public static IoObject slotWhile(IoObject target, IoObject locals, IoObject message) { IoMessage m = message as IoMessage; if (m.async) { IoState state = target.state; IoObject future = IoObject.createObject(state); IEnumerator <IoObject> e = IoObject.slotAsyncWhile(target, locals, message, future); state.contextList.Add(e); return(future); } IoObject result = target.state.ioNil; while (true) { bool sasync = m.async; m.async = false; IoObject cond = m.localsValueArgAt(locals, 0); if (cond == target.state.ioFalse || cond == target.state.ioNil) { break; } m.async = sasync; result = m.localsValueArgAt(locals, 1); if (target.state.handleStatus() != 0) { goto done; } } done: return(result); }
// Published Slots public static IoObject slotUsing(IoObject target, IoObject locals, IoObject message) { IoCLR self = target as IoCLR; IoMessage m = message as IoMessage; IoSeq nameSpace = m.localsSymbolArgAt(locals, 0); bool validNamespace = false; IoCLRAssembly foundInAssembly = null; foreach (IoCLRAssembly asm in self.loadedAssemblies.Values) { if (asm.assemblyNamespaces[nameSpace.value] != null) { validNamespace = true; foundInAssembly = asm; break; } } if (!validNamespace) { Console.WriteLine("Namespace '{0}' is not valid.", nameSpace.value); return(self); } if (self.usingNamespaces[nameSpace.value] == null) { self.usingNamespaces[nameSpace.value] = foundInAssembly; } return(self); }
public void prompt(IoState state) { IoObject result = null; processBootstrap(); while (true) { Console.Write("Io> "); string s = Console.ReadLine(); if (s.Equals("quit") || s.Equals("exit")) { break; } result = onDoCStringWithLabel(lobby, s, "prompt:"); Console.Write("==> "); if (result != null) { result.print(); } else { Console.WriteLine("why null?"); } Console.WriteLine(); } }
public static IoObject slotRemoveCachedResult(IoObject target, IoObject locals, IoObject message) { IoMessage self = target as IoMessage; self.cachedResult = null; return(self); }
public static IoObject slotCode(IoObject target, IoObject locals, IoObject m) { string s = ""; IoBlock self = target as IoBlock; if (self.scope != null) { s += "block("; } else { s += "method("; } int nargs = self.argNames.Count; for (int i = 0; i < nargs; i++) { IoSeq name = self.argNames[i] as IoSeq; s += name.value + ", "; } IoMessage msg = self.containedMessage; IoSeq seq = IoMessage.slotCode(msg, locals, m) as IoSeq; s += seq.value + ")"; return(IoSeq.createObject(target.state, s)); }
public static IoObject slotSubstract(IoObject self, IoObject locals, IoObject message) { IoMessage m = message as IoMessage; IoNumber o = m.localsNumberArgAt(locals, 0); return(IoNumber.newWithDouble(self.state, -o.asDouble())); }
public IoObject rawGetSlot(IoSeq slot) { IoObject context = null; IoObject v = rawGetSlotContext(slot, out context); return(v); }
public static IoObject localsUpdateSlot(IoObject target, IoObject locals, IoObject message) { IoMessage m = message as IoMessage; IoSeq slotName = m.localsSymbolArgAt(locals, 0); if (slotName == null) { return(target); } IoObject obj = target.rawGetSlot(slotName); if (obj != null) { IoObject slotValue = m.localsValueArgAt(locals, 1); target.slots[slotName.ToString()] = slotValue; return(slotValue); } else { IoObject theSelf = target.rawGetSlot(target.state.selfMessage.messageName); if (theSelf != null) { return(theSelf.perform(theSelf, locals, m)); } } return(target.state.ioNil); }
public static IoObject slotGreaterThan(IoObject self, IoObject locals, IoObject message) { IoMessage m = message as IoMessage; IoObject o = m.localsValueArgAt(locals, 0); return( > 0 ? self.state.ioTrue : self.state.ioFalse); }
// Private Methods void localsNumberArgAtErrorForType(IoObject locals, int i, string p) { IoObject v = localsValueArgAt(locals, i); Console.WriteLine("argument {0} to method '{1}' must be a {2}, not a '{3}'", i, this.messageName, p,; }
public static IoObject slotCurrentCoroutine(IoObject target, IoObject locals, IoObject message) { //~//return target.tag.state.currentCoroutine; IoCoroutine self = target as IoCoroutine; return(self); }
