public DocCov(string name, FCfg cfg, netw.rc.EvnListener evn = null) : base(name, cfg, evn) { this.builder = () => { throw new NotImplementedException("NetwBaseBuilder is not implemented"); }; }
public virtual FCfg Clone() { var tcfg = new FCfg(); = new Dictionary<string, object>(; ; tcfg.Secs = new HashSet<string>(this.Secs); return tcfg; }
public void FCfgLoad2Test() { var cfg = new FCfg(); cfg.Load("./test/"); Console.WriteLine(cfg); Assert.AreEqual("b/", cfg.Val("wxk", "")); }
public DTM_C(string name, FCfg cfg, rc.EvnListener evn = null) : base(name, evn) { this.Tasks = new Dictionary<String, Process>(); this.Cfg = cfg; this.Srv = new Server(); this.addH("start_task", this.StartTask); this.addH("wait_task", this.WaitTask); this.addH("stop_task", this.StopTask); this.Srv.AddF("^/proc(\\?.*)?", this.OnProc); this.Token = cfg.Val("token", ""); }
public void TestDTMC() { var cfg = new FCfg(); DTM_C_j rc = new DTM_C_j("Test", cfg, new SckDailer("", 13424).Dail); rc.Start(); rc.Login("abc"); try { new DTM_C_j("Test", cfg).builder(); } catch (Exception) { } rc.Stop(); Thread.Sleep(2000); }
public void TestDoWord() { TaskPool.Shared.MaximumConcurrency = 3; FCfg cfg = new FCfg(); DocCovT cov; cov = new DocCovT("DocCov", cfg); cov.DoCmd("a1", cfg, "Word test\\xx.docx docx_00-{0}.jpg 768 1024"); while (cov.done == null) { Thread.Sleep(500); } var data_ = cov.done as IDictionary<string, object>; var data = new Dict(data_); Assert.AreEqual(0, data.Val("code", -1)); Assert.AreEqual("a1", data.Val("tid", "")); var res = data["data"] as CovRes; Assert.AreEqual(true, res.Count > 0 && res.Count == res.Files.Count); Assert.AreNotEqual(0, cov.rate); // cov = new DocCovT("DocCov", cfg); cov.DoCmd("a2", cfg, "Word test\\xx.docxx docx_00-{0}.jpg 768 1024"); while (cov.done == null) { Thread.Sleep(500); } data_ = cov.done as IDictionary<string, object>; data = new Dict(data_); Assert.AreNotEqual(0, data.Val("code", 0)); Assert.AreEqual("a2", data.Val("tid", "")); var err = data["err"] as String; Assert.AreNotEqual(0, err.Length); // // cov = new DocCovT("DocCov", cfg); cov.error = true; cov.DoCmd("a2", cfg, "Word test\\xx.docx docx_01-{0}.jpg 768 1024"); while (!cov.do_err) { Thread.Sleep(500); } }
public void FCfgLoadTest() { var cfg = new FCfg(); cfg.Load("./test/"); Console.WriteLine(cfg); Assert.AreEqual("1", cfg.Val("a/a1", "")); Assert.AreEqual(1, cfg.Val("a/a1", 0)); Assert.AreEqual("1", cfg.Val("b/b1", "")); Assert.AreEqual(1, cfg.Val("b/b1", 0)); Assert.AreEqual(3, cfg.Secs.Count); // cfg = new FCfg(); cfg.Load("file://" + Path.GetFullPath("test/")); Assert.AreEqual("1", cfg.Val("a/a1", "")); Assert.AreEqual("1", cfg.Val("a/a1", "")); Assert.AreEqual(1, cfg.Val("a/a1", 0)); Assert.AreEqual("1", cfg.Val("b/b1", "")); Assert.AreEqual(1, cfg.Val("b/b1", 0)); Assert.AreEqual(3, cfg.Secs.Count); }
public virtual void DoCmd(String tid, FCfg cfg, String cmds) { var beg = Util.Now(); var args = Exec.ParseArgs(cmds); L.I("DTM_C calling command(\n{0}\n) by tid({1})", cmds, tid); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); Process proc = new Process(); proc.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false; proc.StartInfo.FileName = args[0]; if (args.Length > 1) { proc.StartInfo.Arguments = Exec.Join(args, 1, args.Length - 1); } proc.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true; proc.StartInfo.RedirectStandardError = true; proc.