An Jpeg is the representation of a graphic element (JPEG) that has to be inserted into the document
Inheritance: Image, IElement
コード例 #1
ファイル: GeneratePDF.cs プロジェクト: ritacc/ItMonitor
        public void AddImg()
            Stream imageStream = new MemoryStream();
            string mpath = string.Format("{0}{1}{2}.jpg", SavePath, DateTime.Now.ToString("HH"), Guid.NewGuid().ToString());

            chLine.SaveImage(imageStream, System.Web.UI.DataVisualization.Charting.ChartImageFormat.Jpeg);
            System.Drawing.Image img = System.Drawing.Image.FromStream(imageStream);
            img.Save(mpath, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Jpeg);
            Jpeg jpg = new Jpeg(new Uri(mpath));
コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Signs a PDF document using iTextSharp library
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sourceDocument">The path of the source pdf document which is to be signed</param>
        /// <param name="destinationDocument">The path at which the signed pdf document should be generated</param>
        /// <param name="privateKeyStream">A Stream containing the private/public key in .pfx format which would be used to sign the document</param>
        /// <param name="pfxKeyPass">The password for the private key</param>
        /// <param name="reasonForSigning">String describing the reason for signing, would be embedded as part of the signature</param>
        /// <param name="location">Location where the document was signed, would be embedded as part of the signature</param>
        public static void SignPdfFile(string sourceDocument, string destinationDocument, SignInfo i)
            using (var cpfxFile = new FileStream(i.pfxFilePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
                Pkcs12Store pk12 = new Pkcs12Store(cpfxFile, i.pfxKeyPass.ToCharArray());

                string alias = null;

                foreach (string tAlias in pk12.Aliases)
                    if (pk12.IsKeyEntry(tAlias))
                        alias = tAlias;

                var pk = pk12.GetKey(alias).Key;
                using (var reader = new PdfReader(sourceDocument))
                    using (var fout = new FileStream(destinationDocument, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.ReadWrite))
                        using (var stamper = PdfStamper.CreateSignature(reader, fout, '\0'))
                            stamper.SetEncryption(i.docPass, i.docPass, PdfWriter.ALLOW_SCREENREADERS, PdfWriter.STRENGTH128BITS);

                            var img = new iTextSharp.text.Jpeg(new Uri(i.signImagePath));
                            PdfSignatureAppearance appearance = stamper.SignatureAppearance;
                            appearance.Image    = img;
                            appearance.Reason   = i.reasonForSigning;
                            appearance.Location = i.location;
                            const float x = 20, y = 10;
                            appearance.SetVisibleSignature(new iTextSharp.text.Rectangle(x, y, x + img.Width, y + img.Width), 1, "Icsi-Vendor");

                            IExternalSignature es = new PrivateKeySignature(pk, "SHA-256");
                            MakeSignature.SignDetached(appearance, es,
                                                       new X509Certificate[] { pk12.GetCertificate(alias).Certificate }, null, null, null, 0, CryptoStandard.CMS);
コード例 #3
        private void Btnpdfolustur_Click_1(object sender, EventArgs e)
            iTextSharp.text.Document pdfdosya = new iTextSharp.text.Document();
            //pdf dosyamızı temsil edecek nesnemizi oluşturuyoruz
            PdfWriter.GetInstance(pdfdosya, new FileStream("C:CSharpPDF.pdf", FileMode.Create));
            //pdf dosyamızın yolunu belirledik ve dosyanın açılış biçimi olrarak pdf ayarladık
            pdfdosya.Open();                          //dosyayı aç
            pdfdosya.AddCreator(txtolusturulan.Text); //oluşturan ismi
            pdfdosya.AddCreationDate();               //tarih
            pdfdosya.AddAuthor(txticeriksahibi.Text); //yazarın ismi eklendi
            pdfdosya.AddHeader(txtustbaslik.Text, "PDF UYGULAMASI OLUŞTUR");
            pdfdosya.AddTitle(txtaltbaslik.Text);     //başlık ve title eklenmesi
            Paragraph eklenecekmetin = new Paragraph(txtaciklamametni.Text);