public IoObject processBootstrap() { string[] ios = null; try { ios = Directory.GetFiles("../io/bootstrap"); } catch { } if (ios == null || ios.Length == 0) { Console.WriteLine("Bootstrap not found. Processing raw Io."); return(null); } else { Console.WriteLine("Bootstrap successfully loaded."); } ArrayList iosa = new ArrayList(ios); iosa.Sort(); IoObject result = null; foreach (string s in iosa) { result = loadFile(s); } return(result); }
// Published Slots public static IoObject slotCompare(IoObject self, IoObject locals, IoObject message) { IoMessage m = message as IoMessage; IoObject o = m.localsValueArgAt(locals, 0); return(IoNumber.newWithDouble(self.state, Convert.ToDouble(; }
public override IoObject activate(IoObject self, IoObject target, IoObject locals, IoMessage m, IoObject slotContext) { IoCLRFunction method = self as IoCLRFunction; IoCLRObject obj = target as IoCLRObject; object result = null; object[] parameters = new object[method.evaluatedParameters.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < method.evaluatedParameters.Count; i++) { IoObject ep = method.evaluatedParameters[i] as IoObject; switch ( { case "Object": parameters[i] = ep; break; case "Number": { IoNumber num = ep as IoNumber; if (num.isInteger) { parameters[i] = num.longValue; } else { parameters[i] = num.doubleValue; } } break; case "Sequence": parameters[i] = (ep as IoSeq).value; break; case "CLRObject": parameters[i] = (ep as IoCLRObject).clrInstance; break; } } IoCLRObject clr = IoCLRObject.createObject(self.state); try { if (method.methodInfo is ConstructorInfo) { ConstructorInfo ci = method.methodInfo as ConstructorInfo; result = ci.Invoke(parameters); } else if (method.methodInfo is MethodInfo) { MethodInfo mi = method.methodInfo as MethodInfo; result = mi.Invoke(obj.clrInstance, parameters); } clr.clrType = result != null ? result.GetType() : null; clr.clrInstance = result; } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message.ToString()); clr.clrType = null; clr.clrInstance = null; } return clr; }
public override int compare(IoObject v) { if (v is IoSeq) { return(this.value.CompareTo((v as IoSeq).value)); } return(; }
IoMessage newWithNameReturnsValue(IoState state, IoSeq symbol, IoObject v) { IoMessage self = clone(state) as IoMessage; self.messageName = symbol; self.cachedResult = v; return(self); }
public static IoObject slotSetCachedResult(IoObject target, IoObject locals, IoObject message) { IoMessage self = target as IoMessage; IoMessage msg = message as IoMessage; self.cachedResult = msg.localsValueArgAt(locals, 0); return(self); }
public static IoObject slotCode(IoObject target, IoObject locals, IoObject message) { IoMessage self = target as IoMessage; string s = ""; s = self.descriptionToFollow(true); return(IoSeq.createObject(self.state, s)); }
public static IoObject slotAt(IoObject target, IoObject locals, IoObject message) { IoMessage m = message as IoMessage; IoNumber ind = m.localsNumberArgAt(locals, 0); IoList o = target as IoList; IoObject v = o.list[ind.asInt()] as IoObject; return v == null ? target.state.ioNil : v; }
public override void cloneSpecific(IoObject _from, IoObject _to) { IoCFunction from = _from as IoCFunction; IoCFunction to = _to as IoCFunction; to.isActivatable = true; to.funcName = from.funcName; to.func = from.func; }
public override IoObject activate(IoObject self, IoObject target, IoObject locals, IoMessage m, IoObject slotContext) { if (func == null) { return(self); } return(func(target, locals, m)); }
public IoObject onDoCStringWithLabel(IoObject target, string code, string label) { IoMessage msg = new IoMessage(); msg = msg.clone(this) as IoMessage; msg = msg.newFromTextLabel(this, code, label); return(msg.localsPerformOn(target, target)); }
public static IoObject slotGetSlot(IoObject target, IoObject locals, IoObject message) { IoMessage m = message as IoMessage; IoSeq slotName = m.localsSymbolArgAt(locals, 0); IoObject slot = target.rawGetSlot(slotName); return(slot == null ? target.state.ioNil : slot); }