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = true; proc.StartInfo.WorkingDirectory = cfg.Val("proc_ws", "."); var envs = cfg.Val("proc_env", ""); if (envs.Length > 0) { foreach (var key in Dict.parse(envs, ',')) { proc.StartInfo.EnvironmentVariables.Add(key.Key, key.Value.ToString()); } } this.AddTask(tid, proc); proc.Start(); proc.OutputDataReceived += (sender, e) => { lock (sb) { sb.Append(e.Data + "\n"); } }; proc.ErrorDataReceived += (sender, e) => { lock (sb) { sb.Append(e.Data + "\n"); } }; proc.BeginOutputReadLine(); proc.BeginErrorReadLine(); proc.Exited += (sender, e) => { try { var rargs = Util.NewDict(); var used = Util.Now() - beg; var res = sb.ToString(); if (proc.ExitCode == 0) { L.I("DTM_C running command(\n{0}\n) by tid({1}) success, used({2}ms)->\n{3}\n", cmds, tid, used, res); rargs["code"] = this.DoCmdRes(rargs, cmds, res); } else { L.I("DTM_C running command(\n{0}\n) by tid({1}) error with exit code({2})->\n{3}\n", cmds, tid, proc.ExitCode, res); rargs["code"] = proc.ExitCode; rargs["err"] = String.Format("exit code is {0}", proc.ExitCode); } rargs["used"] = used; rargs["tid"] = tid; this.DelTask(tid); this.SendDone(rargs); } catch (Exception ex) { L.E("DTM_C running command(\n{0}\n) by tid({1}) on exit error ->\n{3}\n", cmds, tid, ex.Message); } }; proc.EnableRaisingEvents = true; }
public void TestDoPowerPoint() { FCfg cfg = new FCfg(); DocCovT cov = new DocCovT("DocCov", cfg); cov.DoCmd("a1", cfg, "PowerPoint test\\xx.pptx pptx_00-{0}.jpg"); while (cov.done == null) { Thread.Sleep(500); } var data_ = cov.done as IDictionary<string, object>; var data = new Dict(data_); Assert.AreEqual(0, data.Val("code", -1)); Assert.AreEqual("a1", data.Val("tid", "")); var res = data["data"] as CovRes; Assert.AreEqual(true, res.Count > 0 && res.Count == res.Files.Count); Assert.AreNotEqual(0, cov.rate); // cov = new DocCovT("DocCov", cfg); cov.DoCmd("a2", cfg, "PowerPoint test\\xx.pptxx pptxx_00-{0}.jpg 768 1024"); while (cov.done == null) { Thread.Sleep(500); } data_ = cov.done as IDictionary<string, object>; data = new Dict(data_); Assert.AreNotEqual(0, data.Val("code", 0)); Assert.AreEqual("a2", data.Val("tid", "")); var err = data["err"] as String; Assert.AreNotEqual(0, err.Length); }
static void Main(string[] args) { var conf = "conf/"; if (args.Length > 0) { conf = args[0]; } var cfg = new FCfg(); cfg.Load(conf, true); cfg.Print(); var addr = cfg.Val("srv_addr", ""); if (addr.Length < 1) { Console.WriteLine("the srv_addr is not setted"); Environment.Exit(1); return; } L.I("starting ffcm..."); //Samba. var lambah = new LambdaEvnH(); var ffcm = new DocCov("FFCM", cfg, new SckDailer(addr).Dail, lambah); var ffcmh = new FFCM(ffcm, ffcm.Srv); ffcm.InitConfig(); ffcm.StartMonitor(); ffcm.StartWindowCloser(); ffcm.Start(); ffcm.StartProcSrv(); var activated = false; if (cfg.Val("samba", "N") == "Y") { L.I("start initial samba..."); var samba = Samba.AddVolume2(cfg.Val("samba_vol", ""), cfg.Val("samba_uri", ""), cfg.Val("samba_user", ""), cfg.Val("samba_pwd", ""), cfg.Val("samba_paths", "")); samba.Fail = (s, e) => { ffcm.ChangeStatus(DTM_C.DCS_UNACTIVATED); activated = false; }; samba.Success = (s) => { if (!activated) { ffcm.ChangeStatus(DTM_C.DCS_ACTIVATED); activated = true; } }; new Thread(run_samba).Start(); } else { activated = true; } lambah.OnLogin = (nr, token) => { if (activated) { ffcm.ChangeStatus(DTM_C.DCS_ACTIVATED); } }; lambah.EndCon = (nr) => { ffcm.ChangeStatus(DTM_C.DCS_UNACTIVATED); }; var reboot = cfg.Val("reboot", ""); if (reboot.Length > 0) { ProcKiller.Shared.OnHavingNotKill = (c) => { string output; Exec.exec(out output, reboot); }; } new Thread(run_hb).Start(ffcm); ffcm.Wait(); }