            pdfdosya.Add(eklenecekmetin);             //eklenecek metnimizin dosyaya eklenmesi
            decimal satir = numaricsatirsayisi.Value; //satir bilgisi
            decimal sutun = numaricsutunsayisi.Value; //sutun bilgisi

            iTextSharp.text.Table tablo = new Table((int)sutun, (int)satir);
            for (int i = 0; i < satir; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < sutun; j++)
                    Cell hucre = new Cell((i + 1).ToString() + " " + (j + 1).ToString());
                    hucre.BackgroundColor = iTextSharp.text.Color.RED;
                    tablo.AddCell(hucre, i, j);
            tablo.cellspacing = 5;
            if (txtolusturulan.Text != "")
                Uri yol = new Uri(txtolusturulan.Text);
                iTextSharp.text.Jpeg resim = new iTextSharp.text.Jpeg(yol);
コード例 #4
ファイル: TiffImage.cs プロジェクト: karino2/wikipediaconv
        protected static Image GetTiffImageColor(TIFFDirectory dir, RandomAccessFileOrArray s)
            int predictor = 1;
            TIFFLZWDecoder lzwDecoder = null;
            int compression = (int)dir.GetFieldAsLong(TIFFConstants.TIFFTAG_COMPRESSION);
            switch (compression) {
                case TIFFConstants.COMPRESSION_NONE:
                case TIFFConstants.COMPRESSION_LZW:
                case TIFFConstants.COMPRESSION_PACKBITS:
                case TIFFConstants.COMPRESSION_DEFLATE:
                case TIFFConstants.COMPRESSION_ADOBE_DEFLATE:
                case TIFFConstants.COMPRESSION_OJPEG:
                case TIFFConstants.COMPRESSION_JPEG:
                    throw new ArgumentException(MessageLocalization.GetComposedMessage("", compression));
            int photometric = (int)dir.GetFieldAsLong(TIFFConstants.TIFFTAG_PHOTOMETRIC);
            switch (photometric) {
                case TIFFConstants.PHOTOMETRIC_MINISWHITE:
                case TIFFConstants.PHOTOMETRIC_MINISBLACK:
                case TIFFConstants.PHOTOMETRIC_RGB:
                case TIFFConstants.PHOTOMETRIC_SEPARATED:
                case TIFFConstants.PHOTOMETRIC_PALETTE:
                    if (compression != TIFFConstants.COMPRESSION_OJPEG && compression != TIFFConstants.COMPRESSION_JPEG)
                        throw new ArgumentException(MessageLocalization.GetComposedMessage("", photometric));
            float rotation = 0;
            if (dir.IsTagPresent(TIFFConstants.TIFFTAG_ORIENTATION)) {
                int rot = (int)dir.GetFieldAsLong(TIFFConstants.TIFFTAG_ORIENTATION);
                if (rot == TIFFConstants.ORIENTATION_BOTRIGHT || rot == TIFFConstants.ORIENTATION_BOTLEFT)
                    rotation = (float)Math.PI;
                else if (rot == TIFFConstants.ORIENTATION_LEFTTOP || rot == TIFFConstants.ORIENTATION_LEFTBOT)
                    rotation = (float)(Math.PI / 2.0);
                else if (rot == TIFFConstants.ORIENTATION_RIGHTTOP || rot == TIFFConstants.ORIENTATION_RIGHTBOT)
                    rotation = -(float)(Math.PI / 2.0);