public static IoObject slotRound(IoObject target, IoObject locals, IoObject message) { IoNumber self = target as IoNumber; return(IoNumber.newWithDouble(target.state, Math.Round(self.isInteger ? self.longValue : self.doubleValue) )); }
public static IoObject slotGetType(IoObject target, IoObject locals, IoObject message) { IoCLR self = target as IoCLR; IoMessage m = message as IoMessage; IoString typeName = m.localsSymbolArgAt(locals, 0); IoObject obj = self.getType(target.state, typeName.value); return obj == null ? target.state.ioNil : obj; }
public static IoObject slotReturn(IoObject target, IoObject locals, IoObject message) { IoMessage m = message as IoMessage; IoObject v = m.localsValueArgAt(locals, 0); target.state.Return(v); return(target); }
public static new IoObject slotBlock(IoObject target, IoObject locals, IoObject m) { IoBlock self = target as IoBlock; self = IoBlock.slotMethod(target, locals, m) as IoBlock; self.scope = locals; self.isActivatable = false; return self; }
// setSlot("A", 32.45 + (20*(5836 log10)) + (20*(8.5 log10))) // !link-budget 22 0 13 126.3606841787141377 8 0 public static IoObject slotLog2(IoObject target, IoObject locals, IoObject message) { // IoNumber other = (message as IoMessage).localsNumberArgAt(locals, 0); IoNumber self = target as IoNumber; return(IoNumber.newWithDouble(target.state, Math.Log(self.isInteger ? self.longValue : self.doubleValue, 2))); }
public IoCLRFunction getMethod(IoMessage message) { string methodName = message.messageName.value; if (clrType == null) { return(null); } ConstructorInfo[] searchConstructors = null; Type[] parameters = null; ArrayList args = null; MethodBase mb = null; args = new ArrayList(); parameters = new Type[message.args.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < message.args.Count; i++) { IoObject o = message.localsValueArgAt(message, i); args.Add(o); Type t = null; switch ( { case "Number": t = typeof(double); break; case "Object": t = typeof(object); break; case "CLRObject": t = (o as IoCLRObject).clrType; break; case "Sequence": t = typeof(string); break; } parameters[i] = t; } if (methodName.Equals("new")) { searchConstructors = this.clrType.GetConstructors(); if (searchConstructors.Length > 0) { mb = searchConstructors[0]; } } else { try { mb = this.clrType.GetMethod(methodName, parameters); } catch { } } IoCLRFunction clrFunction = IoCLRFunction.createObject(this.state); clrFunction.methodInfo = mb; clrFunction.parametersTypes = parameters; clrFunction.evaluatedParameters = args; return(clrFunction); }
public static IoObject slotClone(IoObject target, IoObject locals, IoObject m) { //IoObject newObject = target.tag.cloneFunc(target.state); IoObject newObject = target.clone(target.state); //newObject.protos.Clear(); newObject.protos.Add(target); return(target.initClone(target, locals, m as IoMessage, newObject)); }
public override void cloneSpecific(IoObject _from, IoObject _to) { IoBlock to = _to as IoBlock; IoBlock from = _from as IoBlock; to.isActivatable = from.isActivatable; to.containedMessage = from.containedMessage; to.argNames = new IoObjectArrayList(); }
public new static IoObject slotBlock(IoObject target, IoObject locals, IoObject m) { IoBlock self = target as IoBlock; self = IoBlock.slotMethod(target, locals, m) as IoBlock; self.scope = locals; self.isActivatable = false; return(self); }
public static IoObject slotRemoveAt(IoObject target, IoObject locals, IoObject message) { IoMessage m = message as IoMessage; IoObject key = m.localsSymbolArgAt(locals, 0); IoMap dict = target as IoMap;[key.ToString()] = null; return(target); }
public static IoObject slotGetType(IoObject target, IoObject locals, IoObject message) { IoCLR self = target as IoCLR; IoMessage m = message as IoMessage; IoSeq typeName = m.localsSymbolArgAt(locals, 0); IoObject obj = self.getType(target.state, typeName.value); return(obj == null ? target.state.ioNil : obj); }