protected virtual void RunSupportedProc(String tid, SupportedL sp, FCfg cfg, Args args, String cmds, String src, String dst_f) { L.I("DocCov calling Supported({2}) by (\n{0}\n) by tid({1})", cmds, tid, sp); var beg = Util.Now(); var rargs = Util.NewDict(); rargs["tid"] = tid; try { CovProc cov = this.RunSupported(tid, sp, cfg, args, src, dst_f); rargs["code"] = cov.Result.Code; if (cov.Fails.Count > 0) { rargs["err"] = String.Format("{0} exeception found, see DocCov log for detail", cov.Fails.Count); L.E("DocCov calling Supported({3}) by (\n{0}\n) by tid({1}) fail with->\n{2}\n", cmds, tid, cov.ToString(), sp); } else { rargs["data"] = cov.Result; } } catch (Exception e) { rargs["code"] = 500; rargs["err"] = String.Format("{0} exeception found, see DocCov log for detail", 1); L.E(e, "DocCov calling Supported({3}) by (\n{0}\n) by tid({1}) fail with error->{2}", cmds, tid, e.Message, sp); } var used = Util.Now() - beg; rargs["used"] = used; try { this.SendDone(rargs); L.I("DocCov calling Supported({2}) success by (\n{0}\n) by tid({1})", cmds, tid, sp); } catch (Exception e) { L.E(e, "DocCov calling Supported({3}) by (\n{0}\n) by tid({1}) fail with send done err->", cmds, tid, e.Message, sp); } }
public void TestStartDTM_C() { var cfg = new FCfg(); cfg["proc_env"] = "a=1,b=2"; var dtmc = new DTM_C_t("c", cfg); var args = Util.NewDict(); var res = Util.NewDict(); var tres = new Dict(); var tid = "xx1"; args["tid"] = tid; args["cmds"] = "test/dtm_json.bat abc"; // var bs = new PrintStream(); RCM_Cmd cmd; // cmd = new RCM_Cmd(null, "", args); res = dtmc.StartTask(cmd) as Dictionary<String, object>; tres = new Dict(res); Console.WriteLine(Json.stringify(res)); Assert.AreEqual(0, tres.Val("code", -1)); while (dtmc.Tasks.Count > 0) { Thread.Sleep(500); } Assert.AreNotEqual(null, dtmc.Done); res = dtmc.Done as Dictionary<String, object>; tres = new Dict(res); Console.WriteLine(Json.stringify(res)); Assert.AreEqual(0, tres.Val("code", -1)); Assert.AreEqual(tid, tres.Val("tid", "")); // args["cmds"] = "test/dtm_json_err.bat abc"; res = dtmc.StartTask(cmd) as Dictionary<String, object>; tres = new Dict(res); Console.WriteLine(Json.stringify(res)); Assert.AreEqual(0, tres.Val("code", -1)); while (dtmc.Tasks.Count > 0) { Thread.Sleep(500); } Assert.AreNotEqual(null, dtmc.Done); res = dtmc.Done as Dictionary<String, object>; tres = new Dict(res); Console.WriteLine(Json.stringify(res)); Assert.AreNotEqual(0, tres.Val("code", 0)); Assert.AreEqual(tid, tres.Val("tid", "")); // // args["cmds"] = "sdfkfk"; res = dtmc.StartTask(cmd) as Dictionary<String, object>; tres = new Dict(res); Console.WriteLine(Json.stringify(res)); Assert.AreNotEqual(0, tres.Val("code", 0)); //Assert.AreEqual(tid, tres.Val("tid", "")); // args["cmds"] = ""; res = dtmc.StartTask(cmd) as Dictionary<String, object>; tres = new Dict(res); Console.WriteLine(Json.stringify(res)); Assert.AreNotEqual(0, tres.Val("code", 0)); //Assert.AreEqual(tid, tres.Val("tid", "")); Console.WriteLine("Done..."); }
public DTM_C_t(string name, FCfg cfg) : base(name, cfg) { }