            if (dir.IsTagPresent(TIFFConstants.TIFFTAG_PLANARCONFIG)
                && dir.GetFieldAsLong(TIFFConstants.TIFFTAG_PLANARCONFIG) == TIFFConstants.PLANARCONFIG_SEPARATE)
                throw new ArgumentException(MessageLocalization.GetComposedMessage("planar.images.are.not.supported"));
            int extraSamples = 0;
            if (dir.IsTagPresent(TIFFConstants.TIFFTAG_EXTRASAMPLES))
                extraSamples = 1;
            int samplePerPixel = 1;
            if (dir.IsTagPresent(TIFFConstants.TIFFTAG_SAMPLESPERPIXEL)) // 1,3,4
                samplePerPixel = (int)dir.GetFieldAsLong(TIFFConstants.TIFFTAG_SAMPLESPERPIXEL);
            int bitsPerSample = 1;
            if (dir.IsTagPresent(TIFFConstants.TIFFTAG_BITSPERSAMPLE))
                bitsPerSample = (int)dir.GetFieldAsLong(TIFFConstants.TIFFTAG_BITSPERSAMPLE);
            switch (bitsPerSample) {
                case 1:
                case 2:
                case 4:
                case 8:
                    throw new ArgumentException(MessageLocalization.GetComposedMessage("", bitsPerSample));
            Image img = null;

            int h = (int)dir.GetFieldAsLong(TIFFConstants.TIFFTAG_IMAGELENGTH);
            int w = (int)dir.GetFieldAsLong(TIFFConstants.TIFFTAG_IMAGEWIDTH);
            int dpiX = 0;
            int dpiY = 0;
            int resolutionUnit = TIFFConstants.RESUNIT_INCH;
            if (dir.IsTagPresent(TIFFConstants.TIFFTAG_RESOLUTIONUNIT))
                resolutionUnit = (int)dir.GetFieldAsLong(TIFFConstants.TIFFTAG_RESOLUTIONUNIT);
            dpiX = GetDpi(dir.GetField(TIFFConstants.TIFFTAG_XRESOLUTION), resolutionUnit);
            dpiY = GetDpi(dir.GetField(TIFFConstants.TIFFTAG_YRESOLUTION), resolutionUnit);
            int fillOrder = 1;
            bool reverse = false;
            TIFFField fillOrderField =  dir.GetField(TIFFConstants.TIFFTAG_FILLORDER);
            if (fillOrderField != null)
                fillOrder = fillOrderField.GetAsInt(0);
            reverse = (fillOrder == TIFFConstants.FILLORDER_LSB2MSB);
            int rowsStrip = h;
            if (dir.IsTagPresent(TIFFConstants.TIFFTAG_ROWSPERSTRIP)) //another hack for broken tiffs
                rowsStrip = (int)dir.GetFieldAsLong(TIFFConstants.TIFFTAG_ROWSPERSTRIP);
            if (rowsStrip <= 0 || rowsStrip > h)
                rowsStrip = h;
            long[] offset = GetArrayLongShort(dir, TIFFConstants.TIFFTAG_STRIPOFFSETS);
            long[] size = GetArrayLongShort(dir, TIFFConstants.TIFFTAG_STRIPBYTECOUNTS);
            if ((size == null || (size.Length == 1 && (size[0] == 0 || size[0] + offset[0] > s.Length))) && h == rowsStrip) { // some TIFF producers are really lousy, so...
                size = new long[]{s.Length - (int)offset[0]};
            if (compression == TIFFConstants.COMPRESSION_LZW) {
                TIFFField predictorField = dir.GetField(TIFFConstants.TIFFTAG_PREDICTOR);
                if (predictorField != null) {
                    predictor = predictorField.GetAsInt(0);
                    if (predictor != 1 && predictor != 2) {
                        throw new Exception(MessageLocalization.GetComposedMessage(""));
                    if (predictor == 2 && bitsPerSample != 8) {
                        throw new Exception(MessageLocalization.GetComposedMessage("1.bit.samples.are.not.supported.for.horizontal.differencing.predictor", bitsPerSample));
                lzwDecoder = new TIFFLZWDecoder(w, predictor,
            int rowsLeft = h;
            MemoryStream stream = null;
            MemoryStream mstream = null;
            ZDeflaterOutputStream zip = null;
            ZDeflaterOutputStream mzip = null;
            if (extraSamples > 0) {
                mstream = new MemoryStream();
                mzip = new ZDeflaterOutputStream(mstream);

            CCITTG4Encoder g4 = null;
            if (bitsPerSample == 1 && samplePerPixel == 1 && photometric != TIFFConstants.PHOTOMETRIC_PALETTE) {
                g4 = new CCITTG4Encoder(w);
            else {
                stream = new MemoryStream();
                if (compression != TIFFConstants.COMPRESSION_OJPEG && compression != TIFFConstants.COMPRESSION_JPEG)
                    zip = new ZDeflaterOutputStream(stream);
            if (compression == TIFFConstants.COMPRESSION_OJPEG) {