public IoObject loadFile(string fileName) { StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(fileName); IoObject result = null; string s = sr.ReadToEnd(); result = onDoCStringWithLabel(lobby, s, fileName); return(result); }
public static IoObject slotAtPut(IoObject target, IoObject locals, IoObject message) { IoMessage m = message as IoMessage; IoObject key = m.localsValueArgAt(locals, 0); IoObject value = m.localsValueArgAt(locals, 1); IoMap dict = target as IoMap;[key.ToString()] = value; return target; }
public static IoObject slotAdd(IoObject target, IoObject locals, IoObject message) { IoNumber other = (message as IoMessage).localsNumberArgAt(locals, 0); IoNumber self = target as IoNumber; if (other == null) return self; return IoNumber.newWithDouble(target.state, (self.isInteger ? self.longValue : self.doubleValue) + (other.isInteger ? other.longValue : other.doubleValue) ); }
public static IoObject slotHasValue(IoObject target, IoObject locals, IoObject message) { IoMap dict = target as IoMap; IoMessage m = message as IoMessage; IoObject val = m.localsValueArgAt(locals, 0); if (dict.lookupMapValues(val) == null) { return dict.state.ioFalse; } return dict.state.ioTrue; }
public static IoObject slotHasKey(IoObject target, IoObject locals, IoObject message) { IoMap dict = target as IoMap; IoMessage m = message as IoMessage; IoObject key = m.localsValueArgAt(locals, 0); if (dict.lookupMap(key) == null) { return dict.tag.state.ioFalse; } return dict.tag.state.ioTrue; }
// published slots public static IoObject slotNamespaces(IoObject target, IoObject locals, IoObject message) { IoCLRAssembly self = target as IoCLRAssembly; IoMessage m = message as IoMessage; foreach (string s in self.assemblyNamespaces.Keys) { Console.Write(s + " "); } Console.WriteLine(); return self; }
public static IoObject slotAt(IoObject target, IoObject locals, IoObject message) { IoMessage m = message as IoMessage; IoObject result = null; IoObject symbol = m.localsValueArgAt(locals, 0); IoMap dict = target as IoMap; result = dict.lookupMap(symbol) as IoObject; if (result == null && m.args.Count > 1) { result = m.localsValueArgAt(locals, 1); } return result == null ? dict.state.ioNil : result; }
public static IoObject slotMain(IoObject target, IoObject locals, IoObject message) { IoCoroutine self = target as IoCoroutine; //IoObject runTarget = self.rawRunTarget(); //IoObject runLocals = self.rawRunLocals(); //IoMessage runMessage = self.rawRunMessage() as IoMessage; //if (runLocals != null && runMessage != null && runTarget != null) // runMessage.localsPerformOn(runTarget, runLocals); //else // Console.WriteLine("Coroutine 'main' missed needed parameters"); return self.tag.state.ioNil; }
public static IoObject slotAppend(IoObject target, IoObject locals, IoObject message) { IoMessage m = message as IoMessage; IoList o = target as IoList; for (int i = 0; i < m.args.Count; i++) { IoObject obj = m.localsValueArgAt(locals, i); o.list.Add(obj); } return o; }
public static IoObject slotAppendStr(IoObject target, IoObject locals, IoObject message) { IoMessage m = message as IoMessage; IoList o = target as IoList; for (int i = 0; i < m.args.Count; i++) { IoList obj = m.localsValueArgAt(locals, i) as IoList; for (int j = 0; j < obj.list.Count; j++) { IoObject v = obj.list[j] as IoObject; o.list.Add(v); } } return o; }
public static IoObject slotLoadAssembly(IoObject target, IoObject locals, IoObject message) { IoCLR self = target as IoCLR; IoMessage m = message as IoMessage; IoString assemblyName = m.localsSymbolArgAt(locals, 0); IoCLRAssembly asm = self.loadedAssemblies[assemblyName.value] as IoCLRAssembly; if (asm != null) { return asm; } asm = IoCLRAssembly.createObject(target.state); asm.assembly = Assembly.LoadWithPartialName(assemblyName.value); if (asm.assembly == null) return self; self.loadedAssemblies[assemblyName.value] = asm; asm.assemblyTypes = asm.assembly.GetTypes(); asm.assemblyNamespaces = new