public override void DoCmd(string tid, FCfg fcfg, string cmds) { var args = Args.parseArgs(cmds); String cmd; if (!args.StringVal(0, out cmd)) { throw new ArgumentException("DocCov receive emtpy command", "cmds"); } SupportedL sp = parseSupported(cmd); if (SupportedL.None.Equals(sp)) { base.DoCmd(tid, fcfg, cmds); } else { this.RunSupported(tid, sp, fcfg, args, cmds); } }
public void TestNormal() { FCfg cfg = new FCfg(); DocCovT cov = new DocCovT("DocCov", cfg); cov.DoCmd("a1", cfg, "test\\dtm_json.bat"); while (cov.done == null) { Thread.Sleep(500); } var data_ = cov.done as IDictionary<string, object>; var data = new Dict(data_); Assert.AreEqual(0, data.Val("code", -1)); Assert.AreEqual("a1", data.Val("tid", "")); var res = data["data"] as IDictionary<string, object>; Assert.AreEqual(true, res.Count > 0); }
protected virtual void RunSupported(String tid, SupportedL sp, FCfg cfg, Args args, String cmds) { String src, dst_f; if (!(args.StringVal(1, out src) && args.StringVal(2, out dst_f))) { throw new ArgumentException("Word argument is invalid, please confirm arguments using by <src dst_f maxw maxh>"); } ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(this.RunSupportedProc_, new object[] { tid, sp, cfg, args, cmds, src, dst_f }); }
public DocCovT(string name, FCfg cfg) : base(name, cfg) { }
protected virtual CovProc RunSupported(String tid, SupportedL sp, FCfg cfg, Args args, String src, String dst_f) { CovProc cov = null; String prefix = ""; int maxw, maxh; switch (sp) { case SupportedL.Word: args.IntVal(3, out maxw, 768); args.IntVal(4, out maxh, 1024); args.StringVal(5, out prefix, ""); cov = new WordCov(src, dst_f, maxw, maxh); break; case SupportedL.Excel: args.IntVal(3, out maxw, 768); args.IntVal(4, out maxh, 1024); args.StringVal(5, out prefix, ""); cov = new ExcelCov(src, dst_f, maxw, maxh, cfg.Val("density_x", 96), cfg.Val("density_y", 96)); break; case SupportedL.PowerPoint: args.StringVal(3, out prefix, ""); cov = new PowerPointCov(src, dst_f); break; case SupportedL.Pdf: args.IntVal(3, out maxw, 768); args.IntVal(4, out maxh, 1024); args.StringVal(5, out prefix, ""); cov = new PdfCov(src, dst_f, maxw, maxh, cfg.Val("density_x", 96), cfg.Val("density_y", 96)); break; case SupportedL.Img: args.IntVal(3, out maxw, 768); args.IntVal(4, out maxh, 1024); args.StringVal(5, out prefix, ""); cov = new ImgCov(src, dst_f, maxw, maxh); break; default: throw new ArgumentException("the not supported command", "sp"); } cov.State = tid; cov.Proc = this.OnCovProc; cov.ShowLog = cfg.Val("showlog", 0) == 1; cov.Exec(); cov.Dispose(); if (prefix.Length > 0) { cov.Result.Trim(prefix); } return cov; }
public void TestErr() { DocCovT cov; FCfg cfg = new FCfg(); cov = new DocCovT("DocCov", cfg); try { cov.DoCmd("a2", cfg, ""); Assert.Fail(); } catch (Exception) { } cov = new DocCovT("DocCov", cfg); try { cov.builder(); Assert.Fail(); } catch (Exception) { } new DocCov("DocCov", cfg, () => { return null; }); cov = new DocCovT("DocCov", cfg); try { cov.DoCmd("a2", cfg, "Word"); Assert.Fail(); } catch (Exception) { } cov = new DocCovT("DocCov", cfg); try { cov.runFailSupport(); Assert.Fail(); } catch (Exception) { } }
public DocCov(string name, FCfg cfg, NetwRunnerV.NetwBaseBuilder builder, netw.rc.EvnListener evn = null) : base(name, cfg, builder, evn) { this.builder = builder; }
public DTM_C_j(string name, FCfg cfg, NetwRunnerV.NetwBaseBuilder builder, rc.EvnListener evn = null) : base(name, cfg, evn) { this.builder = builder; }