required;
     Title             = title;
     Type              = type;
     UniqueItems       = uniqueItems;