                // Assume that the TIFFTAG_JPEGIFBYTECOUNT tag is optional, since it's obsolete and
                // is often missing

                if ((!dir.IsTagPresent(TIFFConstants.TIFFTAG_JPEGIFOFFSET))) {
                    throw new IOException(MessageLocalization.GetComposedMessage("missing.tag.s.for.ojpeg.compression"));
                int jpegOffset = (int)dir.GetFieldAsLong(TIFFConstants.TIFFTAG_JPEGIFOFFSET);
                int jpegLength = s.Length - jpegOffset;

                if (dir.IsTagPresent(TIFFConstants.TIFFTAG_JPEGIFBYTECOUNT)) {
                    jpegLength = (int)dir.GetFieldAsLong(TIFFConstants.TIFFTAG_JPEGIFBYTECOUNT) +

                byte[] jpeg = new byte[Math.Min(jpegLength, s.Length - jpegOffset)];

                int posFilePointer = s.FilePointer;
                posFilePointer += jpegOffset;
                img = new Jpeg(jpeg);
            else if (compression == TIFFConstants.COMPRESSION_JPEG) {
                if (size.Length > 1)
                    throw new IOException(MessageLocalization.GetComposedMessage("", size.Length));
                byte[] jpeg = new byte[(int)size[0]];
                img = new Jpeg(jpeg);
            else {
                for (int k = 0; k < offset.Length; ++k) {
                    byte[] im = new byte[(int)size[k]];
                    int height = Math.Min(rowsStrip, rowsLeft);
                    byte[] outBuf = null;
                    if (compression != TIFFConstants.COMPRESSION_NONE)
                        outBuf = new byte[(w * bitsPerSample * samplePerPixel + 7) / 8 * height];
                    if (reverse)
                    switch (compression) {
                        case TIFFConstants.COMPRESSION_DEFLATE:
                        case TIFFConstants.COMPRESSION_ADOBE_DEFLATE:
                            Inflate(im, outBuf);
                        case TIFFConstants.COMPRESSION_NONE:
                            outBuf = im;
                        case TIFFConstants.COMPRESSION_PACKBITS:
                            DecodePackbits(im,  outBuf);
                        case TIFFConstants.COMPRESSION_LZW:
                            lzwDecoder.Decode(im, outBuf, height);
                    if (bitsPerSample == 1 && samplePerPixel == 1 && photometric != TIFFConstants.PHOTOMETRIC_PALETTE) {
                        g4.Fax4Encode(outBuf, height);
                    else {
                        if (extraSamples > 0)
                            ProcessExtraSamples(zip, mzip, outBuf, samplePerPixel, bitsPerSample, w, height);
                            zip.Write(outBuf, 0, outBuf.Length);
                    rowsLeft -= rowsStrip;
                if (bitsPerSample == 1 && samplePerPixel == 1 && photometric != TIFFConstants.PHOTOMETRIC_PALETTE) {
                    img = Image.GetInstance(w, h, false, Image.CCITTG4,
                        photometric == TIFFConstants.PHOTOMETRIC_MINISBLACK ? Image.CCITT_BLACKIS1 : 0, g4.Close());
                else {
                    img = new ImgRaw(w, h, samplePerPixel - extraSamples, bitsPerSample, stream.ToArray());
                    img.Deflated = true;
            img.SetDpi(dpiX, dpiY);
            if (compression != TIFFConstants.COMPRESSION_OJPEG && compression != TIFFConstants.COMPRESSION_JPEG) {
                if (dir.IsTagPresent(TIFFConstants.TIFFTAG_ICCPROFILE)) {
                    try {
                        TIFFField fd = dir.GetField(TIFFConstants.TIFFTAG_ICCPROFILE);
                        ICC_Profile icc_prof = ICC_Profile.GetInstance(fd.GetAsBytes());
                        if (samplePerPixel - extraSamples == icc_prof.NumComponents)
