コード例 #1
        public ActionResult CalendarTest()
            List<List<object>> result = DataAccess.DataAccess.Read(Build.StringArray("Calendars", "Events"), Build.StringArray("Events.title", "Events.description", "Events.time"), Build.StringArray("Calendars.project_id = 2", "Events.calendar_id = Calendars.id"));
            string rString = "";
            rString += result.Count + "<br />";
            Calendar calendar = new Calendar();
            calendar.events = new List<Event>();
            foreach (List<object> row in result)
                Event e = new Event();
                e.title = (string)row[0];
                e.description = (string)row[1];
                e.time = (DateTime)row[2];
                rString += row.ToString() + "<br />";

                foreach (object col in row)
                    rString += col.ToString() + "<br />";
            return View("Calendar", calendar);
コード例 #2
        public ActionResult Tester()
            Project project = new Project();
            project.calendars = new List<Calendar>();
            project.auths = new List<ProjectAuth>();
            project.description = "This is a static description not being pulled from the database.";
            project.name = "This is a static name";

            List<List<object>> calendarResult = DataAccess.DataAccess.Read(Build.StringArray("Calendars"), Build.StringArray("id"), Build.StringArray("id = 1"));
            foreach (List<object> calendar in calendarResult)
                Calendar cal = new Calendar();
                cal.id = (int)calendar[0];
                cal.events = new List<Event>();
                List<List<object>> eventResult = DataAccess.DataAccess.Read(Build.StringArray("Events"), Build.StringArray("id", "calendar_id", "title", "description", "time"), Build.StringArray("calendar_id = " + cal.id));
                foreach (List<object> evt in eventResult)
                    Event e = new Event();
                    e.id = (int)evt[0];
                    e.calendarId = (int)evt[1];
                    e.title = (string)evt[2];
                    e.description = (string)evt[3];
                    e.time = (DateTime)evt[4];

            return View("Mock", project);
コード例 #3
        public ActionResult Project(int id)
            // if (!Authorized(id))
             //   return Redirect("/");

            Session["ProjectViewed"] = id;
            NotificationController _notificationController = new NotificationController();

            Project project = new Project();
            project.calendars = new List<Calendar>();
            project.auths = new List<ProjectAuth>();
            project.description = "This is a static description not being pulled from the database.";
            project.name = "This is a static name";
            project.chat = Chat();
            //project.notifications =  @{Html.RenderAction("NotificationView");}

            List<List<object>> calendarResult = DataAccess.DataAccess.Read(Build.StringArray("Calendars"), Build.StringArray("id"), Build.StringArray("project_id = " + Session["ProjectViewed"]));
            foreach (List<object> calendar in calendarResult)
                Calendar cal = new Calendar();
                cal.id = (int)calendar[0];
                Session["Calendar"] = cal.id;
                cal.events = new List<Event>();
                List<List<object>> eventResult = DataAccess.DataAccess.Read(Build.StringArray("Events"), Build.StringArray("id", "calendar_id", "title", "description", "_time"), Build.StringArray("calendar_id = " + cal.id));
                foreach (List<object> evt in eventResult)
                    Event e = new Event();
                    e.id = (int)evt[0];
                    e.calendarId = (int)evt[1];
                    e.title = (string)evt[2];
                    e.description = (string)evt[3];
                    e.time = (DateTime)evt[4];

            return View("Mock", project);