Hashtable(); foreach (Type t in asm.assemblyTypes) { string theNameSpace = t.FullName.LastIndexOf(".") == -1 ? "-" : t.FullName.Substring(0, t.FullName.LastIndexOf(".")); string theClass = t.FullName.LastIndexOf(".") == -1 ? t.FullName : t.FullName.Substring(t.FullName.LastIndexOf(".") + 1); //if (theClass.Equals("Form")) //{ // int i = 0; //} if (asm.assemblyNamespaces.ContainsKey(theNameSpace)) { Hashtable a = asm.assemblyNamespaces[theNameSpace] as Hashtable; a[theClass] = t; } else { Hashtable classes = new Hashtable(); classes[theClass] = t; asm.assemblyNamespaces[theNameSpace] = classes; } } return asm; }
public static IEnumerator asyncCall(IoContext ctx, IoObject future) { IoObject target =; IoObject locals = ctx.locals; IoObject result = target; IoObject cachedTarget = target; IoMessage msg = ctx.message; IoObject savedPrevResultAsYieldResult = null; do { if (msg.messageName.Equals(msg.state.semicolonSymbol)) { target = cachedTarget; } else { result = msg.cachedResult; if (result == null) { if (msg.messageName.value.Equals("yield")) { yield return result; } else { result = target.perform(target, locals, msg); } } if (result == null) { result = savedPrevResultAsYieldResult; } target = result; savedPrevResultAsYieldResult = result; } } while ((msg = != null); future.slots["future"] = result; yield return null; //yield return result; }
public static IoObject slotCode(IoObject target, IoObject locals, IoObject m) { string s = ""; IoBlock self = target as IoBlock; if (self.scope != null) s += "block("; else s += "method("; int nargs = self.argNames.Count; for (int i = 0; i < nargs; i++) { IoSeq name = self.argNames[i] as IoSeq; s += name.value + ", "; } IoMessage msg = self.containedMessage; IoSeq seq = IoMessage.slotCode(msg, locals, m) as IoSeq; s += seq.value + ")"; return IoSeq.createObject(target.state, s); }
// Published Slots public static new IoObject slotMethod(IoObject target, IoObject locals, IoObject message) { IoState state = target.state; IoBlock self = IoBlock.createObject(state); IoMessage m = message as IoMessage; int nargs = m.args.Count; IoMessage lastArgAsMessage = (nargs > 0) ? m.rawArgAt(nargs - 1) : state.nilMessage; int i; self.containedMessage = lastArgAsMessage; self.isActivatable = true; for (i = 0; i < nargs - 1; i ++) { IoMessage argMessage = m.rawArgAt(i); IoSeq name = argMessage.messageName; self.argNames.Add(name); } return self; }
public static IoObject localsUpdateSlot(IoObject target, IoObject locals, IoObject message) { IoMessage m = message as IoMessage; IoSeq slotName = m.localsSymbolArgAt(locals, 0); if (slotName == null) return target; IoObject obj = target.rawGetSlot(slotName); if (obj != null) { IoObject slotValue = m.localsValueArgAt(locals, 1); target.slots[slotName] = slotValue; return slotValue; } else { IoObject theSelf = target.rawGetSlot(target.state.selfMessage.messageName); if (theSelf != null) { return theSelf.perform(theSelf, locals, m); } } return target.state.ioNil; }
//public object Yield() //{ // yield return null; //} public static IoObject slotResume(IoObject target, IoObject locals, IoObject message) { IoCoroutine self = target as IoCoroutine; //object ret = null; //if (self.fiber != null) //{ // IoCoroutine current = target.tag.state.currentCoroutine; // target.tag.state.currentCoroutine = self; // ret = self.fiber.Resume(); // //if (ret == null) // //{ // // Console.WriteLine("Fiber Exceeds on " + self.fiber.uniqueId); // // throw new Exception("Can't resume Fiber"); // //} //} //else //{ // IoCoroutine.slotRun(self, null, null); //} return self; }
public static IoObject slotEmpty(IoObject target, IoObject locals, IoObject m) { IoMap dict = target as IoMap; if ( != null); return target; }
public void setupSingletons() { ioNil = objectProto.clone(this); ioNil.slots["type"] = IOSYMBOL("nil"); core.slots["nil"] = ioNil; ioTrue = IoObject.createObject(this); ioTrue.slots["type"] = IOSYMBOL("true"); core.slots["true"] = ioTrue; ioFalse = IoObject.createObject(this); ioFalse.slots["type"] = IOSYMBOL("false"); core.slots["false"] = ioFalse; }