                            img.TagICC = icc_prof;
                    catch {
                if (dir.IsTagPresent(TIFFConstants.TIFFTAG_COLORMAP)) {
                    TIFFField fd = dir.GetField(TIFFConstants.TIFFTAG_COLORMAP);
                    char[] rgb = fd.GetAsChars();
                    byte[] palette = new byte[rgb.Length];
                    int gColor = rgb.Length / 3;
                    int bColor = gColor * 2;
                    for (int k = 0; k < gColor; ++k) {
                        palette[k * 3] = (byte)(rgb[k] >> 8);
                        palette[k * 3 + 1] = (byte)(rgb[k + gColor] >> 8);
                        palette[k * 3 + 2] = (byte)(rgb[k + bColor] >> 8);
                    PdfArray indexed = new PdfArray();
                    indexed.Add(new PdfNumber(gColor - 1));
                    indexed.Add(new PdfString(palette));
                    PdfDictionary additional = new PdfDictionary();
                    additional.Put(PdfName.COLORSPACE, indexed);
                    img.Additional = additional;
                img.OriginalType = Image.ORIGINAL_TIFF;
            if (photometric == TIFFConstants.PHOTOMETRIC_MINISWHITE)
                img.Inverted = true;
            if (rotation != 0)
                img.InitialRotation = rotation;
            if (extraSamples > 0) {
                Image mimg = Image.GetInstance(w, h, 1, bitsPerSample, mstream.ToArray());
                mimg.Deflated = true;
                img.ImageMask = mimg;
            return img;
コード例 #5
ファイル: TiffImage.cs プロジェクト: hjgode/iTextSharpCF
        protected static Image GetTiffImageColor(TIFFDirectory dir, RandomAccessFileOrArray s)
            int predictor = 1;
            TIFFLZWDecoder lzwDecoder = null;
            int compression = (int)dir.GetFieldAsLong(TIFFConstants.TIFFTAG_COMPRESSION);
            switch (compression) {
                case TIFFConstants.COMPRESSION_NONE:
                case TIFFConstants.COMPRESSION_LZW:
                case TIFFConstants.COMPRESSION_PACKBITS:
                case TIFFConstants.COMPRESSION_DEFLATE:
                case TIFFConstants.COMPRESSION_OJPEG:
                case TIFFConstants.COMPRESSION_JPEG:
                    throw new ArgumentException("The compression " + compression + " is not supported.");
            int photometric = (int)dir.GetFieldAsLong(TIFFConstants.TIFFTAG_PHOTOMETRIC);
            switch (photometric) {
                case TIFFConstants.PHOTOMETRIC_MINISWHITE:
                case TIFFConstants.PHOTOMETRIC_MINISBLACK:
                case TIFFConstants.PHOTOMETRIC_RGB:
                case TIFFConstants.PHOTOMETRIC_SEPARATED:
                case TIFFConstants.PHOTOMETRIC_PALETTE:
                    if (compression != TIFFConstants.COMPRESSION_OJPEG && compression != TIFFConstants.COMPRESSION_JPEG)
                        throw new ArgumentException("The photometric " + photometric + " is not supported.");
            float rotation = 0;
            if (dir.IsTagPresent(TIFFConstants.TIFFTAG_ORIENTATION)) {
                int rot = (int)dir.GetFieldAsLong(TIFFConstants.TIFFTAG_ORIENTATION);
                if (rot == TIFFConstants.ORIENTATION_BOTRIGHT || rot == TIFFConstants.ORIENTATION_BOTLEFT)
                    rotation = (float)Math.PI;
                else if (rot == TIFFConstants.ORIENTATION_LEFTTOP || rot == TIFFConstants.ORIENTATION_LEFTBOT)
                    rotation = (float)(Math.PI / 2.0);
                else if (rot == TIFFConstants.ORIENTATION_RIGHTTOP || rot == TIFFConstants.ORIENTATION_RIGHTBOT)
                    rotation = -(float)(Math.PI / 2.0);

