/** @brief The functinon adds the specified device information to the DeviceInfo filter list. @param[in] name The optional device friendly name. @param[in] did The optional device symbolic name. @param[in] didx The optional device index. */ public void FilterByDeviceInfo(String name, String did, Int32 didx) { PXCMCapture.DeviceInfo dinfo = new PXCMCapture.DeviceInfo(); if (name != null) dinfo.name = name; if (did != null) dinfo.did = did; dinfo.didx = didx; FilterByDeviceInfo(dinfo); }
internal DataDesc(DataDescINT data) { devCaps = data.devCaps; deviceInfo = data.deviceInfo; streams = new StreamDescSet(data.streams); reserved = new Int32[8]; }
public DataDesc() { streams = new StreamDescSet(); devCaps = new DeviceCap[DEVCAP_LIMIT]; deviceInfo = new PXCMCapture.DeviceInfo(); reserved = new Int32[8]; }