public void Return(IoObject v) { stopStatus = IoStopStatus.MESSAGE_STOP_STATUS_RETURN; returnValue = v; }
public IoObject onDoCStringWithLabel(IoObject target, string code, string label) { IoMessage msg = new IoMessage(); msg = msg.clone(this) as IoMessage; msg = msg.newFromTextLabel(this, code, label); return msg.localsPerformOn(target, target); }
public IoState() { objectProto = IoObject.createProto(this); core = objectProto.clone(this); lobby = objectProto.clone(this); IoSeq seqProto = IoSeq.createProto(this); setupSingletons(); setupSymbols(); objectProto.protoFinish(this); IoMessage messageProto = IoMessage.createProto(this); nilMessage = IoMessage.createObject(this) as IoMessage; nilMessage.cachedResult = ioNil; nilMessage.messageName = IOSYMBOL("nil"); IoMap mapProto = IoMap.createProto(this); IoNumber numProto = IoNumber.createProto(this); IoCFunction cfProto = IoCFunction.createProto(this); IoBlock blockProto = IoBlock.createProto(this); //IoCoroutine coroProto = IoCoroutine.createProto(this); //mainCoroutine = coroProto; //currentCoroutine = coroProto; IoCall callProto = IoCall.createProto(this); IoList listProto = IoList.createProto(this); clrProto = IoCLR.createProto(this); IoCLRAssembly asmProto = IoCLRAssembly.createProto(this); IoCLRObject clrObjProto = IoCLRObject.createProto(this); IoObject protos = objectProto.clone(this); protos.slots["Core"] = core; protos.slots["Addons"] = null; lobby.slots["Lobby"] = lobby; lobby.slots["Protos"] = protos; core.slots["Object"] = objectProto; core.slots["Map"] = mapProto; // core.slots["Coroutine"] = coroProto; core.slots["Message"] = messageProto; core.slots["CFunction"] = cfProto; core.slots["Number"] = numProto; core.slots["Block"] = blockProto; core.slots["Call"] = callProto; core.slots["Locals"] = localsProto = objectProto.localsProto(this); core.slots["List"] = listProto; core.slots["Sequence"] = seqProto; core.slots["CLR"] = clrProto; core.slots["CLRAssembly"] = asmProto; core.slots["CLRObject"] = clrObjProto; objectProto.protos.Add(lobby); lobby.protos.Add(protos); protos.protos.Add(core); localsUpdateSlotCFunc = new IoCFunction(this, "localsUpdate", IoObject.localsUpdateSlot); initMessage = IoMessage.newWithName(this, IOSYMBOL("init")); forwardMessage = IoMessage.newWithName(this, IOSYMBOL("forward")); activateMessage = IoMessage.newWithName(this, IOSYMBOL("activate")); selfMessage = IoMessage.newWithName(this, IOSYMBOL("self")); opShuffleMessage = IoMessage.newWithName(this, IOSYMBOL("opShuffle")); mainMessage = IoMessage.newWithName(this, IOSYMBOL("main")); typeMessage = IoMessage.newWithName(this, IOSYMBOL("type")); }
public override void cloneSpecific(IoObject from, IoObject to) { to.isActivatable = true; }
public override IoObject activate(IoObject self, IoObject target, IoObject locals, IoMessage m, IoObject slotContext) { return self; }
// Published Slots public static IoObject slotUsing(IoObject target, IoObject locals, IoObject message) { IoCLR self = target as IoCLR; IoMessage m = message as IoMessage; IoString nameSpace = m.localsSymbolArgAt(locals, 0); bool validNamespace = false; IoCLRAssembly foundInAssembly = null; foreach (IoCLRAssembly asm in self.loadedAssemblies.Values) { if (asm.assemblyNamespaces[nameSpace.value] != null) { validNamespace = true; foundInAssembly = asm; break; } } if (!validNamespace) { Console.WriteLine("Namespace '{0}' is not valid.", nameSpace.value); return self; } if (self.usingNamespaces[nameSpace.value] == null) self.usingNamespaces[nameSpace.value] = foundInAssembly; return self; }
public static IoObject slotRemoveAt(IoObject target, IoObject locals, IoObject message) { IoMessage m = message as IoMessage; IoObject key = m.localsSymbolArgAt(locals, 0); IoMap dict = target as IoMap;[key.ToString()] = null; return target; }
public override void cloneSpecific(IoObject from, IoObject to) { (to as IoMap).map = (from as IoMap).map.Clone() as Hashtable; }