            if (dir.IsTagPresent(TIFFConstants.TIFFTAG_PLANARCONFIG)
                && dir.GetFieldAsLong(TIFFConstants.TIFFTAG_PLANARCONFIG) == TIFFConstants.PLANARCONFIG_SEPARATE)
                throw new ArgumentException("Planar images are not supported.");
            if (dir.IsTagPresent(TIFFConstants.TIFFTAG_EXTRASAMPLES))
                throw new ArgumentException("Extra samples are not supported.");
            int samplePerPixel = 1;
            if (dir.IsTagPresent(TIFFConstants.TIFFTAG_SAMPLESPERPIXEL)) // 1,3,4
                samplePerPixel = (int)dir.GetFieldAsLong(TIFFConstants.TIFFTAG_SAMPLESPERPIXEL);
            int bitsPerSample = 1;
            if (dir.IsTagPresent(TIFFConstants.TIFFTAG_BITSPERSAMPLE))
                bitsPerSample = (int)dir.GetFieldAsLong(TIFFConstants.TIFFTAG_BITSPERSAMPLE);
            switch (bitsPerSample) {
                case 1:
                case 2:
                case 4:
                case 8:
                    throw new ArgumentException("Bits per sample " + bitsPerSample + " is not supported.");
            Image img = null;

            int h = (int)dir.GetFieldAsLong(TIFFConstants.TIFFTAG_IMAGELENGTH);
            int w = (int)dir.GetFieldAsLong(TIFFConstants.TIFFTAG_IMAGEWIDTH);
            int dpiX = 0;
            int dpiY = 0;
            int resolutionUnit = TIFFConstants.RESUNIT_INCH;
            if (dir.IsTagPresent(TIFFConstants.TIFFTAG_RESOLUTIONUNIT))
                resolutionUnit = (int)dir.GetFieldAsLong(TIFFConstants.TIFFTAG_RESOLUTIONUNIT);
            dpiX = GetDpi(dir.GetField(TIFFConstants.TIFFTAG_XRESOLUTION), resolutionUnit);
            dpiY = GetDpi(dir.GetField(TIFFConstants.TIFFTAG_YRESOLUTION), resolutionUnit);
            int rowsStrip = h;
            if (dir.IsTagPresent(TIFFConstants.TIFFTAG_ROWSPERSTRIP)) //another hack for broken tiffs
                rowsStrip = (int)dir.GetFieldAsLong(TIFFConstants.TIFFTAG_ROWSPERSTRIP);
            long[] offset = GetArrayLongShort(dir, TIFFConstants.TIFFTAG_STRIPOFFSETS);
            long[] size = GetArrayLongShort(dir, TIFFConstants.TIFFTAG_STRIPBYTECOUNTS);
            if (size == null && h == rowsStrip) { // some TIFF producers are really lousy, so...
                size = new long[]{s.Length - (int)offset[0]};
            if (compression == TIFFConstants.COMPRESSION_LZW) {
                TIFFField predictorField = dir.GetField(TIFFConstants.TIFFTAG_PREDICTOR);
                if (predictorField != null) {
                    predictor = predictorField.GetAsInt(0);
                    if (predictor != 1 && predictor != 2) {
                        throw new Exception("Illegal value for Predictor in TIFF file.");
                    if (predictor == 2 && bitsPerSample != 8) {
                        throw new Exception(bitsPerSample + "-bit samples are not supported for Horizontal differencing Predictor.");
                lzwDecoder = new TIFFLZWDecoder(w, predictor,
            int rowsLeft = h;
            MemoryStream stream = null;
            ZDeflaterOutputStream zip = null;
            CCITTG4Encoder g4 = null;
            if (bitsPerSample == 1 && samplePerPixel == 1) {
                g4 = new CCITTG4Encoder(w);
            else {
                stream = new MemoryStream();
                if (compression != TIFFConstants.COMPRESSION_OJPEG && compression != TIFFConstants.COMPRESSION_JPEG)
                    zip = new ZDeflaterOutputStream(stream);
            if (compression == TIFFConstants.COMPRESSION_OJPEG) {
                if ((!dir.IsTagPresent(TIFFConstants.TIFFTAG_JPEGIFOFFSET))
                || (!dir.IsTagPresent(TIFFConstants.TIFFTAG_JPEGIFBYTECOUNT))) {
                    throw new IOException("Missing tag(s) for OJPEG compression.");
                int jpegOffset = (int)dir.GetFieldAsLong(TIFFConstants.TIFFTAG_JPEGIFOFFSET);
                int jpegLength = (int)dir.GetFieldAsLong(TIFFConstants.TIFFTAG_JPEGIFBYTECOUNT) +

                byte[] jpeg = new byte[Math.Min(jpegLength, s.Length - jpegOffset)];

                int posFilePointer = s.FilePointer;
                posFilePointer += jpegOffset;
                img = new Jpeg(jpeg);
            else if (compression == TIFFConstants.COMPRESSION_JPEG) {
                if (size.Length > 1)
                    throw new IOException("Compression JPEG is only supported with a single strip. This image has " + size.Length + " strips.");
                byte[] jpeg = new byte[(int)size[0]];
                img = new Jpeg(jpeg);
            else {
                for (int k = 0; k < offset.Length; ++k) {
                    byte[] im = new byte[(int)size[k]];
                    int height = Math.Min(rowsStrip, rowsLeft);
                    byte[] outBuf = null;
                    if (compression != TIFFConstants.COMPRESSION_NONE)
                        outBuf = new byte[(w * bitsPerSample * samplePerPixel + 7) / 8 * height];
                    switch (compression) {
                        case TIFFConstants.COMPRESSION_DEFLATE:
                            Inflate(im, outBuf);
                        case TIFFConstants.COMPRESSION_NONE:
                            outBuf = im;
                        case TIFFConstants.COMPRESSION_PACKBITS:
                            DecodePackbits(im,  outBuf);
                        case TIFFConstants.COMPRESSION_LZW:
                            lzwDecoder.Decode(im, outBuf, height);
                    if (bitsPerSample == 1 && samplePerPixel == 1) {
                        g4.Fax4Encode(outBuf, height);
                    else {
                        zip.Write(outBuf, 0, outBuf.Length);
                    rowsLeft -= rowsStrip;
                if (bitsPerSample == 1 && samplePerPixel == 1) {
                    img = Image.GetInstance(w, h, false, Image.CCITTG4,
                        photometric == TIFFConstants.PHOTOMETRIC_MINISBLACK ? Image.CCITT_BLACKIS1 : 0, g4.Close());
                else {
                    img = Image.GetInstance(w, h, samplePerPixel, bitsPerSample, stream.ToArray());
                    img.Deflated = true;
            img.SetDpi(dpiX, dpiY);
            if (compression != TIFFConstants.COMPRESSION_OJPEG && compression != TIFFConstants.COMPRESSION_JPEG) {
                if (dir.IsTagPresent(TIFFConstants.TIFFTAG_ICCPROFILE)) {
                    try {
                        TIFFField fd = dir.GetField(TIFFConstants.TIFFTAG_ICCPROFILE);
                        ICC_Profile icc_prof = ICC_Profile.GetInstance(fd.GetAsBytes());
                        if (samplePerPixel == icc_prof.NumComponents)
                            img.TagICC = icc_prof;
                    catch {
                if (dir.IsTagPresent(TIFFConstants.TIFFTAG_COLORMAP)) {
                    TIFFField fd = dir.GetField(TIFFConstants.TIFFTAG_COLORMAP);
                    char[] rgb = fd.GetAsChars();
                    byte[] palette = new byte[rgb.Length];
                    int gColor = rgb.Length / 3;
                    int bColor = gColor * 2;
                    for (int k = 0; k < gColor; ++k) {
                        palette[k * 3] = (byte)(rgb[k] >> 8);
                        palette[k * 3 + 1] = (byte)(rgb[k + gColor] >> 8);
                        palette[k * 3 + 2] = (byte)(rgb[k + bColor] >> 8);
                    PdfArray indexed = new PdfArray();
                    indexed.Add(new PdfNumber(gColor - 1));
                    indexed.Add(new PdfString(palette));
                    PdfDictionary additional = new PdfDictionary();
                    additional.Put(PdfName.COLORSPACE, indexed);
                    img.Additional = additional;
                img.OriginalType = Image.ORIGINAL_TIFF;
            if (photometric == TIFFConstants.PHOTOMETRIC_MINISWHITE)
                img.Inverted = true;
            if (rotation != 0)
                img.InitialRotation = rotation;
            return img;
コード例 #6
ファイル: PdfAManager.cs プロジェクト: rrossenbg/vprint
        /// <summary>
        /// Signs a PDF document using iTextSharp library
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sourceDocument">The path of the source pdf document which is to be signed</param>
        /// <param name="destinationDocument">The path at which the signed pdf document should be generated</param>
        /// <param name="privateKeyStream">A Stream containing the private/public key in .pfx format which would be used to sign the document</param>
        /// <param name="pfxKeyPass">The password for the private key</param>
        /// <param name="reasonForSigning">String describing the reason for signing, would be embedded as part of the signature</param>
        /// <param name="location">Location where the document was signed, would be embedded as part of the signature</param>
        public void SignPdfFile(string sourceDocument, string destinationDocument, PdfSignInfo info)
            using (var cpfxFile = new FileStream(info.pfxFilePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
                Pkcs12Store pk12 = new Pkcs12Store(cpfxFile, info.pfxKeyPass.ToCharArray());

                string alias = null;

                foreach (string tAlias in pk12.Aliases)
                    if (pk12.IsKeyEntry(tAlias))
                        alias = tAlias;

                var pk = pk12.GetKey(alias).Key;
                using (var reader = new PdfReader(sourceDocument))
                    using (var fout = new FileStream(destinationDocument, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.ReadWrite))
                        using (var stamper = PdfStamper.CreateSignature(reader, fout, '\0'))
                            if (info.DocPass != null)
                                stamper.SetEncryption(info.DocPass, info.DocPass, PdfWriter.ALLOW_SCREENREADERS, PdfWriter.STRENGTH128BITS);

                            var img = new iTextSharp.text.Jpeg(new Uri(info.SignImagePath));
                            PdfSignatureAppearance appearance = stamper.SignatureAppearance;
                            appearance.Image    = img;
                            appearance.Reason   = info.ReasonForSigning;
                            appearance.Location = info.Location;
                            const float x = 20, y = 10;
                            appearance.SetVisibleSignature(new iTextSharp.text.Rectangle(x, y, x + img.Width, y + img.Width), 1, "Icsi-Vendor");

                            IExternalSignature es = new PrivateKeySignature(pk, "SHA-256");
                            MakeSignature.SignDetached(appearance, es,
                                                       new X509Certificate[] { pk12.GetCertificate(alias).Certificate }, null, null, null, 0, CryptoStandard.CMS);

                            AcroFields form = stamper.AcroFields;
                            form.GenerateAppearances = true;
                            ////form.SetField("name", "John Doe");
                            ////form.SetField("address", "xxxxx, yyyy");
                            ////form.SetField("postal_code", "12345");
                            ////form.SetField("email", "*****@*****.**");
                            if (info.MetaData != null)
                                lock (info.MetaData)
                                    foreach (Tuple <string, string> kv in info.MetaData)
                                        form.SetField(kv.Item1, kv.Item2);
                                        //form.SetFieldProperty(kv.Item1.Compress(), "fflags", 0, null);

                            //Dictionary<string, string> inf = reader.Info;
                            ////inf.Add("Title", "Hello World stamped");
                            ////inf.Add("Subject", "Hello World with changed metadata");
                            ////inf.Add("Keywords", "iText in Action, PdfStamper");
                            ////inf.Add("Creator", "Silly standalone example");
                            ////inf.Add("Author", "Also Bruno Lowagie");

                            //if (info.MetaData != null)
                            //    lock (info.MetaData)
                            //        foreach (Tuple<string, string> kv in info.MetaData)
                            //            inf.Add(kv.Item1, kv.Item2);
                            //    stamper.MoreInfo = inf;

                            stamper.FormFlattening = true;